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O r t h o g n a t h i c S u r g e r y an d

the Temporomandibular
Joint Patient
John C. Nale, DMD, MDa,b,*

 Orthognathic surgery  TMJ  Treatment  Resorption  Reconstruction  Virtual surgical plan

 Orthognathic surgery cannot be used as a predictable treatment of temporomandibular joint disor-
ders (TMD).
 TMD symptoms should be treated independent of dentofacial deformities.
 Orthognathic surgery treatment plans should be modified in TMD patients to minimize exacerbation
of symptoms.
 Patients with a class II malocclusion secondary to condylar resorption should be managed carefully
due to their high risk of surgical relapse.
 Virtual surgical planning has improved the accuracy of combined orthognathic surgery and allo-
plastic temporomandibular joint reconstruction.

The role of orthognathic surgery for the correction that orthognathic surgery cannot predictably treat
of dentofacial deformities is widely accepted. TMD. Instead, surgeons should simply recognize
However, its role in the treatment of temporoman- that TMD coexists in a subset of patients requiring
dibular joint disorders (TMD) is quite controversial. orthognathic surgery for the correction of a skel-
There are numerous studies that show improve- etal malocclusion. Therefore, TMD and skeletal
ment of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunc- malocclusions should be treated as separate
tion1–3 following orthognathic surgery, whereas entities.
there are just as many that show no significant Given the potential for TMD symptoms to
improvement or even worsening of symptoms worsen following orthognathic surgery, it is impor-
following surgery.4,5 Interestingly, data also sug- tant to recognize those patients with TMD and
gest that TMD patients will show some improve- manage them independently of the dentofacial
ment in symptoms with simply the passage of deformity. Most advocate that this should be
time; this poses the question as to whether or done before planned orthognathic surgery. Once
not improvement of symptoms occurs as a result symptoms have significantly improved or resolved,
of surgery or due to the cyclic nature of TMD. It focus may then shift to the orthognathic phase of
should also be noted that a small percentage of treatment. The astute surgeon must then recog-
asymptomatic patients who undergo orthognathic nize those patients with a high risk of surgical
surgery actually develop TMD symptoms. With relapse related to postoperative condylar remodel-
these facts under consideration, one can infer ing and modify their treatment plans and surgical

Disclosures: None.
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Louisiana State University Health Science Center, New
Orleans, LA, USA; b Private Practice, Carolina’s Center for Oral and Facial Surgery, 8840 Blakeney Professional
Drive, Suite 300, Charlotte, NC 28277, USA
* Private Practice, Carolina’s Center for Oral and Facial Surgery, 8840 Blakeney Professional Drive, Suite 300,
Charlotte, NC 28277.
E-mail address:

Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am - (2014) -–-
1042-3699/14/$ – see front matter Ó 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Nale

