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System or method for controlling conditions and

unsafe acts during a process and this acts being
done daily by the worker and supervisor during
such process.
Which are them?
1. Have you checked the entrance and route to
your work place?
Which are them?
2. Is in good condition your workplace and
Which are them?
3. Am I working on a safe manner?
Which are them?
4. Have you made an unsafe act?
Which are them?
5. Can you and your partners keep working in a
safe manner?
How it’s used?
The 5 steps of Safety are listed in a printed
control sheet that the worker always carries with
The Supervisor when reaching the work place
checks the control sheet together with the
Both (Supervisor and Worker) sign the control
sheet which is delivered to the Safety
Department for its control and verification.
At the end the SUPERVISOR gives a 5 minute
“safety lecture” of what he observed in the labor
done, the worker and the supervisor sign on the
back of the sheet.
How does it benefit to our Workers and
Brings safety to their work place every day.
Reminds the workers to inspect their workplace,
equipment/machinery, tools and to follow their
procedures for a safe work.
Brings the opportunity to the Worker, and
Supervisor to discuss safety issues every day.
Allows Workers, and Supervisors to develop safe
work habits (attitude) and reduce incidents and
Allows Supervisors to control the work place
conditions and to effectively and systematically
observe the safe work procedures (SWP).
Formalizes inspection processes and shows that
the Worker, Supervisor and the Company are
efficient and responsible for the safety in the work
or study place.
Process and Time of Training

The most difficult situation isn’t the initial training

but the implementation and administration that
guarantees that the workers follow and execute
the system: to fill the sheets in the right moment.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Teaches the worker: What to observe before starting
the execution of a task.
Induces to observe the existing conditions in the
workplace, and to note in writing in the sheet if
something is not right or unsafe.
Allows the Supervisor to observe what the worker
has noted in the sheet.
It’s a process that helps the person in a determined
area to be an effective observer of its work place.
The most difficult task for the worker is that the sheet
is filled in honestly.
The most difficult task for the Supervisor is to
ascertain that the worker/person in the area uses it
Its implementation is really easy, but if the worker
doesn’t follow the procedure correctly, the system
doesn’t work.
It’s a tool of Risk Management.
Takes the time of the workers at the starting of
their work day to make them think what can be
or go wrong.
Allows the supervisor to review the sheet of the
system for its control and correction (proactive
Control and correction are effected in the same
work area and instantly.
Control: It allows to visualize a real image of the
work conditions for its immediate Correction
supplemented with inspection time record.
Time of inspection: For the purposes of
investigating incidents/accidents related with the
time when the worker was in the place of
occurrence, after or before or if the worker
reported any condition or failure that could have
produced an incident or accident.
And always remember…
Safety is stimulated by the word and
convinces with example.

You will achieve the level of safety

excellence that you demonstrate you

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