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Function and Pathomechanics of the Sacroiliac Joint

A Review

The purpose of this article is to describe the biomechanics and function of the
sacroiliac joint, the dysfunction and pathomechanics of the sacroiliac joint as a
common cause of low back pain, a simple assessment procedure, associated
pain mechanisms, treatment and prevention of the problem, and a discussion of

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related literature. The sacroiliac joints are essentially nonweight-bearing joints
that function to absorb forces from various directions. The common onset of
dysfunction is during trunk flexion when a person is standing without adequate
support of the anterior pelvis. The anterior shift of the weight of the upper trunk
causes the innominates to rotate anteriorly and downward and become fixed on
the sacrum. Movement downward of the acetabula in relationship to the sacroiliac
joint not only results in biomechanical changes but causes the legs to appear
longer than they actually are. Physical therapists can correct the dysfunction by
manually rotating the innominates posteriorly on the sacrum while they observe
objective changes in apparent leg length. People can prevent this dysfunction
through adequate anterior pelvic support when they lean forward. Some possible
consequences of untreated sacroiliac dysfunction are also discussed.
Key Words: Backache, Physical therapy, Sacroiliac joint

Pain in the low back is a problem that in the joint is minimal and is commonly Some practitioners have treated SIJ
has plagued and puzzled mankind for dismissed as physiologically insignifi- dysfunction for years with little or no
thousands of years. Despite applying re- cant, and the function of the joint has understanding of the function of the
cent advances in research and technol- not been properly described. Despite ex- joint. Some have ignored the joint, de-
ogy, taking proper histories, and per- tensive analysis and computation in a nying both function and dysfunction,
forming thorough physical examina- recent study, Lavignolle et al concluded and a few have made an honest, but
tions, a high percentage of patients with "the sacroiliac joints remain quite a frequently unappreciated, effort toward
pain in the low back have no identifiable mystery and knowledge of their precise thorough assessment. Grieve concluded
pathology. In 1966, Dillane et al dem- mode of function is still incomplete."4 "that either the condition goes unrec-
onstrated the specific cause was un- Kirkaldy-Willis and Hill, however, have ognized, or because of authoritarian and
known in 79 to 89 percent of patients suggested that the sacroiliac joint is a intimidating pronouncements about its
experiencing their first attacks of low commonly overlooked cause of low nonexistence, the likelihood of the con-
back pain.1 In 1971, Leavitt et al re- back pain.5 dition is not included among the many
ported 84 percent of compensable cases Successful methods of treatment of factors for assessment, and a careful
of disabling low back pain were without the SIJ have been reported. Norman and comprehensive examination of the joint
definite diagnosis.2 In 1982, Nachemson May treated over 300 patients with in- is not conducted."8
estimated that only in approximately 15 jection of a local anesthetic into the SIJ The purpose of this article is to de-
percent of those cases that become relieving pain immediately in patients scribe the biomechanics and function of
chronic (lasting longer than three who had both sensory changes and an the SIJ, the dysfunction and pathome-
months) does some proven pathoana- absent Achilles tendon reflex.6 Thera- chanics of the SIJ as a common cause
tomical explanation exist.3 Obviously, peutic results have been obtained by of low back pain, a simple assessment
the identification of some widespread adding hydrocortisone to the anesthetic. procedure, associated pain mechanisms,
pathology, probably biomechanical, is Several patients who had one or two and treatment and prevention of the
being ignored or is escaping through the laminectomies for the removal of disks problem and to discuss related litera-
vast network of commonly used tests, have been successfully treated by three ture.
signs, and procedures. These tests, signs, or four injections.6
and procedures are either not appropri- Definitive research also has identified ANATOMY AND MOTION OF
ate to the pathology involved or not the SIJs as a common cause of low back THE SACROILIAC JOINT
being properly interpreted. pain. Davis used 99mTc stannous pyro-
Dysfunction of the sacroiliac joint phosphate bone scanning with quanti- The anatomy of the pelvic girdle is
(SIJ) is commonly ignored. The SIJ is tative sacroiliac scintigraphy in 50 well-known and has been described in
extremely strong, the range of motion women with low back pain and found detail in Gray's Anatomy9 and many
that 22 had sacroiliitis.7 Of those, 8 other medical texts. The sacrum sup-
(36%) had unilateral sacroiliitis and 14 ports the weight of the vertebral column
Mr. DonTigny is a physical therapist at the (64%) had bilateral sacroiliitis. Of the and upper trunk and is, in turn, sup-
Havre Clinic, Havre, MT 59501 (USA).
This invited article was submitted June 6, 1983
22 patients with abnormal scans, 20 had ported by the two innominate bones,
and was accepted August 1, 1984. normal radiographs. which rest on the lower extremities

Volume 65 / Number 1, January 1985 35

when a person is standing. The sacrum joint may play a role in energy absorp-
is a double wedge, tapering from ante- tion.20 Motion can occur but only by
rior to posterior and from cephalad to joint separation and ligamentous
caudad, with convex auricular sides that stretching. The shuffling movements
fit tightly into matching concavities in found by Lavignolle et al add a certain
the ilia. Cunningham observed that the flexibility to the pelvis during ambula-
sacrum is suspended from the iliac tion and cradle and minimize rotational
bones by the dense posterior sacroiliac forces on the spine.4
ligaments and cannot be considered as The SIJ appears to have another and
the keystone of an arch.10 Grant stated probably more important role in am-
that the sacrum tends to sink forward bulation. Ambulation can be considered

