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3 Reece Kershaw 21-11-2021
4 Chief Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police
5 Forwarded via email
7 Cc: Mr Scott Morrison via email
8 Advisory Committee on Vaccines, Therapeutic Goods Administration
9 PO Box 100, WODEN ACT 2606 Attn: Pharmacovigilance and Special Access Branch, MDP 122
11 Committee Support Unit, Therapeutic Goods Administration
12 PO Box 100, WODEN ACT 2606 Attn: Scheduling & Committee Support Section, MDP 122
14 Mr Daniel Andrews Premier
16 ,
18 20211121-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to R Kershaw Chief Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police
22 Sir,
23 as the Commonwealth of Australia is registered with the USA as a corporation then i view it
24 to be appropriate to have filed a complaint with the ACCC regarding its unlawful business
25 practices, as well as those of the states/territories in pursuing a harmful so called “vaccination”
26 drive to actually harm Australians and others (such as visitors).
28 Allegedly during a lawful exercise of “political liberty” enshrined in the Commonwealth of
29 Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) there was violence. Below I have set out in a copy of the
30 COMPLAINT lodged with the ACCC in which it was claimed that the daughter of Mr Andy
31 Meddick MP (Victoria) was targeted and assaulted because her father being an MP who supports
32 the (unconstitutional) Bill before the Victorian Parliament. Mr Scott Morrison refers to her as
33 being a victim. However, the media report appears to indicate at least to me, that Ms Meddick
34 may have attended to the protest for purpose of damaging private property of others and for this
35 did bring along one or more spray can of paints and when confronted vandalising private
36 property not belonging to her she appears to me to have thrown a can to a man. Subsequently it
37 appears to me the can was thrown back at her and she sustained head injuries. In my view, rather
38 than to claim she was a “victim” she appears to me to have been attending to the protest with the
39 premeditated intention to damage private property not belonging to her. And when caught out
40 commenced to be aggressive and to me this hardly can be deemed that she was some “innocent
41 victim” where she commence both the vandalism and aggression, at least to my understanding of
42 the reports.
43 While politician including Mr Andy Meddick MP may desire to use this incident as a twisted
44 manner to debunk protesters genuine concerns as to portray them as violent persons, this I view
45 should not be condoned. Where protesters are exercising their constitutional rights and already
46 had the Victorian Police (PORT) shooting rubber bullets into the back of peaceful protesters then
47 it is the Victorian Police that is escalating violence.
21-11-2021 Page 1 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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1 As Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) has embedded in it “political

2 liberty” then this ought to be including the right to peacefully protest against any political issue.
3 In my view this issue of vandalism and aggression as I understand it commenced by Ms Meddick
4 should be investigated by the Australian Federal Police, as it relates to the federal constitution.
5 Likewise, others issues I raised in this COMPLAINT lodged with the ACCC. At the end of this
6 document I have quoted the details regarding the lodged COMPLAINT. And I urge the AFP to
7 work with the ACCC for a proper investigation of all matters.
10 ACCC 21-11-2021
11 Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
13 20211121-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to ACCC
15 Sir/Madam,
16 this complaint is about an elaborate scam perpetrated upon the many. For me it is a
17 simple matter, however, I do realize that for many if not most others it may be well beyond what
18 they ordinary may understand really is applicable and as such I have to also set out certain
19 constitutional matters and other legal issues.
21 But let me first start using examples how persons who deceived others have been dealt with by
22 the Court, where in those instances it were fraudulent claims about cancer.
26 Gibson's actions were described as "particularly predatory"[5] and "deceit on a grand scale,
27 for personal profit".[6] On 6 May 2016, Consumer Affairs Victoria announced legal action
28 against Gibson and Inkerman Road Nominees Pty Ltd (originally known as Belle Gibson
29 Pty Ltd) for "false claims by Ms. Gibson and her company concerning her diagnosis with
30 terminal brain cancer, her rejection of conventional cancer treatments in favour of natural
31 remedies, and the donation of proceeds to various charities."[7] On 15 March 2017, the
32 Federal Court supported most of those claims, concluding that, "Ms. Gibson had no
33 reasonable basis to believe she had cancer."[8]
37 Belle Gibson faces jail time if $410k fine for cancer fraud goes unpaid
38 26 Nov 2018 ... Send this by ... A Federal Court judge has warned fake wellness blogger Belle Gibson she
39 could go to jail if she does not pay $410,000 for duping ...
42 another-lie/ar-AAPw2KU?li=AAgfLCP
43 Cancer faker has jail time extended after being caught in another lie
44 14 Oct 2021 ... Eliza Mcphee For Daily Mail Australia and Aap ... A cancer scammer who was jailed for
45 lying about being terminally ill will spend even ...
48 shameless-new-lie/news-story/16e5ef6d11b031fe4a44c7c7fb29f116
49 Cancer con woman Hanna Dickinson jailed again for shameless ...
50 14 Oct 2021 ... A serial conwoman who once faked cancer to get money out of her friends and family has
51 been hit with more jail over a shameless new lie.
54 cancer-fakers-assets.html
55 Authorities seize the notorious cancer faker's assets | Daily Mail Online

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 3

1 21 May 2021 ... By Sam McPhee and Daniel Piotrowski for Daily Mail Australia 20:11 ... Police raided the
2 home of notorious cancer fraudster Belle Gibson on ...
5 faking-cancer-with-a-forged-document-and-a-straw-he-pretended-was-a-colostomy-bag/news-
6 story/1a9039540d7a3fad29601808462a2a0b
7 Fake cancer fraudster David McArthur jailed by Adelaide court
8 8 Mar 2019 ... A South Australian conman faked having cancer by putting a blue straw down his ... bag in a
9 not-so-cunning plan to avoid being sent to jail.
11 It must be very clear that when some person or persons make fraudulent claims then the Courts
12 will deal with those matters. In Ms. Gibson case it was Victorian Consumers Affairs, however
13 obviously this changes pending where the claimed offences eventuated, etc.
15 In regard of my COMPLAINT it related to “FRAUDLENTLY” promoting SARS-CoV-2 as a
16 “VIRUS” and the claimed disease COVID-19, etc.
18 While my wife Olga and myself reside in Victoria the matter however is a comprehensive
19 international scam and as such I view this may lie within the ACCCC to pursue.
21 I am a retired Professional Advocate and a constitutionalist, and for example in 2001 I opposed
22 the validity of the 2001 federal election, while I was actually a candidate in this election, and
23 promoted that “compulsory” voting was unconstitutional. The AEC in AEC v Schorel-Hlavka
24 charged me for FAILING TO VOTE upon which I filed a NOTICE OF CONSTITUTIONAL
25 MATTERS involving all State and Territory Attorney-General. The AEC also charged me for
26 FAILING TO VOTE in the 2004 federal election. On 19 July 2006 the County Court of Victoria
27 (exercising federal jurisdiction) upheld both my appeals! I may add that none of the Attorney-
28 Generals neither the AEC challenged of the issues I raised in my 409 pages ADDRESS TO
29 THE COURT (written submission).
30 I am therefore well aware that despite the general perception that “voting” is compulsory, I
31 proved otherwise as the Court upheld both appeals. It is my research and knowledge regarding
32 constitutional matters that made the difference.
34 I will now first address some issues.
36 TGA John Skerritt on 17 February 2021 responding to ABC Leigh Sales stated to follow
37 “government policy”. I understand that the TGA is part of the Federal Department of Health and
38 under the directions of a Minister, however my view is that the TGA should not use or introduce
39 political issues in how or when it shall deal with matters. This is very relevant also to the ACCC.
40 The Framers of the Constitution provided for S101 in the
42 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK)
44 101 Inter-State Commission
45 There shall be an Inter-State Commission, with such powers of adjudication and administration as
46 the Parliament deems necessary for the execution and maintenance, within the Commonwealth, of
47 the provisions of this Constitution relating to trade and commerce, and of all laws made thereunder.
50 Do note the wording “There shall be” and this is a command. The constitution therefore created:
51  Legislators (Parliament)
52  Executives (Government)
53  Judicature (Courts)
21-11-2021 Page 3 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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1  Inter-State Commission.
3 The Framers of the constitution made clear that the Inter-State Commission decisions could only
4 be appealed against upon a question of law and not otherwise, to the High Court of Australia.
6 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK)
8 102 Parliament may forbid preferences by State
9 The Parliament may by any law with respect to trade or commerce forbid, as to railways, any
10 preference or discrimination by any State, or by any authority constituted under a State, if such
11 preference or discrimination is undue and unreasonable, or unjust to any State; due regard being
12 had to the financial responsibilities incurred by any State in connexion with the construction and
13 maintenance of its railways. But no preference or discrimination shall, within the meaning of this
14 section, be taken to be undue and unreasonable, or unjust to any State, unless so adjudged by the
15 Inter-State Commission.
18 Whereas the Federal Parliament was bound to legislate in a “UNIFORM” manner throughout
19 the commonwealth and any Minister therefore was bound to comply with this, the Framers of the
20 constitution however held that the Inter-State Commission may decide to give certain benefits to
21 one State/Territory where its expert advice held that this may be appropriate. The Inter-State
22 Commission was not subject to any ministerial directions, but again any decision could only be
23 appealed against on basis of law (legal technicalities) to the High Court of Australia.
24 When in the 1970 the Federal Parliament sought to wrongly provide the Inter-State Commission
25 with judicial powers the High court of Australia in my view correctly denied this.
27 Hansard 2-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
29 Mr. BARTON.-We are about to say that an Inter-State Commission shall be appointed to execute and
30 maintain the Commonwealth provisions relating to trade and commerce. I understand that the general sense
31 of the Convention is that the restriction to railways and rivers should disappear; that the Inter-State
32 Commission should deal with commerce throughout the states without any restriction. Then the clause would
33 read:-

34 The Parliament shall make laws constituting an Inter-State Commission to execute and maintain within the
35 Commonwealth the provisions of this Constitution relating to commerce.[start page 1526] That seems to me
36 to be the charter of the Inter-State Commission.

