Vestibular System: Special Proprioception: Chapter Outline

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Vestibular System: Special


CHAPTER OUTLINE the gravitational field of the earth. This orientation is maintained
Anatomy and Physiology
in the setting of linear or rotatory acceleration or deceleration
or tilting of the animal. The vestibular system is responsible for
Crista Ampullaris
maintaining the position of the eyes, neck, trunk, and limbs
relative to the position or movement of the head at any time.
Vestibulocochlear Nerve: Cranial Nerve VIII, Vestibular
Vestibular Nuclei
Anatomy and Physiology
Spinal Cord RECEPTOR
Cerebellum The receptor for special proprioception—the vestibular system—
develops in conjunction with the receptor for the auditory
Clinical Signs of Vestibular System Disease system (special somatic afferent system). They are derived
Unilateral Peripheral Vestibular Disease from ectoderm but are contained in a mesodermally derived
Abnormal Posture and Vestibular Ataxia structure. Together these receptors are the components of the
Normal Nystagmus inner ear. The ectodermal component arises as a proliferation of
Abnormal Nystagmus ectodermal epithelial cells on the surface of the embryo adjacent
Postrotatory Nystagmus to the developing rhombencephalon. This structure is the otic
Caloric Nystagmus placode, which subsequently invaginates to form an otic pit and
Strabismus otic vesicle (otocyst) that breaks away from its attachment to the
Postural Reactions surface ectoderm. This saccular structure undergoes extensive
Bilateral Peripheral Vestibular System Disease modification of its shape but always retains its fluid-­ filled
Central Vestibular System Disease lumen and surrounding thin epithelial wall as it becomes the
Paradoxical (Central) Vestibular System Disease membranous labyrinth of the inner ear. Special modifications
Vestibular System Diseases of its epithelial surface at predetermined sites form the receptor
Dogs organs for the vestibular and auditory systems.
CASE 12.1 Corresponding developmental modifications occur in
CASE 12.2 the surrounding paraxial mesoderm to provide a supporting
CASE 12.3 capsule for the membranous labyrinth. This fluid-­filled ossified
CASE 12.4 structure is the bony labyrinth contained within the developing
CASE 12.5 petrous portion of the temporal bone.
CASE 12.6 These membranous and bony labyrinths are formed
CASE 12.7 adjacent to the first and second branchial arches and their
Cats corresponding first pharyngeal pouch and first branchial
CASE 12.8 groove. The first branchial groove gives rise to the external ear
CASE 12.9 canal. The first pharyngeal pouch forms the auditory tube and
CASE 12.10 the mucosa of the middle ear cavity. The intervening tissue
CASE 12.11 forms the tympanum. The ear ossicles are derived from the
Horses neural crest of branchial arches 1 (malleus and incus) and 2
CASE 12.12 (stapes). These ossicles become components of the middle ear
CASE 12.13 associated laterally with the tympanum (malleus) and medially
Farm Animals with the vestibular window of the bony labyrinth of the inner
CASE 12.14 ear (stapes).
CASE 12.15 Anatomically, the bony labyrinth in the petrous part of the
CASE 12.16 temporal bone consists of three continuous fluid-­filled portions
Congenital Nystagmus (Figs. 12.1 and 12.2). These areas are the large vestibule and the
three semicircular canals and the cochlea, which arise from the
vestibule. Dilation in one end of each of the bony semicircular
The vestibular system is the primary sensory system that canals is the ampulla. All three continuous bony components
maintains the animal’s balance, its normal orientation relative to contain perilymph, a fluid similar to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF),
346 de Lahunta’s Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology

Bony labyrinth
Mesodermal • Semicircular canals Vestibule with Cochlea with
Perilymph with ampullae window window

Membranous labyrinth
Ectodermal • Semicircular ducts Utriculus Cochlear duct
Endolymph with ampullae Saccule

Receptor organ
Epithelial cells • Crista ampullaris Macula Spiral organ
Hair cells
Supporting cells
Vestibular nerve (SP) Cochlear nerve (SSA)
Vestibular ganglion Spiral ganglion
Vestibulocochlear nerve
Cranial nerve VIII

Fig. 12.1  Components of the inner ear. SP, Special proprioception; SSA, special somatic afferent.

Schematic anatomy of
the vestibular system
Petrous F N F
temporal VN
bone V
External UMN
ear canal UMN

To facial Tympanic
muscles bulla Auditory tube Vestibulospinal tract

III Extraocular
muscles Spinal

Flexor muscles + −
Extensor muscles Extensor muscles

Fig. 12.2  Schematic anatomy of the vestibular system. III, Oculomotor nucleus; IV, trochlear nucleus; VI, abducent nucleus; VII, facial nucleus; C,
cranial nerve VIII, cochlear portion; V, cranial nerve VIII, vestibular portion; F, flocculus; FN, fastigial nucleus; MLF, medial longitudinal fasciculus; N,
nodulus; S, saccule; SN, sympathetic neurons; U, utricle; UMN, upper motor neuron; VN, vestibular nucleus.

from which it may be derived. In the bony labyrinth are two bony cochlea. The endolymph contained within the membranous
openings: the vestibular and cochlear windows, which are labyrinth is believed to be derived from the blood vessels along one
named according to the components of the bony labyrinth in wall of the cochlear duct and is absorbed back into blood through
which they are located. Each opening is covered by a membrane, the blood vessels surrounding the endolymphatic sac. The three
and the stapes is inserted in the membrane that covers the semicircular ducts are the anterior (vertical), posterior (vertical),
vestibular window. and lateral (horizontal). Each semicircular duct is oriented at
The ectodermally derived membranous labyrinth consists of four right angles to the others. Thus rotation of the head around any
fluid-­filled compartments, all of which communicate (Fig. 12.3; see plane causes endolymph to flow within one or more of the ducts.
also Figs. 12.1 and 12.2). These compartments are contained within Each semicircular duct connects at both ends with the utriculus,
the components of the bony labyrinth and include the saccule and which in turn connects with the saccule by way of the intervening
utriculus within the bony vestibule, the three semicircular ducts endolymphatic duct and sac. The saccule connects with the cochlea
within the bony semicircular canals, and a cochlear duct within the duct by the small ductus reuniens.
12  Vestibular System: Special Proprioception 347

Membranous labyrinth—vestibular receptors

Semicircular ducts

Semicircular canals and ducts

A a
5 receptors:
Crista ampullaris
3 cristae ampullares
p P
Vestibular ganglion
Vestibular portion of
cranial nerve VIII to
cerebellomedullary angle

2 maculae:
Macula utriculi
Macula sacculi Endolymphatic duct and sac


Cochlear duct

Crista ampullaris

Cupula Statoconia

Fig. 12.3  Special proprioception: vestibular system. Membranous labyrinth—vestibular receptors. A, a, anterior, vertical plane; L, lateral, horizontal
plane; P, p, posterior, vertical plane.

Crista Ampullaris At one end of each semicircular duct is one membranous

At one end of each membranous semicircular duct is a dilation ampulla with its crista ampullaris. Because the three semicircular
called the ampulla. On one side of the membranous ampulla, a ducts are all at right angles to each other, movement of the head
proliferation of connective tissue forms a transverse ridge called in any plane or angular rotation affects a crista ampullaris and
the crista (see Figs. 12.1 through 12.3). It is lined on its internal stimulates vestibular neurons. These cristae function in dynamic
surface by columnar neuroepithelial cells. On the surface of the equilibrium.
crista is a gelatinous structure that is composed of a protein-­ The vestibular neurons are tonically active, and their activity
polysaccharide material called the cupula, which extends across is excited or inhibited by deflection of the cupula in different
the lumen of the ampulla. This neuroepithelium is composed of directions. Each semicircular duct on one side is paired with
two basic cell types: hair cells and supporting cells. The neurons a semicircular duct on the opposite side by their common
of the vestibulocochlear nerve are derived from otic placode position in a parallel plane. These synergistic pairs are the left
ectoderm. The dendritic zones of the neurons of the vestibular and right lateral ducts, the left anterior and right posterior ducts,
portion of the vestibulocochlear nerve are in synaptic contact with and the left posterior and right anterior ducts. When movement
the base of the hair cells. These hair cells have on their luminal in the direction of one of these three planes stimulates the
surface 40 to 80 hairs, or modified microvilli (stereocilia), and a vestibular neurons of the crista of one duct, they are inhibited in
single modified cilium (kinocilium). These structures project into the opposite duct of the synergistic pair. For example, rotation
the overlying cupula. Movement of fluid in the semicircular ducts of the head to the right causes the endolymph to flow in the
causes deflection of the cupula, which is oriented transversely to right lateral duct such that the cupula is deflected toward the
the direction of flow of the endolymph. This deflection bends utriculus and the cupula of the left lateral duct is deflected
the stereocilia, which is the source of the stimulus by way of the away from the utriculus. This action causes increased activity
hair cells to the dendritic zone of the vestibular neuron that is in of vestibular neurons on the right side and decreased activity
synaptic relationship with the plasmalemma of the hair cell. on the left side, resulting in a jerk nystagmus to the right side,
348 de Lahunta’s Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology

which is an involuntary rhythmic oscillation of the eyes. The
anatomic orientation of the stereocilia relative to the kinocilium On either side of the dorsal part of the pons and medulla adjacent
on the surface of the crista is responsible for the difference to the lateral wall of the fourth ventricle are four vestibular
in activity relative to the direction of the cupula deflection. nuclei (Fig. 12.4; see also Fig. 12.2). From the level of the rostral
Deviation of the stereocilia toward the kinocilium increases and middle cerebellar peduncles, they extend caudally to the
vestibular neuron activity. These receptors are not affected by level of the lateral cuneate nucleus in the lateral wall of the
a constant velocity of movement but respond to acceleration or caudal portion of the fourth ventricle. The four nuclei are the
deceleration, especially when the head is rotated.  rostral, medial, lateral, and caudal vestibular nuclei. They form
a continuous column on each side of the pons and medulla. The
Macula rostral vestibular nucleus is located medial to the rostral and
The macula is the receptor found in each utriculus and saccule, middle cerebellar peduncles, dorsal to the motor nucleus of the
which are located in the bony vestibule. The macula is on one trigeminal nerve in the pons. The medial and lateral vestibular
surface of each of these saclike structures (see Figs. 12.1 through nuclei are located ventromedial to the confluence of the three
12.3). Each macula is an oval-­ shaped plaque in which the cerebellar peduncles with the cerebellum (see Fig. 12.2 and Plates
membranous labyrinth has proliferated. The surface of the macula 11 and 12 in Chapter 2). They are dorsal to the ventrolateral
consists of columnar epithelial cells. This neuroepithelium projection of the axons of facial neurons. The medial nucleus
is composed of hair cells and supporting cells. Covering the continues caudally adjacent to the caudal vestibular nucleus in
neuroepithelium is a gelatinous material, the statoconiorum the dorsal medulla to the level of the lateral cuneate nucleus
(otolithic) membrane. On the surface of this membrane are (see Plate 13 in Chapter 2). The lateral vestibular nucleus is
calcareous crystalline bodies known as statoconia (otoliths). only located at the level of the confluent cerebellar peduncles.
Similar to the hair cells of the cristae, the macular hair cells The caudal vestibular nucleus is caudal to the lateral vestibular
have projections of their luminal cell membranes—stereocilia nucleus and continues caudally to the level of the lateral cuneate
and kinocilia—into the overlying membrana statoconiorum. nucleus. The caudal cerebellar peduncle is dorsolateral to the
Movement of the statoconia away from these cells is the initiating caudal vestibular nucleus. The spinal tract of the trigeminal
factor in bending the stereocilia to stimulate an impulse in the nerve and its nucleus are ventrolateral to the caudal vestibular
dendritic zones of the vestibular neurons that are in synaptic nucleus in the medulla. These vestibular nuclei receive afferents
relationship with the base of the hair cells. The macula in the from the vestibular division of the vestibulocochlear nerve.
saccule is oriented vertically (sagittal plane), whereas the macula From the vestibular nuclei are numerous projections, which
of the utriculus is oriented horizontally (dorsal plane). Thus may be grouped into spinal cord, brainstem, and cerebellar
gravitational forces continually affect the position of the statoconia pathways (see Fig. 12.4).
relative to the hair cells. These structures are responsible for the
sensation of the static position of the head and linear acceleration Spinal Cord
or deceleration. They function in static equilibrium. The macula The lateral vestibulospinal tract courses caudally in the
of the utriculus may be more important as a receptor for sensing ipsilateral ventral funiculus through the entire spinal cord.
changes in head posture, whereas the macula of the saccule may Its axons terminate in all of the spinal cord segments on
be more sensitive to vibrational stimuli and loud sounds.  interneurons in the ventral gray columns. These interneurons
are facilitatory to ipsilateral alpha and gamma motor neurons
VESTIBULOCOCHLEAR NERVE: CRANIAL NERVE to extensor muscles, inhibitory to the ipsilateral alpha motor
VIII, VESTIBULAR DIVISION neurons to flexor muscles, and some interneurons cross to
the opposite ventral gray column, where they are inhibitory
The dendritic zones of the vestibular portion of cranial nerve to the contralateral alpha and gamma motor neurons to
VIII are in a synaptic relationship with the hair cells of each extensor muscles (see Fig. 12.2). Thus the effect of stimulation
crista ampullaris and the macula utriculi and macula sacculi. The of the neuronal cell bodies, the axons of which are in the
axons course through the internal acoustic meatus with those vestibulospinal tract, is an ipsilateral extensor tonus and
of the cochlear division of this nerve. The cell bodies of these contralateral inhibition of this mechanism. The cell bodies
bipolar-­type sensory neurons are inserted along the course of the of most of the axons in the lateral vestibulospinal tract are
axons within the petrous portion of the temporal bone, where located in the lateral vestibular nucleus.
they form the vestibular ganglion (see Fig. 12.3). After leaving The medial vestibulospinal tract arises from cell bodies in
the internal acoustic meatus with the cochlear division of the the rostral, medial, and caudal vestibular nuclei and passes
vestibulocochlear nerve, the vestibular nerve axons pass to the caudally in the ipsilateral ventral funiculus of the cervical and
lateral surface of the rostral medulla at the cerebellomedullary cranial thoracic spinal cord segments.52 These axons terminate
angle, which occurs at the level of the trapezoid body and the on interneurons in the ventral gray columns, which influence
attachment of the caudal cerebellar peduncle to the cerebellum. the activation of the alpha and gamma motor neurons that
The vestibular nerve axons enter the medulla between the innervate neck muscles primarily. In addition, the medial
caudal cerebellar peduncle and the spinal tract of the trigeminal vestibular nucleus projects axons into the medial longitudinal
nerve and terminate in telodendria at one of two sites. Most of fasciculus, which courses caudally in the dorsal portion of the
them terminate in the vestibular nuclei in the medulla and pons. ventral funiculus through the cervical and cranial thoracic
A few course directly into the cerebellum by way of the caudal spinal cord segments.37,38
peduncle and terminate in the fastigial nucleus in the cerebellar Through these spinal cord pathways, the position and
medulla and the cortex of the flocculonodular lobe. These latter activity of the limbs, neck, and trunk can be coordinated with
axons form the direct vestibulocerebellar tract.  movements of the head. 
12  Vestibular System: Special Proprioception 349




A Rostral Middle
cerebellar cerebellar
peduncle peduncle
B C Caudal



Vestibulospinal tract
mostly ipsilateral to
entire spinal cord

Medial longitudinal
fasciculus (MLF)
mostly ipsilateral
to midthoracic level

Cervical spinal
cord MLF
Fig. 12.4  Vestibular nuclei and tracts. A, Rostral vestibular nucleus; B, medial vestibular nucleus; C, lateral vestibular nucleus; D, caudal vestibular
nucleus; CN, cranial nerve.