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into the pelvis, which tightens the pos- as a controlled fall with a forward incli-
terior ligaments and draws the ilia closer nation of the trunk to initiate and con-
together.11 The sacrum is protected from tinue forward movement (inertial mo-
sinking too deeply between the innom- ment) while the legs move forward al-
inates through this automatic locking ternately to maintain balance. A braking
device. Conversely, the innominates are force (deceleration moment) is created
also protected from moving too far pos- on initial heel strike. Between the iner-
teriorly on the sacrum. tial moment of the upper trunk and the
Weisl demonstrated that as weight is deceleration moment on the innomi-
loaded onto the sacrum in changing nates is a margin of shear (Fig. 2). The
from a recumbent to an erect posture, SIJs function to absorb the shearing
the sacrum slips vertically downward forces.
with some rotation and hangs more Other forces in the area should also
deeply between the innominates.12 Co- be taken into consideration. The inertial
lachis et al demonstrated the approxi- moment of the trunk must always ex-
mation of the ilia when a person moves ceed the deceleration moment of the legs
from prone to a sitting position.13 Fig. 1. Posterior rotation force in the normal or forward motion will cease. The brak-
Chamberlain observed that the strongest standing posture. The line of gravity (G) is ing force created on initial contact is
ligaments over the SIJ run in such a posterior to the acetabula. partially absorbed at the foot on heel
direction that the fibers are tightened strike, as the dorsiflexors act to deceler-
when the innominates rotate posteriorly In the normal standing posture, the ate and lower the anterior foot to the
and loosened when the innominates ro- line of gravity falls posterior to the cen- ground, and partially absorbed at the
tate anteriorly.14 Erhard and Bowling ter of the acetabula, and thus most of knee, as the quadriceps femoris muscle
have suggested that "for practical pur- the weight of the trunk is transmitted allows some knee flexion before termi-
poses the only motions permitted are through the posterior pelvis. This trans- nal extension. Anterior and downward
gliding in a ventral and caudal direction fer causes a posterior rotation force (Fig. motion of the pelvis occurs, which is
and return to the resting position."15 1), and the pelvis rotates downward pos- probably greater than that depicted in
Any movement of the sacrum on the teriorly around the acetabula creating Figure 2, because of this knee flexion;
innominates probably disturbs the inti- an automatic pelvic tilt without any sup- anterior and upwardriseof the pelvis is
macy of the matching surfaces and port of the anterior pelvis from the ab- increased by some simultaneous plantar
causes the convex surface of the sacrum dominal muscles.19 flexion.
to move slightly out of the concavity of The sacrum, firmly entrapped be- Counterrotation of the upper trunk
the ilium, which slightly spreads this tween the innominates and suspended rotates the sacrum slightly posteriorly,
very tight joint. The normal elasticity in from the ilia, carries the weight of the which also serves to lessen the decelera-
these ligaments then causes these bones spine. The SIJs are essentially non- tion moment on the SIJ (Fig. 3). The
to return to their resting position. intensity becomes apparent and can be
weight-bearing joints. An increase in
Weisl's work suggests there is a trans- weight loading would increase the ten- easily demonstrated by having a person
verse axis of rotation through the pos- sion on the posterior ligaments and ambulate without using any counterro-
terior aspect of the SIJ when changing cause the sacrum to ride even more tation, that is, bringing the right shoul-
from a recumbent to an erect posture.12 deeply between the innominates, until
der forward with initial contact of the
James Mennell16 and John Mennell17 the limit of motion is reached.
right leg and the left shoulder forward
describe a transverse axis of rotation with initial contact of the left leg. All
through the SIJ with flexion and exten- forces are markedly increased when a
sion of the trunk on the pelvis in the person is running or jumping.
sagittal plane. Bourdillon describes an Gray's Anatomy stated that the func-
oblique axis through the SIJ with tion of the sacroiliac joints is to lessen PATHOMECHANICS IN TRUNK
oblique trunk flexion.18 Lavignolle et al concussion in rapid changes of distri- FLEXION
found three different axes of rotation bution of body weight in each of two
through the pubic symphysis with one directions.9 In doing so, the joint under- Activities commonly associated with
hip fixed in flexion and the other in goes some rotation through a transverse onset of low back pain are lifting, bend-
extension.4 axis. Wilder et al also believed that the ing, lowering, and twisting. The body


position commonly associated with

most of these activities is trunk flexion.
Such apparently innocuous tasks as
working over a counter, making a bed,
ironing, shaving, and washing dishes
shift the weight of the trunk over the
anterior pelvis. This anterior weight shift
or standing in a lordotic posture causes
an anterior rotation force on the pelvis
(Fig. 4). If the anterior pelvis is not