37 Sir GEORGE TURNER.-Would you add "and the laws for the time being passed by the Parliament"?

38 Mr. BARTON.-I think that is un-necessary. They will have to maintain the constitutional provisions with
39 regard to trade and commerce. It is obvious that we must give a certain amount of discretion to Parliament,
40 and Parliament having a commission already in existence will not pass any laws relating to trade and
41 commerce without leaving the determination of those laws to the Inter State Commission. It may be only a
42 difference of form, but I think there would be no advantage in adding the words suggested. We are giving in
43 the Constitution power to the Inter-State Commission to execute and maintain within the
44 Commonwealth the provisions relating to trade and commerce. Then we have in Mr. Grant's amendment
45 the determination of certain other matters confided to the Inter-State Commission, and I understand that the
46 Right Hon. Sir George Turner consented yesterday to have similar words inserted in his clause. It is clear
47 then that the provisions we are inserting in the Constitution in relation to trade and commerce will be under
48 the jurisdiction of the Inter-State Commission, and that is really all we want. We might go further and make
49 some provision as to the laws, but that is unnecessary. It is inconceivable that Parliament would pass laws,
50 and take away from the Inter-State Commission the power of adjudicating on them. What I do want to
51 impress on honorable members is that there is no necessity to say that there shall be an Inter-State
52 Commission. If we say that Parliament shall constitute an Inter-State Commission, then we make it
53 clear that it is the Parliament, and not the Executive, that is deal with the commission in the first
54 instance and to define its powers. That is necessary, as we might otherwise find the Executive Government

21-11-2021 Page 4 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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1 taking this as a direction to appoint an Inter-State Commission before a statute had been passed, and then
2 there might be some trouble with the High Court.
5 Hansard 11-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
6 Australasian Convention)
8 Mr. SYMON.-I doubt whether that would be sufficient. It might not be. I quite agree with honorable
9 members that it is not likely that there would be, or that we could contemplate, appeals in ordinary matters
10 from the decision of experts to the High Court. I should be sorry to see anything of that kind. It would
11 introduce political questions and matters of policy that would tend to derogate from the position which the
12 High Court should occupy under this Constitution. But, at the same time, Parliament might think fit, and
13 probably would, under the exhaustive powers of clause 96, to say that there were certain matters on which
14 they would allow an appeal on points of law; and I suggest that we should put in after the words "Inter-State
15 Commission" the words-"If Parliament allows such appeal." This would give jurisdiction to the High Court
16 to entertain an appeal, [start page 2284] and it would leave it to the Parliament in constituting the Inter-State
17 Commission to say whether, in any particular matter, there should be an appeal on a point of law. The danger
18 is that whilst the Parliament would give a jurisdiction to the High Court to entertain an appeal it might not
19 have power to give an appeal from the Inter-State Commission. That is what should be guarded against.
20 Leave the Parliament to say, when constituting the Inter-State Commission, upon what there shall be appeals.
21 That would save any question whether or not this might not involve an appeal at all hazards from the Inter-
22 State Commission. It would leave the matter to Parliament.
25 The Inter-State Commission:
26 The Framers of the Constitution held that the Commonwealth of Australia should apply taxes,
27 duties, funding in a "UNIFORM" manner for the whole of the Commonwealth of Australia.
28 However, they also recognised that "uniformity" of application of federal laws may not in
29 certain instances be appropriate, considering the diversity of conditions from State to State, and
30 hence held that the s101 Inter-State Commission should exist as a permanent body within the
31 Commonwealth of Australia. The Inter-State Commission is not a executive body, nor a
32 legislator and neither a judicial body but a body to ensure that laws that were enacted without
33 political interferences would be applied to what a body of experts held was in the best interest of
34 each state concerned and so also the Commonwealth of Australia, its decisions could be appealed
35 on "error of law" to the High Court of Australia. I understand that since 1987 no Inter-State
36 Commission existed, and prior that only for a few years since about 1917. This is a serious
37 neglect of constitutional requirements and must not be permitted to continue.
39 It must therefore be very clear that all and any legislation “relating to trade and commerce, and of all
40 laws made thereunder” would be exclusively within the powers of the Inter-State Commission.
41 The wording “and of all laws made thereunder” relates to any laws the Federal Parliament may
42 designate for the Inter-State Commission to deal with.
44 While Parliament did legislate as to the ACCC it cannot however violate the constitution as to
45 “trade and commerce” and as such “trade and commerce” within the Commonwealth remains
46 within the exclusive powers of the Inter-State Commission. In my view the ACCC has no legal
47 standing in that regard to litigate against anyone as to trade and commerce where those powers
48 are within the ambit of the Inter-State Commission.
49 In my view all and any court decision in which the ACCC was the instituting party regarding the
50 exclusive powers of the Inter-State Commission then the Wakim principle applies.
52 Re Wakim; Ex parte McNally; Re Wakim; Ex parte Darvall; Re Brown; Ex parte Amann; Spi [1999] HCA
53 27 (17 June 1999)

21-11-2021 Page 5 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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1 For constitutional purposes, they are a nullity. No doctrine of res judicata or issue
2 estoppel can prevail against the Constitution. Mr Gould is entitled to disregard the
3 orders made in Gould v Brown. No doubt, as Latham CJ said of invalid legislation, "he
4 will feel safer if he has a decision of a court in his favour". That is because those relying
5 on the earlier decision may seek to enforce it against Mr Gould.
8 Uniform Tax \case, 1942 (65CLR 373 at 408) 23-7-1942
10 Common expressions such as: 'The Courts have declared a statute invalid'," says Chief
11 Justice Latham, "sometimes lead to misunderstanding. A pretended law made in excess of
12 power is not and never has been a law at all. Anybody in the country is entitled to
13 disregard it. Naturally, he will feel safer if he has a decision of a court in his favor, but
14 such a decision is not an element, which produces invalidity in any law. The law is not
15 valid until a court pronounces against it - and thereafter invalid. If it is beyond power it is
16 invalid ab initio.
19 I understand that there is so to say a lot of pork barrelling going on where politicians are
20 favouring certain areas which clearly violate Section 101 of the constitution where it deals with
21 trade and commerce.
23 When I took over from Mr Francis James Colosimo barrister an appeal and also other
24 proceedings regarding CONTEMPT OF COURT I succeeded in both matters. However, with
25 regard of the Orders of Administration I submitted that certain lawyers (including counsel) had
26 no legal position to be at the bar table and insisted they leave. Despite objections the lawyers
27 were ordered to leave. I could very well view that likewise an opposing party may do likewise
28 against the ACCC where it related to trade and commerce within the commonwealth of
29 Australia. This also as I understand the ACCC is under direction of a Minister which violates
30 also the legal principle embedded in Section 101 which places the Inter-State Commission
31 outside the political control of the Executives.
33 As we have witnessed with the TGA that is under the Federal Minister for Health we instead of
34 having an impartial body considering what is best for the general community we have the TGA
35 to operate as to what is the “government policy”
38 730-on-17-february-2021
39 Therapeutic Goods Administration Adj. Professor John Skerritt's interview on ABC 7:30
40 on 17 February 2021
43 Will people be allowed any choice in which vaccine they opt for?

45 The Government's policy is that each centre will have one vaccine, and there'll be
46 different groups going to different centres depending on, obviously, whether you're
47 an aged care resident or you're going to go to primary care in Category 1B of the
48 Phase 1B of a rollout. And so, no, they won't have a choice, but frankly, both the
49 Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines have been excellent vaccines from our review of
50 them.
21-11-2021 Page 6 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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3 Clearly John Skerritt is about “The Government policy” being “political science” rather than
4 “medical science”.
7 We've got every confidence, Leigh, that it will be as effective. The results from the
8 clinical trials showed there was a strong immune response in these people. And just last
9 night, some of my colleagues had a lengthy conversation with Boris Johnson's team in
10 the Prime Minister's office in the UK.
13 To me this is a politician talking not some expert in TGA. I couldn’t care less what “confidence”
14 John Skerritt may or may not have that is not what should be the basis of any TGA approval as
15 what Australians are entitled upon is a professional assessment. The fact that some UK experts
16 had some meeting in PM Boris Johnson (UK) office also is worthless political talk, as it proves
17 absolutely nothing as to the TGA independently making its own assessment.

21 With two vaccines going to be available in Australia, what is the best possible timeframe
22 by which you would have the vast majority of the population inoculated?

