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Students are to write reflection about their artworks, identifying

strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for improvement.


o How do your two artworks communicate a connection with the

Global Context for this UOW?

Both my artworks express identity and relationships, as they are both

about two different cultures and religions and about the aboriginals
and how they have such a deep background in Australia and it still
continuous on for today, For the Islamic artwork I believe it is very
important in Islam as it symbolizes many great things. The Islamic art
definitely reflected its cultural values.

o Describe the concept (idea) that is communicated by your


The concept that is communicated in my artwork is how the

aboriginals and Islamic religion connect by the way that they are
both very depth in their tradition

What elements of your artworks best portray your concept?

o How did you decided upon the final design of your artworks

The elements in my artwork which portray identity include of the

aboriginal dot artworks as this style of art spans back to the olden
times when they used to use stones to get paint.
o Identify 3 things these artmaking tasks taught you about art
and identity.

It taught me to understand the importance of expressing my identity

and religion through artworks and how it would spread positivity
about our religion and show how it isn’t what media portrays.

o What was the most difficult aspect of these artmaking/draw


The most difficult thing about making this artwork was the dots as
it takes a lot of effort to make the dots small and all the same
width apart.

o Do you think your final artworks are successful in

communicating the theme of art and identity? Why/Why not?

Yes I believe that the final artworks expresses identity as it shows

the importance and famous culture of aboriginals and the beauty of
Islamic art.

o Name 1 thing you would change in your artwork/s if you were

to do them again?

I would put more blending of the colours into my Islamic art work
but one weakness I have was being patient while making the small

o How the global context (identities and relationship assist you to

develop your artwork

It allowed me to make the dots more traditional and depth.

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