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supported adequately by the abdominal
muscles, the pelvis will rotate anteriorly
and downward around the acetabula.
Because the posterior ligaments of the
sacrum are loosened when the innomi-
nates move anteriorly on the sacrum14
and the thin sheath of anterior sacroiliac
ligaments offers only scant protection,
the SIJ is vulnerable to dysfunction an-
teriorly. As the sacrum is wider ante-
riorly than posteriorly, any movement
of the innominates anteriorly on the
sacrum tends to spread the innominates
and may cause them to wedge or bind.
McConnell and Teall described the con-
dition in which the ilium is forward, the
ischium backward, and the innomina-
tum thrown downward on the sacrum,
which causes an apparent lengthening
of the limb.21 Chamberlain identified
this downward rotation and fixation of
the innominate bone on the sacrum by
using stereoscopic roentgenograms and
special positioning techniques.14 He also
found that "the patient's acute sacroiliac
symptoms have almost invariably been
on the side of the high pubis" when the
patient is standing.14
Fig. 2. The inertial moment (IM) combined with gravity produces the inertial/gravitational force
Any movement of the innominates vector (IGFV) that opposes the deceleration moment (DM) of initial contact. The sacroiliac joint
anteriorly on the sacrum stretches the functions to absorb these forces at the shear margin (SM).
anterior capsule of the SIJ and precipi-
tates acute pain. Wyke noted that "the
fibrous capsules of these joints are pro- About 30 to 40 percent of anterior sacrum to settle vertically downward
vided with a nociceptive receptor system dysfunctions of the SIJ are compro- and more effectively locks the SIJ in the
in the form of a dense plexus of unmye- mised by downward wedging of the sac- position of dysfunction. The second
linated nerve fibers that weaves tridi- rum. After the innominate rotates an- mechanism involves a subject who has
mensionally throughout the entire teriorly on the sacrum and locks, the an anterior dysfunction and who may
thickness of each joint capsule."22 The articular surfaces are altered in such a step down hard from a step or fall on
sacroiliac ligaments also contain noci- way as to allow the innominate to slip his buttocks. The sudden deceleration is
ceptive receptor nerve endings, which vertically upward on the sacrum (or for combined with the inertial moment act-
are threaded between bundles of liga- the sacrum to slip vertically downward ing on the sacrum, and the sacrum is
mentous fibers. on the ilium) and lock, effectively pre- forced vertically downward on the il-
venting correction by simple posterior ium.
The innominate bones moving down- rotation.19 Two likely mechanisms ac- The most common lesion of the SIJ
ward in relationship to the vertebra count for this dysfunction. The first is reported to be posterior dysfunc-
probably stretches the spinal nerve mechanism involves leaning forward to tion.8,16-18 Posterior dysfunction, how-
roots. Sciatica frequently accompanies lift an object in the absence of anterior ever, probably does not exist because
low back pain. Perl found that tissues pelvic support. The innominates rotate the SIJ functions most efficiently to ab-
subjected to unusual stresses can be- anteriorly and downward to fix on the sorb compressive forces when the in-
come inflamed and hyperalgesic, and sacrum. Finally, when the subject nominate moves posteriorly on the
this condition becomes a possible mech- straightens, the addition of the weight of sacrum where it is well-protected from
anism for sciatic neuralgia.23 whatever object was lifted causes the injury in that direction by the dense

Volume 65 / Number 1, January 1985 37

the posterior tilt position compared with disorder, hip disease, or local sprains
the anterior tilt position (Fig. 5). If an- and strains. This evaluation should in-
terior dysfunction is unilateral when the clude, but is not limited to, movements
subject is standing, the SIJ and the pos- of the spine and hip, site of pain and
terior superior iliac spine (PSIS) will be direction of radiation, areas of paresthe-
higher on the affected side than on the sia, tests of muscle strength and reflexes,
unaffected side or than when in the pos- palpation of the abdomen, and obser-
terior tilt position. The anterior superior vation of posture and gait.
iliac spine (ASIS) will be lower in the Use of the straight-leg-raising (SLR)
position of anterior dysfunction.18,19,24 test is essential in the analysis of pain in
The sacral base will also be tilted higher the low back. Proper interpretation of