24 Well, the Government has undertaken that everyone who is keen to be vaccinated
25 should be able to be by the end of October. And what this actually means in the
26 choice of the AstraZeneca vaccine, the Government's advisory group, ATAGI, has
27 actually recommended a 12-week gap, unless if you're off to have surgery or
28 chemotherapy or something or other, but for the vast majority of people, a 12-week gap.
29 And that actually means that more people will be able to be vaccinated earlier because
30 we'll be leaving a 12-week gap routinely with the AstraZeneca vaccine. So, the aspiration
31 for the end of October is more than that, especially because we know that as of next
32 month, large amounts of locally manufactured vaccine will come online, subject to
33 our approval. But that work's going well too. That's a separate approval for the
34 Australian-manufactured AstraZeneca vaccine because it's actually made at a different site
35 from the first lot of AstraZeneca vaccines that we've just approved yesterday.
38 So we have this statement “Well, the Government has undertaken that everyone who is keen
39 to be vaccinated should be able to be by the end of October”, to me this indicates that the
40 TGA is not in charge of the “vaccine trials” at all and that he blatantly ignored that it is irrelevant
41 what the government desires as what is important is what parameters the TGA has set for anyone
42 to be jabbed with whatever. How on earth can the TGA approve anything if it merely follows the
43 government policy rather then what Australians are entitled upon to have a competent TGA itself
44 setting the parameters and conditions to ensure that any “clinical trial” is conducted in an
45 appropriate manner?

21-11-2021 Page 7 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 8

1 The ten points of the Nuremberg Code[edit]

2 The ten points of the code were given in the section of the verdict entitled "Permissible Medical
3 Experiments":[5]

4 1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.


6 2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society,
7 unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and
8 unnecessary in nature.

10 3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal

11 experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other
12 problem under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the
13 experiment.

15 4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and
16 mental suffering and injury.

18 5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that
19 death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where
20 the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.


22 6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the
23 humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.

25 7. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the
26 experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.


28 8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The

29 highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the
30 experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.


32 9. During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring
33 the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where
34 continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.


36 10. During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to
37 terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the
21-11-2021 Page 8 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 9

1 exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him that a
2 continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the
3 experimental subject.
6 It therefore must be clear, that PM Scott Morrison pursuing that there is a compulsory
7 vaccination which is actually an “EXPERIMENT” as the “Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID
8 Injections” are, albeit he flip flop about it, and so Commie Dan, it is important to understand that
9 I wrote extensively about the so called vaccines to be “EXPERIMENTAL” as it was never
10 before done on humans to alter their genes in such manner, and therefore it is not just good
11 enough to tell them you need to do it or you may not be allowed to use public transport, use an
12 airliner, etc, because what is needed is a medical doctor (Bio-Security Act 2015) to assess each
13 citizen separately and do test on this citizen to make sure that any such experimental vaccination
14 is not going to have some unexpected adverse reaction.
15 Indeed to allow pharmacist to now inject a citizen when if there is an adverse reaction then the
16 citizen very well if not death right there and then could be ending up with lifelong disabilities,
17 then this too underlines that there is a reckless conduct all around.
18 To allow any kind of “Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injections” (including that of
19 Moderna) to be used by staff of any pharmacy I view is lunacy in itself.
22 allergic-reactions
23 Some people suspect polyethylene glycol may have triggered severe reactions in at least eight people who
24 received the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in the past 2 weeks.
25 CARLOS OSORIO/POOL/AFP via Getty Images
26 Suspicions grow that nanoparticles in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trigger rare allergic reactions
27 By Jop de VriezeDec. 21, 2020 , 5:10 PM
28 Science’s COVID-19 reporting is supported by the Pulitzer Center and the Heising-Simons Foundation.
30 As of 19 December, the United States had seen six cases of anaphylaxis among 272,001
31 people who received the COVID-19 vaccine, according to a recent presentation by Thomas
32 Clark of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); the United Kingdom has
33 recorded two. Because the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines use a new platform, the
34 reactions call for careful scrutiny, says Elizabeth Phillips, a drug hypersensitivity
35 researcher at Vanderbilt University Medical Center who attended an NIAID meeting
36 on 16 December. “This is new.”
37 News reports about the allergic reactions have already created anxiety. “Patients with severe allergies in the
38 US are getting nervous about the possibility that they may not be able to get vaccinated, at least with those
39 two vaccines,” Togias wrote in an invitation to meeting participants. “Allergies in general are so common in
40 the population that this could create a resistance against the vaccines in the population,” adds Janos Szebeni,
41 an immunologist at Semmelweis University in Budapest, Hungary, who has long studied hypersensitivity
42 reactions to PEG and who also attended the 16 December gathering.
43 Scientists who believe PEG may be the culprit stress that vaccination should continue. “We need to get
44 vaccinated,” Phillips says. “We need to try and curtail this pandemic.” But more data are urgently needed, she
45 adds: “These next couple of weeks in the U.S. are going to be extremely important for defining what to do
46 next.”
47 Toothpaste and shampoo
48 Pfizer’s and Moderna’s clinical trials of the vaccines, which involved tens of thousands of people, did not
49 find serious adverse events caused by the vaccine. But both studies excluded people with a history of
50 allergies to components of the COVID-19 vaccines; Pfizer also excluded those who previously had a
51 severe adverse reaction from any vaccine. People with previous allergic reactions to food or drugs were not
52 excluded, but may have been underrepresented.
53 The two vaccines both contain mRNA wrapped in lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) that help carry it to human cells
54 but also act as an adjuvant, a vaccine ingredient that bolsters the immune response. The LNPs are
55 “PEGylated”—chemically attached to PEG molecules that cover the outside of the particles and increase
56 their stability and life span.
21-11-2021 Page 9 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 10

3 I as a researcher dislike people to write about something but not providing any links, etc,
4 relevant as to verify what actually was stated, as often a person may state something due to
5 misinterpretation.
7 For example, we have the statement:
8 The approval is subject to certain strict conditions, such as the requirement for Pfizer
9 to continue providing information to the TGA on longer term efficacy and safety from
10 ongoing clinical trials and post-market assessment.
12 The truth is that different batches are used in different conditions and as such as the French made
13 clear there is no proper control over any “clinical trial” usage. Neither can it be responsible to
14 inject all Australians when the “clinical trials” are to continue into as long as 2024!
18 COVID-19 vaccine: Pfizer Australia - COMIRNATY BNT162b2 (mRNA)
19 25 January 2021
20 The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has granted provisional approval to Pfizer
21 Australia Pty Ltd for its COVID-19 vaccine, COMIRNATY, making it the first COVID-19
22 vaccine to receive regulatory approval in Australia.
23 Following a thorough and independent review of Pfizer's submission, the TGA has decided
24 that this vaccine meets the high safety, efficacy and quality standards required for use in
25 Australia.
26 COMIRNATY is provisionally approved and included in the Australian Register of
27 Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) for active immunisation to prevent coronavirus disease 2019
28 (COVID-19), caused by SARS-CoV-2, in individuals 16 years of age and older.
29 Provisional approval of this vaccine is valid for two years and means it can now be legally
30 supplied in Australia. The approval is subject to certain strict conditions, such as the
31 requirement for Pfizer to continue providing information to the TGA on longer term
32 efficacy and safety from ongoing clinical trials and post-market assessment.
33 COMIRNATY has been shown to prevent COVID-19 however, it is not yet known
34 whether it prevents transmission or asymptomatic disease.
35 Australians can be confident that the TGA's review process of this vaccine was
36 rigorous and of the highest standard. The decision to provisionally approve the vaccine
37 was also informed by expert advice from the Advisory Committee on Vaccines (ACV), an
38 independent committee with expertise in scientific, medical and clinical fields including
39 consumer representation.
40 The TGA will continue to actively monitor the safety of the Pfizer vaccine both in
41 Australia and overseas and will not hesitate to take action if safety concerns are identified.
42 As an extra check, the TGA laboratories will undertake batch assessment of each batch of
43 the vaccine before it can be supplied in Australia.
44 Supporting regulatory documents
45 The provisional approval pathway provides a formal and transparent mechanism for
46 speeding up the registration of promising new medicines with preliminary clinical
47 data.
48 The following regulatory documents are made available as part of this process:
49 Product Information (PI) (pdf,992kb)
50 Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) (pdf,206kb)

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1 COMIRNATY Decision Summary

