Room 13 Test Parts 1 and 2

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Room 13 TEST Name:

1. Why does Fliss go into the house?

2. Where does Fliss’ dream end?

3. For how long will they stay at Whitby?

4. What’s the hotel called?

5. Why won’t Fliss and Lisa be in the same room?

6. Where would Dracula live?

7. What’s the name of the school?

8. Why won’t Fliss and Lisa be close to Gary and David in the hotel?

9. Who is ‘our Shelley’?

10. Why does Lisa ask Fliss if something’s wrong?

11. Why aren’t the children allowed to buy anything at Pickering?

12. Where are the children from?

13. Why is Lisa late?

14. In what way is she punished for being late?

15. Why did Lisa do it?

16. What’s the first thing they see at Whitby?

17. What did Mr Hepworth tell his class?

18. What do you find out about the gate of the hotel?

19. Are Fliss and Lisa far apart?

20. What’s in front of the hotel?

21. Does Fliss like the view from the window?

22. “There were two other doors. One had twelve on it, and Fliss guessed that was the bathroom.
The other had no number, but she knew what number it would have if it had.” The number would,
of course have been what? Why do you think it’s not there? What sort of room is it, according to
Mrs Marriott?

23. In whose group is Lisa? And Gary Bazzard?

24. Do Lisa and Fliss enjoy their first afternoon at all?

25. Why aren’t the children allowed to shop?

26. Where does Gary want to go?

27. What’s at the top of the village?

28. Why doesn’t Lisa join in the game of Rounders?

29. What does Gary show his classmates? Where had he got it?

30. Why does Fliss get up in the middle of the night?

31. What made her feel secure while crossing the stairs?

32. Where does the noise come from?

33. What’s different on the stairs at this time of night?

34. What else does she hear?

35. Where do they go on the second day?

36. Whom does Fliss tell her dream to?

37. Why does Fliss think it was a dream?

38. Why does she think it wasn’t?

39. Why does Mr Hepworth want the children to try and keep up with the rest of the group?

40. How does Lisa almost ruin Fliss’ day?

41. Why does Fliss run over to Mrs Marriott?

42. Why does Mr Hepworth stop the walk?

43. Why did Ellie-May fall behind?

44. Why might she be so tired?

45. Why does Fliss start talking about her dream again?

46. Why does Fliss talk to Trot?

47. Which question remains after Fliss and Trot have talked?

48. What does Fliss dare Trot to do?

49. What do they do in the afternoon?

50. Who is Mrs Wilkinson?

51. Why do Fliss and Lisa want to go down to Trot’s room?

52. What time and where are they going to meet?

1. Why does Fliss hope the others are asleep?

2. What happens at twelve o’clock?

3. Why don’t they stop Ellie-May?

4. How long does she stay inside?

5. What do they decide to do?

6. Which two rules has Fliss broken this morning?

7. Why isn’t Fliss entirely sure whether she should talk to the teachers about the other night?

8. What does Mrs Wilkinson tell Fliss about Sally Haggerlythe?

9. Why does Fliss connect Sal to her dream?

10. What do the four decide should be done?

11. Why doesn’t Mr Hepworth want to believe Fliss?

12. What’s different about room 13 by day?

13. How does Mrs Evans explain the things that happened to Ellie-May?

14. What does Ellie-May look like?

15. Why doesn’t Fliss take Mr Hepworth to see Ellie-May first?

16. What’s behind the door of room 13?

17. Why does Mr Hepworth get angry with Fliss?

18. Where do they go on the third day?

19. Why is it that Gary always smells of peppermint?

20. Which explanations do the adults give for Ellie-May’s not feeling well?

21. What do the four decide to do?

22. Where do they walk to?

23. What do they do when they get there?

24. What’s the weather like?

25. In what way is Fliss reminded of her dream again?

26. In what way does Fliss surprise herself?

27. What does old Sal talk about?

28. Who do you think Mrs Evans sees standing apart in the pool? Doing what?

29. Why haven’t Ellie-May parents been warned?

30. What do they see at twelve o’clock exactly?

31. How can you explain the words Ellie-May says?

32. How do they stop Ellie-May?

33. What’s behind the door of room 13 now?

34. Why are the teachers angry?

35. What do the boys tell Mrs Evans?

36. Why is it that they are not punished?

37. Where do they go that day?

38. Why does Gary want to go to the Dracula Experience?

39. Which warnings do the children get?

40. What is the Dracula Experience?

41. Where does Sal take Fliss?

41. What does she say about tunnels?

42. Why is it that Sal knows about the Crow’s Nest?

43. Why did “he who lives at the Crow’s Nest” have to move there?

44. What does Sal tell Fliss she must do?

45. How did Sal know Fliss had the dream?

46. Why doesn’t Fliss immediately tell about Sal when she is outside?

47. Why is Trot 15 minutes late?

48. In what way does Mrs Evans help Fliss realise what to do?

49. In what way does Joanne help Fliss realie what she’ll have to do?

50. Why had they returned to the hotel so early?

51. Is Ellie-May going to be there?

52. What do the four talk about during the break?

53. Why doesn’t Gary want to go?

54. Why is Fliss called out into the hall by Mrs Evans?

55 Why do the four go through with their plan?

56. Why does Trot have to go first?

57. Is it an easy job once they are inside?

58. Do they succeed?

59. Were the four punished very severely for being out of bed again?

60. What has Fliss forgotten and why?

61. What does she get instead and from whom?

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