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What are the reasons for student laziness in

attend their class?

Submitted by

Dela Cruz, Kristine Angela

Blancaver, Hjally Jens

Donan, Maiko

Hernandez, Lizle

Cisneros, Ma. Caridad

Manawat, Randy




First, we would like to thank to our Almighty GOD for giving us

strength, knowledge, wisdom and continually showering us with countless
blessing in order to fulfil our ambition to finish our study.

To cooperative students of CICTS College in ACT Society, (act 1B-

1D) for assisting on the survey that we have conducted to them.

To my responsible group mate who help each other to finish this

research paper.

To our professor Mr.Vibar who help us to correct our grammar and

to teach us to do this research.

To our parent for always support us financially and morally and

believing us that we will finish our study to help them.

To Computer sites like, for giving

chance to help us to became easier in our researching to our topic.

Table of Content
I. Chapter 1

 Background of the study
 Statement
 Significance
 Scope and limitation

II. Chapter 2

 Foreign
 Local

III. Chapter 3

 Population
 Focus of date

IV. Chapter 4

Presentation and analysis data

 Tables of the students participant

V. Chapter 5

Summary, conclusion and Recommendation

 Summary
 Conclusion
 Recommendation

Chapter 1

Background of the study

According to the laziness is Unwilling to

work Slow moving something that you do not want to do.

Laziness (also called indolence) is disinclination to activity

or exertion despite having the ability to do so.

I suppose that lazy people may be getting the most out of life,
but it's hard for me to imagine how.  I cannot imagine not
having any drive or ambition to accomplish anything, and
having the desire to engage only in passive activities, always
being a spectator, never acting.  Laziness, in many cases, leads
to poor health, low self-esteem, lack of hope, and low self-
confidence, among other things that I just do not see.  It also
robs a person of a sense of accomplishment, a sense of self-
worth, and self-development

1. As a student, do you feel lazy in attending your class?

2. What is your reason for not attending your class?

3. What are the reasons why student do not get a passing

4. Why some students failed in their subject?

5. Is playing computer games are one of the reasons why

students are lazy in attending their class?

6. Are the facilities some of reasons why don’t like to

attend to your class?

7. As a student, why do you feel lazy sometimes to

attend your class?

8. What will you do if you notice that being lazy gives you
failing grade?

9. Do you feel lazy when you are inside the classroom?

10. When do you feel lazy in attending your class?

11. Are the people around you some of reason, why you
don’t like to attend your class?

12. Is your special someone, reason why sometimes failed

to attend our class?

To awaken the all students for being lazy to attend their
class and expose their doing than study, because sometimes
their doing lot things than to be focus of what they need to do
like to study, study, study. Something they want to play
computer games, playing basketball etc., because they tough
that their professor is too boring, but sometimes we as the
students are the reasons why the professor is like that and we
student have a responsibility to our self to have a fly colours
grade for our own sake in our future. For us the importance of
this research is to know what the reasons are for you or me
like a student became lazy to attend their class and to be
classified it. In addition, we will know what they interested to
do than to attend their class so that we will help them to have
a passion to study hard

Scope and limitation

We have to survey that ask them what the reasons are for
student like them lazy to attend their class. Some of them are
on the ACT society first year student at PAMANTASAN NG
LUNSOND NG MUNTINLUPA as known as PLMUN. Moreover,
some of them are ACT-1D and ACT-1B.

Chapter 2



"My 'C,' 'D,' and 'F' students this semester are almost
exclusively American, while my students from India, China, and
Latin America have -- despite language barriers -- generally
written solid papers, excelled on exams, and become valuable
class participants," Miller wrote. She noted that many of her
foreign students have difficulty with English, but make up for
that with hard work. Her American students, meanwhile,
appear challenged by work.

"Too many 18-year-old Americans, meanwhile, text one

another under their desks (certain they are sly enough to go
unnoticed), check e-mail, decline to take notes, and appear
tired and disengaged," she wrote. Given that many American
students arrive at college without basic skills, she wrote,
"We’ve got a knowledge gap, spurred by a work-ethic gap."
The response was immediate and intense. Hundreds of people
posted comments.