2 The decision summary provides a short overview of the TGA's evaluation process leading
3 to the registration of a new prescription medicine on the ARTG.
5 An Australian Public Assessment Report (AusPAR) provides information about the
6 evaluation of a prescription medicine and the considerations that led the TGA to approve
7 or not approve a prescription medicine submission.
8 Advisory Committee on Vaccines meeting statement, meeting 18, 15 January 2021
9 An independent expert committee that provides advice on an application to register a new
10 vaccine.
11 Therapeutic Goods (Poisons Standard) (COVID-19 Vaccine - Pfizer) Labelling Exemption
12 2021
13 COVID-19 vaccine: Information for consumers and health professionals
14 Further information
15 COVID-19 vaccine: Provisional registrations
16 Labels for COVID-19 vaccines
17 Batch release assessment of COVID-19 vaccines
18 Getting vaccinated for COVID-19 on is external)
19 Category:Prescription medicines
20 Tags:vaccines
21 URL:
23 In my view it would have been sheer impossible for the TGA to claim on its website
25 We carefully assess the results of clinical trials and the way in which the trials were conducted. We
26 require well-designed trials of a sufficient length with a sufficient number of people who
27 represent the people for whom the vaccine is intended. The results must demonstrate that the
28 benefits of the vaccine greatly outweigh the risks.
29 We also require vaccine manufacturers to meet manufacturing quality standards. As a further check,
30 our laboratories assess the quality of every batch of a vaccine before it can be supplied in Australia.
33 From this the statement “We require well-designed trials of a sufficient length with a
34 sufficient number of people who represent the people for whom the vaccine is intended”
35 must refer to Australians to which the alleged “vaccine” is to be used and not some alleged
36 “clinical trials” held in some foreign jurisdiction without any TGA oversight.
37 Also, where there is this statement “Pfizer’s and Moderna’s clinical trials of the vaccines, which
38 involved tens of thousands of people, did not find serious adverse events caused by the vaccine.
39 But both studies excluded people with a history of allergies to components of the COVID-
40 19 vaccines; Pfizer also excluded those who previously had a severe adverse reaction from
41 any vaccine. People with previous allergic reactions to food or drugs were not excluded, but
42 may have been underrepresented.” Then the TGA cannot claim that any purported overseas
43 testing (not even under its own supervision) and control) somehow can be relied upon. This in
44 particular where the very fragile/elderly were allegedly excluded from such purported “clinical
45 trials”. Considering also “
46 supply-agreement/” there remains in my view the question of the TGA is part of any conspiracy to
47 deliberate cause harm to Australians, such as by claiming regarding the “vaccines” that “the
48 benefits outweigh the risk” and the Department of Health claims that they are “safe and
49 effective”, where it now has been exposed they are anything of that sort!
52 whistleblower-tells-peer-reviewed?utm_source=&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=248
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2 'Falsified Data': Pfizer Vaccine Trial Had Major Flaws, Whistleblower Tells Peer-
3 Reviewed Journal
5 She added that during her time at Ventavia the company expected a federal audit but that this
6 never came.

7 After Jackson left the company problems persisted at Ventavia, this employee said. In several
8 cases Ventavia lacked enough employees to swab all trial participants who reported covid-like
9 symptoms, to test for infection. Laboratory confirmed symptomatic covid-19 was the trial’s
10 primary endpoint, the employee noted. (An FDA review memorandum released in August this
11 year states that across the full trial swabs were not taken from 477 people with suspected cases
12 of symptomatic covid-19.)
15 Despite the TGA claim that it would conduct “clinical trials” involving Australians before
16 dealing with approvals, reality is that the current mass vaccinations are in violation of ordinary
17 “clinical trial” procedures. We have now that even under aged children are coerced to be jabbed,
18 without having any information and likely neither the understanding of the short and long term
19 harm this may cause to each and everyone of them.
20 As has been reported that Pfizer in fact didn’t report regarding more than half of the participants
21 in the clinical trials what eventuated and also it concealed the number of deaths that did
22 eventuate As such, in that regard Pfizer at the very least I view fraudulently obtained
23 “provisional approval” for a “clinical trial”. While it was “provisional approval” for clinical
24 trials for the Sponsor (Pfizer) in reality the Commonwealth engaged in “commercial” purchase
25 of the so called “vaccines” and distributed them throughout the Commonwealth. The purported
26 “vaccines” therefore were unlawfully used as they were outside the “provisional approval”
27 entitlement.
29 In 2016/2017 the WHO (World Health Organisation) pursued that all member states had to
30 provide the WHO with DNA and other details of every citizen. Also for compulsory vaccinations
31 and a vaccination passport. As I understand it the WHO is a private organisation and the
32 Commonwealth of Australia (so the Federal Government) has no constitutional powers to enter
33 into any agreement/contract that obligates citizens against their constitutional and other legal
34 freedoms.
36 Then consider
37 Hansard2-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates;
39 The Constitution empowers the Federal Parliament to deal with certain external affairs, among which
40 would probably be the right to negotiate for commercial treaties with foreign countries, in the same way as
41 Canada has negotiated for such treaties. These treaties could only confer rights and privileges upon the
42 citizens of the Commonwealth, because the Federal Government, in the exercise of its power, [start
43 page 1753] could only act for and on behalf of its citizens.
45 .
46 Hansard 6-3-1891 Constitution Convention Debates
48 I shall quote from Mr. Dicey's recent work, which is very clear in its language. He says:

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1 One of the characteristics of a federation is that the law of the constitution must be either legally
2 immutable or else capable of being changed only by some authority above and beyond the ordinary
3 legislative bodies, whether federal or state legislatures, existing under the constitution.
6 The Commonwealth does have legislative powers as to QUARANTINE and may legislate in that
7 regard for a person h who was medically assessed by a competent medical practitioner to be
8 required to be vaccinated, and the patient refuses then the Commonwealth could petition a
9 competent court of jurisdiction to determine if the vaccination shall or shall not be permitted
10 regarding the particular patient. However, outside this the Commonwealth lacks any legislative
11 powers as to comp-el anyone directly/indirectly as to be forced to be vaccinated.
13 The question then is has the State/Territory any such legislative powers?
15 Hansard 7-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
16 QUOTE Mr. BARTON (New South Wales).-
18 I do not think the word quarantine, for instance, which is used in the sub-section of the 52nd clause, is
19 intended to give the Commonwealth power to legislate with regard to any quarantine. That simply applies to
20 quarantine as referring to diseases among man-kind.
23 This means that the State/Territories do not have any legislative powers as to any matters
24 regarding “man-kind” (infectious) diseases. Once the commonwealth commenced to legislate
25 then the “concurrent” legislative powers for the States/Territories no longer existed as it became
26 “exclusive” legislative powers for the Commonwealth.
28 Hansard 27-1-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
30 Mr. BARTON.-I was going to explain when I was interrupted that the moment the Commonwealth
31 legislates on this subject the power will become exclusive.
34 Hansard 27-1-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
36 Mr. BARTON (New South Wales).-If this is left as an exclusive power the laws of the states will
37 nevertheless remain in force under clause 100.

38 Mr. TRENWITH.-Would the states still proceed to make laws?

39 Mr. BARTON.-Not after this power of legislation comes into force. Their existing laws will, however,
40 remain. If this is exclusive they can make no new laws, but the necessity of making these new laws will be
41 all the more forced on the Commonwealth.
44 Hansard 7-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
46 My only desire is to give power to the Federal Parliament to achieve a scheme for old-age
47 pensions if it be practicable, and if the people require it. No power would be taken away
48 from the states. The sub-section would not interfere with the right of any state to act in
49 the meantime until the Federal Parliament took the matter in hand.
52 While I understand that in a recent decision by Beech-Jones J in NSW in the Hazzard case His
53 Honour held that the State can legislate as to the rights of a citizen (Where Counsel for the
54 Government has submitted that it had no legislative powers to force a person to be vaccinated)
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1 the truth is that what cannot be done through the front door cannot be achieved through the
2 backdoor.
4 HANSARD 8-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
6 Mr. HIGGINS.-I did not say that it took place under this clause, and the honorable member is quite right in
7 saying that it took place under the next clause; but I am trying to point out that laws would be valid if
8 they had one motive, while they would be invalid if they had another motive.
11 As such, while the States in regard of ordinary health matters can legislate it cannot however use
12 any legislation to force citizens to be denied their rights for not being vaccinated against a
13 claimed “man-kind” (infectious) disease.
15 In my view, each and every mandate/directive, including border closures by any State/Territory
16 would be unconstitutional where the motive was dealing with a “man-kind” (infectious) disease.
17 Again the States/Territories would have legislative powers regarding other health issues but
18 those would not require compulsory face mask/face shield wearing, social distancing,
19 lockdowns, curfews, QR code, etc.
20 While in Victoria, as an example, the QR code was introduced in June 2021 for “contract
21 tracing” by July the claimed “cases” started to drastically increase. When you have “contact
22 tracers” and others running around the State allegedly being DOUBLE VACCINATED but then
23 may be “SUPER SPREADERS” of a disease including the variant named Delta then instead of
24 the double “zero” (donuts) that Premier Daniel Andrews so much insisted was required to stop
25 the mandates, etc, he now ended up with 2,295, etc, claimed “cases.
27 Here we had States/Territories now clamping down on persons who were not “vaccinated”
28 against COVID-19 this even so it was clearly outside the legislative powers of the
29 States/Territories. More over the commonwealth unconstitutionally was using the
30 unconstitutional “National Cabinet” to fund it all.
33 Explosive Dr. David Martin Who 'They' Are 'The Names and Faces of the People Who Are
34 Killing Humanity' (Video)

37 There were also all kinds of declarations for STATE OF EMERGENCY/STATE OF DISASTER
38 by the States/Territories which none, I repeat, none had any legal validity where it related to
39 combat an alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus.