technique to minimize the potential for early and should be palpated. Palpation is useful for detect-
late postoperative malocclusion (Box 1). ing intracapsular pain and joint noise and for estab-
TMD can be defined as a collection of signs and lishing the amount of translation of the condylar
symptoms related to the masticatory system. head during mouth opening. Lastly, an otoscopic
Those signs and symptoms include TMJ pain, examination should be performed to rule out any
pain associated with the muscles of mastication, potential cause for pain located within the ear.
headache, limited mouth opening, and joint noise.
It has been reported that at least one of these RADIOLOGIC EXAMINATION
symptoms occurs in approximately 50% of all pa-
tients seeking treatment of skeletal malocclu- The panoramic radiograph is useful for the
sion.1,6 These patients require a thorough workup screening of the mandibular condyle and its rela-
to establish the primary cause of their TMD tionship to the glenoid fossa. It also allows for visu-
symptoms. The work-up for TMD should include alization of the coronoid process of the mandible.
a history, physical examination, radiologic exami- Computed tomography (CT) and cone beam
nation, and laboratory evaluation if indicated. computed tomography (CBCT) allow for a more
detailed and 3-dimensional view of TMJ. These
HISTORY modalities allow for the visualization of any asym-
metries, cortical erosions, subchondral cysts, tu-
A detailed questionnaire given to the patient mors, heterotopic bone, ankylosis, or any other
before the initial appointment is the typical avenue bony abnormality. Newer software also allows se-
to assemble the collection of TMD symptoms. The rial images to be superimposed to evaluate for
surgeon’s interview with the patient should focus active growth or resorption (Fig. 1). However, a
on the chief complaint and symptom descriptors panoramic radiograph, CT, or CBCT cannot visu-
such as location, onset of occurrence, condition alize the TMJ disc.
or character, alleviating or aggravating factors, Magnetic resonance imaging is considered the
timing, and so on. “gold standard” for the evaluation of the soft tis-
sues of the joint. Its multiplanar images allow for
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION direct visualization of disc position at rest and dur-
ing mouth opening. On occasion, a technetium 99
Evaluation of the patient’s mandibular range of bone scan may be indicated. This modality is sen-
motion should be detailed. Pain-free maximum sitive in the detection of bone activity such as re-
incisor opening should be noted, followed by modeling or resorption. Unfortunately, it cannot
maximum opening with passive stretching. The differentiate between the two.
onset and location of pain during opening should
also be recorded because this may help in the
establishment of the origin of pain. Next, the mus- LABORATORY EVALUATION
cles of mastication should be evaluated. Each Laboratory testing is generally reserved for those
muscle group should be palpated individually and patients who are suspected to have a systemic
assessed for pain, spasms, or fasciculations. disease process. An erythrocyte sedimentation
Next, the joints should be loaded by having the pa- rate and C-reactive protein may be ordered to
tient bite on a tongue blade. Contralateral pain may check for these acute phase reactants. A positive
indicate an intracapsular origin of pain, where ipsi- test result indicates the presence of a systemic in-
lateral pain may suggest a muscular origin. Next, flammatory process, but is not specific for the
the lateral and posterior aspects of the condyles cause. More specific tests for various immune fac-
tors such as rheumatoid factor and antinuclear
antibody may also be indicated.
Box 1 Once the appropriate data have been
Primary goals of orthognathic surgery on the
collected, an accurate diagnosis can be estab-
TMJ patient
lished and the patient treated appropriately.
Identify cause of TMD symptoms Reversible measures are indicated as the first
Successfully treat TMD symptoms
line of treatment. Such reversible measures
include patient education, medications, physical
Correct the dentofacial deformity therapy, and occlusal splint therapy. Generally
Minimize the risk of relapse patients respond favorably to this form of treat-
Minimize the risk of postoperative TMD symp- ment, but occasionally pain and TMJ dysfunction
toms persist. In this subset of patients, irreversible
treatments such as trigger point injections, botox
Orthognathic Surgery and the TMJ Patient 3

Fig. 1. Superimposition of cone-beam CT scans of the same patient taken 1 year apart.

injections, arthrocentesis, arthroscopy, or even

Box 2
open arthroplasty can improve symptoms refrac-
Treatment of TMD symptoms in patients with a
tory to conservative therapy (Box 2). If a patient dentofacial deformity
fails to respond to these treatments, there is no
reason to think that they will improve with orthog- Reversible Treatment of TMD
nathic surgery. Fig. 2 suggests an algorithm for Patient Education
the treatment of TMD symptoms in patients with
a dentofacial deformity.
Although treatment of symptomatic disc de- Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (anti-
rangements is typically performed before any RA meds)
planned orthognathic procedure, some argue Muscle relaxants
that it is safe and predictable for both to be done Antidepressants
simultaneously. Wolford7 suggests that the bene-
fits of concomitant surgery include the following: Physical Therapy
ROM exercises
1. Requires one operation and general anesthetic
2. Balances occlusion, TMJs, jaws, and neuro- Passive stretching
muscular structures Spray and stretch
3. Decreases overall treatment time Ultrasound
4. Eliminates unfavorable TMJ sequelae that can
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
occur when performing orthognathic surgery
only Occlusal Splint Therapy
5. Avoids iatrogenic malocclusion that can occur
Irreversible Treatment of TMD
when performing open TMJ surgery only
Trigger Point Injections
The case against concomitant surgery is that the Botox
condyle-fossa relationship becomes vulnerable to
the experience of the surgeon.8 That is, there is Arthrocentesis
potentially a higher chance of postoperative Arthroscopy
malocclusion related to a change in the condyle- Open Arthroplasty
fossa relationship following surgery.
4 Nale

Fig. 2. Flow diagram and treatment algorithm for patients with a dentofacial deformity and TMD symptoms.
NSAID, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug.
Orthognathic Surgery and the TMJ Patient 5


Once a patient has responded to the treatment of
TMD symptoms, correction of the dentofacial
deformity may be addressed. Surgical patients
will likely present with a class II or class III skeletal
malocclusion with or without asymmetry. Before
any surgical treatment plan is formulated, the
surgeon should be familiar with the jaw relation-
ships that are more susceptible to the develop-
ment of postoperative pain, TMJ dysfunction,
and condylar resorption. Only with this knowledge
can a treatment plan be tailored to minimize the
patient’s risk.