Brainstem 3. We are all readily aware of any loss of our balance. Bal-
Neuronal cell bodies in the vestibular nuclei have three general ance requires a pathway for conscious perception that
terminations in the brainstem: involves a relay through a thalamic nucleus. This path-
1. Axons course rostrally in the medial longitudinal fascic- way is not well defined for the vestibular system. It may
ulus to terminate in the motor nuclei of cranial nerves be closely associated with the conscious pathway for the
VI, IV, and III. Their purpose is to provide coordinated auditory system. Axons of neuronal cell bodies in ves-
conjugate eye movements associated with changes in the tibular nuclei course rostrally through the midbrain to
position of the head. In most normal animals, this eye terminate in the contralateral medial geniculate nucleus
movement may be readily elicited by repeatedly mov- of the thalamus or some other thalamic nucleus. Syn-
ing the animal’s head from one side to the other and ob- apse occurs here, and the axons of the cell bodies in that
serving the jerk nystagmus that is produced. When the thalamic nucleus project by way of the internal capsule
brainstem is severely contused by a head injury, these to the cerebral cortex, probably the cortex in the tempo-
pathways may be disrupted, and eyeball movements ral lobe. Interference with this conscious pathway would
cannot be elicited by changing the head position. This explain the occasional observation of clinical signs of a
clinical sign usually indicates a poor prognosis because vestibular system dysfunction after the occurrence of an
of the severity of the associated lesion needed to abolish acute prosencephalic lesion, such as an ischemic (stroke)
this reflex. lesion or trauma. 
2. Axons project into the reticular formation. Some of these
axons provide afferents to the vomiting center located Cerebellum
there. This pathway is involved in motion sickness. Any- Axons of neuronal cell bodies in the vestibular nuclei, in addition
one who has suffered from seasickness is well aware of the to some in the vestibular ganglia, project to the cerebellum
effects of these pathways. through the caudal cerebellar peduncle and terminate mostly
350 de Lahunta’s Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology

in the cortex of the flocculus of the hemisphere and the nodulus head tilt may vary from just a few degrees that may be difficult to
of the vermis (the flocculonodular lobe). These axons have recognize to nearly 90 degrees with the patient having difficulty
collaterals that synapse in the fastigial nucleus, which is the standing up. To recognize the mild head tilt, the patient’s head
most medial of the three nuclei in the cerebellar medulla (see must be observed from the patient’s front and with the examiner’s
Plates 12 and 13 in Chapter 2). head level to the head of the patient. The neck and trunk will lean,
Through these pathways the vestibular system functions to fall, or even roll toward the side of the lesion. The neck and trunk
coordinate the position of the eyes, neck, trunk, and limbs with may be flexed laterally with the concavity directed toward the side
the position and movements of the head. The system maintains of the lesion. The patient may tend to circle toward the affected
equilibrium during active and passive movement and when the side. These circles are usually small-­diameter circles, which will
head is at rest. Interference with the system results in varying appear as though the patient is falling in that direction. Animals
degrees of loss of balance and abnormal head position.  that propulsively circle from prosencephalic lesions have no ataxia
or other signs of vestibular system dysfunction and usually walk in
Clinical Signs of Vestibular System wider circles. However the diameter that the patient circles varies
widely with both vestibular and prosencephalic dysfunction.
Disease Therefore, the diameter of the circles should not be used exclusively
Vestibular system disease produces varying degrees of loss of to differentiate these two anatomic localizations. Be aware that cats
equilibrium, causing imbalance and a unique quality of ataxia with vestibular system disease often adopt a crouched stance. This
that is designated vestibular ataxia as opposed to general should not be misinterpreted as paresis. When picked up, cats often
proprioceptive ataxia or cerebellar ataxia. Clinical neurologists try to reach out and grab and claw at the ground or the individual
think about and describe disorders of the vestibular system as who picked them up. Occasionally, it may be possible to elicit mild
peripheral or central. Only minor differences exist in the clinical hypertonia in the limbs on the side of the body opposite to the side
signs of vestibular system dysfunction between lesions of this of the vestibular system lesion. This is best appreciated when the
system in the petrous portion of the temporal bone (peripheral) patient’s position is altered by being picked up or moved from one
or the vestibular nuclei on one side of the medulla or the recumbent position to another. The asymmetry of the ataxia may
vestibular components of the cerebellum (central). Determining be explained by the loss of tonic activity in the vestibulospinal tract
whether the vestibular system signs reflect a dysfunction of on the side of the lesion, which removes facilitation of ipsilateral
the peripheral or central components of the vestibular system extensor muscles and a source of inhibition of contralateral
depends more on recognition of clinical signs caused by the extensor muscles. The unopposed activity of the contralateral
dysfunction of other systems located in the brainstem or vestibulospinal tract causes the neck and trunk to be forced toward
cerebellum. As a rule the most common diseases that affect the the side of the lesion by excessive unopposed extensor muscle
peripheral components of the vestibular system are less serious tonus. The entire body will lean, fall, or roll toward the side of
than those that affect the central components. The clinical signs the lesion. With peripheral vestibular system disorders, rolling is
of vestibular system dysfunction are described as they would usually limited to the first 24 to 48 hours after a peracute onset
occur with a complete disruption of the vestibular receptors or of clinical signs. If the rolling persists longer than that, the lesion
vestibular nerve in the petrous portion of the temporal bone. more likely involves the central components of the vestibular
These signs are the clinical signs of peripheral vestibular disease. system. Frequently the patient falls when it shakes its head. With
only the vestibular system affected, these patients make very rapid
and short limb movements in their attempt to maintain balance.
When you evaluate a patient with vestibular system dysfunction,
Unilateral disease of the peripheral components of the vestibular you should ask yourself if this patient knows where its limbs are
system is characterized by an asymmetric ataxia with loss of in space. The answer will certainly be “yes” if only the peripheral
balance but with preservation of strength.9 No loss of general vestibular system is affected. Patients with vestibular ataxia use
proprioception occurs in peripheral vestibular system disease. their eyes to help maintain balance. Therefore, blindfolding
Therefore these patients know exactly where their limbs are in space these patients usually makes their vestibular ataxia worse. This
and no paresis is present; thus they can support weight well (normal tactic is most helpful when it is unknown whether the vestibular
lower motor neuron [LMN] activity) and move their limbs rapidly system is involved in the patient’s clinical signs. Be cautious when
(normal upper motor neuron [UMN] and general proprioception performing this test with large animals so that they do not fall and
[GP] activity) to avoid falling as a result of balance loss. The clinical injure themselves or the observers. For horses and cattle, use a
signs are noted while observing the patient’s posture and gait and folded towel slipped under the halter that can be readily removed
examining the patient’s posture and eye movement. by pulling on one edge. Never tie the blindfold onto the halter. Cats
often carry their tails elevated straight dorsally when they have a
Abnormal Posture and Vestibular Ataxia significant balance loss. In dogs the tail is also carried abnormally
Normally a constant flow of neuronal impulses occurs from the and often makes jerky movements toward the affected side. 
receptors in the inner ear to the vestibular system components
in the pons, medulla, and cerebellum. When a disorder Normal Nystagmus
interrupts that neuronal activity, the central components of the Nystagmus is an involuntary rhythmic oscillation of the eyes.
vestibular system lose this source of activation, which results in Oscillating eye movements that move with equal speed in each
the characteristic clinical signs related to a peripheral vestibular direction indicate a pendular nystagmus, which is uncommon,
system disorder. These clinical signs are discussed below. usually benign, and associated with congenital visual system
Loss of coordination between the head and the neck, trunk, and pathway abnormalities. (See congenital nystagmus and Figs.
limbs is reflected in a head tilt, with the more ventral ear directed 12.33 to 12.36 in this chapter.) Eye movements that are unequal
toward the side of the vestibular system disorder. The degree of in speed, with a slow movement (slow phase) in one direction
12  Vestibular System: Special Proprioception 351

and a fast return (quick phase) of the eye to its starting position direction of a rotatory nystagmus, observe the direction that the
indicate a jerk nystagmus, which may be normal or abnormal and 12-­o’clock position of the pupil moves during the quick phase.
reflect a dysfunction in the vestibular system. The direction of The direction of the fast phase does not change when the position
the nystagmus, by convention, is ascribed to the direction of the of the head is changed. Occasionally an abnormal positional
quick or fast phase of the jerk nystagmus. Both eyes are usually nystagmus may appear vertical, especially when the patient is
affected and usually in the same direction. This jerk nystagmus in dorsal recumbency. Previous theories suggested that vertical
is a normal response to any rapid movement of the head. Stand nystagmus only occurred with disorders of the central vestibular
over any normal dog and watch its eyes while moving the head system, but we now believe this idea may be incorrect and
in a horizontal-­dorsal plane from side to side; this will cause a oversimplified. Some patients with disorders of the peripheral
horizontal jerk nystagmus. When moving the animal’s head to the vestibular system have almost a vertical nystagmus, but careful
right, both eyes will repeatedly jerk quickly to the right with a slow examination usually reveals a slight rotatory component. We
return to the left. When moving its head to the left, the opposite therefore no longer use vertical nystagmus alone to distinguish
will happen: both eyes will repeatedly jerk quickly to the left peripheral from central vestibular system disease. With disorders
and slowly return to the right. This procedure is termed normal of the central components of the vestibular system, the nystagmus
vestibular or physiologic nystagmus. Some textbooks refer to this may be horizontal, rotatory, or vertical. It may be directed toward
response as vestibular ocular nystagmus, or doll’s eye response. It or away from the side of the lesion, and it may change in direction
evaluates not only the vestibular system, which is the sensory arm with the head held in different positions. Thus the presence of
of this response, but also the medial longitudinal fasciculus in the nystagmus that is directed toward the side of the lesion or head
brainstem and the abducent nerve innervation of the lateral rectus tilt or that changes direction with changes in the position of the
muscle that abducts the eye and the oculomotor nerve innervation head are the only reliable features of the abnormal nystagmus
of the medial rectus muscle that adducts the eye. If the animal’s that indicate a central involvement of the vestibular system. Many
neck is flexed and extended so that the head moves up and down, patients with central vestibular system disease have abnormal
the same eye movements will occur in a vertical direction. This nystagmus that is horizontal or rotatory and is directed to the side
event is a vertical jerk nystagmus. The quick phase of the nystagmus opposite to the side of the lesion and does not change its direction
is always in the direction of the head movement. This response with changes in head position. Therefore, to determine a disorder
is a normal reflex in which the slow component is initiated by of the central vestibular system, clinical signs of the central
way of the vestibular receptors in the membranous labyrinth and lesion that involve other neurologic systems must be identified,
the quick component involves a brainstem center related to the especially the UMN and GP systems. Resting nystagmus is more
vestibular system. This reflex is important in maintaining visual common in acute disorders of the peripheral components of
fixation on stationary points as the body rotates.  the vestibular system, and the rate of either resting or positional
nystagmus tends to be more rapid than when the disorder is in the
Abnormal Nystagmus central components of the vestibular system. Some patients with
When the head is held in its normal extended (neutral) position severe resting nystagmus exhibit a slight head rotation that occurs
or held flexed laterally to either side or held fully extended at simultaneously with the nystagmus, corresponding to its rate and
rest, no nystagmus occurs in the normal animal. It typically direction. Likewise, we have seen abnormal head movements in
occurs only when the animal’s head is moved. With dysfunction animals with a prior history of blindness, typically from severe
of the vestibular system, a jerk nystagmus may be observed. ocular disease, that acutely develop vestibular dysfunction. In
If it is observed when the head is held in its normal extended some instances, the animals have had both eyes enucleated. In
(neutral) position, it is called resting or spontaneous nystagmus. these cases, instead of abnormal nystagmus, the patient’s head
If it is induced only by holding the head fixed in lateral flexion, moves from side to side. As with abnormal nystagmus, the head
full extension, or with the patient in dorsal recumbency with moves slowly toward one side and then more rapidly turns back.
the head extended, it is called positional nystagmus. These This head movement is commonly seen in visual birds and rabbits
events are both forms of abnormal nystagmus. If a vestibular with vestibular disturbances.
system disorder is suspected, it may be useful to look for A simultaneous eyelid movement may be seen concomitant
positional nystagmus when placing the patient on its back with with the nystagmus that presumably is a reflex action. We
its neck extended. Remember that it is normal for nystagmus presume that this occurs because of a direct pathway from the
to occur only when moving the animal’s head, not when the vestibular nuclei to the facial nuclei, as shown in Fig. 12.2. The
head is stationary. How is this abnormal nystagmus explained? movement of the superior eyelid is likely through the action of
Consider the existence of a continual bilateral stimulation of the levator anguli oculi medialis muscle (Fig. 12.5).
peripheral vestibular neurons that constantly project to the Normal nystagmus requires normal function of the
medulla the position or movement of the head; this provides vestibular system components, normal medial longitudinal
a balanced tonic stimulation of the vestibular nuclei on each fasciculus bilaterally, and normal general somatic efferent
side and from there to the nuclei that innervate the extraocular (GSE) neurons in the motor nuclei of the abducent, trochlear,
muscles. Any interruption of this balanced tonic stimulation and oculomotor nerves. Abnormal nystagmus indicates
might result in an alteration at the nuclei of the neurons that a disruption in the normal bilateral balance of sensory
innervate extraocular muscles that results in nystagmus. With information from the peripheral vestibular receptor and the
peripheral vestibular diseases, the imbalance represents a loss of activity of the central components of the vestibular system.
tonic stimulation of the vestibular nuclei from the affected side. Neither normal nor abnormal nystagmus may occur with
In disorders of the peripheral vestibular system, the abnormal bilateral loss of function in the peripheral vestibular system,
resting or positional nystagmus is directed in a horizontal-­ its central components, the medial longitudinal fasciculus,
dorsal plane or is rotatory but is always directed (quick phase) or the GSE motor nuclei of the abducent, trochlear, and
away from the side of the lesion or head tilt. To determine the oculomotor nerves. Bilateral loss of peripheral vestibular
352 de Lahunta’s Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology




Scutiform cartilage



Interscutularis Frontoscutularis

Retractor anguli oculi

Orbicularis oculi
Buccinator Levator anguli oculi
Levator nasolabialis
Levator labii

Fig. 12.5  Dorsal view of the deep muscles of the head and ear. The levator anguli oculi medialis is responsible for the abnormal movement of the
eyelid in some patients with a vestibular disturbance. (From Hermanson JW, Evans HE, de Lahunta A. Miller and Evans’ Anatomy of the Dog. 5th ed.
St. Louis: Elsevier; 2020.)

function is the most common cause of the complete absence of a rule, when the patient is rotated in a direction opposite to the side
any normal nystagmus and a lack of abnormal nystagmus. In of a peripheral receptor lesion, postrotatory nystagmus is depressed.
our experience, bilateral loss of peripheral vestibular function This postrotatory test stimulates both labyrinths. However, the
is seen most commonly with bilateral otitis interna or bilateral labyrinth on the outside of the rotation, on the side of the head
idiopathic dysfunction.  opposite to the direction of rotation, is stimulated more because
it is farther away from the axis of rotation, which may explain the
Postrotatory Nystagmus abnormal postrotatory nystagmus that is observed with unilateral
If an animal is rotated rapidly, with acceleration, the labyrinth peripheral vestibular disease. On rotating the patient away from
moves around the endolymph, which deflects the cupula of the side of the lesion, the diseased labyrinth is farthest from the axis
the crista ampullaris, stimulating the vestibular nerve and thus of rotation. It cannot be stimulated properly because of the lesion,
eliciting eye movements. The quick phase is in the direction of the and a depressed postrotatory response may be observed.
rotation, but this aspect cannot be seen as the animal is moving. This test can be performed only on patients that are small
In time the rotation of the endolymph reaches the same speed enough to be picked up and held with the elbows extended. It
of rotation of the labyrinth. At this constant velocity, the cupulae requires two people: the holder and the examiner. The holder
are no longer deflected. Thus no rotatory stimulus reaches the directs the head of the patient away from his or her body and
vestibular nerve, and nystagmus does not occur. When the rotation spins in a circle as rapidly as possible for six to seven rotations
is suddenly stopped, a disparity once again occurs in the rotation and stops suddenly. The examiner immediately grasps the head
of the labyrinth and the endolymph. The labyrinth is stationary, of the patient and observes the eyes for nystagmus. The eyes of
and the endolymph continues to flow for a short interval during the holder will show the same postrotatory response. Some large
which it deflects the cupulae. Vestibular neurons are stimulated, dogs may be secured in a rotating desk chair and the chair spun.
and nystagmus occurs. However, the direction of flow is opposite In most small animals, this postrotatory response can be readily
to that which occurred during acceleration, and the quick phase elicited. We perform this test only when the clinical signs of a
of the nystagmus is directed opposite to the direction of the peripheral vestibular disorder are subtle and a need exists for
rotation. The speed and duration of this postrotatory nystagmus more supportive information or in a patient that is suspected
are variable but should be approximately equal when the response of having a bilateral peripheral vestibular system disorder in
to rotation is compared for both directions. which no normal nystagmus will occur; it is not reliable for
Vestibular system disease is suspected when a different response determining the side of the lesion. Additionally, no difference
is elicited to spinning in one direction compared with the other. As exists in the number of beats of postrotatory nystagmus in
12  Vestibular System: Special Proprioception 353