Many of the Boston area's professors appear to think Miller has

a point. "I know this author will be criticized for this article, but
based on my decades of college teaching experience she is
exactly right," wrote one. "What she leaves out is that we are
dealing with a generation of students that have been left
behind by No Child Left Behind, supervised by 'Helicopter
Parents.' Students now feel entitled to high grades despite little
work and want their hands held on every assignment, while
they are unable to think for themselves."
Another professor wrote in: "I used to be a university faculty
with a joint appointment in engineering and management
schools -- the biggest difference I noticed with domestic and
international students was the ability to handle criticism.
Domestic students tended to be very defensive when pointing
out what can be improved."

In a follow-up piece, Miller noted that the headline on the piece

-- "My Lazy American Students" -- had not been her
suggestion, but that she stood behind her ideas.

In an interview, Miller said that she has been an adjunct for 18

months and has classes scheduled for next semester. She said
that readers should not assume she is writing about Babson
alone. Miller earned her doctorate in English at Tufts University,
teaching there while a graduate student, and she said her
experiences there with American and international students
were similar. In addition, she had similar feelings when working
in graduate school as an SAT coach.

MANILA, Philippines — Senator Francis Escudero expressed
alarm on Thursday over the increasing dropout rates in primary
and secondary education levels.

“We should be able to graduate more students in both levels, if

not achieve universal primary education by 2015, as targeted
in the United Nations Millennium Development Goals,” said

Speaking at a forum on education at the Asian Institute of

Management in Makati, Escudero urged the government to
work sharply to reduce, if not eliminate, dropout rates in public
elementary and high schools in six years.

He cited a UN report in 2000, which showed that in nearly five

decades since the 1960s, dropout rates at the public
elementary level, had remained high, with 28 to 34 percent
failing to complete Grade 6.

Citing the latest data from a separate study he did not identify,
Escudero estimated that of the 100 children who entered Grade
1, only 86 moved on to Grade 2, 76 to Grade 4, 67 to Grade 6,
and only 65 finally completed the six years of elementary

Of the 65, only 58 enroll in high school and 45 are able to

graduate, Escudero added.

He said while the Department of Education (DepEd) had the

biggest share of the national budget at P158.2 billion for 2009,
it still did not meet the budgetary standard set by the United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(Unesco), which is 6 percent of a country’s Gross Domestic
Product (GDP).

“Education is the greatest equalizer. Most of the children who

are left behind live in poverty and in remote areas. The next
administration must aggressively move to narrow the education
gap and increase education’s share of the national budget to 20
percent,” said Escudero.

Chapter 3


The population of this research involves

the student of CICTS College, ACT society,
moreover ACT -ID,ACT- IB, age of (16-20) and
have 20-30 student attending in their section.


The focus of date in this research is
presently studying in PLMUN as a first year
student in ACT Society.

Chapter 4
Presentation and analysis data

Rate of the questionnaire that

they answer

What are the reasons for student laziness in attend their class?

1.As a student, do you feel lazy in attending your class?

A. yes B. no C. sometimes
2.What is your reason for not attending your class?

A. because the professor are too boring.

B. because I’m not enjoying the company of my classmate.

C. because I’m enjoying with my friends instead the school.

__3.What are the reason why student don’t get a passing grade?

A. I always depend on my classmate to cheat.

B. I always absent in that subject.

C. I always lazy to review.

4.Why some students failed in their subject?

A. because the professor did not teach.

B. because I didn’t review.

C. because I didn’t want to attend my class.

5.Is playing computer games are one of the reasons why students are
lazy in attending their class?

A. yes B. no C. sometimes
6.Are the facilities some of reasons why don’t like to attend to your

A. yes B. no C. sometimes
7. As a student, why do you feel lazy sometimes to attend your class?

A. there some our professor are not attending our class.

B. not enjoying the subject and the professor.

C. I enjoy the company of my friends instead to attend my class.

8.What will you do if you notice that being lazy gives you failing grade?

A. I will attend my subject everyday

B I will talk to my teacher and focus to my studies

C. I will not do anything

9.Do you feel lazy when you are inside the class room?

A. yes B. no C. sometimes
10. When do you feel lazy in attending your class?

A. When my professor gives us long quiz and exam

B. When my Classmates invite me to play computer games with


C. When my professor is too boring

11.Are the people around you some of reason, why you don’t like to
attend you class?

