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4 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 20 November 2020

global insight

Virus deals further blow to US jobs Edward

New unemployment Florida and New Jersey recorded the ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday, ‘The back- Congress has failed to reach a deal for
biggest declines. which health officials have warned has a new stimulus package. Jay Powell,
claims increase for up in claims
first time in five weeks
Overall, 20.3m people are receiving
jobless benefits of some kind since the
crisis began in March, according to data
the potential to quicken the pandemic’s
already rapid spread.
While Covid-19 vaccines being devel-
is troubling,
Federal Reserve chair, has repeatedly
pressed for additional aid to bolster the
economy. The central bank has pledged
Biden takes gamble in
Mamta Badkar — New York that are reported with a two-week lag.
The data suggest the US economic and
oped by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech
are expected to receive approval before
and likely
to keep rates close to zero, and Richard
Clarida, vice-chair, recently signalled
quest to re-embrace
The US saw 742,000 claims for first-
time unemployment benefits last week,
with the number of new applications
labour market recoveries are threat-
ened by the rise in infections. “The
back-up in claims this week is some-
the end of the year, economists have
warned it will take a while to reverse the
blow dealt to the labour market, busi-
of what we
possible changes to the Fed’s bond-buy-
ing programme as policymakers seek to
keep the recovery going.
global democracy
rising for the first time in five weeks as what troubling, and likely indicative of nesses and investment.
are going to While the unemployment rate has
the country reels from a record rise in what we are going to see in the next few Meanwhile the stress to the economy see in the more than halved since its coronavirus

coronavirus cases. weeks ahead,” said Thomas Simons, is set to be even more pronounced as the next few crisis peak of 14.9 per cent in April, the hat better way to herald regime change in
Weekly jobless claims increased by economist at Jefferies. PUA scheme, which expands eligibility, pace of job creation has slowed and the America than for it to re-embrace global
31,000, alongside a rise of 23,863 in The US is experiencing a surge in and the pandemic emergency unem- weeks’ total number of jobs is more than 10m democracy? That is Joe Biden’s plan. He
claims for federal pandemic unemploy- coronavirus infections — 163,075 new ployment compensation (PEUC), which below pre-pandemic levels. wants to host a global “summit for democ-
ment assistance (PUA), the labour cases were reported on Wednesday, tak- provides an extra 13 weeks’ insurance to “Nothing is more important than pro- racy”, possibly within 100 days of his inau-
department said yesterday. Economists ing the total number of infections past those who have exhausted their bene- viding a bridge to better times for those guration. It would be hard to think of a step that could bet-
had expected claims of 707,000 in the 11.3m. fits, will expire at the end of the year. displaced from work by Covid-19,” said ter drive home that Donald Trump is no longer running
week ending November 14, according to A number of cities and states have Yesterday’s report showed the Andrew Stettner, senior fellow at The the world’s superpower. If Mr Trump personifies the age of
a Thomson Reuters survey. introduced new restrictions on indoor number receiving PEUC rose more than Century Foundation, a progressive global strongmen, all Mr Biden need do is host a party that
The report showed increases in gatherings and economic activity in 233,000 to almost 4.38m at the end of think-tank. “Failing to do so will pointedly excludes them.
unemployment claims in Louisiana, response. New York City has closed pub- last month. That figure stood at about unleash untold hardship and ultimately But his strategy entails serious risk at home and abroad.
Texas and Massachusetts, while Illinois, lic schools in an effort to curb the spread 1.4m at the end of summer. slow the economic recovery.” Reincorporating the democracy creed into US foreign pol-
icy would distance him not only from Mr Trump, but also
from Barack Obama, his former boss. The last US presi-
dent to talk about spreading democracy was George W
Middle East Bush, whose 2003 Iraq war discredited the idea on both
left and right. Mr Obama won his party’s nomination