patients with peripheral vestibular signs compared with central side of the lesion may be exaggerated. In the worst situation,
vestibular signs.  the patient may continually roll in that direction. The ability
to perform these postural reactions (except for righting) is
Caloric Nystagmus critical to determining whether the vestibular system disorder
The vestibular receptors of each inner ear may be tested involves the peripheral or central components. The hopping
separately by using the caloric test. Irrigation of the external ear responses need to be repeated many times to be sure that they
canal with ice-­cold water or warm water for 3 to 5 minutes causes are normal in a patient with peripheral vestibular disease. In
the endolymph to flow in the semicircular ducts. With cold patients with severe loss of balance, holding them securely
water, this test normally induces a jerk nystagmus to the side to perform these postural reactions may be difficult. With an
opposite the ear being stimulated. If the peripheral receptor on acute onset of severe loss of balance, delaying or repeating
the side being stimulated is nonfunctional because of a disease this part of the neurologic examination after 24 hours may
process, no nystagmus will be observed with this caloric test. be necessary to allow time for the most severe clinical signs
Covering the patient’s eyes may prevent voluntary repression of to abate enough that the patient can be handled for this
the response by fixation on an object in the environment of the examination. The ground surface must not be slippery and
visual field. This test is useful in humans who can be restrained should provide good traction for the patient. Be careful when
in an adjustable chair that will permit not only the testing of picking up these patients because severe disorientation will be
an individual ear but also individual semicircular ducts. Most initiated, and they will thrash their limbs to seek a supporting
animals need considerable physical restraint for this test to be surface. Picking up a cat with this disorder puts the examiner
performed, and as seen in our experience, some normal dogs do in danger of being grasped by the struggling patient.
not exhibit any nystagmus with prolonged irrigation of the ear Vomiting as a continuous event is an uncommon clinical sign
canal with cold water. Thus this caloric testing is both unreliable of vestibular system dysfunction in domestic animals. However,
and not practical in our animal patients, so we avoid it.  in approximately 25% of animals presented with an acute onset
of vestibular system dysfunction, the owners report observing
Strabismus an episode of vomiting at the onset of clinical signs. 
Strabismus is an abnormal position of the eye relative to the orbit
or palpebral fissure that is a clinical sign of loss of innervation BILATERAL PERIPHERAL VESTIBULAR SYSTEM
to the extraocular muscles and was described with the cranial DISEASE
nerves in Chapter 6. Strabismus is visible in all positions of
the head. This is sometimes referred to as a fixed strabismus When the peripheral components of the vestibular system
or an LMN strabismus. In the normal small animal, when the are dysfunctional bilaterally, as in a patient with bilateral
head and neck are extended in the tonic neck reaction, the otitis media-­interna or an idiopathic disorder, no postural
eyes should elevate and remain in the center of the palpebral asymmetry is noted. Balance is lost to both sides, resulting
fissures. With disorders of any component of the vestibular in the patient assuming a crouched posture closer to the
system, this effect may not occur on the side of the lesion, ground surface. They may often walk well but are often slow
resulting in a dropped or ventrally deviated eye that exposes and cautious to avoid falling, especially when they move their
the sclera dorsally. Occasionally a slight ventral or ventrolateral heads suddenly. The most characteristic clinical sign is the
strabismus is observed without head and neck extension but presence of wide head excursions (i.e., the head swings widely
disappears when the head position is changed. This action from side to side). When the patient moves its head to either
mimics an oculomotor nerve strabismus. However, when side to look at objects in its environment, the movement is
moving the animal’s head from side to side to test for normal greater than normal, which gives the appearance that the
physiologic nystagmus, the affected eye will adduct and abduct lateral head excursions cannot be stopped and the movement
well, indicating that cranial nerves III and VI are not impaired. is prolonged. These wide head excursions occur to both sides,
This inconstant abnormal eye position is known as vestibular occur almost continuously as the patient walks, and may
strabismus. You should look for this impairment when holding occasionally be accompanied by a brief staggering movement.
the animal’s head and neck in extension because it may be the Because no functional vestibular receptors or vestibular
only clinical sign observed in mild disorders of the vestibular nerves exist, no stimulus is projected into the brainstem
system. This vestibular strabismus will be on the same side as and to the cranial nerves that move the eyes. Therefore no
the lesion in the vestibular system. normal or abnormal nystagmus can be observed. If the head
It is normal for the eyes of farm animals not to elevate and neck are extended in these patients and the support is
completely when the head and neck are extended; therefore suddenly withdrawn, the head may rapidly descend ventrally
seeing some sclera dorsal to the cornea is expected, but it should beyond the normal neutral position. This action is termed a
be equal on both sides. Horses may exhibit a slight ventral head rebound phenomenon and is a clinical sign of cerebellar
deviation of the eyes when their heads and necks are extended, dysfunction but also may occur with bilateral peripheral
but their size makes this observation difficult.  vestibular dysfunction. 
Postural Reactions
The vestibular system is the only system involved with
movement of the animal that, when deficient, does not We have already indicated that the only clinical signs of
interfere with the performance of the postural reactions. dysfunction of the vestibular system that occur with disorders
Hopping, hemiwalking, placing, and paw or hoof replacement of the central components of the vestibular system and not
are all normal. Only the animal’s ability to right itself from a with peripheral vestibular system disorders are the presence
recumbent position may be altered, and this action toward the of an abnormal nystagmus that changes directions when the
354 de Lahunta’s Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology

position of the head is changed or a horizontal or rotatory disorders of the peripheral components of the vestibular system
nystagmus directed toward the side of the head tilt and or within the vestibular nuclei themselves.
body deviation.28,49 If the nystagmus is absolutely vertical, Experimental studies support our clinical observations
the disorder is most likely in the central components of the and proposed explanation. Ablation of the caudal cerebellar
vestibular system. Be aware that what appears to be vertical peduncle dorsal to the medulla on one side produces a head tilt
may have a slight rotary component, which may occur with and balance loss directed toward the side opposite the lesion
peripheral vestibular system disorders. The most reliable with the nystagmus directed toward the side of the lesion. If the
clinical sign that determines that a lesion exists in the pons vestibular nuclei are included in this lesion, the head tilt and
or medulla affecting the vestibular nuclei is an ipsilateral balance loss will be directed toward the side of the lesion, and the
postural reaction deficit or a recognizable spastic hemiparesis nystagmus will be toward the side opposite to the lesion, similar
and ataxia from involvement of the UMN and GP systems to disorders of the vestibular nerve or its receptors. Similarly,
adjacent to these nuclei in the caudal brainstem. Clinical signs ablation of the flocculus and nodulus within the cerebellum
of cerebellar dysfunction and/or cranial nerve dysfunction produces this paradoxical (central) vestibular syndrome, with
other than the facial or vestibulocochlear nerves implicate a the clinical signs directed toward the side opposite this cerebellar
central or pontomedullary location for the clinical signs of lesion. However, experimental ablation of the fastigial nucleus,
vestibular system dysfunction. Remember that facial paralysis a source of activation of the vestibular nuclei, causes ipsilateral
and Horner syndrome may occur along with clinical signs vestibular system signs.
of vestibular nerve dysfunction with diseases of the middle In clinical practice, the side of this unilateral lesion will
and inner ear in small animals and just facial paralysis in be determined on neurologic examination by the side of the
the horse and farm animals. Lesions that involve solely the postural reaction deficit or the side of the hemiparesis and
vestibular nuclei on one side cause ipsilateral clinical signs ataxia, which is ipsilateral to the lesion. The caudal cerebellar
similar to all the lesions that affect the peripheral components peduncle lesion is contralateral to the direction of the head
of the vestibular system with the patient’s head tilt and loss tilt in paradoxical (central) vestibular syndrome. The caudal
of balance directed toward the side of the lesion. However, a cerebellar peduncle lesion that causes the paradoxical
lesion affecting only the vestibular nuclei without altering the (central) vestibular syndrome also interferes with GP
surrounding structures is unusual. afferents that are entering the cerebellum. Their interruption
causes ipsilateral ataxia and a deficit in postural reactions.
Paradoxical (Central) Vestibular System Disease The lesions that affect the caudal cerebellar peduncle and
Paradoxical (central) vestibular disease is a unique syndrome cause the paradoxical (central) vestibular syndrome are
in which the head tilt and loss of balance are directed toward variable and most commonly include ischemic/infarcts
the side opposite to the central lesion, which usually involves (stroke), neoplasms, and inflammations, in our experience.
the caudal cerebellar peduncle. An explanation for this paradox Most of these lesions, when unilateral, also affect the UMN
in the direction of the clinical signs of vestibular system system to the ipsilateral neck, trunk, and limbs and ipsilateral
dysfunction is based on the rule that the direction of the head GSE LMNs in cranial nerves.
tilt and balance loss is toward the side of the least vestibular In our clinical experience, paradoxical (central) vestibular
system activity. The description of the physiologic anatomy of syndrome is rarely observed in cats but is frequently encountered
the cerebellum in Chapter 13 explains that the Purkinje neurons in dogs. This difference cannot be explained based simply on
that form a single layer of cells in the cerebellar cortex are more dogs being evaluated than cats at our practices or a greater
the only neurons that project their axons from the cerebellar frequency of diseases with a predilection for the cerebellum in
cortex. These neurons are all inhibitory neurons that release γ-­ dogs than in cats. We believe that a likely anatomic explanation
aminobutyric acid at their telodendria. Most of these neurons exists to account for this observation, but its description has yet
terminate via their telodendria on neuronal cell bodies in the to be made despite our best attempts.
cerebellar nuclei, which are located in the central portion of Be aware that clinical signs of vestibular system dysfunction
the cerebellum known as the cerebellar medulla. The neurons in occur if the spinal nerve, dorsal roots, or dorsal gray matter of
these cerebellar nuclei comprise most of the efferent axons that the first three cervical spinal cord segments are interrupted.
leave the cerebellum to terminate in various brainstem nuclei. This dysfunction has been observed in experimental animals
An exception to this rule is a small population of Purkinje in which these roots have been transected or blocked with a
neurons, most of which are located in the cortex of the folia of local anesthetic agent. Presumably, this is caused by the loss of
the flocculus in the hemisphere and the nodulus in the vermis. GP afferents from neuromuscular spindles, which are critical
The Purkinje neurons of these cortical areas have axons that for maintaining normal orientation of the head with the neck.
leave the cerebellum directly as a component of the caudal Spinal cord lesions at this level that interrupt the spinovestibular
cerebellar peduncle. They terminate in the vestibular nuclei, tracts may have the same effect. We have observed temporary
where they are inhibitory to the activation of these neuronal clinical signs of vestibular system dysfunction in three dogs
cell bodies. A lesion in the caudal cerebellar peduncle interferes after resection of extraparenchymal spinal cord tumors at the
with this inhibition, resulting in excessive discharge of vestibular level of the C1 and C2 vertebrae, presumably from surgical
system neurons on that side. The imbalance in vestibular system trauma to these spinal cord segments or possibly the dorsal
activation between the two sides is recognized as a head tilt and roots. These clinical signs resolved in all three dogs within
loss of balance to the side opposite to this lesion because as a rule a 3-­to 5-­day period. It is of interest that some people and
the direction of the head tilt and balance loss is toward the side possibly animals may have either a smaller number of rootlets
with the least activity of the vestibular system. This paradoxical or a complete lack of the dorsal root associated with the first
syndrome is in contrast to lesions that cause a loss of activation cervical spinal cord segment. Whether this has any clinical
of the neuronal cell bodies in the vestibular nuclei, as seen in implications is unknown. 
12  Vestibular System: Special Proprioception 355

Vestibular System Diseases


CASE 12.1  n 

Signalment: 14-­Year-­old male golden retriever, Sonny treatment with diazepam (Valium) or, to a lesser extent, meclizine
Chief Complaint: Inability to stand up (Antivert) may decrease the intensity of the clinical signs. Diazepam
History: The owners were reading at 7:00 pm when they heard a or similar drugs are used in a variety of vestibular system disorders in
thrashing in their bedroom and found Sonny throwing himself around humans. In the past this disorder was incorrectly diagnosed as a stroke,
as he tried unsuccessfully to stand. They wrapped him in a blanket and that is, an ischemic lesion or infarction, which often resulted in the un-
brought him to the hospital, where he was examined and found unable necessary euthanasia of the animal. This practice is inexcusable with
to stand at that time. The video was made 6 hours after the sudden on- the present level of veterinary knowledge. Severe clinical signs of ves-
set of these clinical signs, 5 hours after his hospitalization. tibular system dysfunction often accompany the development of cere-
Examination: See Video 12.1. Note how rapidly this dog moves his bellar ischemic lesions or infarcts (stroke), but the neurologic examina-
limbs to maintain his balance and his normal rapid hopping respons- tion should support the anatomic diagnosis of a cerebellar disorder.20,21
es. The importance of this observation is that UMN paresis and GP In addition, the clinical signs of this predominantly cerebellar disorder
ataxia are absent because these systems are unaffected, and Sonny’s may also resolve spontaneously or at least improve remarkably, similar
difficulty with walking is related to his severe loss of balance. Also to the benign idiopathic peripheral vestibular disease.
note the abnormal spontaneous nystagmus, with the fast phase to the If a dog is presented within a few hours of the peracute onset of the
right. clinical signs of a peripheral vestibular disorder, the patient’s severe dis-
Anatomic Diagnosis: Left peripheral vestibular system (membra- orientation may make performing a complete neurologic examination
nous labyrinth, vestibular receptors, vestibular nerve portion of cra- impossible. Evaluation of the postural reactions is critical to making
nial nerve VIII, vestibular ganglion) the correct anatomic diagnosis. If anatomic diagnosis of the location of
Differential Diagnosis: Benign idiopathic canine peripheral vestibu- the vestibular system disorder depends on the results of postural reac-
lar disease, otitis media-­interna, ototoxicity tion testing, we recommend confining the patient to a cage and reeval-
uating over the next 12 to 24 hours before proceeding with ancillary
Benign Idiopathic Canine Peripheral Vestibular Disease procedures. The key to effectively evaluating severely affected animals
Benign idiopathic canine peripheral vestibular disease is the most is to perform postural reaction tests very slowly to prevent rapid chang-
presumptive clinical diagnosis in this patient based on the peracute es in the patient’s position. Rapid changes in position often precipitate
onset, the age of the dog, and clinical signs limited to the peripheral clinical signs. In some patients, it may only be possible to perform paw
components of the vestibular system predominantly on one side.4,46 replacement early in the course of their disorder. Magnetic resonance
Whether the cochlear nerve or its receptors are also involved is un- imaging (MRI), to date, has been normal in the patients with benign
known, given that unilateral deafness cannot be reliably diagnosed idiopathic peripheral vestibular system disorder. As MRI technology
without the use of electrodiagnostic equipment. Because this disorder improves and we gain more experience, abnormalities may possibly be
is most prevalent in older dogs, it is often termed geriatric canine pe- found, especially if an inflammatory disorder is present.
ripheral vestibular disease. The cause of the disorder is unknown. Mi- Otitis media-­interna is the greatest concern in the differential di-
croscopic study of the inner ear of euthanized patients is uncommon agnosis when the clinical signs are limited to the peripheral compo-
because most dogs recover spontaneously. In addition, the procedure nents of the vestibular system. Facial paralysis and Horner syndrome
is not routine in most autopsy rooms, and the process of decalcifi- often occur with otitis media-­interna in small animals but never oc-
cation of the petrosal portion of the temporal bone that is required cur with the benign idiopathic disorder.4,46 The peracute onset of se-
makes recognition of subtle abnormalities difficult. The rapid recov- vere clinical signs of peripheral vestibular system dysfunction is less
ery suggests that this disease may be a functional disorder, possibly common in otitis media-­interna. Certainly the first diagnostic step
an alteration in the production and absorption of endolymph that in evaluating all patients with peripheral vestibular system disease
causes increased pressure within the membranous labyrinth. This is to do a thorough otoscopic examination. Imaging procedures are
theory has been proposed for the pathogenesis of Meniere disease in the most reliable in supporting the diagnosis of otitis media-­interna.
humans, which is an episodic disorder of the inner ear components. Ototoxicity should be supported by a history of exposure to drugs
Vestibular neuronitis is described in humans to have an acute onset of that affect inner ear function.30,35,53,54 Degeneration of the vestibu-
clinical signs of a peripheral vestibular system dysfunction. Sponta- lar or cochlear labyrinthine receptors or both may occur with high
neous recovery occurs. A herpesvirus-­induced vestibular ganglionitis levels of aminoglycoside antibiotics. These drugs include streptomy-
and an autoimmune inner ear inflammation have also been proposed cin, amikacin, kanamycin, neomycin, gentamicin, and vancomycin.
in humans. Paroxysmal positional vertigo (dizziness) in humans has Streptomycin most often affects the vestibular system receptors in
been related to one or more statoconia that detach from the mem- cats. The other antibiotics more often affect the cochlear receptors,
brana statoconiorum and lodge in one of the semicircular ducts. In but both types of receptors are susceptible to degeneration from any
humans with this disorder, recovery is associated with specific head of these antibiotics. Clinical signs are usually unilateral but bilateral
position adjustments to dislodge the statoconia. Many of the acute clinical signs occasionally occur. Spontaneous recovery will occur
peripheral vestibular diseases of humans are not well understood.11,19 only if the diagnosis is made promptly and the exposure period is
The idiopathic canine disorder is rarely observed before 5 years short before drug removal.
of age. The clinical signs are usually peracute in onset and rapidly Hypothyroidism-­induced ischemic neuropathy of the vestibulo-
improve to near-­complete resolution by 1 to 3 weeks from the onset. cochlear nerve is a rare cause of acute clinical signs of a peripheral
Residual clinical signs are uncommon. A few dogs may have a per- vestibular system disorder. This diagnosis is supported by clinical
sistent head tilt. However, recurrences occasionally occur after a vari- laboratory findings of a primary hypothyroidism and severe hy-
able period of weeks to months. The onset of clinical signs may occur percholesterolemia. The ischemic neuropathy may be a result of
at any time of the year, which differs from a similar clinical syndrome hypothyroidism-­induced atherosclerosis or increased blood viscosity
that is seen in cats. due to hypertriglyceridemia involving the labyrinthine artery. This
With this rapid spontaneous recovery and without knowing the pathogenesis has yet to be confirmed. It is not known whether the
cause of this disorder, no basis exists for specific treatment. In the first rapid recovery that follows thyroid supplementation is a result of the
24 to 48 hours, when the clinical signs are severe and incapacitating, treatment or spontaneous recovery.
356 de Lahunta’s Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology