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1 There is no doubt that a State/Territory when it comes to a bushfire/flood can issues such
2 declaration albeit it cannot override any constitutional rights, neither could it be used in regard of
3 the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus.
5 I started of with the fraudulent cancer claims and the courts made clear not to condone such
6 conduct. Well the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) scam is far worse, as it has resulted to extreme
7 terrorism.
8 Victoria started to commence the “LOCKOUT” which means to exclude citizens not vaccinated
9 against the alleged COVID-19 to be denied ordinary constitutional and other rights/entitlements.
10 About 2 weeks ago my wife and I went to Schnitz restaurant in Greensborough and my was took
11 a seat and then when I ordered I was informed that without a vaccination certificate we were
12 denied service. My wife on 18 November 2021 became 89 years old but was unable to celebrate
13 her birth with a dinner because without vaccination certificate we are denied service.
14 Federal Minister for he claimed one has to do it for “your dad, mother, grandparents” but my
15 wife and I are of an age that they are all long dead. Why indeed is Greg Hunt pursuing
16 vaccinations when he lacks the constitutional powers for this, I wonder? My wife’s grandparents
17 died before she was born, and I doubt that my wife’s grandparents will be resurrected just to get
18 jabbed. Her mother did some 60 plus years ago and again unlikely going to be resurrected. Her
19 father did about 50 years ago and so she neither does have to do it for her dad. But, even if they
20 all had still be alive it would in any event be far better that to do it for her “dad, mother and
21 grandparents” it would in fact be better NOT to get jabbed. After all medical reports have come
22 out that those so called VACCINATED are in fact being the once causing variant and becoming
23 at times “SUPER SPREADERS”, as well as still becoming infected themselves, etc.
25 Obviously the issue that should be asked is; Where is the evidence that there is such a thing as a
26 SARS-CoV-2 virus and a COVID-19 illness?

29 It has been claimed that the Chinese isolated” SARS-CoV-2 virus and then provided the “genetic
30 code which allegedly was downloaded and within allegedly 2 hours the “vaccine” was created.
31 Just that the Chinese CDC denied they “isolated” the virus. As such the genetic code that was
32 provided may merely have been a computer generated design what was sought to be achieved.
33 Using this as a template then the so called “vaccines” would be to fight a non-existiSARS-CoV-2
34 virus!

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2 There were many reports by scientist that parts of this genetic code was computer/laboratory
3 generated and it appears that indeed it was a computer generated SARS-CoV-2 virus that didn’t
4 exist in real life. Still the effect of the so called “vaccines” would achieve what was intended and
5 that was to pursue depopulation/genocide, etc.
8 immunity/

9 Official Narrative Admits

10 Fake COVID Vaccine Gives
11 You Fake COVID Immunity
13 After Victoria commenced with “LOCKOUT” against the so called “UNVACCINATED”
14 Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, etc, also started to do the same. As such this is an elaborate
15 world wide conspiracy.
17 I have written extensively to the Australian Federal Police for an investigation on 6 August 202
18 and with all further supplements this so far is 1209 pages.
20 Scott Morrison requested the Australian Federal Police to investigate regarding
21 COVID issues, and well, let the AFP do its job and do a proper investigation as I now
22 have requested in this COMPLAINT.
23 This document can be downloaded from:
25 B-to-Reece-Kershaw-Chief-Commissioner-of-the-Australian-Federal-Police-
28 I have absolutely no doubt that SARS-CoV-2 alleged virus doesn’t exist and well let those who
29 claim it does exist prove this. However, I already provided the AFP with copies of documents
30 also from Australian laboratories that they didn’t have any “isolated” virus of SARS-C-2. In fact
31 the CDC (USA) admitted it never had either any copy.
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3 Actually the PCR Test is not for diagnostic purposes, as I understand from numerous sources and
4 the TGA having indicated to have 40 to 45 cycles was part of the scaremongering as I understand
5 the correct cycle is 17. And again it cannot be used for diagnostic purposes.
7 As has been reported the spike protein is the TOXICITY in the virus.
9 Then the Polish scientist claimed that he had 5 vials of which allegedly 2 contained saline, 2
10 contained graphene and one contained also miniscule eggs which when heated up over a 4 days
11 period had some “Thing” growing with 3 tentacle’s, being each about 25 metres long. Yes, 25
12 metres.
13 Images and internet links, etc, have been provided to the AFP and can also be provided to
14 ACCC.
16 What this may mean is that those so called “Pfizer” “vaccines” may not be always vaccines and
17 many who are jabbed may end up with a placebo or with just graphene.

19 Variation in Batch Toxicity Update

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2 This is a screen print of a vide, which sets out how some lots of vials have only 1 or 2 minor
3 reports of adverse affect, while others have over 1,000 or even 5,000 spread out over most states
4 in the USA.
6 The question therefore is also are the about 80% of 1 or 2 adverse reactions because those
7 batches are merely containing placebo’s but sold as the real thing, or is it that those with 1,00 or
8 even to 5,000 adverse reactions are severely contaminated batches?
10 I am not aware the TGA has provided information to the general public about any abnormalities
11 of batches, even so in the USA it is clearly shown to be so.
13 It should be understood that the taxpayers are in the end paying for whatever monies is spend on
14 those so called “vaccines” and also the advertising, etc.
16 Much is claimed, actually around the world, that to be DOUBLE VACCINATED is to earn once
17 “FREEDOM”. This, even so our constitutional freedoms cannot be denied. As such, you cannot
18 be required to earn a “FREEDOM” that is already enshrined in the constitution. It is however a
19 “mantra” that the pharmaceutical companies dictate through their advertising agency to countries
20 around the world.
22 While it may be argued that this is a political issue and not for the ACCC to deal with, reality is
23 that it is relevant.
25 I understand that when VW (VolksWagon) mislead customers as to emissions then it was taken
26 to court and was held legally liable to pay for compensation.
27 We now have that citizens around the world were told time and time again that the vaccines
28 would prevent serious health problems and death and reduce hospitalisations, etc. The
29 pharmaceutical companies using their advertising agency then started in recent times with “the
30 pandemic of the unvaccinated”. Which then was indicate that those who had not been vaccinated
31 were essentially the cause of the spread of COVID and because of them mandates had to be
32 applied. However, as I wrote to the AFP, scientist of Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, etc, had months
33 ago already made clear that to force citizens to be vaccinated then they had to be denied their
34 rights until they would accept to be vaccinated.
35 The term “unvaccinated” then was any person who had not been jabbed either for Johnson &
36 Johnson 1 jab or Pfizer/Moderna 2 jabs. Digital passports were introduced (as per 2009 prepared
37 plans) that one had to be DOUBLE VACCINATED or be denied to travel by plane, public
38 transport, etc. However, in recent times such as in Israel and some other countries their digital
39 passports were cancelled until they had been recorded having had a booster shot. Well, now it
40 seems those with the booster shots have it again cancelled until they have the next booster shot.
41 Actually already 8 jabs are planned for.
42 This appears to be driven by the pharmaceutical companies which reportedly stand to make more
43 than $100 billion profits in 2021 alone. And this is after all the monies they fund to politicians,
44 medical doctors, hospitals, etc.
45 As such, the term “unvaccinated” has been changing as things goes along. Today’s “vaccinated”
46 will become tomorrows “unvaccinated” if they had not a booster shot 3 or 6 months after the last
47 jab. If a car dealer was to sell a motor vehicle stating it required a yearly maintenance service but
48 then after you purchase the car they tell you that you may need instead a weekly maintenance
49 service this would likely be deemed deceptive conduct, misrepresentation, etc.
50 It ought to be understood that the so called “vaccines” are only deemed to be so where the
51 Pfizer/Moderna are actually not “vaccines” but “medical treatment”, which can only be provided
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1 by a medical doctor specialised in this field. However, we find nurses, pharmacist, etc, all now
2 injecting people with a bioweapon that is outlawed both in International Law but also in
3 Australian law (see my COMPLAINT to the AFP.
5 As my COMPLAINT to the AFP also outlined is that both the TGA and the Department of
6 Health has been providing misleading/deceptive/disinformation on their websites. Yet, the
7 Department of Health claims that it provides reliable details.
9 As I also outlined to the AFP that TGA John Skerritt made a statement regarding the issue of
10 pregnant women where as in reality in my view his statement was false/misleading/deceptive/
11 disinformation.
12 Also, the various federal health bodies have dictated to medical doctors, etc, that they are not
13 permitted to state anything against COVID. As such despite the Commonwealth is prohibited by
14 the constitution to force citizens to be vaccinated (other by court order regarding a person held in
15 quarantine) nevertheless those federal health bodies are interfering with medical doctors to give
16 appropriate medical advice to their patients.
18 It is now so absurd that I provided the AFP with images where a medical doctor (Bundoora
19 Family Clinic at Ormond Road, Victoria) actually is using his stethoscope to check a woman’s
20 front and back, etc out on the footpath while strangers are walking past, etc. I myself had one
21 medical consultation in the car park and the last one also in the street by the GP. When my wife
22 had a appointment arranged by (Victoria) Austin Health staff, we found upon attending that a
23 nurse was doing a check on her out in the draft on the footpath! I hold the medical authority of
24 my wife but was refused to enter and my wife was also refused to have the medical check she
25 was to be checked for. Considering that my wife is having heart failure problems and for this she
26 was asked by the staff to attend to the hospital, which was in the end denied, then clearly, at least
27 in my view, this is malpractice.
29 There are obviously many persons who have been made to belief that there is this dangerous
30 virus called SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19 and they seem to support the government to
31 force others to be jabbed, not realising that soon or later they themselves are likely to be targeted
32 in the same manner once their last jab has been deemed no longer valid.
34 As I wrote to the AFP that the Federal Government in my view unconstitutionally in secrecy
35 signed some contract by which the Federal Government handed over to the pharmaceutical
36 companies, the WHO, etc, the right to govern the Commonwealth of Australia. That the Federal
37 government will hand over the DNA details of every citizen. Yes your DNA details also,
38 regardless if you do not consent. Obviously it has to be asked where the Federal government has
39 no constitutional authority to hand over a citizens health details to foreign (enemy) entities then
40 how can the Federal Government nevertheless do so? It is very obvious that the Federal
41 government spoked by this COVID HOAX capitulated to foreign companies and made secret
42 deals that now the Federal government claims are not to be disclosed due to “NATIONAL
43 SECURITY”. Moment, the Federal Government well aware not being able to force me to be
44 jabbed, with poison, enlisting in an unconstitutional manner the States/Territories then to do its
45 dirty unconstitutional work (even so it constitutionally has no such power to do so) and then
46 denies anyone who is to be jabbed proper and indeed relevant information what is the content of
47 any jabbing. As such, in particularly persons like my wife and myself having special health
48 issues to consider we have no way of knowing if whatever is in those vial are harmful. Yet, as I
49 wrote to the AFP that Scott Morrison made clear that if people die it was their own fault if they
50 provided informed consent.