Class III Malocclusion

Patients having a class III skeletal malocclusion
are the least likely of all jaw relationships to have
preoperative TMD. However, the risk of devel-
oping postoperative TMD does exist. Therefore,
they should be managed accordingly. Class III
patients undergoing a bilateral sagittal split osteot-
omy (BSSO) do show some degree of postopera-
tive posterior or lateral displacement of the
Fig. 3. Intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy. This surgi-
condyle, but in large this does not cause a signifi- cal option may minimize postoperative TMD symp-
cant change in TMJ disc position nor result in sig- toms in patients requiring mandibular setback.
nificant postoperative pain.9–11 Therefore, a
surgeon should have no reservations using this
technique when performing mandibular setback
Class II Malocclusion—Progressive/Idiopathic
surgery in patients with a history of TMD.
Condylar Resorption
An intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy (IVRO) has
been advocated by some as the technique of It has been proposed that TMJ remodeling can be
choice in TMD patients with a class III skeletal both functional and dysfunctional.14–18 Functional
malocclusion (Fig. 3). The rational is that an IVRO remodeling involves morphologic changes of the
will result in an anterior and inferior displacement articular surfaces of the TMJ that does not cause
of the condyle. This displacement increases the any significant alterations of the joint or the occlu-
joint space and promotes disc reduction in joints sion. Conversely, remodeling of the TMJ is consid-
with disc displacement with reduction or recent ered to be dysfunctional if the morphologic
progression to disc displacement without reduc- changes lead to a loss of condylar-ramus height,
tion.12 Hu and colleagues13 showed that 75% of resulting in mandibular retrusion and a class II
patients undergoing an IVRO had an improvement malocclusion. In some, it may also lead to an ante-
or resolution of TMJ pain and no asymptomatic rior open bite. Dysfunctional remodeling has
patients developed new pain, whereas only 40% historically been termed condylar resorption.
of patients undergoing BSSO showed improve- Condylar resorption may occur as a result of
ment in symptoms and 8% of asymptomatic pa- several reasons. A few examples include systemic
tients developed new symptoms. The debate and local arthritidis and trauma. If no obvious
over which surgery to perform exists because pa- cause is identified, it is termed idiopathic condylar
tients undergoing IVRO must be placed in maxillo- resorption (ICR).
mandibular fixation (MMF) for an extended period Patients with a history of condylar resorption
of time postoperatively; this may increase the pose a difficult challenge to the treating orthodon-
risk of developing limited mouth opening. Also, tist and orthognathic surgeon. The difficulty arises
because of the condylar sag that occurs as a result because any treatment that causes excessive me-
of an IVRO, the condyle may reseat in a more su- chanical loading may predispose the patient to
perior position, due to muscle pull, following the further condylar resorption and the resulting class
release of MMF. Consequently, this would lead II open-bite deformity (Fig. 4). The surgical treat-
to an open-bite deformity. ment of class II open-bite patients usually involves
6 Nale

Fig. 4. Cephalometric radiographs depicting postoperative relapse following orthognathic surgery for correction
of a class II skeletal malocclusion. (A) Pre-op. (B) Post-op day 1. (C) Completion of orthodontics at 3 months post-
op. (D) 3 years post-op.