CASE 12.1—Cont’d  n
In the southeastern part of the United States where the blue tail dogs and cats. These acute cranial nerve disorders most commonly
lizard is common, veterinarians in the past believed that acute periph- occur as a single cranial nerve event in the affected patient. Unilat-
eral vestibular system dysfunction occurred in cats shortly after they eral signs usually predominate in both the facial paralysis and ves-
ate the tail of this lizard.1 Author M.K. practiced in Georgia for many tibular system disorders. The trigeminal neuritis is not recognized
years and has never had a client present a cat with peripheral ves- until it is bilateral and the patient cannot close its mouth. However,
tibular system dysfunction in which they felt that the signs occurred various combinations of deficits of cranial nerves V, VII, and VIII
after the cat ate the tail of one of these lizards. However, past reports (vestibular) have also been recognized in a single patient. In some
have included additional clinical signs such as vomiting, trembling, patients, the clinical signs suggest that the presumptive inflammation
salivation, and hyperirritability from more diffuse involvement of the is limited to specific branches of a cranial nerve or a specific level of
nervous system. Further careful studies of this presumed toxicity may the nerve (proximal versus distal). Numerous communications exist
be necessary. We have no experience with this unique disorder. between the branches of the trigeminal and facial nerves, which may
See the following videos for other examples of benign idiopathic facilitate spread of an infection or inflammation. See Chapter 7 for
canine peripheral vestibular disease. the involvement of the autonomic LMNs present in cranial nerves V
Video 12.2 shows Iris, a 13-­year-­old spayed female Norwich terrier, 24 and VII. The spread of disease, including neoplasms, through cranial
hours after the sudden onset of severe disorientation, inability to stand, nerves and their interconnections has been referred to as “perineural
and frequent rolling to the right side. During the videotaping, the handler spread” in humans.2
could not get the left pelvic limb to hop, but this feature was normal a few Polycranial neuritis affects dogs more than cats. MRI, to date, has
hours later. The last portion of the video was made 2 months after the first been normal, which makes otitis an unlikely cause of concurrent defi-
and shows Iris completely recovered without any treatment. cits of cranial nerves VII and VIII. Similarly, CSF is usually normal,
Video 12.3 shows Sonny, a 12-­year-­old spayed female mixed-­breed although a slight elevation may occur in protein and leukocytes, with
dog with a sudden onset of what the owner described as seizure-­like a mild lymphocytic pleocytosis. Be aware that with lesions that af-
activity based on eye shaking and eyelid twitching. However, Sonny fect the motor component of the trigeminal nerve, the denervation
was still well aware of her environment and was able to recognize of the tensor veli palatini muscle may result in fluid accumulation
the owner. The video was made 18 hours after the onset of clinical in the tympanic bulla. This is not otitis media, which it resembles on
signs. Repeating the hopping responses many times was necessary imaging.
on Sonny before the handler was reassured that the responses were The pathogenesis of this polycranial neuritis remains to be deter-
normal in this dog with the severe disorientation. mined. We suggest that these may all be examples of neuritis of vari-
Video 12.4 shows Jute, a 13-­year-­old female border collie, 4 days ous portions of the trigeminal, facial, and vestibular nerves.
after a sudden onset of a left head tilt and loss of balance. Initially she Polycranial neuritis may be a form of immune-­mediated disease.
could not stand without assistance.  However, an infectious agent or its antigen that may be responsible
for a molecular mimicry that results in this disease has not been iden-
Polycranial Neuritis tified. The duration of the clinical disorder in a patient depends on
An idiopathic inflammation has been recognized and described in the ratio of primary demyelination and primary axonal degeneration.
the trigeminal nerve of dogs and has been suspected in acute facial When the latter predominates, the recovery will be delayed or may
paralysis of dogs and acute peripheral vestibular disorders of both not occur.2,13,14,24

CASE 12.2  n 

Signalment: 4-­Year-­old castrated male golden retriever, Bozo tympanic cavity is sufficient to cause these clinical signs. Alternatively,
Chief Complaint: Head tilt and tearing toxins elaborated by bacteria may diffuse from the middle ear into the
History: Eight days before the examination, the owner noticed evi- inner ear. Otitis media is common in small animals, especially cats
dence of excessive tearing on the right side of Bozo’s face. Four days and young farm animals, which includes calves, lambs, kids, crias, and
later, the dog had developed a right head tilt. pigs (Figs. 12.6 through 12.10). Extension of this infection into the
Examination: See Video 12.5. Note the lack of a right palpebral reflex cranial cavity is common when this ear infection is not treated vigor-
but the retraction of the eye with the elevation of the third eyelid and ously, and the results of the extension may be lethal. Three anatomic
the lack of lip and ear tone on the right but a straight philtrum, and
note that the clinical signs of peripheral vestibular system dysfunc-
tion are limited to the head tilt and abnormal nystagmus. This dog’s
balance is normal.
Anatomic Diagnosis: Right cranial nerves VII and VIII, vestibular
nerve or its labyrinthine receptors
Differential Diagnosis: Right otitis media-­interna, neoplasm involv-
ing the right temporal bone, polycranial neuritis
Otitis Media-­Interna
Otitis media-­interna is the most common cause of this combination
of cranial nerve VII and VIII dysfunction.5,46 However, the neuro-
logic examination must show no postural reaction deficits. If postural
reaction deficits were present, it would indicate a medullary lesion,
possibly affecting these two cranial nerves as well. In small animals
the ganglionic sympathetic axons that innervate smooth muscle in the
orbit course through or adjacent to the tympanic cavity, where they
can be affected by the inflammation in middle ear infections. It is not
known whether the dysfunction of the peripheral vestibular system
requires inflammation within the inner ear or whether the alteration Fig. 12.6  Computed tomography image of a normal dog’s head at the
in pressure and temperature caused by the inflammation within the level of the tympanic bullae.
12  Vestibular System: Special Proprioception 357

CASE 12.2—Cont’d  n

Fig. 12.7  Computed tomography image of a young pig with left

otitis media-­interna. Note the distortion and destruction of the left
tympanic and petrous portions of the temporal bone. The left tym-
panic cavity is filled with material with a soft tissue or fluid density. This
infection was associated with a brainstem abscess. Note the normal
right pendular portion of the tympanic bulla, which contains many thin
bony laminae. The tympanic cavity is free of these laminae just ventral
to the petrous portion of the temporal bone.

Fig. 12.10  Same cat as in Figs. 12.8 and 12.9 with the opposite tym-
panic bulla and septum bullae opened to show suppurative exudate
in both portions of the tympanic cavity (otitis media).

routes for infection may be used to obtain access to the tympanic cavi-
1 ty: (1) from otitis externa, (2) from nasopharyngeal infections extend-
ing through the auditory tube, and (3) hematogenously from a bacte-
remia. Clinical signs may be acute or chronic in onset and progressive.
The clinical signs of peripheral vestibular dysfunction are usually less
severe than in dogs with the benign idiopathic disorder. Otitis may be
bilateral, but the neurologic signs are unilateral. Otoscopic examina-
tion may reveal otitis externa or an alteration in the tympanum (i.e.,
an opaque tympanum or one that bulges into the external ear canal)
suggestive of otitis media. However, otitis media is often undetected
with otoscopy alone, therefore cross-­sectional imaging is required for
Fig. 12.8  Normal tympanic bulla in a cat with the ventromedial por- the diagnosis. For years we have relied on radiography, but both com-
tion of the tympanic cavity opened to expose the septum bullae (1). puted tomography (CT) and MRI are more reliable. CT is better than
MRI to show the degree of bone involvement. However, MRI allows
better detection of fluid in the tympanic cavity, changes in the co-
chlea, and involvement of the medulla (see Fig. 12.11). Ideally, treat-
ment should be based on isolation of the infectious agent and the use
of specific antibacterial or antifungal drugs to which the agent is most
susceptible. However, this requires obtaining a specimen from the
tympanic cavity, which can be done with a myringotomy. Remember
to avoid the aminoglycoside antibiotics that are ototoxic. Surgery may
be required for severe or chronic cases of otitis media-­interna.
Neoplasms occasionally involve the tympanic and petrous por-
tions of the temporal bone. They often arise from the tissues of the
external ear canal and invade the temporal bone, but primary bone
neoplasms occur as well (Fig. 12.12). The anatomic diagnosis might
well be identical to that in this dog. As the neoplasm expands medi-
ally, brainstem or cerebellar compression (or both) will result with
corresponding clinical signs. Diagnosis depends on adequate imag-
ing procedures. Squamous cell carcinoma is a common neoplasm
that involves the ear of cats.
Polycranial neuritis is a diagnosis of exclusion and is made when
Fig. 12.9  Same cat as in Fig. 12.8 with the septum bullae partially all ancillary studies are normal.
removed to open the dorsolateral portion of the tympanic cavity and Radiography diagnosed otitis media in Bozo, and recovery fol-
expose the tympanum with the malleus embedded in it.
lowed antibiotic therapy.
358 de Lahunta’s Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology

CASE 12.2—Cont’d  n

Fig. 12.12  Computed tomography image of the head of an

8-­year-­old domestic shorthair at the level of the ears. Note the normal
Fig. 12.11  Transverse T2-­weighted magnetic resonance image at the right tympanic bulla (left side of image). Also note the thin plate of
level of the rostral medulla in a dog with otitis media. Compared with bone—septum bullae—that partially divides the tympanic cavity into
the air-­filled right tympanic cavity (asterisk), the left tympanic cavity is a small dorsolateral and larger ventromedial portion. The two portions
filled with fluid (arrowhead). Note the ability to visualize the fluid-­filled communicate near the tympanum. This septum only forms a small
cochlea (arrow). ridge in dogs. Note the soft tissue density in the left tympanic bulla
and its partial destruction along with destruction of portions of the
rest of the temporal bone by a sarcoma.

CASE 12.3  n 

Signalment: 5.5-­Year-­old female Chesapeake Bay retriever, Splash clinical signs of vestibular system dysfunction involved the periph-
Chief Complaint: Head tilt, facial deformity, and depression eral components, but this presumption could not be proved. At the
History: One year before this examination, the owner noticed that time of this examination, clinical signs of involvement of the UMN
Splash had a slight right head tilt; the dog also tended to drool ex- and GP systems were noted, most likely in the pons or medulla (or
cessively from the right side of her mouth. One month before this both), which might also affect the vestibular nuclei. The mastica-
examination, the owner noted that the right eye was sunken (enoph- tory muscle atrophy implicates the mandibular nerve branch of the
thalmos), and the head appeared to be deformed. For the 2 to 3 weeks trigeminal nerve or motor nucleus of V in the pons. Otitis media-­
before the examination, Splash was depressed and would occasion- interna does not affect the trigeminal nerve or its ganglion where it
ally stagger and fall. passes through the canal for the trigeminal nerve in the rostral por-
Examination: See Video 12.6. The hopping responses on the right tion of the petrous part of the temporal bone. The thick portion of
side are consistently delayed and lack the smooth quality seen with this bone that separates the tympanic cavity and this nerve prevents
the left limbs. Paw replacement was normal. Note the absent right this occurrence. However, an erosive neoplasm in the temporal bone
palpebral reflex but intact facial sensation evidenced by the mild knows no boundaries. Presumably this dog was deaf on her right side,
twitch of the superior eyelid, retraction of the globe, and elevation but this loss of function could not be determined in the physical neu-
of the third eyelid when the medial canthus is stimulated. The right rologic examination.
ear is elevated with what we believed was increased tone in the right Differential Diagnosis: Neoplasm: intraparenchymal or extraparen-
lips and a very slight deviation of the philtrum to the right. Note the chymal, intracranial extension of otitis media-­interna resulting in an
lack of temporal and masseter muscle mass on the right side. Splash abscess; granuloma secondary to otitis media-­interna, focal encepha-
resisted having her mouth opened, and a mass lesion was palpated on litis; granulomatous meningoencephalitis, fungal meningoencepha-
the right side between the transverse process of the atlas and the cau- litis.
dal portion of the mandible. A persistent anisocoria (not shown in
the video) was observed, with the right pupil always smaller than the Neoplasm
left and an abnormal positional nystagmus when Splash was placed Based on the 1-­year history of very slow progression of clinical
on her back. This nystagmus was vertical or had the fast phase di- signs and the palpation of a mass lesion in the area of the anatomic
rected to the right side. diagnosis, a neoplasm is the most likely clinical diagnosis. Radi-
Anatomic Diagnosis: Right pons or medulla (or both): right facial ography determined that a large mass had caused extensive lysis
neurons, right vestibular system, right motor neurons of the trigemi- to most components of the right temporal bone. Splash was eutha-
nal nerve, right UMN-­GP systems in the pons or medulla (or both) nized, and at autopsy this extraparenchymal temporal bone neo-
At the time of this examination, the right facial paralysis observed plasm was diagnosed as a squamous cell carcinoma (Figs. 12.13
in this dog was associated with facial tetanus. Presumably, the initial through 12.16).
12  Vestibular System: Special Proprioception 359

CASE 12.3—Cont’d  n

Fig. 12.13  Ventral view of the head of the dog in Video 12.6 at au- Fig. 12.15  Transverse section of the brain in 12.14 at the level of the
topsy with the mandible and its soft tissues removed. The occipital cerebellum and medulla, showing the extraparenchymal neoplasm at
condyles are at the top of the image. Rostral is toward the bottom of the right cerebellomedullary angle.
the image. The normal left tympanic bulla has been opened. The com-
parable right side of the specimen has been obscured and obliterated
by the neoplasm.

Fig. 12.16  Transverse section of the brain in Figs. 12.14 and 12.15 at
the level of the mesencephalon, showing the neoplasm in the menin-
Fig. 12.14  Ventral view of the preserved brain of the dog from Fig. ges compressing the mesencephalon. This neoplasm is a squamous
12.13. Note the neoplasm compressing the right side of the caudal cell carcinoma.

