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For everyone.. For all...

There is a range of factors which cause
accidents which include of human factors,
environmental factors and Vehicle factors.If
these factors are been aware of from all
individuals on the road , it would be much
safer and could save many lives. Furthermore
for this to work it is important for everyone to
be knowledgeable on the road.

“Its not about how good of a driver you

are.Its about the 5 seconds you take
your eyes of the road. Don't risk it!”

The Human factor is a sector that could cause crashes as l The environmental factors which play a role
human behaviour has a large impact which is involves of are always put in place as one cant control
many states.These states include of: deliberate risk taking, it.Some examples of environmental factors
distraction to the driver (phone, music, friends), tiredness are; poor visibility which is caused by
(causing in poor concentration),driving whilst you have an weather conditions (heavy rainfall, snowfall,
amount of alcohol which has affected your body, being late to mist).Ambient temperature causes stress
a certain thing or place results to speed, simply disobeying from both extreme cold and hot
road rules for e.g not using the pedestrian crossing, not using weathers.Sound can also distract the driver
lights as an indication whilst driving. Another element which even causing them to stress and
could include into the human factor is if one doesn’t have the panic.Population density could also lead to
necessary knowledge to drive.These human factors can easily crashes as places would be have big crowds.
cause an accident or crash but when combined with the other
factors it is more likely for individual's to have a accident.
In addition to all these factors it is always
important to make sure that you have a good
The environmental factors which play a role are always put in
road behaviour .Individuals like teens mostly
place as one cant control it. Some examples of environmental
try showing off/try to feel cool but they don’t
factors are; poor visibility which is caused by weather
deeply understand that not just them but
conditions (heavy rainfall, snowfall, mist).Ambient
indeed everyone around them can get affected
temperature could possibly causes stress this occurs in both
by this behaviour as-well. Road behaviour
extreme cold and hot weathers. Sound can also distract the
risks/actions includes of; speeding, illegal use
driver even causing them to stress and panic. Population
of mobile devices, drink driving or even
density could also lead to crashes as places would be have big
simply not wearing a seatbelt, speeding on
yellow and red lights.These behaviours may
The vehicle factor can also contribute or lead to an accident. be familiar to us as a wider community
Vehicle factors involve of; a poor maintained vehicle, if ones despite this we may not realise the dangerous
car doesn’t have modern safety features or even the simple consequences which could occur.Think of it
features of a safe car. The features in a car which are vital as one small text message could jeopardise
are; brake assist ,lane assist, electronic stability control.If ones life.The National Safety Council reports
these factors are not in a car it could possibly cause severe that the use of cell phone has lead to 1.6
accidents. For e.g if a car doesn’t have a brake it doesn’t have million crashes a year. Additionally 390,000
the resistance to stop the car therefore there is a high chance tragic injuries due to messaging.Is a text
of an accident.Furthermore, it is important and vital to make message really more important than you or
sure you take your car to the necessary checkups etc.. someone else's life?
Their is a range of strategies which young people can
promote and they can encourage individuals to be more
responsible drivers along with to be a passenger with a
good attitude.In order for an individual to be a
responsible driver they must obey the road rules, always
drive safely. Not only should they concentrate on their
vehicle but be aware of others vehicle as-well.To make
sure that the passengers have their seatbelts on, make
sure the petrol is full, the wheels of the vehicle are safe
to drive.The passengers responsibilities are to make
sure they have a seat belt on at all times, not to distract
the driver. They must know the simple safety cautions
for e.g to know that the doors must be
locked.Furthermore, it is important for them to have
their hands to themselves.

Youngsters can implement these behaviours by making posters to stick around

community areas or the school, along with by making educational and
P H O T O B Yvideos
R . S M I for
T H kids about these behaviours.It would be a
fantastic idea to implement the making of toys which expressed the safety
rules.This would make children learn from a young age about these rules.
Additionally if parks had more safety driving play grounds so that they could
have an idea of road safety.In order for me as a young person to implement
these ideas i could send emails to my local council (hills shire community) to
express these ideas.


The campaign I have chosen is 'stop it..or cop it..',the role of the campaign is to portray that there are
many cops's out there every day doing their job. Meaning drivers, rides can be caught if they disobey the
road rules that are set for their safety. This campaign is designed in order to make sure and warn drivers
to not take risky decisions whilst driving.The issue they are highlighting is the fact that many drivers
take careless decisions which puts everyone in threat.The medium of the campaign is a range of
techniques which include ads and newspapers this is a great way of promoting and getting a message out
their.The target audience is drivers and generally any elder age as everyone must be aware of how to act
and decide on the road as this is a key factor.The effect of the campaign was that many people took
further awareness as they wore more careful with actions and the road was put to more safety.Below is a
graph which conveys the impact of this campaign:

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