a Le Fort I osteotomy in conjunction with a bilateral Preoperatively, patients with a systemic dis-
sagittal split of the mandible, with or without coun- ease should be referred to a rheumatologist for
terclockwise rotation of the maxillomandibular evaluation and treatment. It has been suggested
complex. This combination of procedures in- that all high-risk patients be placed on antiinflam-
creases the mechanical load of the TMJ19 and matory medication, tumor necrosis factor a
may result in postsurgical relapse. The key to suc- inhibitors, or matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors,
cessful treatment is recognition of those patients because targeted pharmacotherapy might be
who are at high risk for postsurgical condylar able to prevent further condylar resorption.30
resorption and to modify treatment to minimize Occlusal splints are also recommended for those
their risk. patients with TMJ pain and dysfunction. The
Predisposing factors for developing postsur- splint serves 2 purposes. The first purpose is to
gical relapse secondary to condylar resorption limit joint loading; the second is to determine
have been well documented. Patients with cessation of the resorptive process. Patients are
systemic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, fitted with a splint with registered contact of the
scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus, mandibular teeth. If the lower incisors lose con-
and other vascular collagen diseases have been tact over time, this indicates active resorption.31
reported as high risk.20–23 Predisposing factors Serial radiologic imaging, orthopantogram and
for ICR include TMJ dysfunction, being a young cephalometric radiographs, and CBCT can be
woman, having a high mandibular plane angle, used to evaluate change in condylar shape. A
and having a posteriorly inclined condylar technetium 99 bone scan may also be useful in
neck.21,23–29 determining active resorption. Timing of surgery
Orthognathic Surgery and the TMJ Patient 7

should also be strongly considered. ICR is most usually presents with an anterior open bite
active in the teenage years and mid 20s; there- between 6 months and 3 years following surgery.19
fore, surgeons should consider waiting until after It should also be noted that repeating an osteot-
the age of 25 years to correct the dentofacial omy on the condylar resorption patient whose first
deformity. orthognathic surgery was unsuccessful has close
Intraoperatively, special considerations exist to a 50% failure rate reported in the litera-
for patients who are at a high risk of developing ture.19,25,36 To minimize failure rate, total joint
postoperative condylar resorption. Joss and replacement may be considered, especially in
Vassalli32 reported long-term relapse (condylar those patients with symptomatic or active resorp-
resorption) for cases treated with bicortical tion (Fig. 6).
screws (2%–50.3%), whereas miniplates had
comparatively much less relapse (1.5%–8.9%). COMBINED ORTHOGNATHIC SURGERY AND
Arnett and Gunson26 relate this statistical differ- ALLOPLASTIC TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT
ence to condylar torquing as a result of bicortical RECONSTRUCTION
screws displacing the proximal segment during
fixation of BSSOs. He, therefore, recommends Occasionally, a patient may present with both a
the use of monocortical miniplates for fixation of skeletal-facial deformity and an end-stage TMJ
BSSOs (Fig. 5). If possible, one might also pathologic condition. In this scenario, orthognathic
consider limiting the surgical correction to just surgery combined with alloplastic TMJ reconstruc-
the maxilla. Hoppenreijs and colleagues27 re- tion should be considered. Commonly, the dento-
ported that the incidence of condylar resorption facial deformity occurs as a result of the TMJ
after surgery performed only on the maxilla for disease due to resorption or decreased condylar
correction of class II open bite was less than growth. Often times these patients have had
that after bimaxillary osteotomies (9% compared numerous failed treatment attempts or suffer
with 23%). Lastly, if bimaxillary surgery is from chronic joint pain or dysfunction.
required, one might consider minimizing mandib- TMJ disorders commonly associated with
ular advancement because larger advancements skeletal-facial deformities include reactive arthritis,
stretch the surrounding soft-tissue components condylar hyper- or hypoplasia, ICR, congenital
and this tension can lead to greater compression deformation, trauma, or other end-stage TMJ
and mechanical loading of the condyle, resulting pathologic conditions. These common TMJ disor-
in resorption.33–35 ders often result in a loss of condylar-ramus height.
Postsurgical management should include medi- Patients with advanced disorders will have a steep
cations as needed, class II elastics, and occlusal mandibular plane angle, loss of chin projection,
splint therapy after debanding. Patients should and possibly an anterior open bite. Their chief
be observed on a regular basis because relapse complaints may include joint or facial pain, diffi-
culty chewing, and esthetics. For patients diag-
nosed with end-stage TMJ pathologic condition,
one might consider a combination of orthognathic
surgery and alloplastic joint reconstruction (Fig. 7).
For unilateral TMJ pathologic condition, one would
consider a Le Fort I osteotomy combined with a
mandibular unilateral sagittal split and total joint
reconstruction on the contralateral side. For bilat-
eral TMJ pathologic condition, one would consider
a Le Fort I osteotomy combined with a bilateral to-
tal joint reconstruction.
TMJ reconstruction and mandibular advance-
ment with custom alloplastic total joint prostheses
in conjunction with maxillary osteotomies, for
counterclockwise rotation of the maxillomandibu-
lar complex, has been shown to be a stable proce-
dure.37 However, the surgery requires meticulous
planning to restore form and function to the pa-
tient. The difficulty of the surgery arises from the
fact that the joint prosthesis must be manufac-
Fig. 5. Sagittal split osteotomy using miniplate fixa- tured to correspond with the planned new position
tion for mandibular advancement. of the maxilla and mandible. Any inaccuracy may
8 Nale