CASE 12.4  n 

Signalment: 6-­Year-­old spayed female golden retriever, Courtney cord disorders, the thoracic limb is in extension when protracted.
Chief Complaint: Difficulty walking and frequent falling See the description of Video 12.8 at the end of this case example.
History: Three days before examination, the owner first recognized With Courtney the slow hopping and hemiwalking with the right
clinical signs when Courtney fell down the stairs and had difficulty limbs supports a central nervous system (CNS) lesion involving
maintaining her balance. The owner blamed the fall as the cause of the right UMN or GP systems (or both) in the caudal brainstem or
the neurologic signs. However, Courtney developed a left head tilt, the right side of the cerebellum. The head tilt and loss of balance
and her difficulty with walking progressively worsened. (Be aware are directed to the left, which suggests clinical signs of a paradoxi-
that neurologic signs associated with a fall are usually the cause of the cal (central) vestibular syndrome, unless multifocal lesions such as
fall and not the result of it.) right cerebellum and left vestibular nuclei are present. The clini-
Examination: See Video 12.7. Note Courtney’s strong tendency to lean cal signs of a vestibular system disorder are profound. The quality
and circle to her left side and the right-­side hypermetria with excessive of the gait abnormality, the deficit in postural reactions, and the
limb flexion most evident in the thoracic limb. The abnormal position- abnormal nystagmus that changed direction with different head
al nystagmus was mostly vertical but occasionally rotatory left or right. positions all support that the vestibular system involvement is in
Anatomic Diagnosis: Right cerebellum, pons, and medulla its central components. These findings indicate central vestibular
The quality of the hypermetria represents a cerebellar dysfunc- disease unequivocally.49
tion based on the excessive flexion of the limb on protraction. In the Differential Diagnosis: Neoplasm, inflammation, vascular compro-
overreaching form of hypermetria described with cervical spinal mise, malformation, hypothyroidism likely causing an ischemia
360 de Lahunta’s Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology

CASE 12.4—Cont’d  n
Neoplasm cysts to occur.27,31 These cysts are believed to be developmental in
On the basis of the progressive nature of the clinical signs, neoplasia origin and result from an abnormality when the neural tube folds
and focal inflammation are the two most common clinical disorders and closes in this area and separates from the overlying ectoderm.
for consideration in this patient. Neoplasms in the caudal cranial fos- The epithelial lining of these cysts proliferates and secretes, causing
sa include extraparenchymal neoplasms such as meningioma; intra- the cyst to enlarge and, in time, produce clinical signs from its mass
parenchymal neoplasms such as glioma, medulloblastoma (primitive effect. Hypothyroidism has been associated in adult dogs with an
neuroectodermal tumor), choroid plexus papilloma or carcinoma, acute onset of persistent or progressive clinical signs of a caudal cra-
and ependymoma; or metastatic neoplasia.  nial fossa lesion that included involvement of the central components
of the vestibular system.26 Thyroid function testing was abnormal,
Granulomatous Meningoencephalitis and all the animals responded to treatment with levothyroxine. The
The most common focal encephalitis to occur in this area of the brain pathogenesis of the disorder is unknown, although atherosclerosis
is granulomatous meningoencephalitis (GME).7,23 GME is usually was suggested in earlier studies. In our experience, Rottweilers and
classified as a noninfectious, immune-­mediated disorder. An alterna- doberman pinschers are commonly affected breeds.
tive pathologic explanation for GME is that it may represent a lym- Although intoxication should result in symmetric neurologic def-
phoproliferative disorder. In support of this idea is that in some dogs icits, it is always worthwhile to consider toxicity. In particular, met-
differentiating lymphoma from GME may be challenging. In other ronidazole intoxication should be considered because this antimi-
dogs, initial diagnosis and response to therapy are consistent with crobial is commonly used in small animal medicine. Metronidazole
GME; however, in time signs progress and the diagnosis at autopsy toxicity causes severe clinical signs of dysfunction in the components
is lymphoma. GME tends to be more common in young adult small-­ of the caudal cranial fossa, but these are usually symmetric and re-
to medium-­sized breeds, but any breed at any age may be affected. quire a history of exposure to this drug.15
The angiocentric lesions predominate in white matter and may be MRI was performed on Courtney and revealed a mass lesion on
diffusely distributed through the brain and spinal cord, occur in mul- the right side of the caudal cranial fossa primarily within the right
tifocal sites, or be primarily located at one site where the perivascular cerebellar hemisphere and the vermis (see video; the patient’s right
and parenchymal proliferation of lymphoplasmacytic cells and mac- side is on the right side of the video). This finding was interpreted
rophages (histiocytes) may be so extensive as to cause a mass lesion. to be an intraparenchymal neoplasm, most likely a glioma. She was
Lesions in the cerebellum, pons, and medulla are common. A local- euthanized, and no autopsy was performed.
ized form is believed to occur in the optic nerves, causing an optic Video 12.8 shows Arnie, a 4-­year-­old bull mastiff with a history of
neuritis, which is described in Chapter 14. CSF usually reflects the four to five generalized seizures over the previous 3 weeks and 3 days
lesion with marked elevation of protein and nonsuppurative inflam- of a head tilt and abnormal gait. Note the right head tilt and drifting
matory cells. MRI is the preferred procedure to demonstrate these to his right side and the overreaching of the left thoracic limb with
lesions, especially when they are focal. These lesions are hyperintense the limb in extension. This form of hypermetria contrasts with that
on T2-­ weighted and fluid-­ attenuated inversion-­ recovery images. observed in Courtney in Video 12.7. The prolonged protraction with
Contrast enhancement is variable. Immunosuppressive drugs such the limb in extension is a clinical sign of a UMN or GP system disor-
as prednisone or oral cyclosporine, or a variety of chemotherapeutic der, or both. Not shown in the video were the slow hopping responses
agents (lomustine, cytosine arabinoside, azathioprine) may be effec- in the left limbs and the abnormal positional nystagmus that changed
tive at slowing or stopping the progression of the disease and alle- directions in different positions of the head.
viating some of the clinical signs. Focal lesions may be treated with The anatomic diagnosis includes the prosencephalon and left cer-
radiation therapy, but responses to these treatments vary. ebellum, pons, and medulla. Seizures are caused by disorders that in-
Remember that this anatomic site is at risk for developing an ab- volve some portion of the prosencephalon. The left UMN-­GP system
scess or more diffuse suppurative meningoencephalitis associated disorder may be present anywhere from the pons through the first to
with extension of an infection from the middle and inner ear. fifth cervical spinal cord segments on the left side. The vestibular sys-
Vascular compromise causing ischemia or infarction is common tem signs are from a CNS lesion that is most likely in the left cerebel-
in the cerebellum and is usually asymmetric, affecting part or all of lum; these signs are consistent with paradoxical (central) vestibular
one hemisphere and the ipsilateral half of the vermis.20,21,33 The clini- syndrome. Multifocal lesions are usually either inflammatory or neo-
cal signs may be very similar to those seen in Courtney (see the ex- plastic. CSF was normal. MRI revealed a small hyperintense lesion
amples in Chapter 13). However, the clinical signs should be peracute in the left diencephalon and a large hyperintense lesion in the left
in onset and not progress over more than 24 hours. Malformation cerebellar hemisphere and vermis and the left dorsolateral medulla.
was included in the differential diagnosis because the caudal cranial Arnie’s clinical signs progressed over the next 2 weeks, and he was
fossa is a common site for epidermoid, dermoid, neuroendodermal euthanized. An autopsy was performed, and the hyperintense areas
seen on MRI were consistent with an astrocytoma.

CASE 12.5  n 

Signalment: 9-­Year-­old spayed female border collie, Mercy Differential Diagnosis: Neoplasm, inflammation, vascular compro-
Chief Complaint: Head tilt mise, malformation
History: Mercy was presented to Cornell University College of Vet-
erinary Medicine 10 days after an acute onset of inability to stand, Ischemic Encephalopathy
thrashing attempts to stand, and episodes of neck and thoracic limb These differential diagnoses are the same as those listed for Courtney in
extension. Over these 10 days, she improved remarkably but still had Case 12.4. However, the acute nontraumatic onset and the steady im-
a mild head tilt. provement up to the time of this examination strongly indicated a vascu-
Examination: See Video 12.9. Note the mild left head tilt, tendency lar compromise with ischemic lesions, which were resolving. One week
to drift to the right side, and the slow hopping responses in the right later, Mercy was examined and no neurologic deficits were found. MRI
limbs when tested repeatedly. No abnormal nystagmus was noted. was normal at this time. These findings indicate a presumptive unilat-
Anatomic Diagnosis: The right side of the cerebellum, pons, and eral cerebellar vascular compromise with ischemia, which completely
medulla. The head tilt was assumed to be a sign of paradoxical (cen- resolved.20,21,33 The cause of the vascular compromise is unknown. See
tral) vestibular syndrome. Chapter 13 for further description and examples of this disorder.
12  Vestibular System: Special Proprioception 361

CASE 12.6  n 

Signalment: 6-­Year-­old spayed female papillon, Dolly Metronidazole Toxicity
Chief Complaint: Inability to stand These diagnoses are the same as those listed for Cases 12.4 and 12.5.
History: Over a few days, Dolly had progressed from difficulty walk- However, the symmetric deficits means that toxicity (either an excess
ing, to difficulty trying to stand, to tremors of her head. or deficiency) should be considered in the differential diagnosis. The
Examination: See Video 12.10. Note the loss of balance with swaying severity of these clinical signs, their symmetric nature, and the per-
of the body to either side, the difficulty in initiating limb movements, sistent resting abnormal nystagmus are strongly suggestive of metro-
the tendency to assume an opisthotonic posture of the head and neck, nidazole toxicity.10,15,40 On questioning Dolly’s owner about possible
the limb hypertonia, the resting vertical nystagmus, and her appear- exposure to this drug, we were informed that Dolly had been receiv-
ance of disorientation. ing this drug for 1 month as a treatment for pancreatitis. Further in-
Anatomic Diagnosis: Cerebellum, pons, and medulla quiry determined that Dolly was receiving approximately twice the
These clinical signs are often loosely termed cerebellar-­ recommended dose of metronidazole. Be aware that even dogs that
vestibular signs, with the latter being a product of involvement receive the recommended doses of this drug are also at risk for this
of the central components of the vestibular system. They are usu- toxicity, especially if liver or kidney insufficiency exists, because the
ally accompanied by some degree of UMN and GP system dys- drug is metabolized and excreted by these organs, respectively. As a
function. Head and neck tremors occur with cerebellar disorders. rule, however, the greatest risk for dogs to develop clinical signs of
The vertical nystagmus, in combination with the other neurologic toxicity occurs when the drug is administered for long periods and
signs, supports a disorder of the central vestibular system com- especially at excessive doses. We have also seen cats with this toxicity.
ponents. Metronidazole can alter the ability to smell in dogs.26b This medi-
Differential Diagnosis: Neoplasm, inflammation, vascular compro- cation should be used cautiously in working dogs that rely on olfac-
mise, malformation, toxicity tion, such as police dogs and hunting dogs.

CASE 12.7  n 

Signalment: 9-­Month-­old female Labrador retriever, Roxy cases such as this one, remember to research the breed for any recog-
Chief Complaint: Difficulty standing and frequent falls nized inherited degenerative disorder that causes similar clinical signs.
History: An abnormal gait was first observed at approximately 7 months In 1975, Dr. Jack McGrath at the University of Pennsylvania described a
of age. This phase slowly progressed to difficulty standing and falling to fibrinoid encephalomyelopathy (Alexander disease) in two 8-­month-­old
either side, which the owner described as a “drunken gait.” Roxy also de- littermate Labrador retrievers with clinical signs of a diffuse CNS disor-
veloped fine tremors of her entire body. The owner described that these der.36 This degeneration is a disorder of astrocytes. It is associated with
clinical signs tended to wax and wane in severity during the day. loss of myelin, especially in the cerebral white matter. Thus this disease
Examination: See Video 12.11. Note the similarity of these clinical signs is also known as leukodystrophy. The abnormal astrocytes are widely dis-
to those in Case 12.6 (see Video 12.10), with the poor initiation of limb tributed in the CNS, but their perivascular density and the myelin loss
movements associated with sudden bursts of activity, the inability to co- in the cerebral white matter appear as a diffuse bilaterally symmetric
ordinate standing, the episodes of opisthotonus with thoracic limb rigid- hyperintensity in T2-­weighted, T2-­weighted fluid-­attenuated inversion-­
ity, and the fine tremor of the entire body, including the limbs. No abnor- recovery, and proton-­density MR images. In 1985, Dr. Dennis O’Brien
mal nystagmus was noted, and the dog acted alert and responsive. Note described a spongy degeneration of CNS white matter, a leukodystrophy,
the last portion of the video when the dog is urged to come out of her in Labrador retrievers.39,55 The onset of clinical signs for the dogs in this
cage, which occurred approximately 1 hour after the first portion of the report was 4 to 6 months of age. The lesion consists of a separation of the
video, during which time the dog was resting in the cage. Note her ability myelin lamellae, causing a dilation of the myelin sheath due to the accu-
to stand and walk but with marked difficulty. Roxy was hospitalized the mulation of fluid between lamellae, known as myelin edema. It is found
day before this examination, and she was observed to have a generalized throughout the CNS and is especially prominent where large bundles
seizure in her cage that lasted approximately 1 minute. of white matter are found, such as the spinal cord, cerebellar medullary
Anatomic Diagnosis: Diffuse CNS with a major component involv- and folial white matter, internal capsule, centrum semiovale, and corona
ing the cerebellum, pons, and medulla radiata. These lesions are hypointense on T1-­weighted MR images and
The clinical signs observed in the video relate to dysfunction in hyperintense on the T2-­weighted images. An autosomal recessive gene
the cerebellum, pons, and medulla similar to Dolly in Case 12.6. inheritance is presumed but is not yet proven. Roxy had a littermate that
However, seizures are related to a disorder of some component of the had been euthanized at 4 months of age for generalized seizures, but
prosencephalon, and the fine whole-­body tremors require a diffuse no autopsy had been performed. Roxy was euthanized, and an autopsy
disorder of myelin or axons in the entire CNS. confirmed the diagnosis of leukodystrophy similar to that described by
Differential Diagnosis: Degeneration, toxicity, inflammation O’Brien. Despite limited reports in the literature, we have seen multiple
cases of this leukodystrophy in Labrador retrievers. Therefore, although
Leukodystrophy not common, this disorder may be encountered in practice.
The slow progression of symmetric clinical signs and the lack of any ex-
posure to a known toxin make toxicity and inflammation less likely. In

CASE 12.8  n 
Signalment: 3-­Year-­old castrated male domestic shorthair, Reuben Examination: See Video 12.12. Note how alert this cat is. Note also
Chief Complaint: Head tilt and loss of balance his normal quick limb movements as he attempts to maintain his
History: One late July evening, Reuben’s owner let him outdoors for balance. He staggers to either side but more often to the left, which
the evening and found him in the morning on the back steps with a is the side of his head tilt and head turn. In the first portion of the
head tilt and difficulty walking. Reuben was brought to the hospital video, when he looks to the left, note the brief head rotations. These
that day, and the video was made the next morning. movements correspond to the resting right nystagmus that is present.

362 de Lahunta’s Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology

CASE 12.8—Cont’d  n
When the hopping responses are tested in cats, many simply roll over this disorder and the spontaneous recovery, treatment of these cats is
and do not respond at all. To prevent this result, hold the cat up and not justified. However, the use of antibiotics is rational as a treatment
grasp the three limbs that you are not testing, and quickly lower the for a possible otitis, which is the other most common cause of these
cat to the ground, extending the limb to be hopped. As soon as the clinical signs. These cats must be kept in a protected environment
limb strikes the ground, move the cat laterally on it, and the normal while they recover. Rarely does this disorder recur in cats, which is
cat will at least give you a few hops before rolling over. Note the eleva- unlike the canine disorder. Experimental surgical ablation of the in-
tion of the tail, which is typical of cats with severe balance loss. ner ear of a cat causes similar clinical signs, including recovery by
Anatomic Diagnosis: Left peripheral vestibular system components cerebellomedullary compensation.9 This disease represents just an-
Differential Diagnosis: Benign idiopathic feline peripheral vestibu- other of many reasons to keep cats indoors. 
lar disease, otitis media-­interna, ototoxicity
Otitis Media-­Interna
Benign Idiopathic Feline Peripheral Vestibular Disease Otitis media-­interna is the other most significant concern for a disor-
Benign idiopathic feline peripheral vestibular disease is the most der that would cause this anatomic diagnosis. The presence of a facial
presumptive clinical diagnosis based on the sudden onset of severe paresis or Horner syndrome would support this diagnosis because
clinical signs of peripheral vestibular system dysfunction with no in- these conditions never occur with the benign disorder just described.
volvement of the facial nerve or ganglionic sympathetic nerves in the Usually the initial clinical signs of peripheral vestibular system dys-
late summer in a young adult cat with access to the outdoors.6,28,45 function are not so severe with otitis, but an otoscopic examination
The cause of this disease is unknown. (See the previous discussion of should be performed on all animals that exhibit peripheral vestibular
the similar benign idiopathic canine disorder and polycranial neuri- system dysfunction. The most reliable way to diagnose otitis media-­
tis.) Because this disease in cats occurs at the same time of year as the interna is with cross-­sectional imaging, but when presented with a
acute-­onset brain disease caused by the myiasis of the larva of a Cute- cat such as Reuben without signs of otitis externa, we would delay
rebra spp., some neurologists have hypothesized that this peripheral imaging unless the patient’s recovery was not satisfactory, or a history
vestibular syndrome is caused by the migration of this larva in the of otitis externa was present. Ototoxicity obviously requires a history
middle and inner ear. However, no definitive proof of this has been of drug exposure.
found. No Cuterebra spp. larva have been found in any part of the ear Video 12.13 shows a 4-­year-­old spayed female domestic short-
of a cat with or without these clinical signs, and the few autopsies that hair with a sudden onset of the clinical signs observed in this video.
included study of the inner ear structures have not found a recogniz- It should be appreciated that all of these clinical signs represent dys-
able lesion. Investigators have reported that this disease may occur function in the peripheral components of the vestibular system. The
in cats that have no access to the outdoors, but these reports are rare. resting right rotatory nystagmus is not shown in the video. Note
The high incidence of this disorder from late July through Septem- that although the clinical signs are asymmetric with the left head
ber in outdoor cats implies some environmental factor (e.g., insect tilt and leaning to the left, this cat has some indication of bilateral
toxin, toxic spray, plant pollen) that may cause ototoxicity. This factor dysfunction with the tendency to stagger to either side and the un-
is unknown. The clinical signs are peracute in onset and typical for controlled head and neck movements in both directions. This pre-
a severe dysfunction of the peripheral vestibular system. Although sumptive diagnosis is benign idiopathic feline peripheral vestibular
the clinical signs predominate to one side, a bilateral disturbance is disease.
suggested by the occasional wide head excursions to either side and Video 12.14 shows Socks, a 6-­month-­old castrated male domestic
the tendency of the cat to stagger in both directions. Fortunately, shorthair with a sudden onset of the abnormal gait and posture, as
most of these cats recover spontaneously; however, often the recov- seen in this video. The anatomic diagnosis should be right peripheral
ery is slower than that observed with dogs with benign idiopathic vestibular system dysfunction. There is slight anisocoria with the left
peripheral vestibular disease. The vestibular ataxia improves greatly pupil being slightly smaller than the right pupil. This may reflect loss
in these cats by 7 to 10 days, and the head tilt usually resolves by 2 to of the left sympathetic innervation to the eye. However, there were no
4 weeks. Occasionally a residual head tilt persists. Even recovered cats other signs of Horner syndrome. Also, no signs of otitis externa were
may exhibit a slight head tilt and balance loss if they are significantly present, and in time the signs resolved. This presumptive diagnosis is
stressed. Without more knowledge of the cause of the pathogenesis of benign idiopathic feline peripheral vestibular disease.

