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I pledge that I will act fairly in accomplishing this activity.

I will answer it with all honesty, and it represents entirely my OWN efforts as a student of ED 16-FS 1
and XU-SOE.


I pledge that I will completely protect the personal data of all participants of ED 16-FS 1 knowing
that there are minors (students).
I will not divulge, upload, reproduce and distribute any personal data which may include but are not
limited to identifiers such as a name, identification number, location data, and online identifier. Also,
the photos and/or videos that I will use will be redacted to protect everyone’s personal identity.

I will indicate my name and signature below to certify that I am committed to the
Pledge of Honesty and Pledge to Protect Personal Data of Participants


Name and Signature

Field Study Student’s Name Queennie Love S. Pacto

Resource Teacher’s Name Ms Sheena L Soler
School Xavier University - Junior High School
Subject Science
Grade/Year Level and Section Grade 9 - Hontiveros
Date of Observation September 08, 2021
Date of Submission September 11, 2021
Field Study Area Learner Development and Learning Environment

1 | Field Study 1 | Learner Development and Learning Environment

General Instructions:
1. Go over each worksheet before you start doing the tasks. If you have questions or clarifications, you
may send a message to your ED 16 Teacher.
2. To show courtesy, inform your Resource Teacher that you will access one of their class recordings
to observe the area on “Learner Development and Learning Environment. Kindly take note of
learning episodes so that you would know what topics to include when asking permission from your
Resource Teacher. You may send him/her a private message via MS Chat. Please observe the
official working hours of your Resource Teacher.
3. Remember that your time and of your Resource Teacher are important. Hence, when communicating
to your Resource Teacher, as much as possible, all concerns, clarifications and/or asking of
permission must be mentioned all together. This is to ensure that their time and yours will be used
4. If there is a need to interview or talk to your Resource Teacher, always book an appointment.
5. Before you submit your output, always present your output to your Resource Teacher and have
him/her attach his/her signature. This is to provide an opportunity to clarify areas that are not clear
or discuss certain points before submitting your final output.

Field Study Area Learner Development and Learning Environment

Learning Episode The Features of the Virtual Classroom
Observation Notes

1. Check if you are already added by your Resource Teacher in his/her Subject Team (ex. Science 5
Team). If not yet, politely ask him/her to add you as a member of the team.
2. Below is the list of key features that may be available in the virtual classroom (MS Team) that you are
observing. Check (✔) the available features, describe them, and write their contribution to the learning

Features (✔ Description Contribution


a section for the posting of ✔ this is where the announcements, this will guide the students on
announcements, assignments, quizzes, assignments, quizzes, daily and the to dos of the day or the
weekly reminders can be seen and week; this will also serve as
and reminders read their portal for reminders

user-friendly interface ✔ this is the design of the portal that is through having a user-friendly

2 | Field Study 1 | Learner Development and Learning Environment

easily accessible to the students interface, the students will be
able to access common
features or commands
quickly and in a
straightforward manner

repository for class files such as slide ✔ this section is where the files that this feature will help the
presentations, handouts, and videos. were used or will be used during students access the
science classes are stored or placed necessary files that they need
whenever they want to review
or study over a topic, etc

tracker of learner’s progress or ✔ this section is where the scores for this feature will help the
performance quizzes, assignments, and other students independently
tasks of the students can be seen assess their learning
from day 1 up to the present progress and for them to
know their strengths and
weaknesses, the things they
are good at and the things
that they still need to improve
to better their outputs

compatible across devices ✔ this basically means that the compatibility across devices
features in the virtual classroom can would mean that students will
be accessed through different be able to access the
devices such as personal necessary data and attend
computers, laptops, tablets, mobile classes conveniently no
phones, etc matter what device they are
currently using

live video streaming and screen sharing ✔ this feature would let the screen of this feature is important
capability the teacher be shared to the screens especially because some
of her students for the students to learners are used to learn
also view their teacher’s lessons live with the blackboard and chalk
and PPT presentations the
face to face classes, so
having this feature will also
help the learning to be more
interactive and will also
benefit those who are visual

a secure and safe platform ✔ this feature makes sure that the this greatly opens a safe
students are free from harm or risk learning space wherein
during their online classes students can feel safe even
when they are learning online
such as the personal data of
the students are carefully
managed and hidden

controls for meeting host ✔ this feature gives the power to this will give the teacher to
control the meeting flow to the power to control what to only
teacher during synchronous show on the screen that is
sessions then shared to the screens of
her students, she will also
have the control whether to
admit or not admit a student