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on the affected side. If the subject is in the test is critical. In the conventional
the supine position, the sacral base tends SLR test, pain is thought to arise from
to level itself, and the pelvis will be lower the following tissues: the dura mater, the
on the affected side. When in the supine nerve root, the adventitial sheaths of the
position, the subject's lower extremity epidural veins, and the synovia of the
on the affected side will appear to be facet joints.25
about 1 to 1.5 cm longer than the other To perform the test, the therapist
extremity when the length of the ex- places the patient in the supine position,
tremities at the malleoli is compared. passively raises the patient's leg slowly
Because the ASIS on the affected side with the knee extended, and notes when
also moves downward, measurements and where the pain occurs. Fahrni stated
from the ASIS to the medial malleoli that the slack in the peripheral arbori-
remain about the same. If the patient is zation of the sciatic nerve is taken up
sitting, the PSIS will be higher on the with from 30 to 40 degrees of hip flexion
affected side and because the acetabu- and then traction is exerted on the nerve
lum moves slightly posteriorly in rela- roots at the intervertebral foramina and
tionship to the SIJ, the leg will appear above until 60 to 70 degrees of hip flex-
to be shorter on the affected side. If ion when no further sliding of the roots
anterior dysfunction is bilateral, both
legs will appear to be the same length
even though both sides are rotated an-
teriorly and downwards.
It also is important to note in the
history if the onset of pain was innocu-
Fig. 3. The intensity of the deceleration mo- ous or if it was associated with trauma.
ment (DM) increases on initial contact as the
pelvis swings anteriorly. Forces on the spine Additionally, noting results of conven-
are cushioned by the sacroiliac joint at the tional radiographs can be helpful to
shear margin (SM) aided by the counter ro- demonstrate bone lesions, but radi-
tation of the upper trunk. All forces are af- ographic evidence does not always cor-
fected by any increase in the inertial moment respond to clinical evidence. The stan-
dard anterior-posterior view of the pel-
vis does not reveal the slight anterior
rotation of the innominate on the sac-
posterior ligaments and the automatic rum although it does provide frequent
locking mechanism described by evidence of pelvic obliquity and some
Grant.11 Not only has no mechanism apparent difference in the length of the
been described that might cause the in- lower extremities.
nominates to wedge and lock when Palpation of the SIJ may be helpful
moving posteriorly on the sacrum, but and is frequently recommended.8,18 The
more importantly, the most common SIJ, however, is difficult to palpate, es-
type of sacroiliac dysfunction probably pecially in the obese, because changes at
occurs when the innominates are rotat- the joint are small and dyssymmetrical
ing as a unit—anteriorly and downward development is common. Furthermore,
around the acetabula. instead of assessing the relative height of
the iliac crests, the therapist should as-
ASSESSMENT OF SACROILIAC sess the relative position of both PSISs.
JOINT DYSFUNCTION The therapist must also do additional
evaluative procedures because SIJ dys-
The most important relationships function may occur and exist with other
that need to be assessed are comparisons problems such as spondylolisthesis, Fig. 4. Anterior rotation force in a lordotic
of the levels of the anterior and posterior lumbar facet syndrome, degenerate disk posture with an anterior shift of the line of
superior iliac spine; they are altered in gravity (G) anterior to the acetabula.


occurs.26 Pain from 70 to 90 degrees of

hip flexion must be from some other
cause than tension on the roots.26 Pain
during the early arc of the SLR is inter-
preted as abnormal tension on the root
before the SLR test began, presumably
because the nerve is stretched over a
protruding disk,27 or bony spinal struc-
ture. False positive and false negative

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results are common.28 Pain in the back
that is increased with passive SLR is
thought to be due to dura mater irrita-
Pain may be ipsilateral or contralat-
eral. Scham believed that the crossed
SLR test involves the movement of the
dura mater and the contralateral roots
medially and distally and can indicate a
large, more medially placed prolapse.30
Unfortunately, false positive results are
described for this test, too.31 A positive
passive SLR test result suggests root ir-
ritation; it also is suggestive of, but not Fig. 5. In both the posterior position (PP) and the anterior position (AP), line FG remains
diagnostic of, diskal herniation.27 A disk constant from the acetabula to the floor or to the medial malleoli. Line AB becomes slightly
lesion is not a prerequisite of pain on shorter in AP and line PQ becomes markedly longer.
SLR and, even if present, need not nec-
essarily have anything to do with caus- anteriorly on the sacrum and increase and the examiner at the foot of the table.
ing the pain other than possibly making the pain of an anterior dysfunction. This The therapist grasps an ankle in each
it worse.8 pain is immediately eased by using a hand with the medial aspect of each
Other interpretations of the SLR test resisted hip extension to lower the leg. thumbnail resting lightly against the dis-
become apparent when the biomechan- An increase in ipsilateral pain in the tal end of each medial malleolus. The
ics of the SIJ are taken into considera- low back on passive SLR has been de- malleoli are held together in the midline,
tion. As the leg is lifted during the SLR scribed by some as indicating a posterior in line with the nose and the navel, with
test, the pull of the hamstring muscles dysfunction of the SIJ because pain was a mild amount of manual traction on
on the innominate bone causes a pos- increased as the pull of the hamstring each, and the comparative length of
terior torsion strain of the innominate muscles rotated the innominate poste- each leg is noted. The therapist confirms
on the sacrum on the same side.16 As riorly on the sacrum.16,171 have found, and corrects the anterior dysfunction by
the ipsilateral innominate bone moves however, this to be a consistent sign of rotating the innominate on the involved
posteriorly, it carries the sacrum poste- an anterior dysfunction of the SIJ when side, upward and posteriorly on the sac-
riorly on the opposite innominate and it is compromised by a vertical sacral rum. This maneuver can be done by
causes an anterior rotational strain on slip. firmlyflexingthe knee along the side of
the contralateral innominate. Anterior the chest into the axilla (Figs. 6 and 7)
dysfunction should always be suspected Confirmation and Correction of or by placing one hand between the
on the contralateral side when contra- SIJ Dysfunction patient's legs and up under the ischial
lateral pain is produced during passive tuberosity and buttock, the other hand
SLR (whether a herniated disk is present Because the leg appears to lengthen over the ipsilateral ASIS with the fingers
or not) and when that pain is markedly when the innominate rotates anteriorly pointing laterally and rotating the in-
reduced after a correction in flexion on and downward on the sacrum, it can be nominate bone strongly posteriorly and
that side. Mennell also found that rotat- expected to appear to shorten when the upward. The therapist then reexamines
ing one innominate posteriorly in- innominate is rotated posteriorly and the patient's legs, as previously de-
creased anterior dysfunction on the op- upward on the sacrum to a corrected scribed, to see if they are now of equal
posite side.16 The pain of an anterior position. This apparent shortening is a length at the malleoli.
dysfunction may be eased during the positive, objective, frequently predict-
passive SLR test as the ipsilateral in- able sign of a corrected position, which Chamberlain identified the unilateral
nominate moves posteriorly on the sac- relieves pain and restores function to anterior dysfunction but believed it
rum. the SIJ. The apparent change in leg highly unlikely that an equal and sym-
Frequently, when the examiner be- length can be measured from the PSIS metrical displacement in the other
gins to lower the leg, the patient will to the medial malleolus before and after SIJ might take place and did not con-
attempt to hold back slightly and ac- mobilization. sider bilateral dysfunction.14 Bilateral
tively lower the leg. The active contrac- The test to confirm anterior dysfunc- SIJ involvement, however, has been
tion of the hip flexors, especially the tion is performed with the patient in a described19,24,32 and verified,7 and is
iliacus muscle, will tend to pull the ilium supine position on an examining table thought probably to be more common.

