Vivi April 6th HW

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Business and consumers

Exam task
You are going to read a magazine article about green businesses. Six paragraphs have been
removed from the article. Choose from the paragraphs A–G the one which fits each gap (1–6).
There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use.

Making profits from sustainable industry

business with a ‘social conscience’ as ‘unadulterated
socialism’. In the following years, the notion that
sustainability, or social good generally, and profit are
fundamentally opposing forces hardened into fact in the
minds of most business leaders.
For years, the conventional wisdom had been that
sustainability is likely to lose a company money.
Many still think that, at best, it’s a strategy to reduce
costs, through things like energy and water efficiency.
This phenomenon is also evident in companies which
have diversified to produce sustainable as well as
conventional brands. Many businesses, perhaps
sensing a change in people’s attitudes, now market
Green companies have succeeded in doing what few environmentally-friendly products alongside their
thought possible – making sustainability profitable. more well-established cousins. The greener products
Over the nine years I’ve spent trying to persuade are outselling their more traditional equivalents.
business leaders to embrace sustainability, the question 5
I’ve most often been asked is, ‘What’s the business case Such a demonstration of acceptance by the capitalist
for sustainability?’ This question is always delivered in establishment is profoundly important. It represents a
a sceptical tone, carrying the unspoken suggestion fundamental shift and evidence that this sector of the
that there is no business case, or at least not a very market has long-term viability. For the green giants,
compelling one. And, for those nine years, I’d always sustainability is not about how they save money, but
wished I had a better answer. about how they make it. No longer are sustainability and
1 profit at odds; on the contrary, rather than being a drag
These so-called green giants – which include electric on profit, sustainability can drive it.
car maker Tesla – manufacture a stunning array of In many companies, sustainability is a department, but
goods, including burritos and beauty cream, sports for the green giants, it’s a value that is fully integrated
shoes and organic baby food. In the process, they into how their business is organised.
have succeeded in doing what the market long thought 6
impossible: they’ve made sustainability profitable. Together, the green giants have proven that businesses
2 based on sustainability and social good are an extremely
Despite this, it’s not hard to see why so many people viable alternative to business as usual. With global climate
are surprised by the idea that a sustainable business change being taken increasingly seriously in many places
could be profitable. In his 1970 essay, ‘The Social around the world, close your eyes, and the pace of
Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits’, change will have only accelerated by the time you open
American economist Milton Friedman dismissed any them again. Ignore the green giants’ example at your peril.

48 ADVANCED READING AND USE OF ENGLISH | PART 7 | 1 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018
A This shift in consumer demand has led to a renewal aren’t enough people who take green values seriously
of stock market interest in these more traditional enough to get you there. Green giants, however,
firms. As is the case with the green giants, their appeal to mainstream customers or consumers.
stock market value regularly and significantly E But while these perceived notions of it being an
outperforms a portfolio of less forward-thinking exercise in saving rather than making money are
competitors. still widespread, they are not actually supported by
B Thanks to the vision of these, and other, brave the overwhelming bulk of evidence. Several green
entrepreneurs, they have silenced many of the giants are actually growing faster than conventional
doubters by collectively generating over $100 billion business lines.
in annual revenue. Not only that, they do so with F There are now, however, at least nine companies
profit margins that are generally wider than the globally that generate a billion dollars or more in
industry averages. annual revenue from products or services that have
C That’s why these companies thrive even though sustainability or social good at their core. They
their ethical and humane raw ingredients are more perhaps provide the evidence needed to convince
expensive. Their whole cost structure has been built even the hardest of these cynics.
to accommodate these higher prices, so they still G This fact is confirmed by numerous conversations
command healthy profit margins nearly three times I’ve had with professionals who promote the cause of
the industry average. the sustainable industry. Some are still struggling to
D So if a product targets only a consumer niche, it’s persuade many of their business colleagues of the
hard to make any significant revenue; there simply case for change.

Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

1. Consumers have been demanding / had been demanding greener products for years before they
finally arrived.
2. By the time the product’s popularity peaks, it would have been / will have been on the market for
about a year.
3. The ‘green giants’ have traded / had traded in this country for about six or seven years now.
4. If the trend continues, by 2020 the company’s profits will have been continuously growing / have
been continuously growing for more than ten years.
5. Traditional industry has often considered / has often been considering changing its organisational
6. The stock market has been rising / had been rising for many years before the economic crash
7. Scientists had invented / might have invented more efficient batteries if there has been / had been
more funding.
8. If more money has been invested / had been invested in their development, low-energy lights would
have been developed / have been developed much sooner.

Exam facts
• In this part, there is one long-gapped text which has six paragraphs removed and placed in a
different order after the text, with an additional seventh paragraph to distract the reader.
• You have to decide which are the six correct paragraphs and where they go in the main text.
© Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2016

© Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 ADVANCED READING AND USE OF ENGLISH | PART 7 | 1 49

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