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Read the following passage about “TITANIC” and follow the instructions below.

On April 10th 1912, the Titanic set sail on its first trip, from England to New York. At the time it was
made, it was said to be the safest ship ever built. However, at
11:40 p.m. on April 12th 1912, it hit an iceberg in the North
Atlantic, and three hours later, at 2:20 a.m, it sank. There were
2200 people on board, but only 705 survived; 1503 people died,
most from freezing to death in the cold water.
Why did the accident happen and why did so
many people die? There is no one single reason;
it was the result of many factors.

The ship received warnings about icebergs

ahead, but didn't slow down; instead it continued
to sail at full speed.

The lookout sailor didn't have any binoculars

with him, so he wasn't able to see the iceberg until
it was too close to miss.

Although the ship carried 2200 passengers, there were only 20 lifeboats, enough for a
maximum of 1200 people.

Because the Titanic was thought to be unsinkable many passengers didn't take the
danger seriously and didn't hurry to the lifeboats. Many of the lifeboats left only half full.

The survivors were picked up by another ship, the Carpathia, which received the
emergency radio message. Another ship in the area, however, which was actually
closer to the Titanic than the Carpathia, didn't hear the emergency call because the
radio operator had gone to bed.
How could the disaster have been prevented?
Make five sentences based from the text, like these:
If the water had been warmer, more people would have survived..

1) __________________________________________________________________________

2) __________________________________________________________________________

3) __________________________________________________________________________

4) __________________________________________________________________________

5) ___________________________________________________________________________

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense then find the fact of the sentence:

1. If I be you, I would phone your mother tonight.

2. Unless we leave now, we’ll be late.
3. If I hadn’t woken up early, I ________________ (be) late for work.
4. If you ______________ (have) a toothache, go to the dentist.
5. ______________ you ______________ (give) me a call if you have time tomorrow?
6. Cameras are very expensive these days. If they ____________ (not/cost) so much, we ___________
(buy) one.
7. Water ______________ (turn) into ice if the temperature ___________ (fall) below 0ºC.
8. If you ____________ (look) both ways before crossing the street, you wouldn’t have been knocked

2. Fill in unless or if
1. We won’t go on holiday ______________ we can take our dog.
2. ______________ you go to bed late, you’ll be tired in the morning.
3. I can’t finish my homework ______________ you help me.
4. We’ll have a picnic on Saturday ______________ the weather is bad.
5. I’ll open the window _______________ I get too hot.
Have a nice work and good luck

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