Volume 65 / Number 1, January 1985 39

shorten again in an abnormal manner. Pain on Sitting
The leg appears to be its normal length
again. The method of correction tends Although pain on sitting may be in-
to affirm the dysfunction. With the pa- creased by an increase in intradiskal
tient in a supine position, the therapist pressure if a herniated disk is present,
grasps the leg on the affected side and Grieve noted that pain on sitting may
gives a sharp tug on that leg in the long also arise from the SIJs.8 If wedging at
axis and reassesses the leg length. That the SIJs has already slightly spread the
leg usually appears to become about 1 innominate bones, any pressure that
cm longer than it was, and the ipsilateral might increase the spreading and stretch
pain on passive SLR will be markedly of the anterior joint capsule could in-

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decreased. The innominate must then crease the pain. Grant stated that "in
Fig. 6. Method of mobilization to correct an be rotated posteriorly to correct the orig- the standing posture, the acetabula and
anterior dysfunction of the sacroiliac joint and the sidewalls of the pelvis tend to be
reduce an apparent lengthening of the leg. inal anterior dysfunction and the leg will
(Courtesy of The DO24 and the American shorten to its normal position. These forced together, but the pubic bones,
Osteopathic Association) two, different maneuvers are necessary acting as struts, prevent this from hap-
to correct this condition. pening. In the sitting posture, the ischial
tuberosities tend to be forced apart."11
ASSOCIATED PAIN Figures 8 and 9 illustrate these actions.
MECHANISMS During anterior dysfunction, the ischial
tuberosities are posterior to their normal
Patients with pain in the low back position, and weight bearing on them in
frequently complain of pain on sitting, sitting increased the anterior rotation
pain on leaning forward, and pain on strain on the capsule and on the spinal
an increase of intraabdominal pressure. nerve roots.
Although investigations by Nachemson
and Morris33 have found that intradiskal Pain on an Increase of
pressure is increased with these condi- Intraabdominal Pressure
tions, other mechanisms may cause pain
in this area in the presence or absence Pain in the SIJs may also be increased
of disk herniation. with an increase of intraabdominal pres-
Fig. 7. Alternate method to correct anterior sure as the spreading of the joints stretch
dysfunction, viewed from above. (Courtesy the painful tissues. If the pelvis is stabi-
of The DO24 and the American Osteopathic lized by manual compression of the ilia,
the patient can usually cough or sneeze
If the patient experiences pain over in relative comfort. This maneuver is
both SIJs and the leg length appears to not likely to affect intradiskal pressure
be equal at the malleoli, the therapist one way or another.18
rotates one innominate posteriorly on
the sacrum and then reexamines the leg Back Pain and Instability During
length at the malleoli to see if that leg Pregnancy
now appears to be shorter than the un-
corrected side. The therapist then treats Anterior dysfunction is a common,
the uncorrected side in the same manner uncomfortable complication of preg-
and the legs will again be of equal length. nancy. As weight increases on the ante-
The less painful side is usually easier to rior pelvis and pelvic support weakens,
Fig. 8. Forces on the pelvis in the standing
correct first. Each innominate must be posture. an anterior rotation strain occurs at the
rotated posteriorly on the sacrum two SIJs, which results in anterior dysfunc-
or three times. For each rotation, the tion. Another factor is the hormonal
alternate hip bone must also be rotated influences of relaxin during the final
and the leg lengths at the malleoli com- stage of pregnancy, which softens and
pared, until no more apparent shorten- relaxes the sacroiliac ligaments and the
ing takes place. Frequently, two or three symphysis pubis for passage of the ma-
adjustments are needed to get a com- ture fetus. The softening, however,
plete correction. makes these areas less stable and more
prone to injury.34,35
Confirmation and Correction of
the Compromised Sacroiliac Pelvic Instability During the
Joint Dysfunction Menstrual Cycle
A vertical slipping of the innominate The presence of relaxin in the body
on the sacrum causes the leg that had Fig. 9. Forces on the pelvis in the sitting about a week or 10 days before the onset
appeared long on the affected side to posture. of menstruation effects a hormonal lig-