Pompeo West Bank visit stirs diplomatic dispute partly because he had opposed the Iraq invasion, in con-
trast to Hillary Clinton who voted for it. Mr Biden also
voted to authorise the Iraq war.
One of Mr Trump’s merits to the 2016 Republican base
was his contempt for the “forever wars” in Iraq and else-
Mehul Srivastava — Tel Aviv where that he blamed on a Bush-riddled establishment.
Whatever else can be said about Mr Trump’s foreign pol-
Mike Pompeo visited a Jewish-owned
icy, he did not start new wars (there are still 60 days to go).
vineyard in the Israeli-occupied West
When historians look back on America’s early 21st century
Bank yesterday, becoming the first US
politics, my hunch is they will say Mr Bush did more harm
secretary of state to visit the sprawling
to global democracy than Mr Trump.
settlements regarded as illegal by the
Either way, Mr Biden is making two bets. The first is that
international community.
the world will still see US democracy as a credible example
The visit to the Psagot winery — which to follow. Twenty years
in February named a vintage after Mr ago few would have
Pompeo in recognition of his reversal of doubted it. Twice since,
One bet is that the
Washington’s historical objection to however, the US has elec­- world will still see
Israeli settlements — was condemned ted a president who won a
by the Palestinians. Protesters gathered lower share of the popu-
US democracy
outside with balloons ahead of his visit. lar vote (in 2000 and as a credible
Mr Pompeo’s two-and-a-half-years at 2016). It is striking that
the helm of US diplomacy has seen a none of the countries that
example to follow
departure from decades of policy have adopted demo­cracy
designed to discourage the expansion of since the end of the cold war has chosen the US constitu-
Jewish settlement in land on which Pal- tional model. Pupils the world over are now familiar with
estinians hope to build a future state. the weakness of the US electoral college and Senate malap-
Donald Trump, the US president, and portionment. Mr Biden’s victory shows that America’s sys-
Mr Pompeo, who is thought to be con- tem still works. But it will take more than that to restore
sidering a 2024 run for the presidency, the world’s faith in it.
have sought to bolster their Christian Mr Biden’s second bet is that a club of democracies could
evangelical base by indulging rightwing work together effectively. One suggestion is that Mr Biden
Israeli positions. convene a “D-10” (10 democracies) of the G7 economies
Mr Trump’s close relationship with plus India, South Korea and Australia. Any club to which
Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli prime India belongs usually fails to agree on the rules. Further,
minister, has underscored the most pro- Narendra Modi, its Hindu nationalist premier, is steadily
Israeli US administration in decades. turning India into the world’s largest illiberal democracy.
Christian Zionists who vote Republican And no Biden adviser would include Hungary’s Viktor Or­-
subscribe to a prophecy that Jewish con- ban, the man who embraced the term illiberal democracy.
trol of Judea and Samaria — the biblical The real purpose of Mr Biden’s club would be to counter
names for the occupied West Bank — Mike Pompeo, tional, the move is largely symbolic. Heights and cut all aid to Palestinian ref- Psagot winery, meeting Palestinian China’s increasingly overt ideological rivalry with the west.
will hasten the Second Coming of Christ. right, with The choice of Psagot for Mr Pompeo’s ugees. Israel normalised relations with leaders at a youth centre in the Arab As China’s largest neighbour, India’s support will be critical
For Palestinians, yesterday’s visit was Israeli foreign visit is strategic. Partially built on land the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain community of al-Bireh. to America’s ability to succeed in the so-called new cold
a “final twist of Trump’s knife”, said a minister Gabi expropriated from Palestinian land- under a US-brokered deal that made no “We want to tell our fellow Ameri- war. To keep India on board, Mr Biden would have to
person close to Mohammad Shtayyeh, Ashkenazi owners, Psagot lost a 2019 case at the mention of Palestinian sovereignty. cans, that when you drink [Psagot’s] refrain from criticising Mr Modi’s efforts to downgrade its
the prime minister, who has welcomed yesterday. European Court of Justice, which upheld In preparation for Mr Biden’s presi- wine, you are drinking the blood of the Muslim minority to second-class status. From the start,
the election of Joe Biden as a return to Below, Pompeo an EU policy of labelling products from dency and desperate for a shift in US Palestinian people,” said Abdel Jawad Mr Biden would thus be accused of double standards.
the studied neutrality the US has hith- wine from Israeli settlements differently from policy, Palestinians last week renewed a Saleh, an American citizen who has So what would be the point of his club? The idea works in
erto sought to project in one of the most Psagot those made in Israel. US-backed security agreement with served as mayor of al-Bireh. theory. As the world’s biggest autocracy, China’s closest
intractable conflicts. Patrick SemanskyAP
Four US senators, including Kelly Israel that was abandoned as relations On the day of the US elections, Israel ties are with other brutal regimes, notably Myanmar, Paki-
“We had hoped that the foot was Loeffler of Georgia, have appealed to Mr deteriorated. destroyed an EU-supported Palestinian- stan, Venezuela, North Korea, Iran and Russia. Authoritar-
finally off our neck,” the senior Palestin- Trump to overturn a Clinton-era policy, “The Palestinians were trying to look Bedouin village in the West Bank. Last ians have had a good 21st century so far, prompting talk of
ian official said. “Trump and his friends currently not being enforced, that could for a ladder down from this very high week, it announced published tenders a worldwide “democratic recession”. In practice, it would
want to kick us a final time before they allow settlement products sold in the US tree that they climbed up to,” said Neri to build a new neighbourhood east of be hard to make it work. Mr Biden could set up a symbolic
leave, maybe just for fun, maybe to get to be labelled as “Made in Israel”. Zilber, author of State With No Army, the 1949 armistice line that ended the club that meets once a year. Or he could be more hawkish
more votes.” White evangelicals make up a third of Army With No State, a book on the secu- 1948 war. This would further separate by offering benefits: market access, freedom from sanc-
Mr Pompeo said yesterday that the US the electorate in Georgia, which is re- rity agreement. East Jerusalem from other Arab neigh- tions etc, that he would deny to non-democracies.
would designate as anti-Semitic running a Senate race in January that “What they were waiting for really, as bourhoods. The aim, as Ben Judah and Erik Brattberg write on web-
a global boycott movement will decide the balance of power in the were many people all over the world, “Like many issues of building in the site Foreign Policy, would be to update the British quip
that seeks to stigmatise Israel US legislature. was the US election and they were hop- areas within Jerusalem but outside of about the original purpose of Nato “to keep the Soviet
for settlement building. Over the past four years, the ing beyond hope that Joe Biden would be the 1949 armistice line, there are a lot of Union out, the Americans in and Germany down”. The goal
“It’s just wonderful,” said Trump administration has pushed elected.” sensitivities,” said Lior Schillat, direc- of Mr Biden’s club would be “to keep China in check, India
Mr Netanyahu. “The people through a series of policies that have The fate of the Palestinian project has tor-general of the Jerusalem Institute close and the US steady in the turbulent years to come”.
of the book have never had a infuriated the Palestinians. Mr often been prey to the vicissitudes of US for Policy Research. The framing is sharp. In practice, however, Mr Biden’s
better friend.” Trump moved the US embassy to domestic politics. Barack Obama, dur- The deadline for the bids is two days priority should be to revive democracy in America.
Given that US courts have Jerusalem, recognised Israel’s ing a 2013 visit to the Holy Land, visited before Mr Biden’s inauguration as presi-
upheld boycotts as constitu- annexation of the Syrian Golan the other side of the fence from the dent in January.