3 | Field Study 1 | Learner Development and Learning Environment

who is late, etc

interactive digital whiteboard and other ✔ this section is composed of this will provide a more
collaborative tools collaborative tools that students can interactive learning set-up for
use during learning virtually the students despite having
an online class; this will open
opportunities for the student
so collaborate and interact in
order to achieve a goal using
such feature

communication tools such as group chats ✔ this feature provides space for this feature is very important
and break out rooms students and teacher to to every virtual classroom
communicate to one another, either set-up since the students are
in a teacher to students or student or learning miles away, it is
student manner important for them to still
communicate with one
another and to still build bond
with each other

recorded and archived lessons ✔ this feature holds recorded videos this feature will provide a
and archived lessons section in which students can
access the necessary
recordings or archived
lessons in times of need; a go
to feature for students who
need to review or to catch up
for the lessons

cloud storage and backup(for teachers) ✔ this feature provides another option this feature is important to
for teachers to have a backup ensure that the teacher will
storage for their lessons always have the necessary
files that she needs for future

Processing Questions and Analysis

(Note: You can adjust the spacing for you to have more space for your responses)

1. Which of the features present in the virtual classroom you observed do you think have the most impact on the
learning experience of the learners? Explain.

From the features that are present in the virtual classroom that I am observing, I think it is the tracker of a learner's
progress or performance’s feature that greatly impacts the learning experience of the learners. This is for the reason that
through this feature, the students will be able to assess themselves -- know their strengths and weaknesses, know where
they’re good at or know where they must improve. If all virtual classrooms have this kind of feature present, maybe
learning can be well observed and independently assessed even during the virtual set-up.

2. What specific concerns may arise given the absence of some of the features cited above? Explain.

An ideal virtual classroom must have all of the features cited above. However, in cases wherein some features are
absent, some concerns may also arise. For instance, a lacking feature for a section for the posting of announcements,

4 | Field Study 1 | Learner Development and Learning Environment

assignments, quizzes, and reminders would cause confusion to students on where and how to find the necessary
information that they need which will somehow make the virtual classroom disorganized. Moreover, absence of some
other features in the virtual classroom is the same as having poor classroom management techniques. Thus, it is really
necessary for a teacher to make sure that all of these features are present in the virtual classroom to ensure quality

3. Paste a screenshot of the GENERAL-POST tab of your assigned MS Team. The photo will show how the virtual
classroom looks like. Note: Please make sure that the names and photos of participants are covered or redacted.

5 | Field Study 1 | Learner Development and Learning Environment

Field Study Area Learner Development and Learning Environment
Learning Episode The Atmosphere of the Virtual Classroom
Observation Notes

1. Based on the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) and in our class
discussions, we agree that there is a need for a teacher to create a learning environment that is
conducive to the learning of students. Check (✔) the indicators that are present in the learning
environment you observed.