amentous laxity similar to that of preg- axilla from a supine, sitting, or standing
nancy but to a lesser degree and renders position (Fig. 10). Swart recommended
the pelvic ligaments less stable and, thus, the patient lie supine, grasp the hands
more prone to minor injury. The relaxin around one knee and pull with the
is reabsorbed during menstruation and hands while pushing with the knee (Fig.
if the innominate is kept in its normal 11).32 This procedure is essentially a
position on the sacrum at this time, the muscle energy technique. This correc-
pelvic ligaments seem to regain their tive exercise must be done 2 or 3 times
normal stability. I have observed that if on each side, alternating each time with
the dysfunction is not corrected, the in- the other knee, and should be repeated

Downloaded from by University of Texas at Austin user on 02 January 2019

stability may continue into the next up to 15 or 20 times a day for three or
menstrual cycle. four days, and then 4 or 5 times a day
for about another week. The patient Fig. 10. Methods of self-correction. A. In
should correct the joint before going to standing or supine position, pull the knee into
TREATMENT the ipsilateral axilla; alternate several times.
bed each night to take the stress off the B. With one foot on a table or bench, lean
Each treatment of SIJ dysfunction tight structures and allow several hours toward the knee and stretch it into the axilla;
must begin with assessment and manual for them to recover. Correct nightly ex- alternate. C. When sitting, pull one knee into
ercise minimizes getting up in the morn- the axilla and sit in this position for a few
correction of the dysfunction. For the minutes; alternate. Repeat these exercises
relief of residual pain, mobilization is ing with a stiff, painful low back. many times during the day and always make
followed with heat, electrical stimula- To maintain the correction and to a correction on going to bed to relieve the
tion, and massage. Massage is not only prevent recurrence of an anterior dys- strain on the involved ligaments through the
function, the anterior pelvis must be night. (Courtesy of the Journal of Ortho-
soothing but can be an excellent method paedic and Sports Physical Therapy18)
of deep palpation for the therapist to supported. This support is especially im-
become more familiar with and to better portant when a person leans forward. If
assess the affected tissues in the area. Ice a person must lean forward for any pe-
massage or cold packs may be helpful if riod of time to perform such tasks as
the pain is acute. Pelvic traction may be working over a counter, ironing, or
helpful in the presence of a neurological washing dishes, placing a foot on a low
deficit and may also help to correct a stool will minimize anterior rotation of
compromised SIJ dysfunction by pull- the pelvis. If the abdominal muscles are
ing the innominates caudally on the sac- weak, they must be strengthened usually
rum. with bent knee sit-ups. Isometric ab-
dominal exercises performed through-
out the day are very helpful.
Corrective Exercise Program All leg-raising exercises should be
contraindicated.36 Whether doing sit-
Resting in bed may be helpful to the ups with the legs straight or doing leg
patient during the acute phase, but the Fig. 11. A dynamic method of correcting an
raises, the pull of the hip flexors, espe- anterior dysfunction, pulling with the hands
therapist should also start a corrective cially the iliacus muscle, from the iliac while pushing with the knee. (Adapted from
exercise program. The sooner the dys- fossa causes an anterior rotation strain Swart32)
function is corrected, the shorter the of the innominates on the sacrum. In
patient can convalesce. A pillow placed the absence of adequate support of the
between the knees is helpful when the anterior pelvis from the abdominal mus- port should be put on after a correction
patient is side lying. When the patient is cles, an anterior dysfunction of the SIJs has been made to help prevent recur-
lying in a supine position, a pillow may be precipitated or exacerbated. rence. If the support is put on without
placed under the lower edge of the but- The therapist must explain the pro- correcting the dysfunction, it may in-
tocks seems more helpful than a roll gram thoroughly to the patient the first crease pain by increasing pressures on
placed under the low back to maintain day of treatment. If the pain is still acute the pelvic joints in that position.
lumbar lordosis. Maintenance of lum- the second day, the patient may not be
bar lordosis is probably not necessary at doing his exercises properly and should Heel Lifts
rest. Prone lying is contraindicated. demonstrate to the therapist what he
The patient must be instructed thor- believes is the correct exercise. Because Greenman recommended that lift
oughly on the nature of his condition, the patient often modifies the program, therapy be used only to make the sacral
its proper correction, and prevention. the therapist may have to reinstruct him base plane more level and not to equal-
Correction is usually accomplished by in the correct method. ize leg length or to influence lumbar
rotating the innominate upward and scoliosis.38 Heel lifts are commonly used
posteriorly on the sacrum, which takes to equalize the height of uneven pelvic
the tension off the nerve roots and the Supports crests. I have found that in over 95
anterior joint capsule, restores function percent of cases with apparent leg-length
to the SIJ, shortens the lower extremity, Doran and Newell found that the re- difference, the height of the crests can
and relieves the pain. The patient can sponse to a corrective corset was slow, be equalized and the apparent leg-length
perform this rotation by flexing the hip but the long-term effects were as good difference resolved almost instantly with
and bringing the knee into the ipsilateral as those of other treatments.37 The sup- a simple, painless mobilization.

