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Subject Code and Title MEM601 Engineering Sustainability

Assessment Short answer questions

Individual/Group Individual

Length 1,200 words +/–10%

Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by the successful

completion of the task below include:
a) Critically analyse the importance and challenges of ethics
and sustainability in the economy and organisations, reflecting on
the roles of key sustainability stakeholders; and
b) Investigate, analyse and evaluate the challenges associated
with sustainably and ethically managing an engineering
organisation’s strategy and functions, as well as the management
capabilities required.

Submission Due by 11.55 pm AEST/AEDT on the Sunday at the end of

Module 3.1

Weighting 30%

Total Marks 100 marks

Task Summary
Research and answer questions by describing in 1,200 words (+/–10%) the barriers and enablers to
engineering sustainability in an engineering organisation. Identify and recommend appropriate
practices that will allow management to strengthen the enablers and reduce the barriers.

Please refer to the Task Instructions (below) for details on how to complete this task.


Many engineering and technical organisations realise the critical importance of sustainability but have
difficulty developing and implementing effective plans and practices for a variety of reasons, such as
a lack of capacity within the organisation or an organisational culture that limits adaptive decision

Engineering organisations need to identify barriers and enablers to engineering sustainability that
either support or hinder the development and implementation of the strategy and manage
appropriate supporting practices. By studying enablers and barriers to engineering sustainability,

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management can effectively identify, address and leverage the most appropriate practices for
This assessment provides you with insights that you can apply to your organisation to facilitate the
effective implementation of an engineering sustainability strategy. To complete this assessment
successfully, you need to understand the important enablers and barriers to sustainability in
engineering organisations and appropriate ethical management plans and actions that can be
implemented to enhance, minimise or eliminate enablers and barriers.

Task Instructions

To complete this assessment, you need to research, describe and answer the following questions:
1. Which engineering or technical organisation have you chosen? Briefly describe the organisation
and its engineering sustainability practices.
2. What barriers and enablers exist to engineering sustainability in your selected organisation?
Briefly describe the barriers and enablers to the organisation’s sustainability.
3. What practices does your organisation need to adopt to strengthen the enablers and
reduce/eliminate the barriers? Recommend practices that the organisation can adopt to improve
its engineering sustainability practices in an ethical manner.

You should prepare for and approach this task by reviewing the content and readings provided in
‘Module 2: Managing Sustainability in Engineering Organisations/Functions’ and conducting original
research of publicly available information.

In structuring the report, please use the following headings as a guide:

1. Introduction
Background information
(Description of the organisation that you have chosen)
(Description of the sustainability practices of that organisation)
2. Sustainability practices in the chosen organisation
2.1 Barriers to sustainability
2.2 Enablers to sustainability
3. 3.Recommendations
(Solutions with sub-headings as necessary)
4. Conclusions
5. References
6. Appendices

This assessment is relevant to the following subject learning outcomes (SLOs):

a) Critically analyse the importance and challenges of ethics and sustainability in the economy and
organisations reflecting on the roles of key sustainability stakeholders; and
b) Investigate, analyse and evaluate the challenges associated with sustainably and ethically
managing an engineering organisation’s strategy and functions, as well as the management
capabilities required.

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It is essential that you use APA style to cite and reference your research. For more information on
referencing, please visit our Library website at:

Submission Instructions

Submit this task via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in MEM601 Engineering
Sustainability. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal.
Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.

Academic Integrity Declaration

Individual Assessment Tasks

I declare that except where referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task is my own
work. I have read and am aware of the Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and
Procedure, viewable online at

I am also aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and any drafts and I agree to do

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Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
Assessment (Yet to achieve (Functional) (Proficient) (Advanced) (Exceptional)
Attributes minimum standard)
50–64% 65–74% 75–84% 85–100%

Criterion 1 Content does not Content is somewhat Good coverage of the Thorough coverage of Comprehensive
adequately artificial or displays topic; clearly the topic; good understanding;
Evidence of indicate an some gaps in articulated explanation application of theory. insightful discussion;
addressing the CLOs understanding of understanding. of the topic; excellent and relevant
for the assignment the topic. reasonable fit between application of theory.
theory and practice.
Percentage for this
criterion = 20%

Criterion 2 Student does not Basic intent covered; Student understands Student has a good Student’s
demonstrate an the analysis and the arguments and has sense of the analysis understanding of the
Analytical depth and understanding of the arguments could be undertaken a focused and evidence; the analysis and arguments
discussion foundations of the more convincing; the analysis and provided evidence is well is clear, logical and
topics from the conclusions and supporting evidence in discussed in the well organised; the
Percentage for this information provided; recommendations are presenting the argument; insights are analysis is detailed and
criterion = 35% the logic is poor; generic or somewhat arguments; the based on synthesised insightful; structured
unclear conclusions irrelevant. conclusions are information; the arguments have been
and recommendations relevant but the conclusions and made based on the
recommendations are recommendations are synthesised
both generic and relevant and specific. information; the
specific. conclusions and
recommendations are
insightful and draw
strongly from the

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Criterion 3 No evidence provided Arguments could be Student understands Student has a good Student’s
to support arguments; more convincing; some the arguments and has sense of the evidence, understanding of the
sources do not support evidence provided; presented the which is well discussed evidence and
Evidence to support the research question; appropriately and well- arguments by in the argument; the arguments is clear; the
arguments poor and non-credible referenced with providing focused topic has been coverage of the topic is
references. credible resources. evidence; student has thoroughly covered; comprehensive and
Percentage for this
included a range of references have been supported by
criterion = 25%
high-quality resources provided to support a references that have
to support the robust analysis; been well used in the
evidence. student has made structure of the
good use of credible argument; the content
references. is creative and
engaging; multiple and
credible references
have been used.

Criterion 4 Layout is confusing; Layout is adequate; the Overall, the Presentation, content Overall, the style and
logic, flow and use of logical flow and use of presentation is easy to and language are good; language used is easy
Quality of the style language is difficult to language is acceptable; digest; the language is the content is easy to to comprehend and
and structure of the follow; there are many there are some succinct and well read and conclusions insightful conclusions
report spelling and misspellings and chosen; there are less have been drawn; have been drawn;
grammatical errors; grammatical errors; than four errors; APA there is no more than referencing fully
references do not referencing partially guidelines have been two errors; reference follows APA guidelines.
Percentage for this comply with APA follows APA guidelines followed in the list and in-text citations
criterion = 20% guidelines. (i.e., APA guidelines reference list at the partially follow APA
have been followed in end of the report; guidelines.
relation to the in-text however, the in-text
citations; however, a references do not
reference list has not follow APA guidelines.
been included at the
end of the report).

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The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment
Critically analyse the importance and challenges of ethics and sustainability in the economy and organisations, reflecting on the
SLO a)
roles of key sustainability stakeholders.
Investigate, analyse and evaluate the challenges associated with sustainably and ethically managing an engineering
SLO b)
organisation’s strategy and functions, as well as the management capabilities required.

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