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1. Although=Aunque: Although Alexa has the camera off, she is listening.

2. Except=Excepto: I like all vegetables, except okra.
3. Because=Porque: I like music because I relax with it.
4. Since=Desde: I have been at San Judas since 2018.
5. Unless=Al menos que: Unless, Isabella gives me a hand, I will not finish on time.
6. So=Entonces: Inmanol likes music, so he has many Spotify lists.
7. Before: Antes de: Before the dance, I went to the hair salon.
8. After= Después: After we eat, we usually go to the park.
9. Whenever= cuando sea: Whenever you need me call me.
10. While: Durante/Mientras: While we are in class we mustn’t use cell phones.
11. Once=Una vez: Once I was in the park I fell.
12. As soon as= Lo más pronto posible: As soon as I entered the room I noticed something was
13. If= Si: If we play, we have to be careful.


Once upon a time:


Although=Aunque: Although Mauro likes video games he does not play very often.

Except=Excepto: I play soccer, except if it is raining.

Because= porque: I like chocolate because it is delicious.

Since=Desde: I have been drawing since I was 6 years old.

Unless= A menos que: I will be waiting here, unless my mom calls me.

So= Entonces: We finished. So, what are we going to do now?

Before=Antes: Before I eat my cake I want to change clothes.

After=Después: After I make my bed I take a shower.

Once: una vez: I went o Disney once.

Whenever=Cuando sea: Whenver it rains I stay inside of my house.
While= Mientras/durante: I have to stay home while we go through the Covid-19 process.

Once=Una vez que/Una vez

As soon as=Lo más pronto posible
Although=Aunque: Although Felix is not participating today, he is listening to the class.
Except=Excepto: I have all the materials except the glue.
Because: Porque: I love marble because it is beautiful.
Since=Desde/Ya que : I have been swimming since 2018.
Unless= A menos que: The end of the world is going to happen unless I save it. /I want play
unless, I have to do homework.
So= Entonces: I want to play but I have to clean my room. So, I can’t do it until I’m done.
Before=Antes: I want to clean my room before doing homework.
After=Después: After I brush my teeth I go to bed. /I want to eat after playing.
Whenever=Cuando sea: You can come to my house whenever you want.
While=Mientras/Durante: I can’t sleep while I am using my phone.
Once= Una vez: Once I start listening to music, I relax.
A soon as= Tan pronto que: I go to the park as soon as I do my homework.
If= Si: If I do all my homework I can go to the park.

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