CASE 12.9  n 

Signalment: 2-­Year-­old female domestic shorthair, Zaro by a disease process bilaterally, deafness may be recognized on physi-
Chief Complaint: Abnormal head movements cal neurologic examination.
History: Two months before this examination, Zaro was presented to Differential Diagnosis: Otitis media-­interna, ototoxicity
a veterinarian for sudden onset of a right head tilt and balance loss.
These signs were diagnosed as a right peripheral vestibular system Bilateral Otitis Media-­Interna
disorder. Evidence of right otitis externa was also found. During the In our experience, bilateral otitis involving the inner ear has been
next week, the clinical signs progressed to a bilateral loss of balance the only clinical condition that causes these clinical signs of ac-
and what the referring veterinarian described as a “head bob.” The quired bilateral peripheral vestibular system dysfunction. How-
head bob and a mild ataxia had persisted unchanged up to the time ever, on rare occasion, a congenital condition may be suggested
of this examination. by having signs be present since birth. The benign idiopathic dis-
Examination: See Video 12.15. Note the wide head excursions with order may cause bilateral clinical signs, but some asymmetry is
the inability to stop the head movements to either side. No abnormal most often seen. Radiography demonstrated extensive bilateral
nystagmus, normal physiologic nystagmus, or postrotatory nystag- changes diagnostic of otitis media. Despite antibiotic therapy
mus could be generated. This cat was also deaf. and bilateral bulla osteotomy, Zaro’s clinical signs remained un-
Anatomic Diagnosis: Bilateral peripheral vestibular and cochlear changed.
components, cranial nerve VIII See the following videos of other cats with bilateral otitis media-­
The bilateral, wide, and uncontrolled head excursions are typical of interna and clinical signs of bilateral peripheral vestibular nerve and
bilateral peripheral vestibular disease. When the inner ear is affected cochlear nerve dysfunction.
12  Vestibular System: Special Proprioception 363

CASE 12.9—Cont’d  n
Video 12.16 shows Fractal, a 12-­year-­old castrated male domes- immunosuppression, resulted in an abscess of the petrous portion
tic shorthair that was anesthetized for surgical treatment of an aural of the temporal bone and eventual compression of the medulla and
hematoma. While still under anesthesia, both ears were flushed de- pons. 
spite no indication of any otitis externa. Be aware that ear-­flushing
procedures may cause complications and should be avoided unless Congenital Peripheral Vestibular System Disease
absolutely necessary. On recovery from anesthesia, Fractal exhibited Be aware that clinical signs of a peripheral vestibular system disorder
the clinical signs seen in this video. Fractal did not startle even with are occasionally present at birth or are at least apparent as soon as the
rigorous banging of pans together to create a loud noise behind his affected animal begins to move around and tries to stand and walk.
head, and electrophysiologic testing (brainstem auditory-­ evoked These clinical signs are unilateral or bilateral and often affect both the
response) showed no ability to stimulate a response in the cochlear vestibular nerve and the cochlear nerve or their labyrinthine recep-
nerves bilaterally. Ear flushing of any kind may result in what is seen tors in the membranous labyrinth. It is not known whether the ves-
here despite no indication of preexisting otitis externa. The tympa- tibular system lesions are malformative or an early-­onset abiotrophy.
num cannot be assessed completely because of its barrier function, This lesion has been observed in many breeds of small animals with
and small perforations may not be recognized. no proof of the presumed inheritance of the disorder. These breeds
Video 12.17 shows Magnum, an 8-­year-­old domestic shorthair include the German shepherd dog,48 doberman pinscher, Akita, bea-
with bilateral otitis media-­interna. gle, English cocker spaniel,3 and Burmese and Siamese cats. Some of
Video 12.18 shows a 10-­week-­old female domestic shorthair these affected animals improve or even recover in time, presumably
with a 1-­week history of losing her balance and what the owner de- from compensation by vestibular system components in the CNS. No
scribed as “rolling eyes.” Two days before this video was made, this microscopic lesions have been recognized in the inner ears of patients
kitten began to exhibit wide head excursions. Otitis media-­interna that we have studied, but mild lesions of degeneration such as an abi-
was diagnosed in each ear. Treatment for otitis requires long-­term otrophy are difficult to recognize after the process of decalcification
oral antibiotics. Surgery is sometimes necessary, especially when of the bony labyrinth within the petrous part of the temporal bone
the otitis is associated with polyp formation. Corticosteroids should that is required to prepare tissue sections for study. A lymphocytic
definitely be avoided. We have seen numerous cases of otitis that labyrinthitis was described in two related litters of doberman pin-
have been treated with long-­term corticosteroids that, secondary to scher puppies.18

CASE 12.10  n 

Signalment: 12-­Year-­old spayed female domestic shorthair, Pepi Cuterebra Larval Myiasis
Chief Complaint: Head tilt and severe balance loss Video 12.20 shows a 1-­year old female domestic shorthair living
History: Six weeks before this examination, Pepi was examined for on a farm in western New York state. Three days before this video
a head tilt and mild loss of balance. Otitis media-­interna was diag- was made, she rapidly lost the ability to stand and began to roll
nosed and treated with antibiotics. Despite 1 month of this therapy, to the right side. These signs, as well as the right hemiplegia, can
her clinical signs worsened. be seen in the video. She had a resting right or vertical nystagmus.
Examination: See Video 12.19. Study the severe clinical signs of ves- Remember that persistent rolling is a clinical sign usually related to
tibular system dysfunction and determine whether the involvement dysfunction of the central vestibular system components. The ana-
of this system is central or peripheral or both. tomic diagnosis is cerebellum, pons, and medulla. The most likely
Anatomic Diagnosis: Cerebellum, pons, and medulla, sympathetic differential diagnosis for this 1-­year-­old cat would include three
innervation to the head disorders: (1) inflammation caused by the feline infectious peri-
This video shows episodes of opisthotonus and extensor mus- tonitis (FIP) virus or the protozoal agent Toxoplasma gondii (FIP
cle rigidity in the limbs and trunk, UMN paresis and GP ataxia in encephalitis is the most common infection at this site); (2) myiasis
the limbs that was worse on the left side, left facial paralysis, left of a larva of the Cuterebra spp. fly; and (3) an abscess or suppurative
facial hypalgesia, and left sympathetic paresis. The last of these
signs suggests that in addition to the caudal cranial fossa brain
lesion, a left middle ear lesion is present or that one disorder
affects all of these structures. The latter diagnosis is suspected
based on the palpable mass shown at the end of the video on the
left side in the angle between the mandible and the transverse
process of the atlas. Normally, a finger can be placed in a groove
between these two structures, as was done on the right side in this
Differential Diagnosis: Neoplasm, inflammation (abscess)
On the basis of the assumption that the palpable mass near the area
of the anatomic diagnosis is responsible for the clinical signs, a neo-
plasm or unusually large abscess or granuloma is the most likely clini-
cal diagnosis. Radiography suggested an aggressive neoplasm, with
involvement of all portions of the left temporal bone that compressed
the CNS components in the caudal cranial fossa on the left side (Figs.
12.17 and 12.18). Pepi was euthanized, and autopsy confirmed this
clinical diagnosis. The neoplasm was identified as a squamous cell Fig. 12.17  Lateral oblique radiograph of the head of the cat in Video
carcinoma (Figs. 12.19 and 12.20).  12.19. Note the loss of a major portion of the left temporal bone.
364 de Lahunta’s Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology

CASE 12.10—Cont’d  n

Fig. 12.21  Rostral surface of a transverse section of the preserved

brain of the cat in Video 12.20 at the level of the cerebellum and me-
dulla. Note the area of discoloration in the confluence of the cerebellar
peduncles and right cerebellar medulla (left side of image). This discol-
oration represents hemorrhage and necrosis caused by the migration
of a Cuterebra spp. larva.
Fig. 12.18  Dorsoventral radiograph of the head of the cat in Case 12.10,
Video 12.19, showing the loss of a major portion of the left temporal bone
(right side of image) and a soft tissue opacity in the right tympanic bulla.

2 1

Fig. 12.22  Caudal surface of a transverse section of the preserved

brain of the cat in Video 12.20 just caudal to the transverse section in
Fig. 12.19  Ventral surface of the head of the cat in Video 12.19 at au- Fig. 12.21. Note the discoloration of the right dorsolateral medulla and
topsy. Note the massive neoplasm obliterating the left temporal bone (1). the cerebellar medulla caused by the migration of a Cuterebra spp.
Also note the exudate filling the right tympanic cavity (otitis media) (2). larva (right side of image).

meningoencephalitis secondary to otitis media-­interna. CSF con-

tained 89 mg/dL of protein (normal <20) and 289 white blood cells
(WBCs) per cubic millimeter that were predominantly neutrophils.
This finding supports an inflammation that might relate to any one
of these three disorders. This cat was euthanized, and an autopsy
confirmed extensive larval migration, with the dead larva found in
the vermis of the cerebellum. The larva was presumed to belong to a
species of Cuterebra (Figs. 12.21 and 12.22). Cuterebra spp. myiasis
is described in detail in Chapter 14.

Fig. 12.20  Same specimen as in Fig. 12.19 to show the floor of the
cranial cavity after removal of the brain. Note the neoplasm obliterat-
ing the left temporal bone and invading the caudal cranial fossa. The
neoplasm was a squamous cell carcinoma.
12  Vestibular System: Special Proprioception 365

CASE 12.11  n 

Signalment: 8-­Month-­old male Siamese at any level of the CNS, they often relate to the lesions in the area
Chief Complaint: Inability to get up of the cerebellum, pons, and medulla, known as the caudal cranial
History: Three months before this examination, this cat developed a fossa. One study reported pelvic limb paresis, abnormal nystagmus,
gait abnormality in his pelvic limbs that slowly progressed to the tho- and seizures as the most common clinical signs observed with this
racic limbs and involved some apparent loss of balance. For the previ- disease. Uveitis may also accompany the neurologic disorder. Clinical
ous few days, he had been unable to stand. During these 3 months, signs are slowly progressive and often include a decreased appetite or
he was examined by the local veterinarian for numerous episodes of anorexia and a fever that are unresponsive to antibiotic therapy. The
depression associated with a chronic fever. globulin fraction of serum protein is often elevated, and CSF often
Examination: See Video 12.21. Note the disparity in voluntary is very abnormal, with protein levels even as high as 0.5 to 1.0 g/dL
movements between the thoracic and pelvic limbs. Not shown was an (normal <20 mg/dL) and hundreds of WBCs per cubic millimeter
abnormal vertical to horizontal left positional nystagmus. that vary from all mononuclear cells to a high percentage of neutro-
Anatomic Diagnosis: Diffuse or multifocal including the cerebel- phils. Serum antibodies directed against coronavirus are usually, but
lum, pons, and medulla and the central portion of spinal cord seg- not always, present in these cats. However, these antibodies are not
ments C1 to C5 specific for an infection by the coronavirus but rather for the group of
The history of balance loss and the persistent abnormal positional coronaviruses that is common in cats.
nystagmus indicates involvement of the vestibular system. The decer- This disease cannot be differentiated from toxoplasmosis or cryp-
ebellate posture (Fig. 12.23), with the thoracic limbs in extension, the tococcosis based on the neurologic signs alone. The persistent fever is
pelvic limbs in flexion, and opisthotonus, indicates a caudal cranial more typical of an FIP viral infection. As a rule, serum antibodies are
fossa lesion. The tetraparesis and ataxia of all four limbs implicates present in cats with toxoplasmosis, and an antigen test detects cryp-
dysfunction of the UMN and GP systems anywhere from the pons to tococcal organisms in serum or CSF. Cryptococcal fungal organisms
the C5 spinal cord segment, with possible lesions caudal to this area are usually evident in the cytologic examination of CSF. Cats with an
as well. The more severe UMN paresis in the thoracic limbs indicates extension of infection from the middle and inner ear may produce
that if the lesion involves the C1–C5 spinal cord segments, the lesions evidence of this ear infection on physical examination and should
are more centrally located in these segments. have recognizable temporal bone lesions on imaging studies. Cutere-
Differential Diagnosis: Encephalomyelitis-­ FIP virus, T. gondii, bra myiasis is less likely to cause such a slow progression of neurologic
Cryptococcus neoformans; abscess or bacterial or fungal suppurative signs or the persistent fever. In addition, Cuterebra myiasis is season-
meningoencephalitis; Cuterebra larval myiasis; lymphosarcoma; neu- al. Lymphosarcoma most commonly causes an extradural focal com-
ronal storage disease pression of the spinal cord but is occasionally within the parenchyma
and diffusely distributed through the CNS, primarily in the meninges
Feline Infectious Peritonitis Viral Meningoencephalitis and the perivascular spaces within the CNS. CSF changes would be
An inflammatory disease is the most presumptive clinical diagnosis expected to be mild and may include lymphocytes, lymphoblasts, or
based on the episodes of fever. Infection with the coronavirus that both. Many forms of neuronal storage diseases have been recognized
causes an exudative peritonitis in cats is termed feline infectious peri- in cats that cause slowly progressive diffuse neurologic signs of CNS
tonitis. Many of these cats that have an exudative peritonitis also have dysfunction. Diffuse repetitive myoclonus (tremor) related to whole-­
a mild subclinical meningitis. A few cats develop an extensive chronic body action is often present with storage diseases along with primar-
FIP viral meningoencephalomyelitis with profound neurologic signs ily prosencephalic signs of loss of vision, change in behavior, and sei-
and minimal peritonitis.29,47 FIP viral meningoencephalomyelitis is, zures. Fevers do not typically occur in storage disorders.
by far, the most common infectious disease of the CNS in cats, es- In the cat in this case example, CSF contained 498 mg/dL protein
pecially young cats. This abnormality is primarily a surface-­oriented and 1144 WBCs/mm3, which were all lymphocytes or monocytes.
disease, which means that the leptomeninges on the external surface These findings supported an FIP virus–induced inflammation. The
of the brain and spinal cord are affected, and the internal ependymal cat was euthanized, and at autopsy, a very extensive leptomeningi-
cell–lined ventricular system is also affected. The latter area includes tis, choroid plexitis, ependymitis, and associated encephalitis, which
the choroid plexuses and the central canal of the spinal cord. This dis- were characteristic for an infection with the FIP virus, were observed
ease is an immunopathologic disorder that involves an immune com- (Figs. 12.24 and 12.25). Figs. 12.26 through 12.29 are MR images
plex–induced vasculitis. The virus may be found in macrophages in from a 9-­month-­old domestic shorthair with a progressive gait dis-
the lesion. The degree of accumulation of inflammatory cells may be order that included vestibular ataxia and episodes of opisthotonus
extensive enough to be seen on gross examination of the CNS and on and vertical nystagmus. MRI showed ependymal and meningeal en-
MRI. Although clinical signs may reflect involvement by this lesion hancement that is typical of the lesion distribution of FIP viral me-
ningoencephalitis. This was confirmed at autopsy. 
Thiamin Deficiency Encephalopathy
Be aware that an initial clinical sign of thiamin deficiency in small
animals is usually vestibular ataxia.16,42,43 However, this phase is
usually rapidly followed by pupillary dilation and generalized sei-
zures. This condition was more common when cats were fed a fish
diet that contained thiaminase. Cooking the animal’s food destroys
the thiamin. It is also suspected that prolonged anorexia may lead
to a thiamin deficiency that is sufficient to cause clinical signs. The
bilateral symmetric degenerative lesions in the vestibular nuclei,
caudal colliculi, nuclei of the oculomotor nerve, and lateral genicu-
late nuclei may be recognized on MR images. The unique anatomy
of these lesions was observed on MRI in a dog, leading to a diagno-
sis of thiamin deficiency of unknown cause.22 Prompt intramuscu-
lar injection of thiamin in the early stages of this clinical disorder
may lead to complete recovery from this metabolic encephalopathy
rather quickly. A rapid response supports a presumptive diagnosis.
Fig. 12.23  The cat in Video 12.21, exhibiting a decerebellate posture.
366 de Lahunta’s Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology

CASE 12.11—Cont’d  n


Fig. 12.24  Transverse sections of the preserved brain of the cat in Fig.
12.23. Note the obliteration of the mesencephalic aqueduct on the left and Fig. 12.27  A transverse postcontrast T1-weighted magnetic reso-
the central canal of the C1 spinal cord segment on the right. In the center nance image of the same cat as in Fig. 12.26. Note the contrast en-
transverse section, note the thickening of the fourth ventricle caudal med- hancement of the ependymal lining and the choroid plexus of the left
ullary velum, choroid plexus, and leptomeninges associated with the me- lateral ventricle and the third ventricle. L, Left; R, right.
dulla just caudal to the confluence of the cerebellar peduncles. These areas
show inflammatory lesions caused by the feline infectious peritonitis virus.