Volume 65 / Number 1, January 1985 41

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve examined anatomically, microscopi- Dysfunction of the spinal joints also
Stimulation cally, biomechanically, and chemically. can be a significant cause of pain in the
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stim- Schultz has concluded that "idiopathic low back and may be affected individ-
ulation (TENS) can be very helpful dur- low back disorders are often ascribed to ually or in association with SIJ dysfunc-
ing either the acute or chronic phase of degenerative disk disease, but this has tion. Several theories have been pro-
low back pain if the TENS is used in never been proved. In fact, it is known posed as to the nature of spinal dysfunc-
conjunction with a corrective exercise that disks very frequently degenerate tion and its treatment. Techniques in
program. Because the maintenance of without producing any symptoms of low mobilization have been described in the
function of the SIJ is necessary, dys- back disorders."44 Wyke found that treatment of the lumbar spine to restore
function should be corrected with regu- "neither the nucleus pulposus nor the normal joint play,16,17 to correct minor
annulus fibrosus of mature interverte- intervertebral derangements,48 or to re-

Downloaded from by University of Texas at Austin user on 02 January 2019

lar exercise and not be masked by the
use of TENS alone. bral disks contains any type of receptor place a displaced annulus.49 Techniques
nerve ending."22 include gentle oscillations, graded
RELATED LITERATURE Ulrich treated low back pain with var- movements, contract/relax movements,
iations of static postural positioning to high-speed thrusts, manipulations sta-
In the early 1900s, dysfunction of the relieve disk pathology.45 McKenzie also
SIJ was a common diagnosis, and a very bilizing with one hand and thrusting
reported some good success using var- with the other, and thrusts in opposite
high percentage of patients with this ious postures (especially hyperexten-
problem had an associated pain in the directions with both hands. Pain from
sion) to treat the lumbar disk.46 Russek the SIJs is frequently mistaken as com-
sciatic nerve. To determine if a relation- found that the anterior lumbosacral an- ing from the lumbosacral joints. It is
ship existed between the sciatic nerve gle was 5 degrees less for a subject stand- interesting to note that the treatment
and the SIJ, Danforth and Wilson did ing in hyperextension with the horizon- described by James and John
an extensive study and concluded that tal plane than the lumbosacral angle for Mennell16,17 did not offer any proce-
the SIJ did not act directly to cause a subject standing in the neutral posi- dures for manipulation of the lumbar
sciatic nerve pain because "there is no tion.47 This finding indicated some pel- spine in rotation. John Mennell ex-
canal nor semblance of a canal which vic flexion as the line of gravity moved plained, "Upright rotation will only be
holds the nerves against the joint."39 In posteriorly. This decreased lumbosacral limited by loss of function in the sacro-
1934, Mixter and Barr described the angle was accompanied by forward iliac joint on the side to which the pa-
herniated disk,40 which caused the em- shearing and compression of the ante- tient is turned or by pathology at the
phasis in research to change to demon- rior portion of the disk between L5 and lumbosacral junction. Pathology else-
strating how the various signs and symp- the sacrum. The posterior shift of the where in the lumbar spine should not
toms associated with pain in the low line of gravity behind the center of the limit upright rotation, because there is
back could be due to the herniated disk. acetabula creates a powerful strain in virtually no intervertebral rotation in
Researchers, however, found no free posterior rotation that would help to the lumbar spine."17 Cyriax conceded
motion in the SIJ, the joint seemed well correct an anterior dysfunction of the that minimal rotation occurs in the lum-
protected by dense ligaments, and the SIJs(Fig. 12). bar spine but found that one of the best
function of the joint was not well under- methods of replacing a displaced annu-
stood; they generally concluded that it lus pulposus is rotation.49 Pain relieved
was a "misconception" that "the sacro- by rotation is probably from an unde-
iliac joint was susceptible to strain and tected SIJ dysfunction rather than from
subluxation from trivial injury."41 spinal pathology.
Because an anatomical relationship
between the SIJ and the sciatic nerve
could not be demonstrated to precipi- Even though such a respected source
tate sciatic neuritis, the disk was as- as Gray's Anatomy9 suggests that the
sumed to be at fault. The possibility of most common position of dysfunction
a biomechanical relationship between is probably a backward movement of
the SIJ and sciatic neuritis was not con- the innominate on the sacrum, usually
sidered. unilateral, the automatic locking mech-
Nachemson's studies demonstrated anism described by Grant11 probably
an increase in intradiskal pressure on precludes locking in the posterior posi-
leaning forward, sitting, coughing, or tion. I have found the only variety of
straining and have, by inference, impli- dysfunction to be an anterior fixation of
cated disk herniation as the cause of all the innominate on the sacrum, which
cases of low back pain that are exacer- may be occasionally compromised while
bated by these conditions.42 An alternate in the anterior position by a somewhat
etiology precipitating similar symptoms vertical slipping of the sacrum on the
has seemed unlikely, but Barbor de- innominate.19,24 Chamberlain identified
scribed these symptoms as related to unilateral dysfunction but assumed that
pathology of the SIJ.43 a symmetrical displacement in the two
Fig. 12. A hyperextension posture causes
Because the intervertebral disk has the pelvis to rotate posteriorly and helps to sacroiliacs would hardly be the rule and
often been assumed to be the site of correct an anterior dysfunction of the sacro- did not investigate this displacement.14
most low back disorders, it has been iliac joint. Bilateral dysfunction is more common.