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 What we have is that the medical doctors are denied to tell their patients anything against the
2 jabs, and not even the medical doctors would know what precisely is in a jab but somehow the
3 recipient nevertheless is deemed to make an informed decision with being denied proper
4 information.
5 NSW Minister for Health Brad Hazzard went as far as to have a reported 30,000 students
6 WITHOUT THEIR PARENTS in an arena to be jabbed, even so none of those students would
7 have had sufficient knowledge as to even consider to give informed consent. Also the parents
8 would unlikely not have known this considering that TGA John Skerritt himself in an interview
9 made clear that the long term adverse issues are not known.
11 As both Brad hazard as well as NSW CHO Dr Chan made clear (on video) that they are pursuing
12 the NEW WORLD ORDER then clearly this is in fact a conspiracy to overthrow our
13 constitutional government. Again, while this might seem to be a political issue or even a criminal
14 issue it also relates to the product issue. This as the product is to get citizens to be forced to be
15 jabbed with the poison substance as to enable the NEW WORLD ORDER to be fully
16 implemented. Again my COMPLAINT to the AFP sets this out also.
18 What I understand is that the INFLUENZA was used to pretend it is SARS-CoV-2 and causes an
19 illness COVID-19 where in reality it was INFLUENZA. The PCR test was set up to detect
20 something that could be found in the “common cold” as after all the CDC didn’t have any
21 “isolated” SARS-CoV-2 virus and still doesn’t have this and neither so the TGA and as such
22 there never was any proper test in place to determine if a person actually was infected with the
23 alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus. Which also means if you do not have the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus
24 then you are in no position to create any “vaccine” against this alleged virus.
25 And in my view there was no need to have the “isolated (by Koch’s postulate) SARS-CoV-2
26 virus, because it was nothing but a scam to swindle everyone to be jabbed. As such, the Chinese
27 provided the template of an alleged “isolated’ SARS-CoV-2 virus when in real terms it was
28 computer generated to suit the kind of “vaccine” that would be harmful to citizens around the
29 world. And, it is now abundantly clear that the countries with the highest vaccinations rates are
30 having the highest number of vaccinated person ending up not just in hospital but also dead! As
31 such now the game is to hold that regularly boosters are needed. A never ending jabbing circus
32 to which one cannot escape once one went on the merry go around ride.
33 Numerous reports of pilots who were vaccinated dying even when flying a plane. Hence, one
34 better have a Last Will& Testament prepared before going to fly somewhere, as the pilots might
35 be dying during the flight.
37 While the pharmaceutical company like Pfizer makes clear it provides no guarantee for its
38 product, nevertheless the politicians are telling falsehoods to the citizens and using all kinds of
39 tactics to force citizens to be vaccinated. Who cannot know about the denial of traveller, even
40 Australians, to come into Australia unless they are double vaccinated, etc. Again, there is no
41 legitimate constitutional powers for this. At most the Federal Government could have required a
42 person to be tested upon arrival , such as x-rays, etc, as to ascertain if the person might be
43 deemed infected. However, to deny Australians to return home and to let them die overseas (as
44 did eventuate) underlines how unconstitutional this Federal Government has acted.
45 This has to be taken into consideration as to how the Federal Government persisted in funding
46 the States/Territories to do its dirty work to even deny citizens to be able to work, go shopping,
47 etc, if not vaccinated. This all so citizens will capitulate and accept to be jabbed as they need the
48 income to feed their family, etc. Yet, the Federal government conceals the harmful issues
49 regarding the jabbing’s.
50 As such, in my view this has been an elaborate conspiracy involving pharmaceutical companies,
51 the Federal government, the medical doctors who conceal details from patients, the federal health
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1 organisations, including APHRA, the pharmacist, nurses, medical doctors and even the police
2 and media. As they together are all pushing the narrative the=at one need to be vaccinated,
3 concealing the real dangers.
4 Again, Premier Daniel Andrews was claiming that he could not do without mandates unless there
5 were “zero” cases and “zero” deaths. And well this was his mantra. Yet, when there were about
6 2,295 cases and about 9 deaths he then shortly thereafter decided to stop mandates to some
7 degree, except for unvaccinated persons.
8 It ought to be obvious that there was a total failure in proper leadership and as result Victorian
9 also suffered undue hardship all for the sake to push the vaccination drive. This even so the very
10 vaccination drive in my view is what is causing the increase of citizens having adverse reactions,
11 deaths, etc. I on 3 May 2020 then already wrote to Scott Morrison that there should be a ROYAL
12 COMMISSION into the entire COVID issue but there is none.
13 Scott Morrison spend billions to enrich pharmaceutical companies but it was not from his own
14 pocket but that of the taxpayers and the legal principle is that when a government spends public
15 monies then there can be no secrecy as to any contracts involved.
16 The pharmaceutical companies are as I understand it up to at least $500,000 towards politicians,
17 so they will vote in favour of any legislation serving the pharmaceutical companies purposes.
18 Obviously the question needs to be asked how much, if any, are Australian politicians and
19 officials being provided with as perhaps some form of kickback?
20 With reports that most officials in the health industry might be to some extend having monies
21 through shell companies paid from pharmaceutical companies then this further places in question
22 the integrity of officials and even medical doctors and hospitals.
24 As I wrote to the AFP I even referred to video’s (and provided links) where medical doctors and
25 nurses were claiming that patients were admitted to the hospital and then admitted as COVID
26 patients, regardless if they were not at all suffering of any so called COVID illnesses, and then
27 placed on ventilators to hasten their deaths. Many denied even nutricius food as the hospital held
28 why waste food on people that were to die anyhow. Reportedly hospitals stood to be paid as
29 much as $100,000 (US dollars) involving various payments regarding one patient if this patient
30 was to die. As such there was a financial incentive to essentially murder patients. And I
31 understand a nurse from Sydney claimed that in a hospital in Sydney patients were essentially
32 murdered.
34 As I also outlined to the AFP that our constitutional system requires that for any special
35 payments, such as regarding a billion dollar contract with a foreign entity like a pharmaceutical
36 company then a special Appropriation Bill is required to permit such payments to be made. I am
37 not aware this eventuated. As such, I view this includes FRAUD.
38 Again, to grasp what went on one has to understand that the swindle perpetrated upon the many
39 to get them to accept or be forced to accept to be jabbed was an elaborate pre-planned event and
40 the harm from it will endure likely for decades to come. Where the so called “vaccines” really
41 were intended to “depopulate” and causes harm to those who are jabbed then the surrounding
42 conduct of those involved is relevant to be considered.
43 For the ACCC the issue therefore is did the Federal Government and/or anyone else (such as
44 politicians, officials, etc) conceal relevant details and/or mislead citizens and others (like
45 visitors) of the dangers associated with the so called “vaccines” and by this directly/indirectly
46 caused misrepresentation/disinformation to each and every person. Also, as to if the conduct of
47 the State/Territories to indirectly//directly deny citizens their ordinary constitutional and other
48 rights as to force them to accept to be vaccinated with a dangerous so called vaccine constitute to
49 be an accessory to unlawful conduct? Even the denial of proper information and the fabrication
50 of cases/death rates in my view contributed to seeking to cause citizens to accept to be
51 vaccinated due to fear mongering, etc.
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1 I understand that the so called flu shots in themselves already were harmful, in particularly
2 regarding the elderly. There is an ongoing bombardment by politicians and their agents that
3 essentially the “unvaccinated” are the cause of problems. Even now we had Mr Andy Meddick
4 MP (Victoria) making a claim that in his view his daughter was harmed because he was an MP.
5 However, as I explained in my correspondence to him it appears from the reports that his
6 daughter may have committed a criminal offence to spray paint private property of another
7 person and then allegedly threw her spray can toward a person and it was that this person
8 allegedly threw the can back that she became injured. What this indicates is that protestors are
9 vilified for “attacking” a daughter of an Member of parliament somehow to target her father
10 indirectly while in real terms it appears to me that it had nothing to do with her father being an
11 MP but rather her alleged criminal conduct was what triggered it.
12 This is just one incident but it is relevant as both Premier Daniel Andrews and PM Scott
13 Morrison condemned the attack upon the daughter, and this clearly underlines the vilification of
14 protesters wrather then basing any comments upon the facts. And this has been going on and on
15 since early 2020 that the politicians have been vilifying the objectors/protestors even so as it now
16 appears to be they were all along correct that to be jabbed can be causing serious illnesses and
17 even death. The lack of sincere apologies by any of the politicians may underline the cowardness
18 of them.
19 Recently my wife was seen by her optometrist, to whom she attended for over 30 years, and well
20 the optometrist made known to my wife that it was better for her to be vaccinated against
21 COVID. My wife was shocked that the very person she so much trusted was willing to send her
22 into life misery and possible death. The optometrist never seemed to realise that she was to
23 undermine the trust my wife had in her. I have spoken to various medical doctors (specialist) and
24 I have yet to come across a single one of them who really have even a basic understanding about
25 what this claimed COVID is about. All they seem to do is to parrot what they are told by some
26 health organisation and/or pharmaceutical company. However, in the end they all together are as
27 such deceiving patient’s big time.
29 It ought to be understood that the so called “vaccines” were by far overrated for no other purpose
30 but to get people to accept to be jabbed, no matter the real harm that might be inflicted upon
31 them, bot in short and in the long term.
33 As I commenced with that those fraudulently claiming cancer have been dealt with by the
34 Courts and in my view the same should be regarding those involved in the SARS-CoV-2 /
35 COVID-19 scam.