Fig. 12.28  A transverse postcontrast T1-weighted magnetic reso-

nance image of the same cat as in Figs. 12.26 and 12.27. Note the
Fig. 12.25  Microscopic section of the brain of the cat in Fig. 12.24 at the contrast enhancement of the ependymal lining of the lateral ventricles
level of the confluence of the cerebellar peduncles. Note the abnormal and the obstruction of the mesencephalic aqueduct. L, Left; R, right.
basophilic staining associated with the choroid plexus on the left and asso-
ciated with the parenchyma adjacent to the fourth ventricle on the right of
the image. Infection with the feline infectious peritonitis virus caused this
choroid plexitis, ependymitis, and associated periventricular encephalitis.



Fig. 12.29  A transverse postcontrast T1-weighted magnetic reso-

nance image of the same cat as in Figs. 12.26 through 12.28. Note the
contrast enhancement and enlargement of the choroid plexus of the
fourth ventricle. L, Left; R, right.
Fig. 12.26  A transverse postcontrast T1-weighted magnetic reso-
nance image of a 9-­month-­old domestic shorthair with feline infectious We typically use 50 mg intramuscularly twice a day for 3 to 5 days
peritonitis viral meningoencephalitis. Note the contrast enhancement of for the treatment of thiamin deficiency in cats. Thiamin also can be
the ependymal lining of the left lateral ventricle and the mild hyperinten- added to intravenous fluids; it is light sensitive, so protection from
sity of the fluid in that ventricle and the third ventricle. L, Left; R, right. light is necessary.
12  Vestibular System: Special Proprioception 367

CASE 12.12  n 
Signalment: 4-­Year-­old Thoroughbred-­Trakehner gelding shows an endoscopic examination of the guttural pouch of another
Chief Complaint: Right-­side head deviation and “crooked” face adult horse that has a left-­side stylohyoid osteopathy. The first por-
History: This horse was in training as a dressage horse for the US tion of the video shows the left guttural pouch with the enlarged cau-
Olympic team. In the previous 3 weeks, the horse had displayed a dal portion of the stylohyoid bone and the lack of any movement at
slight head deviation to the right and a tendency to drift to the right. its articulation with the temporal bone. The last portion of the video
A deviation of the nose to the left had been noted 4 days earlier. shows the right guttural pouch with a normal stylohyoid bone. Note
Examination: See Video 12.22. Note the method of blindfolding the movement of this bone at its articulation. This abnormality may
this horse and the exacerbation of the ataxia when this was per- be suspected during physical examination when pressing dorsally on
formed. the basihyoid bone and assessing the range of motion of the hyoid
Anatomic Diagnosis: Right peripheral vestibular system and facial apparatus, which depends on a mobile tympanohyoid articulation.
nerve Resistance is felt in horses with this bone lesion and fusion at this ar-
Note the normal strength and limb placement this horse exhibits. ticulation. To prevent a fracture related to this bony fusion, a portion
This horse clearly knows where his limbs are located and initiates a of the affected stylohyoid bone is removed or the entire ceratohyoid
normal rapid protraction of all of his limbs. bone has been removed. The latter surgery is easier to perform and
Differential Diagnosis: Otitis media-­interna, temporohyoid oste- has fewer complications.
opathy, and temporal bone fracture The horse in this case example had endoscopic and radiographic
evidence of the temporohyoid osteopathy. He was treated for many
Otitis Media-­Interna weeks with antibiotics, made a complete recovery, and was returned
These findings are the classical clinical signs of dysfunction of the to training. Remember that this facial nerve lesion may interfere with
vestibular portion of cranial nerve VIII and cranial nerve VII, which, tear production and prevent eyelid closure, which places the patient
in all species, most commonly relate to a middle ear and inner ear in- at considerable risk for corneal ulceration, keratitis, or both. Artificial
fection. We have not seen a neoplasm of the temporal bone or a neo- tears must be provided for this patient. A temporary tarsorrhaphy
plasm of these cranial nerves in the horse. However, a nerve sheath may also be used.
tumor of the vestibulocochlear nerve has been reported in the dog.  Video 12.24 shows an 11-­year-­old Saddlebred gelding that, 3 days
before hospitalization, suddenly experienced a severe loss of balance,
Temporohyoid Osteopathy with a left head tilt and a left ear droop. His nose also deviated to the
A unique bone disorder often accompanies this otitis in horses. This right side. The horse fell down, and for 3 days he resisted any efforts
abnormality is a temporohyoid osteopathy, which involves an anky- to get him to stand. The video was made on the third day shortly after
losis of this joint associated with a proliferation of the long stylohyoid he was helped to stand. He shows considerable limb trembling in the
bone and probably the very small tympanohyoid bone by which it ar- video, which we believe is related to his prolonged recumbency and
ticulates with the petrous portion of the temporal bone. This circum- muscle compression. Note how rapidly he moves his limbs to com-
stance results in a fusion of these bones at the level of the tympanic pensate for his balance loss. Anatomic diagnosis should be left cranial
portion of the temporal bone.6,17,50 This bony proliferation envelops nerve VII and the left vestibular portion of cranial nerve VIII. An
the tympanic portion of the temporal bone but does not invade the enlarged stylohyoid bone was observed on endoscopic examination
tympanic cavity (see Figs. 6.49 and 6.50). With this loss of mobility of the left guttural pouch. The assumption was that the sudden onset
of the hyoid apparatus, a risk of fracture of the petrous portion of of these clinical signs was associated with a fracture of the petrous
the temporal bone exists. The assumption is that the otitis precedes portion of the temporal bone. CT was not available to confirm this
and induces the osteopathy, but no proof of this has been found. The diagnosis at the time this horse was studied. Although this horse im-
few microscopic studies on the osteopathy have never shown any in- proved on antibiotic therapy, 2 weeks later he suddenly had a recur-
dication of an osteomyelitis. The cause of this bone lesion remains rence of the clinical signs and went down again. The assumption was
unknown and has not been observed in other species. The lesion is that without surgical interruption of the hyoid apparatus, another
unrelated to any disease within the guttural pouch. The assumption fracture had occurred. This horse was euthanized, and no autopsy
is that the ankylosis is secondary to the otitis media-­interna, and the was performed. 
extensive enlargement of the stylohyoid bone is secondary to the im-
mobility of this joint, which prevents normal remodeling of the bone. Benign Idiopathic Peripheral Vestibular Disease
In some horses, the onset of clinical signs of vestibular nerve dysfunc- Video 12.25 shows a 15-­year-­old Thoroughbred gelding with a per-
tion and the facial paralysis are sudden and are believed to be caused acute onset of balance loss with a right head tilt and a resting rota-
by the temporal bone fracture, especially in the few horses that tory left abnormal nystagmus. The video was made approximately
exhibit a brief period of partial dysphagia from presumed involve- 24 hours after the onset of these clinical signs. Anatomic diagnosis
ment of cranial nerves IX and X at the jugular foramen. The latter should be right vestibular portion of cranial nerve VIII. Differential
development cannot be caused by the otitis alone. Whether otitis was diagnosis should include otitis media-­interna, temporohyoid oste-
present in these horses before the fracture is unknown. Occasionally opathy and temporal bone fracture, and benign idiopathic periph-
the osteopathy is bilateral, but the neurologic signs have always been eral vestibular disorder. The last of these diagnoses is considered
unilateral. Radiography will reveal the enlarged stylohyoid bone with the most presumptive because of the acute onset of clinical signs
fusion to the temporal bone, but this circumstance prevents evalua- and the absence of any facial nerve deficits. We are not aware of any
tion of the middle ear cavity. Ventrodorsal radiography is the most re- published report of this benign disorder in the horse. Radiography
liable view to observe this bone lesion but requires general anesthesia. of the temporal and stylohyoid bones and guttural pouch endos-
Although CT is the preferred modality to diagnose this disorder and copy was normal. This horse spontaneously completely recovered
may reveal the fracture when it is present, general anesthesia is re- in an approximately 3-­day period. On the basis of this examination
quired. The enlargement of the stylohyoid bone, as well as the lack of and the rapid resolution of the clinical signs, we presumed that this
movement at the temporohyoid articulation, may be seen through the episode was a possible example of benign idiopathic equine periph-
wall of the guttural pouch on endoscopic examination. Video 12.23 eral vestibular disease.
368 de Lahunta’s Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology

CASE 12.13  n 

Signalment: 15-­Year-­old standardbred mare
Chief Complaint: Abnormal gait
History: Three days before this examination, this mare suddenly ap-
peared unstable and exhibited a left head tilt. Her unsteady gait wors-
ened over the 3 days.
Examination: See Video 12.26.
Anatomic Diagnosis: Cerebellum, pons, and medulla
Compare the gait of this horse with that of the previously de-
scribed three horses; the others do not show the significant loss of
UMN and GP function seen in this horse. This circumstance places
the clinical signs of vestibular system dysfunction in this horse within
the central components of the vestibular system. The right nasal hyp-
algesia is best explained by the lesion interrupting the spinal tract of
the trigeminal nerve within the pons or rostral medulla, given the
other clinical signs that relate to the caudal cranial fossa.
Differential Diagnosis: Equine protozoal encephalitis; viral enceph-
alomyelitis caused by rabies virus, West Nile virus (WNV), and east-
ern equine virus (EEV); equine herpesvirus-­1 (EHV-­1) vasculitis and Fig. 12.30  Caudal surface of a transverse section of the preserved
encephalopathy; abscess; neoplasm brain of the horse in Video 12.27 at the level of the confluence of the
cerebellar peduncles. Note the discoloration on the left side, which
Equine Protozoal Encephalitis was caused by the inflammation and necrosis associated with infec-
tion by Sarcocystis neurona.
The most presumptive clinical diagnosis of a sudden onset and pro-
gression of clinical signs in this area of the brain is infection by Sar-
cocystis neurona. This disorder is described in Chapter 11. The short
period of observation still makes rabies and EEV encephalomyelitis
strong contenders for this diagnosis, but the lack of any prosence-
phalic signs makes them less likely. The focal sign of facial hypalgesia
in the absence of any contralateral prosencephalic signs also makes
these viral diseases unlikely. The focal nature and the level of the ana-
tomic diagnosis and the continual progression of the clinical signs
make EHV-­1 infection less likely. This anatomic diagnosis would be
unusual for WNV infection. An abscess from extension of an otitis is
unlikely with no initial clinical signs of otitis before the clinical signs
of CNS involvement. Streptococcus equi abscesses are more common
in foals and rare at this age. Focal neoplasms are uncommon in the
CNS of horses.
The horse in this case example had serum antibodies for S. neuro-
na, which supports exposure to this infectious agent. CSF contained
51 mg/dL protein (normal <80) but 28 WBCs/mm3 with 92% lym-
phocytes and 8% monocytes, which supports nonsuppurative me-
Fig. 12.31  Caudal surface of a transverse section of the preserved
ningoencephalitis. Although caudal brainstem lesions caused by S. brain of the horse in Video 12.27 just caudal to the transverse section
neurona have a fair prognosis when treated with antiprotozoal drugs, in Fig. 12.30 showing the same lesion.
the owner of this horse elected euthanasia. At autopsy, extensive ne-
crosis and nonsuppurative inflammation were found in the pons and causes an acute onset of clinical signs without progression after ap-
medulla associated with S. neurona organisms. proximately 2 days. WNV encephalomyelitis is still a candidate dur-
See Videos 12.27 through 12.30 for other examples of varying ing the summer months, when exposure to the carrier mosquitoes
degree of dysfunction of the central components of the vestibular occurs. However, protozoal encephalitis is still the most presumptive
system with involvement of other systems in the medulla, pons, and clinical diagnosis for this horse.
cerebellum caused by a nonsuppurative encephalitis as a result of in- This horse was euthanized, and autopsy confirmed the diagno-
fection with S. neurona. sis of protozoal encephalitis in the cerebellum and caudal brainstem
Video 12.27 shows a 5-­year-­old standardbred gelding that, 10 days (Figs. 12.30 and 12.31).
before this examination, was in training and unable to maintain his Video 12.28 shows a 9-­year-­old standardbred gelding that, for
stride in the sulky, the cart used for harness racing, and drifted to 4 weeks, had exhibited slight ataxia when he came out of his stall.
his right side. The gait disorder progressed, and 3 days before this He continued racing until 10 days before this examination, when
examination the trainer noted a facial asymmetry and a tendency for he was removed from racing competition because of his progressive
the horse to circle to his right. Note how much effort is needed to gait disorder. Note the left head tilt, which indicates a dysfunction in
make him circle to his left, and as soon as the handler lets up on the some portion of the vestibular system. Also note that his gait clearly
lead shank, he veers off to his right side. Note the mild thoracic limb indicates dysfunction of the UMN and GP systems. The left facial
hypermetria with flexion of the joints, which suggests involvement paralysis may have been caused by a lesion anywhere from the facial
of the cerebellum. Also note the left facial paralysis and atrophy of nucleus in the medulla to the stylomastoid foramen, where the facial
the left muscles of mastication. Anatomic diagnosis should be cer- nerve emerges from the facial canal and forms branches of this nerve.
ebellum, pons, and medulla. The differential diagnosis is the same Only a lesion in the pons and medulla can explain all these clinical
as that described for the horse in this case example. The lack of any signs. This horse was treated for a presumptive S. neurona encephali-
prosencephalic signs after 10 days makes EEV encephalomyelitis un- tis. One month later, he was much improved but not well enough to
likely. As a rule, rabies virus encephalomyelitis causes recumbency return to racing.
in approximately 4 days and death by 7 to 10 days. EHV-­1 infection
12  Vestibular System: Special Proprioception 369

CASE 12.13—Cont’d  n
Video 12.29 shows a 7-­year-­old Thoroughbred stallion that, 10 his normal gait. This recovery is shown when snow is seen in the
days before this examination, had stumbled on coming out of the background of the video. Note the absence of recovery of the muscles
starting gate. His gait abnormality worsened over the subsequent 10 of mastication because that lesion, involving the neuronal cell bodies,
days. Note that the gait disorder represents a dysfunction of the UMN is permanent.
and GP systems that might be at any level between the pons and the Video 12.30 shows a 10-­year-­old appaloosa mare that had devel-
C5 spinal cord segment. The severe atrophy of the right muscles of oped a right head tilt and leaned to the right one day after foaling.
mastication (note the prominence of the right ramus of the mandible Her gait disorder progressed over the next 3 days before this exami-
and facial crest) indicates that at least part of this lesion is in the pons nation. Study the video and note her mild head tilt and tendency to
where the motor nucleus of V is located. The only recognized cause lean and drift to her right side. However, note the marked clinical
of unilateral atrophy of the muscles of mastication in the horse at this signs of dysfunction in the UMN and GP systems that cause her to
time is an infection with S. neurona with loss of these GSE neuronal scuff her hooves and stumble in either direction. She was euthanized,
cell bodies and replacement by astrocytes. No obvious clinical signs and autopsy confirmed the diagnosis of protozoal encephalitis in the
of vestibular system dysfunction are noted in this horse. This horse caudal brainstem. The stress of foaling may have played a role in the
was treated for several weeks with antiprotozoal drugs and recovered development of S. neurona infection in this mare.

