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Lesson Plan

Grade/Subject: PE 9 Unit: Omnikin Games Lesson Duration:85 mins

PROGRAM OF STUDIES (Observations, Key Questions,
A9-2 apply and refine locomotor Students will develop different Observation of games
skills by using elements of body strategies to game specific
and space awareness, effort and movements
relationships to improve personal
A9-5 apply and refine ways to Students will explore different observation
receive, retain and send an object ways to retain and send the
with increased speed, accuracy omnikin to their teammates and performance
and distance in skills specific to others in an appropriate manner.
an activity
C9-1 communicate thoughts students will communicate participation
and feelings in an appropriate positively and respectfully to their
respectful manner as they peers.
relate to participation in
physical activity
Resource #1:
Resource #2:
Resource #3:
- Whiteboard
- omnikin balls (large and small)
- pinnies
- ball pump (special one)
- mats

Introduction (_5_min.):
Attention Grabber: I hope that everyone has had a good break and that you are all excited to be getting back into
physed! Today we are going to play some really fun games that have to do with omnikin balls.

Assessment of Prior Knowledge: Ask if students have played with an omnikin ball before. If they have what are some
of the rules? Go over the rules for the omnikin ball with class before engaging in any play

Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: Students are expected to participate to their best of their ability and to be
respectful of others in the class/

Advance Organizer/Agenda: explain and display directions for activities on the whiteboard. Follow lesson plan
outlined on cue card prepared before class to understand what should be written on the whiteboard

Transition to Body: Students will start with warming up with the game called Indian Jones

Body (_60_min.):
Learning Activity #1: Indiana Jones warm up
● We have all seen Indiana Jones in his famous scene where he is running away from a giant boulder
of death. Today we are going to recreate this!
● Separate class into 4 teams (red, blue, orange/yellow, green)

● Separate class into two circles (an inner circle is made around center circle)
○ a larger outer circle and an inner circle
○ sit about 8 students (minimum depending on class size) on the middle circle and then the
remaining students will sit around them (about 2 meters from the inner group) - make
sure there is space in between students
○ Have 4 volunteers to put on pinnies and sit in the middle (runners)
● The runner’s objective is to not get hit by the ball (aka out run the ball)
○ if they are hit, they join the outer circle
● People in the circle must propel the ball along in one direction (unless the teacher yells “switch”)
to try to tag the runners with the ball
○ can only use their hands
○ must keep the ball on the floor
○ no kicking the ball
● The purpose of this game is to work on teamwork, cooperation and working together to move the
ball in a direction to tag a runner(s)

Learning Activity #2: partner tag and Train Track

Partner Tag:
● Everyone picks a partner and then links arms or hold hands with their partner (make sure
to wear masks)
● two partners are “it” and they must run around the gym trying to tag people
○ taggers must roll the ball using each other (they each have one hand) and try to hit
the other players
○ there is no kicking allowed
● if you get hit by the omnikin ball you must freeze where you have been hit and make a
bridge with you and your partner's arms
■ in order to get free, another team must run through the bridge that the
partners have created. When this happens, they are back in the game
● Switch out taggers relatively quickly and encourage students to push themselves during
this game because of fast substitutions
● play in area of the basketball court
Water break
Train Conductor
● students will lay on the floor in a “train track”
● the ball will be rolled over them by the conductor (teacher) who will walk along the tops
of their heads
● The goal is to make it around the whole gym (reminder the gym curves - don’t want the
train to crash into a wall).
● when the ball rolls over the student they will get up and run (along the feet of their peers)
to continue the track
○ if they fail to complete the track and the train falls off there will be a punishment
and the students will be allowed to try again
● Use the basketball court as a general boundary
Water break

Learning Activity #3: Gumball
● two taggers start in the middle each with a large omnikin ball
● the rest of the students are to line up along the back wall
○ safe boundary is moved up to avoid the inertia from the omni ball sending
someone into the wall
● When the tagger yells “Gumball” the runners must make it to the other side and avoid
getting tagged by a large ball. Once they reach the safe zone, they will wait until
“Gumball” is yelled again to go back to the opposite safe zone
○ If a gumball hits you - you must freeze where you have been hit. Your feet are now
trapped in gum, and you can no longer move. Your job now is try to tag students
who run by you (cannot move your feet) or to help the taggers to push the ball to
hit someone
○ Runner will need to be aware of people stuck in gum and will need to avoid both
them and the taggers who are able to move
● Play this for a few rounds and switch the tagger each time
● Water break - put divider up

Learning Activity #3: Momentum
● split class into 4 teams
● designate goals at the end of each playing area (basketball courts) using a mat that is flat
against the wall
● the object of the game is to keep the ball moving by pushing/hitting it with open hand to
make a point by having the ball score at the goal area
○ rules:
■ may not pick up or catch the ball, except goalies
■ the ball must be in continuous motion
○ Scoring:
■ one point for every time the ball hits the designated goal
■ after a goal, the ball just continues to be in play
■ an individual can only score one point at a time; a teammate may get the
rebound and immediately make an additional point
○ Variations:
■ allow kicking
■ an individual can score three consecutive goals
● Rotate teams (have blue team stay on their court and everyone else will rotate
Learning Activity #4: Ultimate Omnikin
● played using the same rules as ultimate frisbee, but with an omnikin small ball.
● divide the participants into 4 teams (competitive and rec leagues)
● the object is to pass the ball down the court to your teammates and score by a teammate
catching the ball behind the designated goal line
○ Rules:
○ anytime the ball hits the ground there is a change in possession
○ players cannot run with the ball, catch it on the move and you may only take three
○ players may not guard the player in possession of the ball
○ no body contacts
○ the player in possession of the ball must throw it within 5 seconds
○ the person in possession of the ball may pivot in any direction to throw it
overhand or underhand, forward, laterally or backwards
○ Variations:
■ all players must touch the ball before a score can be attempted
■ may not throw back to the same player who threw it to you
■ may score at either goal line; when playing this way, if an attempt is made
to score and it is incomplete, the opposing team gets possession and must
take it back to the midline before attempting to score

Closure ( _5_min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: have students high-five their teams and discuss some strategies used
throughout the games
Feedback From Students: Student participation and energy will provide feedback as well as verbal communication
Feedback To Students: Make sure to verbalize praise and expectations throughout class.
Transition To Next Lesson: Next class we will be meeting in the yoga room, I will make sure to send you all a reminder
ahead of time

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