A. yes B. no C. sometimes
12. Is your special someone, reason why sometimes failed to attend our

A. yes B. no C. sometimes
no. of questioner A B C
1 8 5 37
2 29 2 19
3 8 17 25
4 16 22 12
5 2 28 20
6 23 6 21
7 25 17 8
8 24 24 2
9 9 8 33
10 6 9 23
11 14 17 19
12 8 28 14

rate of age of the students

that answered

16 3
17 17
18 17
19 6
20 6
24 1

rate of Gender of the student

that answered

male Female
30 20


Some of the student’s answers are 17 and 18 years old wherein

respondent are 30 female and 20 male were all in ACT society first Year

Chapter 5

Summary, conclusion and Recommendation


Our generation today is became worst in studying because

some of student don’t like to attend their class, some of them they want
to play computer games, playing basketball, went to mall with their
friends and to think that they will passed to their subject by doing
project.sad to say even it is not always the answer. A fact of all this is our
student in our generation today is lazy to attend their class.


We as the students in this generation have to be sensitive in our studying

because our national hero Dr. Jose Rizal “the youth is the hope of the
nation” so we need to responsible for that because we youth today so if
we cannot move or doing something who will be! Therefore, student we
need to be attentive or active in our school not only because of our school
but also in our own sake. I know that it is hard to change your attitude for
just a short time but you must strive to change yourself for the better.


As a usual student, I sometimes feel lazy to go to school and listen

to my professors but I still encourage other student to do your best in
your academic subject so their parents would not be frustrated when they
get a failing grade. I would recommend other student that are lazy when
they are in school that they have to be busy on studying their lectures ,
notes and to read other books on their free time, don’t get busy doing
nonsense like playing computer games chatting to other students and
many non academic related activity . Try to focus yourself at your most
difficult subject and try to improve your ability to catch up your lessons
and to prove your professors that you are worth to have a passing grades
and I encourage you to have a goal. A goal that you must focus on that
when you achieve your goal, that you may satisfy not only your parent
but also your professors and encourage others students to make you an
example that you are once a lazy student. But now you are a striving
student that cares about your future so don’t be upset when sometime
people tells you that your change , your friends will always treat you as a
friend Always…

Overcoming laziness
We are all lazy people. We love to procrastinate, we find comfort in
sleeping, we idle away time as though it were a useless commodity, and
we have all built our personal utopias where we do everything except

It’s perfectly natural to be lazy. I imagine that if it wasn’t for the

deadlines and binding commitments that force us to do work, none of us
would go back to those dungeons, aka offices.

Thankfully though, we realize that laziness should be overcome in order

for us to be successful and be useful to the society.

So, what to do to beat laziness and reclaim the lost inspiration?

Take action

If you don’t feel like reading, read. If you don’t feel like writing, write. If
you don’t feel like doing exercise, do it. In short, action is the best
motivation. The only thing that stops us from getting sucked into a task is
not doing it, so do it now!

Take one bite at a time

Does the idea of taking your whole meal in one massive bite sound
repulsive? Luckily, you can take it one bite at a time, enjoy it, and still
consume the whole meal.

Likewise, if you try to do everything together, you lose motivation to do

anything at all. Therefore, it’s best to split a bigger task into smaller ones
and concentrate on only one part at a time. The less formidable the work,
the more you’ll enjoy doing it.

Remove the distractions

When being lazy, we are often attracted to the distractions. Bloggers are
found browsing others’ blogs when they are supposed to be writing theirs,
and students are found watching TV when they should be studying. These
are all distractions that serve no good purpose. If you remove the
distractions, for example, by disconnecting from the Internet and by
locking the TV room, you’ll notice that it becomes easier to get back to
the work.

Find motivation

Why are you doing work? It is easy to forget the purpose of work with
time. Remind yourself of how important your work is for you, for your
personal satisfaction, for your life, family and so on. If you feel you are
not clear about the purpose of what you are doing, it’s time to recap the
goals you set down when you started.

Reward yourself

Discipline and schedules are all good and well, but do we want to become
robots? This the very thing we dread and that is what leads us to lose
motivation. You’ll be more enthusiastic to complete a task when you know
you are going to reward yourself at the end.

We usually agonize over the fact that we are being lazy, yet continue to
procrastinate for hours. It becomes difficult to get out of this condition
unless we force ourselves to take action, which is, admittedly, the most
difficult part. Though once we set about doing a task, the laziness
disappears like a magician’s trick.

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