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Sri Lanka Telecom Training Centre

Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Electrical & Electronic Engineering (RQF)

Assignment Brief and Feedback Form

Student ID

Student Name

Academic Year 2021

Assessor name Kanchana Weerakoon

Unit Number & Title Unit 4 - Database Design & Development

Assignment Number/Title Assignment 02

Issue Date 08/11/2021

Submission Date 22/11/2021

IV Name Mrs. Sasheena M.

The submission is in the form of a fully functional relational database
system demonstrated to the Tutor; and an individual written report.
The report submission should include witness statement of the testing and
Submission Format
Technical documentation.
Include all these in a folder with student registration number.


Plagiarism is a particular form of cheating. Plagiarism must be avoided at all costs and students who
break the rules, however innocently, may be penalised. It is your responsibility to ensure that you
understand correct referencing practices. As a university level student, you are expected to use
appropriate references throughout and keep carefully detailed notes of all your sources of materials for
material you have used in your work, including any material downloaded from the Internet. Please
consult the relevant unit lecturer or your course tutor if you need further clarifications.

Student/Learner declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully

Student/Learner signature: Date:

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Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

Develop a fully functional relational database system, based on an
existing system design
P2 M2 LO2 & 3
Develop the database system with Implement a fully functional D2
evidence of user interface, output database system which includes Evaluate the effectiveness
and data validations, and querying system security and database of the database solution
across multiple tables. maintenance. in relation to user and
P3 M3 system requirements, and
Implement a query language into Assess whether meaningful suggest improvements.
the relational database system. data has been extracted through
the use of query tools to
produce appropriate
management information.
Test the system against user and system requirements
P4 M4
Test the system against user and Assess the effectiveness of the
system requirements. testing, including an
explanation of the choice of test
data used.

Produce technical and user documentation
P5 M5 D3
Produce technical and user Produce technical and user Evaluate the database in
documentation. documentation for a fully terms of improvements
functional system, including needed to ensure the
diagrams showing movement continued effectiveness
of data through the system, and of the system.
flowcharts describing how the
system works.

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Assessor Feedback
Learning Feedback to learner
Outcome (Evidence presented against the published criteria)




Overall Grade

Assessor Signature: Date:

n Feedback

Overall Grade after Resubmission

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Achieving all “P”s of the unit will earn you a “Pass”.

Achieving all “P”s and all “M”s of the unit will earn you a “Merit”.
Achieving all “P”s and all “M”s and all “D”s of the unit will earn you a “Distinction”.

Late submission

To achieve a “Merit” or “Distinction” grade, you MUST submit the assignments within the deadline.

Not Achieved

A “Not Achieved” grade means more work is required to achieve a “Pass”.

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Assignment Brief and Guidance

Suppose you are hired as a trainee Software Engineer by ABC hospital and you are assign to design and develop
a Database for the hospital.
ABC hospital is a multi-specialty hospital that includes a number of departments, rooms, doctors, nurses,
compounders and other staff working in the hospital.
Patients having different kinds of illnesses come to the hospital and get checkup done from the concerned
doctors. If required they are admitted in the hospital and discharged after treatments.
The aim of this case study is to design and develop a database for the hospital to maintain the records
of various departments, patients and doctors in the hospital

 In hospital, there are many departments like Orthopedic, Pathology, Emergency, Dental, Gynecology,
Anesthetics, I.C.U., Laboratory etc. A department is describing by its name, department location, and
facilities available.
 There are two types of the doctors in the hospital (identify by a unique ID), namely, regular doctors
and call on doctors. Hospital needs to store personal details of doctors like name, qualification,
address, phone number, salary, date of joining, etc.
 Regular doctors are those doctors who come to the hospital daily. It is required to store payment as
monthly salary for regular doctors.
 Calls on doctors are those doctors who are called by the hospital if the concerned doctor is not
available. Fees per call and payment due need to be store related to this doctor category.
 You need to store the details about the patients. Hospital needs to record the patient details when any
patient arrives in the hospital for a check-up. When patient arrives, a patient number is generated
which acts as a primary key. Other details like name, age, sex, address, city, phone number, entry date,
name of the doctor referred to and department name are also stored.
 After making entry, patients go to the concerned doctor’s room and the doctor checks up their
illnesses. According to the illnesses, the doctor either prescribes medicine or admits the patient in the
concerned department.
 Details of regular patients are stored separately which includes date of visit, diagnosis, treatment,
status of treatment, etc.
 When patient is admitted, his/her related details are need to be stored separately. Information stored
includes patient number, advance payment, mode of payment, room number, department, date of
admission, initial condition, diagnosis, treatment, referred doctor etc.
 Whenever a patient gets discharged from the hospital, it is required store details like patient number,
treatment given, payment made, mode of payment, date of discharge, etc.
 The patient who admitted to the hospital may choose either private or general room according to
his/her need. Room number (unique), room type (general or private), status (whether occupied or not)
and if occupied, then patient number etc.

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Activity 2
Develop the database system with evidence of user interface, output and data validations, and
querying across multiple tables.
a) Develop a relational database system according to the ER diagram you have created in
Assignement1. (Use SQL DDL Statements)
b) Provide evidence of the use of a suitable IDE to create a simple interface to insert, update and
delete data in the database.
c) Implement the validation methods explained in Assignment 1 activity 1.2-part c.
d) Display the details related to the Hospital Management database using Join queries

a) Explain the usage of DML with below mentioned queries by giving at least one single example
per each case from the developed database.
 Select
 Update
 Delete
Note: - The queries you have selected should be meaningful and relevant to the given scenario.
b) Explain the validation mechanisms to validate data in the tables with examples.

a) Explain how security mechanisms have been used and the importance of these mechanisms
for the security of the database.
b) Implement proper security mechanisms (EX: -User groups, access permissions) in the
developed database.

Explain the usage of the below SQL statements with the examples from the developed database.
 Group by
 Order by
 Having
 Between
 Where

Activity 3
a) Provide a suitable test plan to test the system against user and system requirements
b) Provide relevant test cases for the database you have implemented
Note: - Learner needs to give expected results in a tabular format and screenshots of the
actual results with the conclusion.

Explain how the selected test data in task 3.1 can be used to improve the effectiveness of testing.
Get independent feedback on your database solution from nontechnical users and some
developers (use surveys, questioners, interviews or any other feedback collecting method) and
make recommendations and suggestions for improvements in conclusion/ recommendations

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Activity 4
Prepare a simple users’ guide and a technical documentation for the support and maintenance of the
Your technical documentation should include some of the UML diagrams (Use case diagram Class
diagram, etc.) and flow charts for the important functionalities.
Suggest the future improvements that may be required to ensure the continued effectiveness of the
database system.

Recommended Resources
Churcher, C. (2012) Beginning Database Design: From Novice to Professional. 2nd Ed. Apress.
Paulraj, P (2008). Database Design and Development: An Essential Guide for IT Professional. Wiley - Database Training (Tutorials)

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