CASE 12.14  n 
Signalment: 1-­Month-­old female Holstein shown clinical signs for approximately 10 days. The smaller calf is
Chief Complaint: Head tilt alert, responsive, and walks well but demonstrates a head tilt and
History: For the previous few days, this calf has exhibited a mild ear droop. Anatomic diagnosis is a right facial (VII) and vestibular
head tilt and occasionally stumbled. (VIII) nerve dysfunction. A presumptive clinical diagnosis is right
Examination: See Video 12.31. The examiner is demonstrating loss otitis media-­interna. This presumption was supported by radiogra-
of tone in the left ear, eyelids, and lips. The left palpebral reflex was phy, which revealed otitis. 
decreased, but nociception from the nasal septum was normal.
Anatomic Diagnosis: Left cranial nerve VII and the vestibular por- Otitis With Intracranial Abscess in a Calf
tion of cranial nerve VIII The older calf is depressed and needs assistance to stand and holds
Differential Diagnosis: Otitis media-­interna is the only disease that its neck in an abnormal extended position. She has a right head
can be considered in a calf with these clinical signs because this dis- tilt, drifts right, and has a left ear droop and no palpebral reflex on
ease is common in all young farm animals.32,41 As in dogs and cats, the left side but normal eye retraction when the eyelids are stimu-
imaging studies help confirm this diagnosis, and MRI and CT are the lated. Anatomic diagnosis for this larger calf should be pons and
most reliable. See Video 6.5 for an example of this disorder in another medulla because of the depression, difficulty standing, and the neck
calf and a CT scan of the lesion. These patients should be treated extension. The left facial paralysis may be caused by the medullary
rigorously with antibiotics to prevent extension of the suppurative in- lesion or otitis media on this side. A presumptive clinical diagno-
flammation into the cranial cavity. Affected calves with otitis media-­ sis is an abscess or suppurative meningoencephalitis at this level
interna may exhibit only clinical signs of facial nerve paralysis and/or that is an extension of an otitis media-­interna that may be bilateral.
only clinical signs of peripheral vestibular system dysfunction. CSF should reflect this suppurative inflammation. This calf was eu-
thanized, and autopsy showed bilateral suppurative otitis media-­
Otitis Media-­Interna in a Calf interna and an abscess and meningitis on the left side of the pons
Video 12.32 shows two calves from the same farm. The smaller one and medulla.
is 2 months old, and the larger one is 4 months old. Both calves have

CASE 12.15  n 

Signalment: 2-­Year-­old female Hereford-­Holstein cross Listeriosis in a Cow
Chief Complaint: Depression and head tilt Listeriosis is caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes.8,44
History: This cow became depressed and developed a right head tilt Most affected cattle are older than 1 year and exhibit various com-
approximately 10 days before this examination. She became pro- binations of clinical signs of cranial nerve dysfunction. These signs
gressively more depressed and, on occasion, continually walked in include facial paralysis, tongue paresis, dysphagia, jaw paresis, and
circles. dysfunction of the central components of the vestibular system,
Examination: See Video 12.33. Note that this cow’s sensorium bor- along with clinical signs of UMN and GP system dysfunction and
ders on obtundation. Note also the right head tilt, and the pare- loss of their normal sensorium from involvement of their ascend-
sis of the right facial muscles, muscles of mastication, and tongue ing reticular activating system. Some patients circle continually. This
muscles. circling appears more as a propulsive circling than that caused by a
Anatomic Diagnosis: Pons and medulla—possibly diencephalon loss of balance with a vestibular system dysfunction. However, this
The degree of obtundation suggests the possibility of more than just circumstance is poorly correlated with a specific location of the le-
a caudal brainstem disorder, and the dysfunction of the ascending sion. Prosencephalic lesions are uncommon with listeriosis and yet
reticular activating system may be at the level of the diencephalon are the most common cause of propulsive movements. The propul-
due to the severity of the depression. sive circling may possibly occur in these ruminants with listeriosis
Differential Diagnosis: Listeriosis, rabies, abscess, suppurative men- from involvement of the substantia nigra in the mesencephalon. The
ingitis, thrombotic meningoencephalitis prominent caudal brainstem location of this disease reflects the likely
The most common caudal brainstem disorder of adult cattle in the route of entrance to the brain for this bacterium. The bacterium en-
northeastern states is listeriosis. ters the body through abrasions and lacerations of the oral mucosa
370 de Lahunta’s Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology

CASE 12.15—Cont’d  n
and gains access to the dendritic zones of general somatic afferent systems by the pontomedullary lesions that affect the same systems.
neurons in the branches of the trigeminal nerve. The bacterium trav- See Video 11.33 in Case 11.10 of a lamb with profound spinal cord
els retrograde over these axons through the trigeminal ganglion and lesions caused by listeriosis.
into the pons, where the fifth cranial nerve attaches to the brainstem. Rabies is an unlikely clinical diagnosis because it generally causes
Inflammation occurs in these trigeminal nerve branches and in the recumbency in a few days and death by 7 to 10 days. An abscess or
caudal brainstem. Small foci of necrosis filled with neutrophils are suppurative meningitis (or both) secondary to otitis media-­interna
scattered primarily through the pons and medulla. Adjacent to these is more common in calves and is usually preceded by clinical signs
necrotic foci is a nonsuppurative inflammation that includes the me- of facial paralysis or peripheral vestibular system dysfunction.
ninges. The CSF usually reflects the nonsuppurative component of Thrombotic meningoencephalitis is caused by the bacterium His-
the inflammation. Rigorous treatment with penicillin will usually tophilus somni (Hemophilus somnus). This abnormality is a severe
improve or resolve the clinical signs in cattle that are still standing. suppurative vasculitis and associated parenchymal necrosis that usu-
The prognosis is less favorable in small ruminants. Recumbent ani- ally causes a sudden onset of profound brainstem signs or just acute
mals have a poor prognosis regardless of the species. Be aware that death. Thrombotic meningoencephalitis is an unlikely cause of the
this bacterium may affect humans; therefore you should wear at least milder brainstem signs with cranial nerve deficits, as seen in the cow
protective gloves for this examination and administration of therapy. in this case example. Lesions may also occur in the prosencephalon
This organism thrives in poorly prepared silage (pH > 5.5), and re- and spinal cord. This disease is more common in feedlot cattle in the
moval of this as a feed source may prevent affecting more animals on midwestern states than dairy cattle in the northeastern states.
the same farm. We have never seen blindness in cattle with listeriosis In the cow in this case example, CSF had 79 mg/dL protein (nor-
or cattle with the anatomic diagnosis of a spinal cord location of liste- mal <40) and 31 WBCs/mm3, all of which were mononuclear cells.
riosis. The latter circumstance may be the result of the lack of lesions Listeriosis was the presumptive clinical diagnosis. This cow was eu-
in the spinal cord or the masking of these lesions in the UMN and GP thanized, and listeriosis was confirmed at autopsy.

CASE 12.16  n 

Signalment: 9-­Month-­old male Saanen goat
Chief Complaint: Head tilt and abnormal gait
History: Five weeks before this examination, this buck was pur-
chased from a goat herd in Washington state and shipped by air to
upstate New York. For the past 3 to 4 weeks, this buck had shown
progressive difficulty walking. He had recently fallen, with his head
extended over his neck and his eyes twitching.
Examination: See Video 12.34. Note the right head tilt and abnormal
vertical positional nystagmus, the left spastic hemiparesis and ataxia,
and the episode of rolling induced by head and neck extension.
Anatomic Diagnosis: Cerebellum, pons, and medulla
The left spastic hemiparesis and ataxia have resulted from UMN
and GP system dysfunction on the left side of the pons and medulla.
The history suggesting opisthotonus may be an indication of a ros-
tral cerebellar, pons, or midbrain lesion. The right head tilt, abnormal
nystagmus, and the rolling episode to the right indicate a possible
paradoxical (central) vestibular syndrome due to involvement of the
central components of the vestibular system from a lesion in the left Fig. 12.32  Caudal surface of a transverse section of the preserved
brain of the goat in Video 12.34 at the level of the confluence of the
cerebellar peduncles or a lesion in the right vestibular nuclei.
cerebellar peduncles, showing an abscess centered in the left cerebel-
Differential Diagnosis: Listeriosis, caprine arthritis encephalitis lar peduncles.
(CAE), viral encephalitis, Parelaphostrongylus tenuis myiasis, abscess,
neoplasm was treated with antibiotics for 10 days but showed no improvement.
Listeriosis, CAE, and P. tenuis myiasis are all common diseases of He was euthanized, and autopsy showed a large, well-­encapsulated ab-
goats in the Northeast, which can occur at this anatomic site. This goat scess centered in the left cerebellar peduncles and left cerebellar me-
came from a CAE-­free herd in the state of Washington and had no se- dulla (Fig. 12.32).25 No source of this focal infection was found. This
rum antibodies for this viral agent. White tail deer are not indigenous lesion would have been evident on CT or MRI.
to the state of Washington, and this goat had been in New York state for Video 12.35 shows a 4-­year-­old castrated male Pygmy goat that
only 1 week before clinical signs were observed. This period is too short was found one afternoon with a right head tilt and circling to his
for this goat to have ingested an infected mollusk or the stage 3 larva left. He was worse the next day when the examination seen in the
of P. tenuis and to have developed neurologic signs. Experimentally the video was made. Note his severe disorientation, his right head tilt,
earliest that clinical signs were observed after feeding large quantities and a tendency to drift right. Also note that his gait shows only a
of stage 3 larvae to sheep and goats was 11 days. The history reveals vestibular ataxia as well as the difficulty the examiner has holding
no sign of otitis media-­interna with neurologic abnormalities to sus- this goat stable while trying to evaluate the hopping responses. Hop-
pect an intracranial extension of that suppurative lesion. In addition, ping responses in his right limbs were determined to be mildly slow.
no history of any illness was found to cause a bacteremia that might Note his abnormal resting nystagmus. The shift in the direction of
result in a brain abscess. Neoplasia is rare in goats, especially at this age. the nystagmus with changes in the position of his head is not shown
Medulloblastoma (primitive neuroectodermal tumor) occurs in the in the video. The anatomic diagnosis is right cerebellum, pons, and
cerebellum of young calves. Listeriosis was considered the presumptive medulla. The differential diagnosis is the same as that in this case
clinical diagnosis. CSF contained 35 mg/dL protein (normal <40) and example. This animal is a New York state goat, where white-­tailed
15 WBCs/mm3, with 67% monocytes and 33% lymphocytes. Cross-­ deer are plentiful. CAE is unlikely at this age. Listeriosis and myiasis
sectional imaging was not available at the time of this study. This buck with the larva of P. tenuis are the most presumptive clinical diagnoses
12  Vestibular System: Special Proprioception 371

CASE 12.16—Cont’d  n
for this goat. Listeriosis is the more common cause of these brain- revealed a necrotizing meningoencephalitis associated with L. mono-
stem signs. CSF contained 170 mg/dL protein (normal <40) and 312 cytogenes organisms.
WBCs/mm3, with 52% neutrophils, 17% lymphocytes, 31% macro- For another example pertaining to the information in this chapter,
phages, and no eosinophils. This goat was euthanized, and an autopsy see Case 22.3.

Congenital pendular resting nystagmus occurs in humans as
an inherited abnormality or secondary to congenital lesions in
the visual system of the infant, especially the retina, including
ocular albinism. The nystagmus is usually pendular; that is, the
eye movements are equal in velocity in both directions, and it
is very rapid. This nystagmus is benign and does not interfere
with vision, given that the brain usually compensates for this
presumably at the level of the cerebral cortex.
A congenital rapid pendular nystagmus, which usually
resolves spontaneously in a few weeks, occasionally occurs in
one or more of a litter of puppies. The cause is unknown.
Our experience includes study of severe congenital nystagmus
in an adult female Belgian shepherd (Groenendael) and in three
of her six offspring from one litter. In the United States these
dogs are called Belgian sheepdogs. This extreme nystagmus was
pendular, which varied in rate but was usually quite rapid. No
obvious visual deficiency was noted, and ocular examination
was normal. On one occasion a dog briefly held its head to one
side as it was about to jump down from a table. No ataxia was
evident. The head occasionally oscillated with the nystagmus.
Autopsy of the three littermates revealed a complete lack of any
optic chiasm (Figs. 12.33 through 12.36). The optic nerve fibers
continued into the ipsilateral optic tract uninterrupted and with Fig. 12.34  Ventral surface of the brain of the Belgian shepherd in Fig.
no indication of decussation. Two of these dogs were 4 years old 12.33 with congenital nystagmus and a failure of the optic chiasm to
at the time of autopsy, and their nystagmus had not changed. develop.
On the presumption that this malformation was an inherited
disorder and at the request of a neuroscientist interested in what
determines the crossing of axons at the optic chiasm, the owner
repeated the mating that had produced these three affected
dogs. This resulted in more achiasmatic puppies with a pendular
nystagmus, and numerous publications ensued.26a,51 These
studies established that the retina is relatively normal in these

Fig. 12.33  Ventral surface of the preserved brain of a normal dog on

the left and a young adult achiasmatic Belgian shepherd on the right.
Note the complete absence of the optic chiasm. This dog exhibited a Fig. 12.35  Ventral surface of the brain of an achiasmatic littermate of
constant congenital pendular nystagmus. the Belgian shepherd in Fig. 12.34.
372 de Lahunta’s Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology

rule the farmer is unaware of the nystagmus until a veterinarian

observes it on an examination of the animal or when restraining
an animal for routine blood testing. These cattle have normal
extraocular muscle function and no indication of any vestibular
system dysfunction. We are not aware of any structural
abnormality in the visual system of these cattle, and they have
no indication of any albinism. It is sporadic in occurrence, but a
high incidence was seen in one Guernsey herd. The inheritance
of this nystagmus is unknown. An examination of 2932 cattle
seen in 1 month by the ambulatory clinic at Cornell University
College of Veterinary Medicine revealed 15 animals with this
pendular nystagmus.34 See Video 12.36. This adult cow has
congenital pendular nystagmus, also termed ocular tremors.
Congenital pendular nystagmus has also been recognized
sporadically in dogs with no recognized abnormality in their
visual function.
Congenital rapid fine pendular nystagmus is most often
observed in cats with a varying degree of ocular albinism.
An abnormality in the retinogeniculate projections and the
neuronal organization of the lateral geniculate nucleus has been
observed in the Siamese cat and the white Persian tiger. More
retinal ganglion neurons project their axons contralaterally in
Fig. 12.36  Dorsal T2-­ weighted magnetic resonance image of the Siamese cats than the normally pigmented feline breeds. No
head in an approximately 1-­year-­old female Dutch shepherd dog with
rapid pendular nystagmus that developed shortly after birth. No visual obvious impairment of vision is noted. Many of these cats also
deficits or signs of vestibular dysfunction were noted on examination. have a mild strabismus. This congenital pendular nystagmus
The oblique image plane approximates the course of the optic nerves occurs in some cats and cattle with the Chédiak-­ Higashi
(arrowheads). Just rostral to the pituitary gland where the optic chiasm syndrome, in which pigmentation and melanin granules
would normally be present, the optic nerves come in close proximity but
fail to converge to form an optic chiasm (arrow) consistent with the mal-
are abnormal.12 We have also studied a 13-­week-­old mixed-­
formation seen in the Belgian shepherd. (Courtesy Dr. Georgina Stew- breed dog with bilateral retinal dysplasia that had pendular
art, Summit Veterinary Referral Center, Tacoma, WA.) nystagmus without visible structural abnormalities of the
brain on MRI.
dogs and that the effect of the autosomal recessive inherited Congenital pendular nystagmus may be a result of abnormal
mutation is most likely exerted outside the retina. The use of sensory input to the system that controls the eye movements
these affected dogs in research evaluating corrective surgical related to vision. Some aberration of the architecture of the
procedures for humans continues today. visual pathway may be a common factor in these patients. The
In cattle a congenital rapid fine pendular nystagmus is albino cat exhibits excessive contralateral projection of optic
observed in many breeds and usually persists for the life spans nerve axons, and the Belgian shepherds show complete lack of
of these animals. It does not appear to interfere with vision. As a any contralateral projection.

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