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Why do you want a graduate degree from LUMS?

How will you benefit from the

programme you wish to attend from LUMS? 

LUMS is one of the most prestigious universities in Pakistan. I wish to study at LUMS
because its degree has a very high market value. I have a number of friends and family members
who have successfully graduated from LUMS and the professional knowledge that they have
gained has helped them in their business life.

After doing a careful research I have found that the MBA programme of LUMS is best
suited for my needs due to a number of reasons. Firstly, the programme is famous for providing
the students with real life business case studies that challenges the students to think
professionally. Secondly, I believe that it will help me in learning about leadership skills and it
will also help me in further developing my communication, interpersonal and organizational
skills. I look forward to developing and deepening my understanding of not only the theoretical
side of the business but also the practical side and I believe that your reputable institute will help
me hone these abilities. 

After joining the Fruit-Re-Creations, I had initiated and executed numerous successful
marketing campaigns which increased the sales of my organization. I was given the opportunity
to market the new products of the company. This project helped me gain an understanding of
how the consumers work and how to successfully not only budget the business but also generate
more profit. After seeing my work abilities, the management allowed me to successfully groom
the newcomers of the company which helped me in sharpening my leadership, analytical and
critical thinking skills. Also, through my communication and planning skills I successfully
solidified the relationship of the company with distributors across Pakistan. I have also
participated and led numerous meetings which have helped me in developing my teamwork and
my time management skills.

After discussing with my family I have realized that your well esteemed institute is best
suited to my career goals. Since in the future I aim to not only further develop my father’s
business but I also intend to run a side project, where my company’s employees will be trained in
skills that are best suited to them. I wish to gain admission in LUMS because I am sure that it
will help me gain knowledge in not only identifying business trends but also, in analyzing and
evaluating the business marketing situations. The MBA programme will not only help me in
developing business innovative skills but also provide me with a varied perspective. 

What are your three most important achievements to date? Why do you consider
them important?
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to
make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”  This quote has always been of real
significance to me. Although there are many incidents in my life that I believe have helped me
into becoming what I am today, there are three main events that I consider very important. 
First accomplishment relates to my childhood; when I was a student I was an overweight
child because of which my fellow classmates often teased and mocked me which adversely
affected my growth. Their insensitive actions as well as the adults negligent behaviour shattered
my confidence and self-esteem. I became shy and stopped trying in my studies. Later on, my
parents sat me down and told me that what others said did not matter, they told me that only I
could help myself and that I shouldn't compare myself to other people. I realized that they were
right and it motivated me to correct my behaviour and I decided to do what made me happy and
my parents proud. So I started to work hard academically and also started to participate in sports
and other school related activities. I set a goal to gain a healthy weight and I exercised regularly
to achieve that objective. I not only achieved my goal but I also won many sports trophies
relating to race, cricket and badminton. This childhood experience made me realize my potential
and I recognized that I should always strive hard to pursue my dreams.

The second achievement of my life is related to my college years. In my first year of

college I had to give a presentation but when I stepped onto the podium, I realized that I couldn't
speak at all. When I got home I felt fine, and I realized that something like this had never
happened to me before, so I tried to google my symptoms. I found out that I had social anxiety,
more specifically stage phobia. I went to a psychologist and told him about my childhood
experiences of being bullied and how I felt scared, nervous, and anxious when I had to give
presentations. He told me some ways that I could counter and reduce my anxieties and social
fears. I followed his numerous tips and slowly overcame my depression and anxiety and later
successfully completed my undergraduate program. 

My third success is related to my professional life; after I joined the Fruit-Re-Creations

industry, I was acknowledged for my hard work, and my superiors allowed me to join a team
which was developing a new product ‘corn puffs’. I created a new marketing plan regarding the
product to increase its sales, along with my team I managed to complete the designated goal of
sales which helped my company to stay afloat in such an oversaturated market and improve its
revenue. My success in completing the assigned goals has helped me gain confidence in myself
and my ideas. This experience allowed me to develop good communication, adaptability, and
time management skills.

Give reason for joining the organization you are currently employed with and a brief
description of your responsibilities in your current position. Also, elaborate on your
professional growth, mentioning any significant contribution you have made to your

I joined “Fruit-Re-Creations” enterprise in 2018 as this company is actively engaged in

the food processing business and distribution which has two main divisions; one is processed
bottled water which is being marketed under the name of Aafi – ultra pure drinking water, and
the second deals with the production and manufacturing of corn, rice and fried snacks which is
marketed under the brand name of Neutrino. 

Fruit-Re-Creations is committed to provide pure drinking water to the society at most

affordable prices with zero compromise on the hygienic standards. Aafi - Ultra Pure drinking
Water comes from deep underground, and the water is sterilized to meet drinking standards of
the World Health Organization (W.H.O), as well as Pakistan Standards & Quality Control
Authority (PSQCA).  Recently the company has diversified its focus and developed a new
product range of snacks. It wishes to provide wholesome, nutritious, hygienic snacks across
Pakistan. The company product Neutrino, comes in different flavours such as, Salty, Hot &
Spicy, Cheesy, Jalapeno, and Ketchup, so that everyone can enjoy it without getting repetitive.

The employees enjoy working in the company because of its good environment, fast
expanding work sphere, and the accelerating growth of its products in the market. Their clear set
of strategies will help make the organization grow even stronger in the future. I joined the “Fruit
Re-Creations” company because of its highly favourable reputation, especially its care towards
its employees, and their enthusiasm about giving everyone a chance to prove themselves. I joined
the company to improve my technical skills and since the organization trains its staff in new
sales techniques, how to handle product samples, and marketing campaigns in order to impress
potential customers. I joined the company as a trainer and through my hard work I managed to
achieve a sales and marketing executive position. 

My main responsibilities include trying to increase the revenue of my organization by

implementing new marketing and promotional activities which would result in product
awareness and new client acquisition and also promote the products sales to the existing
customers. I also hold the responsibility of establishing sustainable partnership with new
distributors across Pakistan. After observing my efficient performance, hard work and dedication
the management allowed me to be a part of a team which was researching and developing a new
product; Neutrino. My previous knowledge about the market and target audience proved to be
fruitful and I was able to help my team develop a product (corn puffs) which increased the sales
of the company by 25%. I also helped my company develop a unique point scoring system
relating to the distributors across the country. The system is structured in such a way so that
every sale gets a score, thus, increasing the sales competition among the group. This scoring is
meticulously monitored by a team, and every month the winner would get a bonus, and a dinner
invitation from the company to appreciate their hard work. 
After I joined the enterprise I was given a lot of training which furthered my personal and
professional development. I joined a competent team wherein I added value to the projects and in
turn, learnt a lot of new things as well.  I learned team building skills, planning skills,
organizational skills, communication skills, and problem and analytical solving skills, which
helped me in knowing how to work with both workmates and clients, improve productivity, and
enhance the brand image of the company. I learnt sales techniques and product knowledge which
helped in generating more revenue. I also got proper training in sales personnel which is essential
for the development of the sales professionals as well as the growth of the organization. I also
gained knowledge regarding sales targets, sales goals, marketing strategies, sales planning,
relationship management, and interpersonal skills.

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