Criteria B

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B: Developing Ideas

1. Design specification:  complete this in relation to you product:

Aesthetics My product will have an elegant aesthetic. And the colours that will be present in the website are beige, white and
black. The header at the top will be white and the 
This website does not require a budget. (Sameeha)
Customer This website is targeted towards people from all age groups. The manager of Liverpool hospital is asking us to
design  this for people who have celiac disease. (Yasmin)
Environmental Where will the solution be used? 
How will the design directly or indirectly affect the environment?
considerations Our website can impact the environment by informing people about celiac disease and some recipes for it. It can
impact the food supply. Shops will start to sell more gluten free products. It helps the people in the community
who are sick. (Sameeha)
Function The website must be able to work and function in a proper manner. Its purpose is to educate people who don't
have celiac disease and give people who have celiac disease recipes that they could rely on when they don't know
what they need to cook. This product will be stored online through a URL since it's a website. To use this website
you need to click on the URL to open the website to then pick between 2 categories about and recipe. The about
page will include information regarding celiac disease to raise awareness and the recipe page will include
subcategories. The subcategories will be Breakfast, lunch, dinner, desert, snacks, drinks. Within those
subcategories will be a list of recipes that they could use for example; in the subcategory of desert an example of
what will be within that subcategory is Gluten-Free Blueberry Banana Bread.

Manufacturing What resources are available? 

Resources that are available to us include wifi, wix, library, chefs, etc. It has to be online so therefore it limits us
from making 3d sculptures and doing events to spread awareness on celiac disease. In order to create this design it
will take us 4 days of us planning and designing new ideas.

Materials What materials are available? What properties do the materials need to have?
We will need IT materials such as website templates and the internet for research. (Sameeha)
Website 1: - Will use this website to gain meals ideas
Website 2: - We will use the
information about what celiac disease is and add it to our home page.
Website 3: - 

Safety What safety factors need to be incorporated into the design?

Making sure to not get sued by the website. Making sure to only include the important and appropriate
ingredients. (Sameeha)
Size Are there any specific sizes that need to be considered? 
What “human factors” need to be considered? What anthropometric data needs to be considered?
The person needs something that is safe for their consumption . The meals will have the right amount of calories
that should be intaken from the average dietary plan of an individual.

Think up ideas that may work.  This stage should stretch your imagination.  Try
and come up with original and unusual ideas.
Draw or explain 4 possible options for your project.  

Listed below are 4 different ideas of colour combinations that could be used in the website we are designing for
celiac disease. Each idea is unique and will impact the way that the website will look like.


Annotate designs to identify key features and to explain design thinking (details annotation)

(Yasmin & Sameeha)

3. How did you come up with the idea?

I came up with these ideas by coming up with a variety of colour combinations. 
4. Did something influence your thinking?
No, nothing did influence my thinking.
5. What materials do you think should be used, and why? 
We will need IT materials such as website templates and the internet for research. (Sameeha)
Website 1: - Will use this website to gain meals ideas
Website 2: - We will use the
information about what celiac disease is and add it to our home page.
Website 3: - We will use this website website since it provides
us with more different celiac recipe meal ideas.
6. What processes would you use? Are the materials available? 
Processes that I need to complete when making the website include using the Add Ons supplied from Wix to put
the website together such as;  header, sub-pages, images, subscribe forms etc.
7.  Could the design be made in the time available and with your skills? ˇˇ
Yes, the design could be made in time. This is due to me having a partner to work 
8. Do you think your client would like the idea? 

Evaluate designs against the design specification: (Test and explain)

Is this your final design? Why/why not? (Make sure you mention if it meets the requirements
of the design specification).  Yes, it is our final design since 

iii. Select your chosen Design: 

For this section you need to select the final designs that you have chosen and
explain why you have chosen these designs while referencing the design
specification at the beginning of this section. 
a)Test your designs to decide on which your final will be: 
Example of a Test for picking final design: 
Design Integration of cyber Use of  3D Simplicity of Overall Lo Total
Specifications safety issue objects design presentation go score
Design 1 3 3 6
Design 2 4 1 4 4 13
Design 3 1 1

Design Integrates celiac disease Use of  appealing Simplicity of Overall Lo Total
Specifications information and recipes colours design presentation go score
Design 1 5 3 2 3 2 15
Design 2 5 3.5 3 4 2 17.5
Design 3 5 2 1 2 2 12
Design 4 5 5 3 5 2 20

b) Then explain why you have chosen these designs while referencing all of the
design specifications at the beginning of this section. 

We chose design number 4. The reason we chose this design is because it has
the most appropriate layout to display our information within the website. It
includes the most appropriate set of colours and pages. This is because we have
placed requirements in our design specifications stating that it must include an
appealing colour wheel and the layout must be easy to use. This design has all
of these pages and fulfils these requirements. This connects globally through 

For each of the ideas you came up with, fill in the positives, negatives and
interesting things about each one. 

Desi Plus Minus Interesting/

gn Improvements
organised Simplicity It's a unique website with a
Appealing  Logo design very unique and professional
1 Overall structure.
presentation It could improve by having a
Contains the more spaced out design so
required everything doesn't look messy

Organised Logo Design Easy to use

Contains the This design is compact allowing
required an appealing and sleek design.
Simple/ easy
to understand
and work
Contains the Appeal
required Simplicity This website consists of a unique
information Organisation overall design. However, this
Overall design website is too complicated to use
Logo design for many customers

Contains the Simple/ easy to This website is a perfect design.

required understand The website is simple and also
information and work appealing. The website is a
Organised through. perfect structure and is also
Appealing Logo design unique making the website
Simple/ easy interesting. 
to understand
and work

 Details of components (identification of standard components, size/scale, material, finish,

Final design  Component name Material Length (mm) Width (mm) Thickness (mm) Quantity  Tools
Test your product (give your 3 designs and final design to another students and check if it’s easy to
interpret or not 
Final design  Design 1 Design 2 Design 3 Final design 
 Size  good size   good size   good size   good size
Aesthetics The colours were The colours were also This was a more In the 
(colour, texture, nice however the pleasant and this website simple design where
shape, form, flow of the was a lot neater, however the colours were not
line, balance, website didn't the website did not contain really the most
finish really fit well all the required pages. appealing feature of
moreover it felt the website. However
very cramped and the simplicity helped
wordy. create a very clean
Inspiration The inspiration The inspiration for this was The inspiration for
for this was the our 3rd website we found this is the
2nd website we during our research. combination of
had found during design styles from
our research. different websites.
Safety  It is safe since the It is safe since the website It is safe since the It is safe since
website is is through a safe and website is through a the website is
through a safe trustworthy  website safe and trustworthy through a safe
and trustworthy template. website template. and trustworthy
website template. website
Easy to Yes yes no
How the
components fit
Time  10mins 10mins 15mins
cost $0 $0 $0 $0
Do you like the


In the space below, draw, sketch and explain in detail your final choice for your
project below. You can be as creative as you like and include details about the
features and components that will become your project.

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