Strand Performance Indicators (✔)

maintains a learning environment of courtesy and respect for different ✔
Creates an learners (example ability, culture, and gender)
environment that
promotes fairness provides gender-fair opportunities for learning ✔
recognizes that every learner has his or her own strengths ✔
maintains a safe and orderly class free from distraction ✔
Makes the classroom arranges challenging activities given the virtual setup ✔
environment safe and
conducive for learning uses individual and cooperative learning activities to improve the capacities ✔
of learners for higher learning
encourages learners to ask questions ✔
provides learners with a variety of learning experiences
Communicates higher
learning expectations provides varied enrichment activities to nurture the learners’ desire for ✔
to each learner
further learning
communicates and maintains high standards of learning performance ✔
handles behavior problems quickly and with due respect to the children's ✔
Establishes and gives timely feedback to reinforce appropriate learners’ behavior ✔
maintains consistent
guides individual learners who require the development of appropriate ✔
standards of learners’
behavior social and learning behavior
communicates and enforces school policies and procedures for appropriate ✔
learners’ behavior
Create a healthy encourages free expression of ideas from learners ✔
psychological climate
create a stress-free environment ✔

6 | Field Study 1 | Learner Development and Learning Environment

takes measures to minimize anxiety and fear of the teacher and/or subject ✔
for learning
Processing Questions and Analysis
(Note: You can adjust the spacing for you to have more space for your responses)

1. With the indicators that you checked as your reference, what can you say about the learning
environment that you observed? What do these indicators imply in fostering a productive learning
With the indicators that I have checked, I can say that the learning environment of the section that I am
currently observing is a well-managed learning environment. This is for the main reason that almost all of the
performance indicators that can be read in each of the strands of the Philippine Professional Standards for
Teachers (PPST) can also be observed in the virtual classroom that I am also observing. The teacher indeed
has created a learning environment wherein fairness is exhibited, shows how safe and conducive the
environment is from learning based on how her students behave during class and higher expectations for the
students were also clearly emphasized to the class that is greatly observed during their learning
performances. The indicators cited above only imply that in order to foster a productive learning environment,
as a teacher, you need first to manage your class well, know the context of your students first, foster mutual
respect, make them feel safe while learning and make sure to create a healthy psychological climate for
learning. If all of the performance indicators cited above are well observed and maintained in class, there will
also be a great chance for a teacher to foster a productive learning environment.

2. Which of the indicators cited above do you think you will need to implement and emphasize when you
become a teacher in the future? Explain.

From the indicators cited above, it is the performance indicator of taking measures to minimize anxiety
and fear of the teacher and/or subject and to create a stress-free environment that I will greatly implement
and emphasize to my class the moment I become a teacher. This is for the reason that I, myself, also
experienced how it feels to be anxious about a certain teacher. It was not because I do not like her but
because I was just simply scared of her -- the way she talks, discusses, gives quizzes, etc. and I do not want
my students to feel the same way. I do not want them to have this fear inside them because learning is
supposed to be fun. Thus, in the future I will make sure to make my students feel comfortable and safe. I will
make sure to make them feel that it is never wrong to fail or to not be able to understand the lesson
immediately. I will create a learning environment wherein they will be able to express themselves, celebrate
their successes-- small or big and grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

7 | Field Study 1 | Learner Development and Learning Environment

3. What do the specific indicators suggest about the teaching profession?

The specific indicators only suggest that the teaching profession is really dynamic. It suggests that if
you want to survive in this kind of profession, you must be open and must be able to adapt to change and
failures, and always prepare yourself for progress and growth. To dwell in this kind of profession is like
considering yourself to be someone that is knowledgeable enough about something, but you should not be
that confident to say that you are knowledgeable because you know in yourself that you still need to learn a
lot of things, may it be on how you deal with your students, how you deliver your lessons, how you create
your lesson plans, etc. Thus, the indicators above only suggest that you must be a lifelong learner because
learning does not stop in the teaching profession.