37 Commonwealth Consolidated Acts

38 [Index] [Table] [Search] [Search this Act] [Notes] [Noteup] [Previous] [Next] [Download] [Help]
40 PRIVACY ACT 1988 – SECT 94H
41 Requiring the use of COVIDSafe

42 (1) A person commits an offence if the person requires another person to:

43 (a) download COVIDSafe to a communication device; or

44 (b) have COVIDSafe in operation on a communication device; or
45 (c) consent to uploading COVID app data from a communication device to
46 the National COVIDSafe Data Store.
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1 Penalty: Imprisonment for 5 years or 300 penalty units, or both.

2 (2) A person commits an offence if the person:

3 (a) refuses to enter into, or continue, a contract or arrangement with another

4 person (including a contract of employment); or

5 (b) takes adverse action (within the meaning of the Fair Work Act 2009 ) against
6 another person; or

7 (c) refuses to allow another person to enter:

8 (i) premises that are otherwise accessible to the public; or

9 (ii) premises that the other person has a right to enter; or

10 (d) refuses to allow another person to participate in an activity; or

11 (e) refuses to receive goods or services from another person, or insists on providing
12 less monetary consideration for the goods or services; or

13 (f) refuses to provide goods or services to another person, or insists on receiving

14 more monetary consideration for the goods or services;

15 on the ground that, or on grounds that include the ground that, the other person:

16 (g) has not downloaded COVIDSafe to a communication device; or

17 (h) does not have COVIDSafe in operation on a communication device; or
18 (i) has not consented to uploading COVID app data from a communication device to
19 the National COVIDSafe Data Store.
20 Penalty: Imprisonment for 5 years or 300 penalty units, or both.

21 (3) To avoid doubt:

22 (a) subsection (2) is a workplace law for the purposes of the Fair Work Act 2009 ;
23 and
24 (b) the benefit that the other person derives because of an obligation of the person
25 under subsection (2) is a workplace right within the meaning of Part 3-1 of that Act.
28 Despite of this, the States/Territories are nevertheless enforcing for any prospective customer to
29 prove vaccination or be refused service, as my wife and I had no on various occasions.

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1 Therefore, the issue of so called “vaccines” is not just that they are directly/indirectly forced
2 upon citizens and others but also that governments are doing whatever to cause division of
3 rights, etc, all so that those who are not able to be jabbed (being it for health conditions, etc)
4 somehow must still accept to be vaccinated or denied equality.
5 The issue is therefore to force vaccinations at all cost and this relates back to the secret contracts
6 (regarding which I wrote to the AFP) so that any citizen must accept to be jabbed regardless of
7 how harmful it might be. This I view is a violation of ordinary consumer laws. Indeed, ordinary
8 no business could operate as such. The Federal/State/Territory Governments cannot place
9 themselves above the rule of law and should conduct themselves as MODEL CITIZENS in
10 their conduct, which I view they clearly are not.
13 immunity/
14 Official Narrative Admits Fake COVID Vaccine Gives You Fake COVID Immunity

16 I have detailed in many previous articles the evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus does not exist (by virtue of

17 the fact it has never been proven to have been isolated or purified) and the evidence that terrain theory is a

18 better model for explaining health and disease than germ theory – so that even if SARS-CoV-2 did exist,

19 there’s no conclusive evidence that viruses cause disease anyway. We live with all sorts of viruses (yes,

20 including HIV) in our bodies all the time as part of our human virome. The natural corollary of this is that

21 ‘SARS-CoV-2 induced COVID’ cannot be a real thing. What, then, is COVID? The best explanation is that it

22 is a recategorization and reclassification of existing disease. Remember: there is not 1 virus, not 1 disease,

23 not 1 cause. This is borne out by the fact that, according to official stats and sources, the normal flu has

24 ‘disappeared’ in 2020-2021 in many nations. Clearly it didn’t really disappear; its numbers were hijacked by

25 the COVID Cult to boost COVID case numbers.

26 Jumping into the World of the Official COVID Narrative

27 Keeping all this in mind, it is useful occasionally to jump for a few minutes into the world where the virus

28 exists and COVID is a real, new, scary and lethal disease with its own distinct and specific symptoms. So,

29 let’s pretend for a moment right now that SARS-CoV-2 exists and it causes COVID, a brand-new disease

30 that has never ever been seen before in the history of humanity. Even in this world, playing by the rules set

31 up by such venerable organizations as the WHO, NIH, FDA, CDC and Big Pharma, things don’t make sense.

32 There is a distinct lack of logic. Contradictions are rife. Today we are going to look at one such glaring

33 contradiction: namely, the contradiction between the official COVID narrative claim that the fake-vaccine

34 will increase your immunity to COVID, and the official COVID narrative evidence that taking the vax

35 increases your chance of getting COVID or becoming more sick.

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1 FDA Admits In Its Own Document that Vax Offers Fake COVID Immunity

2 Establishment mouthpiece Dr. Fraud-ci was at a loss last month on the MSM to explain why vaccine-

3 acquired immunity was superior to natural immunity for disease in general. It’s the issue that busts the

4 narrative. Big Pharma knows better than anyone that effective marketing depends on convincing the

5 consumer that they have a gaping need, and that you are the only (or best) company to meet it. However, if

6 the consumers don’t really have that need, and they realize that, there is no consumer demand, and the game

7 is up. If consumers realize that the fake-vaccine offers fake COVID immunity, they won’t get it. Check out

8 this admission by either Pfizer, or the FDA, or both, as recorded in this FDA document entitled “Vaccines

9 and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting September 17, 2021 | FDA Briefing

10 Document | Application for licensure of a booster dose for COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine,

11 mRNA).” It confesses that more study subjects who got the vax had COVID than the placebo subjects who

12 didn’t get the vax. In other words, the vax increased your chances of getting COVID! What is going on here?

13 Here is the exact quote from pg.22:

14 “Although not independently verified by FDA, the post hoc analysis appears to indicate that the incidence of

15 SARS-CoV-2 during the analysis period among 18,727 study participants originally randomized to

16 BNT162b2 (mean of 9.8 months post-Dose 2 at the beginning of the analysis period) was 70.3 cases per

17 1,000 person-years, compared with an incidence of 51.6 cases per 1,000 person-years among 17,748 study

18 participants originally randomized to placebo and crossed over to BNT162b2 (mean of 4.7 months post-Dose

19 2 at the beginning of the analysis period). An additional analysis appears to indicate that incidence of

20 COVID-19 generally increased in each group of study participants with increasing time post-Dose 2 at the

21 start of the analysis period.”

22 To break that down into plain English, around 70 people out of 1,000 who took the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine

23 (BNT162b2, the formula under EUA [Emergency Use Authorization] before Cominarty) got COVID,

24 whereas only around 51 people out of 1,000 taking the placebo got COVID. Therefore, not only did the

25 vaccine fail to increase immunity, it actually decreased immunity. It gave the recipients fake COVID

26 immunity.

27 Study on NIH Website Finds No Discernable Relationship Between Vaccine Status and COVID Status
28 – In Fact, States COVID Infection Rate is Higher Among Vaxxed

29 Again we will go straight to official governmental sources for this next one. This is

30 a study entitled “Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947

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1 counties in the United States” published on September 30th 2021 on the NIH PubMed site. As the title

2 suggests, this is broad analysis involving many nations and many smaller regions (counties) within the US.

