Lesson 01 Fossils

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Lesson 01_Previewing


I. Comprehension Questions: Answer the following questions based on the content of the reading.
1. What are fossils?
2. Why do scientists study fossils?
3. What kind of fossils do scientists study the most?
4. How long did dinosaurs live on Earth?
5. When and why did dinosaurs become extinct?
6. Who was William Smith?
7. What did he help to make clear?
8. How could he tell if the rock under the fround was hard or soft?

II. Vocabulary
1. _______________ 2. _______________

Fossils are the preserved remains, or traces of remains, of ancient organisms. Fossils are not the remains of the
organism itself! They are rocks.

3. 鳥類 _______________ 哺乳類 _______________

爬蟲類 _______________ 兩棲類 _______________
水生動物 _______________ 昆蟲 _______________

III. Sentence Structure

1. S + be/V so adj/adv that S + V2… (如此…以致於…)
Amy is so beautiful that every boy likes her.
John is so short that he can’t reach the top of the shelf.
The bag is so heavy that I can’t lift it.
Superman runs so fast that no one can catch up with him.
She works so hard that she is sure to be successful.

1. David 年紀太小 (young)了以致於他不會閱讀也不會寫字。
2 . Jack 很累,以致於上課時睡著了。
3. Tom 年紀太小以致於不能上學。
4. 他們足夠勇敢來面對地震帶來的傷害。

2. It is/was 強調的部分 that 剩餘的部分.

放到 It is/was 後面來做為強調的部分。通常翻成中文會在強調的部分前面加上「就是、是、正是」。
I kissed Mary in the park last night.
= ___________________________________________________________________________________
= ___________________________________________________________________________________
= ___________________________________________________________________________________
= ___________________________________________________________________________________

1. Columbus discovered America in 1492.
2. I met Jack in the street yesterday.
3. They always drink coffee in the afternoon.
4. She lent me some books five days ago.
5. Jim often plays basketball with his classmates in the gym on weekends.

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