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Brianna was relaxing at home on a nice Friday evening, she was waiting for her

boyfriend Lucas to return home from work. Every Friday night after work, the first thing he would
always do is get himself into some comfier clothes and the two would cuddle on the couch,
recently Brianna had noticed Lucas was awfully stressed, regardless of how much he denied it
or refused to admit it.
Thankfully for Brianna, she had just the plan on how to help Lucas out. Secretly she was
a witch, well not really. She was nowhere near as talented as her mother or grandmother.
Brianna did know a couple of spells, but they were not as robust as the spells her mother knew.
Still, what she knew was more than sufficient for what Brianna had in mind.
When the door opened up, Brianna was greeted at the sight of her boyfriend. When
Lucas saw Brianna lounging on the couch, he managed to form a weak smile for her.
“Hey Lucas, how was work today?” Brianna asked, trying to lighten his mood.
“Eh, the usual, I’m just glad today is Friday,” He weekly muttered.
That was the end of the conversation as Lucas walked to their bedroom to change into
something more comfortable. Continuing to lie on the couch, Brianna’s face formed into a slight
frown after she was sure Lucas was out of sight. It was extremely obvious that her boyfriend
was in need of a serious mood boost. Silently, she prayed that her spell would do the trick for
the both of them.
About five or so minutes later, Lucas returned from his trip to the bedroom no longer
wearing his suit and fancy pants, he was now in a plain t-shirt that was gray, along with that he
was also wearing some soft and cozy-looking sweatpants that were also colored gray.
“Much better,” He said to himself as he looked down at his girlfriend relaxing on the
couch before him.
Walking around to the front of the couch, Brianna smiled, and just from her expression
she was inviting her boyfriend to join her. She shifted her position to make their cuddling easier
and nicer feeling. She was resting against one arm of the couch. Lucas got onto the couch at
the other end and shifted in between the open legs of his girlfriend, scooting up quite aways as
he laid right in front of her.
When he got close enough, Lucas laid back as his head gently rested on the soft surface
of his girlfriend’s chest, using them as a pillow. Almost instantly Lucas was starting to unwind as
he closed his eyes with a more enthusiastic-looking smile on his face now. With the perfect
opportunity before her, Brianna did a gesture with her fingers and watched as magical sparks
formed from the tips of her fingers.
Please work.​ Brianna prayed as a bolt of energy was emitted from her fingers and struck
her boyfriend. Thankfully, he had not noticed the spell ritual nor did he feel anything. Mentally,
Brianna exhaled a sigh of relief seeing her boyfriend oblivious to the spell that had just been
cast on him. All she needed to do now was wait for the magic to do its course.
Continuing to lay there enjoying the warmth of each other’s body, the first changes were
quick to happen. Patches of black and fluffy fur were growing all over Lucas’s body. He didn’t
seem to notice as Lucas laid there with his eyes closed. If anything, the feeling of the fur
growing felt quite pleasant.
“Mhm,” Lucas quietly moaned, enjoying the feeling of the fur growing.
That wasn’t the only thing that was changing when it came to Lucas’s body. He was
getting smaller, both in height and in weight, he quickly shrunk to around the same size as
Brianna and then got a bit smaller than her. Continuing to remain oblivious, Brianna had to
suppress the need to giggle, gush at the sight of how cute her boyfriend was looking, and bury
her face in the soft-looking fur.
With the smaller size that made Lucas’s clothes quite loose, but he didn’t seem to mind
or care, the transforming human seemed to be in a state of bliss. Brianna smiled as she
readjusted herself, being very gentle as to not interrupt or disturb Lucas. There were still a few
more changes for him still.
At Lucas’s waist, right above his rear, something began to grow out that looked like a
cotton ball. In reality, it was a fuzzy black rabbit's tail poking between Lucas’s sweatpants and
shirt. At his hands and feet, they were no longer feet but soft paws that twitched slightly. But
beyond that, there was little reaction from Lucas.
Brianna was unsure if Lucas was awake or not, but she refused to ruin this for him.
There was not much left in the way of changes anymore, mainly at his head where were the
remaining changes were. And that was true as Lucas’s head began to shift and change in
appearance. His ears moved from the side of his head to the top. They also began to grow
longer and longer into floppy rabbit ears that drooped over his eyes as a sort of sleep mask.
That was the last of the changes. Now Lucas was no longer human. Instead, he was a
small, extra fluffy, and tremendously cuddly anthro rabbit. Brianna wanted to give her boyfriend
a nice big squeeze, but she also didn’t want to wake him up from a nap. That could make him
cranky, but the sight of a cute little rabbit fuming sounded adorable. It didn’t seem she would be
forced to wake her boyfriend up as he slowly awakened.
“Oh that was the best nap in ages,” Lucas yawned as he slowly sat up.
He was in a case of post-nap confusion as he looked all around himself, unsure of his
location. Quickly, Lucas realized he was laying on top of his girlfriend and turned around with a
sheepish look on his face.
“Did I fall asleep?” He asked with a slight blush visible underneath the gray fur.
“Mhmm,” Brianna said with a nod. She currently had a grin on her face.
“Sorry,” Lucas muttered. It seemed he was still unaware of his current form.
“Dream about anything exciting?” Brianna asked.
“I had a weird dream about rabbits, to be honest,” Lucas admitted.
That caused Brianna to laugh, leaving Lucas confused.
“What’s so funny?” He asked, still oblivious.
Brianna replied, continuing to laugh by pulling out her phone and going to the camera
app to show Lucas his new form. Looking down at himself, Lucas was shocked to see the fur all
over his body, the paws he had for hands and feet, and the floppy ears that now drooped in
front of his eyes.
The rabbit was more confused than anything but a look at his girlfriend saw the
mischievous smile on her face and realized she had to have been behind this some way or
“How did you do this?” Lucas asked as he noticed his cottonball tail sticking out behind
Brianna gave an explanation of her family history and magic. Lucas seemed to follow
along pretty well.
“Ok, so I know how but why did you keep this a secret from me?” Lucas asked,
continuing to inspect his body.
“Because I wanted it to be a surprise,” Brianna answered.
“Well, it seems to have worked out for you, but why do this to me?”
“You wanna know, it’s because you haven’t been in a good mood the past few weeks
and I wanted to do something special to try to cheer you up,” Brianna answered.
“You really did this for me?” Lucas asked in surprise.
Brianna nodded her head in affirmation. Immediately afterward she was caught off guard
as Lucas wrapped his arms around her and buried his head in her chest.
“I love you so much,” Lucas whispered. He was clearly smitten by what his girlfriend had
“There’s another reason I did this,” Brianna added.
“Oh?” Lucas asked, his voice muffled as he still had his face pressed against Brianna’s
“You’re so soft and cuddly now,” Brianna said as she began to cuddle her boyfriend.
“Stop that tickles,” Lucas plead as his girlfriend’s assault was unrelenting.
The two of them laughed as they both cuddled, Brianna was glad to see her boyfriend’s
mood take a turn for the better. As for turning him back, she hadn’t really studied that part of the
spell all too well.

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