Pelvic obliquity is frequently assumed not absorbed but is transferred to the unstable SIJ? How can these methods of
to be caused by a difference in leg length, next adjacent area of soft tissue, which evaluation and treatment be improved?
and the leg-length inequality, in turn, is is the disk between the L5 and SI ver-
assumed to be a causative factor in the tebrae. This additional shearing force CONCLUSION
etiology of low back pain. Actually, the appears to lead to disk degeneration, an Dysfunction of the sacroiliac joint is
reverse is more common. The difference unstable segment, or spondylolisthesis. a common biomechanical lesion, which
in apparent leg length is caused by the Surgical fusion of L5-S1 performed is frequently brought on insidiously; is
pelvic obliquity, which is created with without restoration of function to the related to inequality of leg length, pelvic
dysfunction of the SIJ. This difference SIJs would only serve to transfer the torsion, and pelvic obliquity; is de-
is easily altered with appropriate correc- shearing force to the L4-5 disk.

Downloaded from by University of Texas at Austin user on 02 January 2019

scribed as increased pain on sitting,
tive mobilization.19,24,32,50 The necessity for research is apparent. leaning forward, coughing, or sneezing;
Leg-length difference has also been What is the maximum range of motion and is associated with pain on passive
associated with degenerative knee-joint of the SIJ and how much weight loading SLR and pain during pregnancy. Many
changes51 and idiopathic osteoarthritis is necessary to reach it? Accelerometer of these signs and relationships are at-
of the hip.52 At least, part of the etiology studies are necessary to determine the tributed to the herniated intervertebral
may lie in the impairment of the energy nature of the inertial moment of the disk, and dysfunction of the SIJ is fre-
absorber function of the SIJ. If the SIJ sacrum during different gaits and move- quently ignored in favor of the disk.
is fixed, the inertial moment of the trunk ments. How much are the spinal nerve Correction and prevention of SIJ dys-
can be expected to be transferred roots stretched with an anterior dysfunc- function is quite simple and effective;
through the innominate to the femoral tion? What is the exact nature of the however, if the function of the joint is
head. This impact loading may cause compromised anterior dysfunction? not restored and maintained, other de-
microfractures of the trabeculae and Can any other types of dysfunction be generative problems may be precipi-
stiffening of the subchondral bone, identified? How can we differentiate the tated.
which may precipitate degenerative ar- pain on sitting caused from an increase
thritis of the joint. If the SIJ is fixed in intradiskal pressure in the herniated Acknowledgment. I express my appre-
during ambulation, the shear between disk from the pain on sitting caused ciation to Dr. Kathleen E. Miller and to
the inertial moment of the trunk and from a dysfunction of the SIJ? What Mr. Richard Gajdosik for their assis-
the deceleration moment of the pelvis is methods can be used to stabilize the tance.


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The APTA Board

(Persons wishing to communicate with members of the APTA Board of Directors should use the following addresses.)

Robert W. Richardson Jeanette Winfree Louis Greenwald

(President) (Treasurer) RR#2
American Physical Therapy Association American Physical Therapy Association Fairgrounds Road
1111 North Fairfax Street 1111 North Fairfax Street Dubuque, IA 52001
Alexandria, VA 22314 Alexandria, VA 22314
Jane E. Hogencamp
Jane Mathews Ernest Burch, Jr. 21320 Hawthorne Blvd
(Vice President) Burch, Rhoads and Loomis Suite 226
258 Atlantic Road 6305 York Road, Suite 203 Torrance, CA 90503
Gloucester, MA 01930 Baltimore, MD 21212
Marilyn Moffat
J. Carolyn Hultgren Barbara Connolly Ludlam Lane
(Speaker, House of Delegates) University of Tennessee Locust Valley, NY 11560
Sutter General Hospital Center for the Health Sciences
2820 L Street Program in Physical Therapy Shirley Sahrmann
Sacramento, CA 95816 800 Madison Ave 1139 Ralph Terrace
Memphis, TN 38163 St. Louis, MO 63117
Jack D. Close
(Vice Speaker, House of Delegates) Clem Eischen Ann L. Walker
3650 South Eastern Avenue 1274 Lloyd Center School of Physical Therapy
Suite 100 Portland, OR 97232 Texas Woman's University
Las Vegas, NV 89109 Box 22487, TWU Station
Marilyn Gossman Denton, TX 76204
Donald E. Jackson Division of Physical Therapy
(Secretary) University of Alabama in Birmingham
American Physical Therapy Association University Station, AL 35294
1111 North Fairfax Street
Alexandria, VA 22314


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