Fig. 6. (A, B) Total joint reconstruction used to correct an open-bite malocclusion after surgical relapse following
orthognathic surgery. This patient had developed chronic pain and limited mouth opening before joint

result in a persistent malocclusion and compro- the imaging process ultimately distorts the image
mised facial esthetics. quality of the occlusal surfaces of the teeth. The
Traditionally, planning begins with cephalometric other reason is that metallic restorations cause
analysis to predict the final position of the maxillary scattering of the image. This scattering is then
incisors; this likely requires a counterclockwise transferred to the stereolithographic model.
rotation of the maxillomandibular complex. Jaw Regardless of the cause, the surgeon may find it
relation records are taken and transferred to stone difficult to seat the intermediate splint onto the
models. Model surgery based off of the cephalo- model because of these inaccuracies. If the upper
metric analysis is then performed to produce an and lower teeth are not placed into the exact rela-
intermediate and final splint. Also, a 2-piece stereo- tionship relative to the stone model, the joints will
lithographic model of the patient’s skull is fabri- be fabricated based off of an inaccurate mandib-
cated from a preoperative CT scan. Bilateral ular position. This inaccuracy would then be
condylectomies or a condylectomy and sagittal transferred to the patient’s final occlusion.
split osteotomy are performed on the model
(Fig. 8). Once completed, the intermediate splint VIRTUAL SURGICAL PLANNING
is used to establish the new position of the
mandible (Fig. 9). The stereolithographic model is Recently, there has been a paradigm shift in or-
then sent to TMJ Concepts (Ventura, CA, USA) for thognathic surgery planning. To minimize the inac-
a wax-up and ultimately, final production of the curacies associated with traditional planning
patient-specific joint prosthesis. With this method, methods, it is becoming more common for sur-
the joints are placed first during surgery and the final geons to plan surgeries virtually using computer-
position of the maxilla is established off of the new aided surgical simulation (CASS). Gelesko and
position of the mandible. colleagues38 described CASS as a method that
During the planning phase of treatment, there generally consists of 4 phases:
are many steps in which inaccuracies may occur. 1. Data acquisition phase: clinical examination
Errors with impressions, bite registration, and with bite registrations and anthropometric mea-
face-bow transfer would result in inaccurate surements; radiographic examination/CT scan
mounted stone models. Of course this would 2. Planning phase: importation of 3D CT data into
then perpetuate into an intermediate splint that proprietary planning software
places the mandible into a position other than 3. Surgical phase: translation of the virtual surgi-
that which is planned. Another step that may cal plan to patients using stereolithographic
introduce error during planning is when the inter- models, cutting guide stents, occlusal splints,
mediate occlusion is established on the stereoli- or intraoperative navigation
thographic model. It is very common for these 4. Assessment phase: evaluation of the accuracy
models to have gross inaccuracies in tooth anat- of virtual surgical plan transfer using intraoper-
omy (Fig. 10). There are 2 reasons for this. The ative or postoperative CT imaging
first is that patients typically have their images
taken in the CT scanner with their mouths closed. It has been demonstrated that the CASS proto-
Having their upper and lower teeth touch during col39 is not only feasible40,41 but also can
Orthognathic Surgery and the TMJ Patient 9

Fig. 7. (A–D) This patient developed facial asymmetry, chronic pain, and limited mouth opening following an un-
diagnosed condyle fracture as a child. A treatment plan consisting of a left total joint replacement in conjunction
with orthognathic surgery was chosen due to the end-staged nature of the left joint.
10 Nale