8 | Field Study 1 | Learner Development and Learning Environment

Field Study Area Learner Development and Learning Environment
Learning Episode Learners’ Characteristics And Needs
Observation Notes

1. Based on your assigned class, identify the general characteristics and needs of the learners.

Age Range 14-15 years old

Stage of Development Adolescence
(ex. Early Childhood)

Describe the general characteristics of the learners belonging to

PART 1: Learners’ Characteristics this grade/year level based on physiological, emotional/affective,
intellectual, and social characteristics
- skin, voice, body changes

Physiological - physical maturation

- development of secondary sex characteristics

- sensitive

Emotional/Affective - labile emotions

- increasing capacity for empathy

- capable of abstract thoughts

Intellectual - can think logically

- can comprehend complex explanations

- strong need for peer acceptance

Social - identity vs role confusion

- struggle to establish own identity

From the identified general characteristics of the learners, state
PART 2: Learners’ Needs all the possible needs you deem necessary for their learning

1. More personalized teaching and learning approach.

9 | Field Study 1 | Learner Development and Learning Environment

2. Activities with real-life scenarios.

3. More group activities.

4. One-on-one instructions.

5. Provide options/choices for their course of actions.

Processing Questions and Analysis

(Note: You can adjust the spacing for you to have more space for your responses)

1. What specific interventions or support can you provide based on the needs you identified above?

From the needs that I have identified above, the specific intervention that I could provide to the class is to
provide them with a more personalized teaching and learning approach wherein they will be able to feel the
belongingness that most of the adolescence are seeking at this certain stage. Through assessing the context
of the learners, I will be able to plan necessary steps in order to make the teaching-learning process more
friendly to them for them to feel safe and comfortable while learning. I can also let them work in groups so
that they will be able to learn on how to manage their emotions and for them also to socialize with the other
students. Providing real-life scenarios would also be a big help for them to learn authentically as developing
individuals. Overall, it would always be nice to assess the learners’ characteristics and needs first to be able
to provide them with a more authentic teaching and learning environment.

10 | Field Study 1 | Learner Development and Learning Environment

Field Study Area Learner Development and Learning Environment
Learning Episode Learners’ Differences and Uniqueness
Observation Notes

1. Using the theory of Multiple Intelligences, identify the dominant intelligence/is tapped by the teacher
during that specific class session.
2. Describe how each dominant intelligence is tapped in the teaching-learning process.

Multiple Intelligences Describe how each identified intelligence was tapped in class

1. Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence Verbal-linguistic intelligence was dominantly tapped during the teaching-
learning process by the teacher through letting her students answer
questions that are being thrown to them regarding the videos they were
tasked to watch.

2. Interpersonal During the discussion proper, the interpersonal skills of the students were
tapped by the teacher by letting them express what they have learned
during the live session.

3. Logical-Mathematical During the live sessions, the teacher tapped this multiple intelligence
through asking questions to students and letting them answer it using their
own words. They were also tasked to plan out their exit output for the day.


1. The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) states that a teacher should be able
to determine, understand, and accept the diverse backgrounds and experiences of learners. Check
(✔) the indicators that are present in the learning environment you observed.

Performance Indicators (✔)

obtains information on the learning styles multiple intelligences and needs of learners ✔
designs or selects learning experiences suited to the different kinds of learners ✔
establishes goals that define appropriate expectations for all learners ✔

11 | Field Study 1 | Learner Development and Learning Environment

paces lessons appropriately according to the needs and difficulties of learners ✔
initiates other learning approaches for learners whose needs have not been met by usual
recognizes the multicultural backgrounds of learners when providing learning opportunities ✔
adopts strategies to address the needs of differently abled learners
makes appropriate adjustments for learners with different socio-economic backgrounds ✔
Processing Questions and Analysis
(Note: You can adjust the spacing for you to have more space for your responses)

1. With the indicators that you checked as your reference, what can you say about the teaching-learning
process that you observed?
From the teaching-learning process that I have observed and with the indicators that I have checked, it
is sad for me to say that I am somehow disappointed as to how the teacher managed the different
intelligences of the students. The other aspects of the teaching-learning process are already perfect;
however, it is only in this area where I felt the lack of strategy from the teacher. The teacher does the talking
while the students are seated to listen and are only allowed to talk when answering questions. I hope that the
teacher made the session more interactive, especially that it is their first meeting, and it is obvious with the
students’ faces that they are still shy. Overall, the teaching-learning process is already good, but it would
really be best if other intelligences are also catered during the live session.