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US election

Democrats’ low-key star followed the data to ensure success

Courtney Weaver — Washington It was typical of the low-key style pre- letting a huge prize slip away. Polls had as his public messenger as a hands-on
ferred by Ms O’Malley Dillon, a long- suggested Mr Biden was in touching dis- executive.
In the chaotic days that followed the
standing operator who has made history tance of clinching the reliably Republi- “In these campaigns when you’re in
November 3 US presidential election,
as the first woman to run a victorious can state, but Mr Trump ended up win- charge, the media wants to make you
one person seemed unusually calm:
Democratic presidential campaign. ning comfortably. into a media figure,” said Steve Elmen-
Jennifer O’Malley Dillon, the manager
“Jen is guided by the data and is one of When you’re running a campaign, dorf, a Democratic lobbyist and fund-
of Joe Biden’s victorious campaign.
the few people who can see [the overall] “everyone is a critic”, said Mary Anne raiser and deputy campaign manger for
In the drawn-out period between elec- picture as well as a county by county Marsh, a Democratic strategist. But John Kerry’s 2004 presidential bid.
tion day and November 7, when the race picture in how to target and mobilise “[Ms O’Malley Dillon] seemed to be
was called for the Democrat, Ms O’Mal- votes,” said Stephanie Cutter, who very disciplined about how to use her
ley Dillon emerged from behind the worked with Ms O’Malley Dillon on Jennifer O’Malley time to run [the campaign] and not
Dillon: declined to
scenes to deliver a series of “election Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign. “She engage with the have the ego of, ‘Oh well, I should [be in
protection” briefings in which she re­- had a strategy and she stuck with it.” bare-knuckle front of the press]’.”
turned again to her north star: the data. This week, Mr Biden announced that tactics of Donald The campaign was not without its
Armed with a PowerPoint slideshow Ms O’Malley Dillon would enter the Trump’s campaign critics. Some said the lack of a physical
of statistics and graphs, she methodi- White House with him in January in the ground game, a decision taken because
cally explained that Mr Biden was on role of deputy chief of staff. while others might have “capitulated” of the pandemic, hurt Mr Biden; Repub-
track to win enough battleground states Since his victory, she has been cred- to the pressure, Ms O’Malley Dillon licans attribute the fact that Mr Trump
to capture the White House. ited with keeping the campaign’s atten- stood firm. “She kept the blinders on outperformed his polls to their superior
In so doing, she pointedly declined to tion directed at the “blue wall” states of and worked her plan . . . she executed door-knocking operation.
engage with the bare-knuckle tactics of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, relentlessly and it worked.” But Ms O’Malley Dillon never believ­-
Donald Trump’s campaign, which which flipped back to the Democrat The low-key approach stands in con- ed those polls. As pundits and traders
alleged, without evidence, that Demo- after voting for Mr Trump in 2016. trast to some other recent campaign priced in a blowout Biden victory, hers
crats had perpetrated mass voter fraud That focus meant the campaign did man­agers. Kellyanne Conway, for in­- was a voice of caution. “Here’s the hon-
to steal the election. “We’re just plug- not pour resources into long-shot states, stance, was a frequent fixture on cable est truth: those are inflated national
ging along with our focus on making most notably Texas, even as prominent networks when she ran Mr Trump’s public polling numbers.” Once again, it
sure the votes are counted,” she said. Democrats insisted the Biden team was 2016 presidential bid, serving as much turned out that her data were right.

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