Fig. 10. The occlusal surfaces of the teeth are grossly

distorted on this stereolithographic model. The distor-
Fig. 8. A 2-piece stereolithographic model depicting a tion may occur as a result of scatter from the CT scan
left-sided unilateral sagittal split performed in or if the patient had their teeth occluded while taking
conjunction with a right-sided total joint replacement the CT scan.
for the correction of a skeletal malocclusion.

accurately and consistently be transferred to the used bite jig. The stone models are then digitized
patient’s maxilla and mandible at the time of sur- with either a laser surface scanner or a CBCT
gery.42–45 Once the final position of the occlusion scanner. Lastly, the final occlusion is established
is established, an intermediate and final splint can on the stone models and then scanned.
be manufactured based on the virtual image. The planning phase begins by uploading the
This technique may also be used to improve the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
accuracy of combined orthognathic and joint data from CT scans or CBCT scans and digital
reconstruction surgery. Planning begins with the models obtained from a laser scanner to a third-
data acquisition phase of the CASS system. Natu- party service provider to facilitate software manip-
ral head position is established with either fiducial ulation and splint fabrication (Medical Modeling
markers placed onto the patient’s face along the Inc, Golden, CO, USA). The software engineers
true vertical and horizontal lines or with the use then integrate the different datasets to create an
of a gyroscope. Next, another fiducial marker is accurate digital image of the patient (Fig. 11).
placed into a bite jig and placed into the patient’s Next, a planning session involves establishing
mouth, which captures an occlusal record. With the final position of the maxilla based off of the
the fiducial markers in place, a CT or CBCT scan desired incisor position relative to the upper lip.
is taken. Stone models of the patient’s occlusion Next, the mandibular position is established using
are then obtained and placed into the previously the predetermined final occlusion. Symmetry of

Fig. 9. The intermediate occlusion is established on

the stereolithographic model using an acrylic splint Fig. 11. Datasets from a CT or CBCT and dental stone
fabricated from dental stone models following tradi- models are integrated to create an accurate digital
tional model surgery. image of the patient’s bony skeleton and teeth.
Orthognathic Surgery and the TMJ Patient 11

Fig. 12. (A) Virtual image of a healed, 1-year-old condyle fracture in a 63-year-old woman. (B) A virtual condy-
lectomy is performed after the engineer has corrected the yaw, pitch, and roll deformities.

the maxilla and mandible are also established by reconstruction CASS from that of traditional or-
correcting deformities of yaw, pitch, and roll. thognathic surgery. The condylectomies are per-
Lastly, virtual condylectomies are performed formed approximately 5 mm below the sigmoid
(Fig. 12). It is this last step that differentiates com- notch, if anatomy allows, to create space for the
bined orthognathic and temporomandibular joint fossa component of the prosthesis.

Fig. 13. (A) Stereolithographic model reflecting a virtual surgical plan. (B) Wax-up of the alloplastic joint pros-
thesis on the stereolithographic model. (C) Virtual cutting guide for the condylectomy. (D) Actual cutting guide
used during surgery.
12 Nale

Once the virtual condylectomy is performed, addressed. Also, understanding that TMD can
Medical Modeling will produce a stereolitho- potentially worsen following orthognathic surgery,
graphic model reflecting the virtual reconstruction it is important to modify the surgical treatment plan
of the maxilla and mandible. It is from this model to minimize the risk of exacerbation of TMJ pain,
that the custom joints will be manufactured. To dysfunction, and condylar resorption.
insure accuracy of the location of the condylec- Lastly, those patients with end-stage TMD and a
tomy, cutting guides may also be fabricated dentofacial deformity may require combined or-
(Fig. 13). The CASS model is also used to generate thognathic surgery and alloplastic TMJ recon-
an intermediate and final interocclusal splint via struction. The success of this surgery greatly
CAD/CAM technology. Movahed and colleagues46 depends on the experience of the surgeon. How-
suggest that for patients undergoing active ortho- ever, the efficiency and accuracy of the procedure
dontics, fabrication of interocclusal splints should can be optimized with the use of virtual surgical
be delayed, in relation to fabrication of the stereo- planning.
lithographic model, until 2 weeks before surgery.
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