2. What do these indicators imply regarding the teacher’s skills and ability to determine, understand, and
accept diverse backgrounds, knowledge, and experiences of learners?

These indicators just imply that it is really a teacher’s instinct to assess the skills and ability of her
students and it is also her responsibility to accept her students’ background no matter what it is, where her
students came from and the experiences that her students are carrying. Thus, a teacher is like a navigator --
she must be able to direct her students to the right path no matter how different they are from each other. It is
always the challenge of the teacher -- to assess the context of her learners, use this context for their benefits
and help the child to develop to the best version he can become. That is why it is really important for the
teacher to consider her students’ multiple intelligences in order for her to also create opportunities where all
of her students can also benefit.

Insights and Reflection

(Note: You can adjust the spacing for you to have more space for your responses)
12 | Field Study 1 | Learner Development and Learning Environment
What insights and reflection can you derive from this specific field study experience?

From this specific field study experience, I have realized the importance of building an atmosphere
wherein you and your students could benefit from. A learning environment which provides opportunities for
growth, mutual respect between you and your students, acceptance of different sociocultural backgrounds
and a learning environment that provides space for the development of the students’ hearts, minds and
hearts. I have noticed that before starting the actual session, the kids underwent a preliminary activity which
was called as the “excellent start” wherein the value of life, peace, care to self and prayer was greatly
manifested. As a student who is not from XUJHS, I was amazed by this culture being practiced in the
campus even during the virtual classes and I hope to apply this to my students soon. Moreover, the
experience also taught me the importance of how the learning environment is managed properly for it
definitely has an impact on the overall learning development of the students. Better and more organized
virtual learning environment could also lead to a more productive teaching and learning process. Overall,
this experience made me realize how important my role is as a teacher, it made me feel challenged but at
the same time more motivated to work harder in bettering myself as a pre-service teacher for me to be able
to apply all of the idealistic thoughts that I am carrying with me for my future students. This one specific
experience only proves that I am getting nearer to that goal.

Closing Discussion

State five key learning points that you were able to capture in this field study experience.

1. Establishing the atmosphere of the learning environment is a very important step in order to deliver what

needs to be delivered during the whole teaching and learning process.

2. The contents and the lesson assessments must be anchored from the context of the students in order to

provide a more authentic teaching and learning process.

3. Making sure that the necessary key features that must be seen in a virtual classroom are observed and

present is one way of manifesting a productive learning and teaching progress.

13 | Field Study 1 | Learner Development and Learning Environment

4. Assessing the characteristics and needs of our students will help us identify the necessary steps that we

can incorporate in order to provide them an authentic learning experience.

5. The learning environment of the learner greatly affects the learning development of the student. Thus, it is

important to really ensure that the learning environment is a safe space for the student to learn.

Resource Teacher’s Name and Signature: Ms Sheena L Soler

Date: September 10, 2021

Does Not Meet
Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Below Expectations
Components (Good) (Satisfactory) (Fair)
4 points 3 points 2 points
1 point

Observation Notes All tasks were completed Almost all tasks were Half of the tasks were Less than half of the tasks
efficiently. completed efficiently. completed efficiently. were completed efficiently.

Processing Questions and All questions were Almost all questions were Half of the questions were Less than half of the
Analysis answered comprehensively. answered comprehensively. answered comprehensively. questions were answered
Concepts were highly and Concepts were connected Able to connect concepts.
thoroughly connected. and analyzed. Was not able to connect

Insights and reflection Reflection is in-depth and Reflection is evident and Reflection shows average Reflection does not sow
insightful. insightful. depth and insightfulness. depth and insightfulness.

Closing Discussion Highly captures all essential Able to capture more than Able to capture half of the Able to capture less than half
points in the learning half of the essential points in essential points in the of the essential points in the
episode. the learning episode. learning episode. learning episode.

14 | Field Study 1 | Learner Development and Learning Environment

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