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Australian International Academy, Kellyville Campus

Assessment Task Sheet

Name: _____________________________ Notification Date: 03, May 2021

Year Level: Year 10 Subject: Health and Physical Education

KEY CONCEPT: Relationships
RELATED CONCEPTS: Interaction and Perspective
GLOBAL CONTEXTS Identities and Relationships
Interactions with others should be built on equality, respect and fairness.
TITLE: Equal Opportunity

DUE DATE: Week 5, Term 2: Monday 17th May 2021 – IN CLASS

MYP Criteria Outcomes:

Criteria A: Knowing and Understanding

NESA Outcomes:

PD5-1: Assesses their own and others’ capacity to reflect on and respond positively to challenges
PD5-3: Analyses factors and strategies that enhance inclusivity, equality and respectful relationships.

Task Description:

Students will complete an in-class exam on the “Equal Opportunity” Unit of Work.
The task will include both multiple choice and short answer questions.
Students will have 5 minutes reading time and 40 minutes working time to complete the task.
Some of the key issues to be covered will be:
- Qualities of positive, inclusive and healthy relationships.
- Equal, respectful and abusive relationships including domestic violence.
- Future challenges, career choices and skills required for future success.
- Content covered will include everything studied in class up to the day of the Assessment Task.

Resources / Materials:

This will be an INDIVIDUAL closed-book task. You will complete the task in class under school
assessment conditions. You will only be required to have a pen/s on the table and a water bottle.

AIA Kellyville – Equal Opportunity – Grade 10 – MYP Yr. 5 – Task Outline & Assessment Criteria – 2021
Achievement MYP Level Descriptor Task Indicators
Level Criteria A- Knowing and Understanding
The student does not reach a standard No attempt made.
0 described by any of the descriptors below.

The student: The student:

i. states physical and health education factual,
Answers some questions with:
procedural and conceptual knowledge
- Limited information provided.
1–2 - Only provides limited detail for
ii. applies physical and health education
part/s of a question/s.
knowledge to investigate issues and suggest
solutions to problems set in familiar situations - Identifies and recalls limited
information relating to the unit of
iii. applies physical and health terminology to inquiry covered.
communicate understanding with limited - Answers provided are unclear.
The student: The student:
I. outlines physical and health education factual,
Answers some/all questions with:
procedural and conceptual knowledge
- Sound knowledge and provides
sound detail for part/s of a
ii. applies physical and health education
3–4 knowledge to analyse issues and to solve
- Provides sound knowledge within
problems set in familiar situations
their answers referring to learning
within the unit of work.
iii. applies physical and health terminology to
communicate understanding.

The student: The student:

i. identifies physical and health education factual,
Answers most/all questions with:
procedural and conceptual knowledge
- Well-developed knowledge and
5–6 ii. applies physical and health education
provides well-developed detail for
part/s of a question/s.
knowledge to analyse issues to solve problems set
- Provides well-developed knowledge
in familiar and unfamiliar situations
within their answers referring to
learning within the unit of work.
iii. applies physical and health terminology
consistently to communicate understanding
The student: The student:

i. explains physical and health education factual, Answers most/all questions with:
procedural and conceptual knowledge - Highly-developed knowledge and
provides highly-developed detail for
ii. applies physical and health education part/s of a question/s.
7–8 knowledge to analyse complex issues to solve - Provides highly-developed
complex problems set in familiar and unfamiliar knowledge within their answers
situations referring to learning within the unit
of work.
iii. applies physical and health terminology
consistently and effectively to communicate
Grade 10 – MYP Year 5 – Equal Opportunity Assessment Criteria – 2020

AIA Kellyville – Equal Opportunity – Grade 10 – MYP Yr. 5 – Task Outline & Assessment Criteria – 2021
Command Terms

Limited: The student provides a basic, below stage appropriate response.

Sound: The student provides an at stage appropriate response.
Well-Developed: The student provides a very good and stage appropriate response.
Highly-Developed: The student provides an excellent, above stage appropriate response.

Term Definition
Analyse Break down in order to bring out the essential elements or
structure. To identify parts and relationships, and to interpret
information to reach conclusions
Apply Use knowledge and understanding in response to a given situation
or real circumstances
Construct Display information in a diagrammatic or logical form
Demonstrate Prove or make clear by reasoning or evidence, illustrating with
examples or practical application
Describe Give a detailed account or picture of a situation, event, pattern or
Design Produce a plan, simulation or model
Evaluate Assess the implications and limitations; make judgments in relation
to selected criteria
Explain Give a detailed account
Identify Provide an answer from a number of possibilities
Investigate Observe, study, or make a detailed and systematic examination, in
order to establish facts and reach new conclusions
Justify Give valid reasons or evidence to support and answer or
List Give a sequence of brief answers with no explanation
Outline Give a brief account
Recall Remember or recognize from prior learning experiences
Solve Obtain the answer(s) using appropriate methods
State Give a specific name, value or other brief answer without
explanation or calculation
Suggest Propose a solution, hypothesis or other possible answer
Summarize Abstract a general theme or major point(s)

AIA Kellyville – Equal Opportunity – Grade 10 – MYP Yr. 5 – Task Outline & Assessment Criteria – 2021

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