3 The conclusion was abrupt and straight to the point: there was “no discernable relationship” between

4 whether you were vaxxed and whether you got COVID. Here are their exact words:

5 “At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully

6 vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days. In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive

7 association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19

8 cases per 1 million people. Notably, Israel with over 60% of their population fully vaccinated had the highest

9 COVID-19 cases per 1 million people in the last 7 days. The lack of a meaningful association between

10 percentage population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases is further exemplified, for instance, by

11 comparison of Iceland and Portugal. Both countries have over 75% of their population fully vaccinated and

12 have more COVID-19 cases per 1 million people than countries such as Vietnam and South Africa that have

13 around 10% of their population fully vaccinated.”

14 “There also appears to be no significant signaling of COVID-19 cases decreasing with higher percentages of

15 population fully vaccinated.”

16 Did you catch that? Not only does it state there was no positive effect of the vaccine in preventing COVID

17 cases, but actually, those who got the COVID fake-vaccine were more likely to get COVID. Talk about fake

18 COVID immunity. It brings up the example of Israel, which is now well-known, as well as lesser known

19 examples of Iceland and Portugal (high vax rates, high COVID rates) and Vietnam and South Africa (low

20 vax rates, low COVID rates). It could also have talked about Singapore and Vermont, which are 2 other

21 places with high vax rates and high COVID cases. The study also accounted for the supposed ‘lag’ time that

22 the vaccine takes to work:

23 “Of the top 5 counties that have the highest percentage of population fully vaccinated (99.9–84.3%), the US

24 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifies 4 of them as “High” Transmission counties.

25 Chattahoochee (Georgia), McKinley (New Mexico), and Arecibo (Puerto Rico) counties have above 90% of

26 their population fully vaccinated with all three being classified as “High” transmission. Conversely, of the

27 57 counties that have been classified as “low” transmission counties by the CDC, 26.3% (15) have

28 percentage of population fully vaccinated below 20%.

29 Since full immunity from the vaccine is believed to take about 2 weeks after the second dose, we conducted

30 sensitivity analyses by using a 1-month lag on the percentage population fully vaccinated for countries and

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1 US counties. The above findings of no discernable association between COVID-19 cases and levels of fully

2 vaccinated was also observed when we considered a 1-month lag on the levels of fully vaccinated.”

3 The study appears to be written by authors who believe in vaccines. They also noted waning vaccine immnity

4 and a sharp increase in COVID vaccinated hospitalizations and deaths:

5 “For instance, in a report released from the Ministry of Health in Israel, the effectiveness of 2 doses of the

6 BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) vaccine against preventing COVID-19 infection was reported to be 39%,

7 substantially lower than the trial efficacy of 96%. It is also emerging that immunity derived from the Pfizer-

8 BioNTech vaccine may not be as strong as immunity acquired through recovery from the COVID-19 virus. A

9 substantial decline in immunity from mRNA vaccines 6-months post immunization has also been reported.

10 Even though vaccinations offers protection to individuals against severe hospitalization and death, the CDC

11 reported an increase from 0.01 to 9% and 0 to 15.1% (between January to May 2021) in the rates of

12 hospitalizations and deaths, respectively, amongst the fully vaccinated.”

13 Fake COVID Immunity: An Alternative Interpretation

14 So, let’s jump out of the surreal mainstream official COVID narrative now and back into the real world

15 where SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist, where COVID fake-vaccines can’t possibly work as intended (because

16 there is no virus to inoculate against and, even if there were a virus, they didn’t have it when they designed

17 the vaccine) and where COVID is not 1 single thing but rather a collection of conditions, with many possible

18 causes, that have been reclassified. So, what would explain the above 2 pieces of mainstream evidence?

19 The obvious answer is that the vaccine harms and kills. Pfizer knows it; the FDA knows it; case numbers

20 around the world are demonstrating it. The COVID fake-vaccine produces all sorts of side effects, some of

21 which can be construed and diagnosed as ‘COVID’ in a self-fulfilling prophecy and cycle – where the ruling

22 class gets more control (via the government’s permanent surveillance state infrastructure) and more money

23 (via Big Pharma stock ownership), and everyone else gets royally shafted in terms of lost freedom, lost

24 rights, lost income, lost business, lost health and, for those pushed to suicide or killed by the vax, lost life.

25 With the above evidence, an alternative interpretation is that those who ‘got COVID’ really just ‘got sick’ in

26 some way via vaccine damage. Of course, this is still assuming that COVID case counts are accurate, which

27 they are most certainly not, due to the misapplication of Kary Mullis’ PCR technique, which was never

28 meant to diagnose infectious disease (which I have covered in other articles). So even this alternative

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1 interpretation has its limits, because the entire COVID scamdemic, from top to bottom, left to right and back

2 to front, is completely FAKE. One of the only real things about it is that the COVID fake-vaccine is

3 a nanotech bioweapon that can cause real damage to people.

4 Final Thoughts

5 Those pushing the COVID scamdemic have, right from the start, been tripping over themselves with a

6 plethora of logic-defying claims and contradictions. Fauci himself has flip-flopped like a fish out of water

7 about as many times as Google as , sorry, I mean curated, an inconvenient search result. Even with their

8 organizations and agencies, even with their own words and even with their own lines of reasoning,

9 the official COVID narrative doesn’t hold water and doesn’t add up in the slightest. This is yet more

10 evidence of the utter ludicrousy of official COVID science and a good one to share with mainstream normies

11 who gobble up governmental and MSM narratives without much critical reflection, as COVID

12 trend after COVID trend after COVID trend shows that authorities are desperately trying to get everyone

13 vaxxed.
16 Pfizer Vaccine is Using STERILIZATION Delivery Techniques Developed by
17 SpayVac. DPX Delivery System Designed for Sterilizing Animal Population
19 Pfizer Vaccine is Using STERILIZATION Delivery Techniques Developed by
20 SpayVac. DPX Delivery System Designed for Sterilizing Animal Population

21 Posted By: GeorgeEaton

22 Date: Friday, 19-Nov-2021 05:09:27
23 11/19/21 New report by a whistleblower:
24 From Red___dit (cannot post the link here):

25 PZP is used to sterilize wild horses in America. The first 2 doses must be taken within 2
26 to 6 weeks apart with a 8 month to yearly booster follow up. This reduces pregnancy rate
27 80%-90%.
28 Something about the schedule sounds familiar. Pfizer CEO is also a veterinarian... how
29 convenient

30 This is a potential nail in the coffin for Pfizer - SpayVac's DPX lipid nanoparticle delivery
31 system.

32 SpayVac produces the PZP infertility vaccine. They licensed their DPX lipid nanoparticle
33 delivery technology to Pfizer for them to make the COVID vaccine.
34 The PZP vaccine doesn't cause immediate sterility - it takes over a year to appear.
35 (Funny, Pfizer only studied a few months.) But PZP causes short term menstrual
36 cycle changes as the immune system attacks the ovary cells. The SAME menstrual
37 changes are being seen in women WORLDWIDE.
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1 PZP requires storage temperatures down to -40C, unusual for most vaccines. Also, it
2 requires two first shots given 2-6 weeks apart then a booster from 6-12 months, depending
3 on species.

4 They created the DPX liposome technology to make sure the vaccine reaches its target
5 destination and patented it under IMV Inc. IMV partnered with Pfizer in 2020 to produce
6 the COVID vaccine, using the same liposome technology, now called the lipid nanoparticle
7 delivery system.

8 This DPX lipid nanoparticle system is designed as a "NO-RELEASE" system. It will NOT
9 release anything at the injection site. Rather only at the "target destination", which for the
10 PZP vaccine was the ovaries and, also, the spleen which had similar receptors.

11 The Pfizer injection also concentrates at the spleen and ovaries. Makes sense as they use
12 the identical delivery system. Look at the below source in Table 2. Look at the
13 concentration, NOT the % dose of injection. The small intestines have a huge % of dose
14 but they are way larger than the ovaries. The ovaries have a massive concentration in
15 regards to their size.



18 It stays at the injection site, but the lipid nanoparticle will ONLY open at the target site. So
19 effectively anything at the injection site is inactive and waiting to be released. This works
20 like a long-acting drug. It will never open and release the treatment/mRNA at the site of
21 injection - only as the lipid nanoparticles hella migrate from the injection site to a target
22 destination will they open up and release the treatment.

23 The way the PZP vaccine works is it triggers an immune response against the invasive pig
24 ovary eggs. The immune system then creates antibodies for the pig egg, but it goes
25 overboard and targets parts that are also on the normal non-invasive eggs. Over time after
26 re-exposure, or in the case of the DPX delivery system a long term release, the normal non-
27 invasive eggs will be viewed as hostile and attacked.

28 The Pfizer vaccine works in a SIMILAR WAY. The DPX delivery system brings the
29 mRNA vaccine to the ovaries (and other areas). The lipid nanoparticle opens and releases
30 mRNA which will convert ovary cells into a virus/ovary hybrid that the immune system
31 will attack. Once it kills the mutated ovary cell, it will mark various parts of the "pathogen"
32 with antibodies. This has a HIGH CHANCE over repeat exposure it will view the ovary
33 cells and eggs themselves as hostile, potentially causing the immune system to attack ovary
34 cells.

35 Please share this. They are using a delivery system developed by a company that was
36 designed to sterilize animal populations. The fact that infertility as an outcome is
37 disregarded and wasn't even tested despite this knowledge should be criminal.

38 Additional info from the same source:

39 Also, the mRNA vaccine has a chance that it will target other cells too via the same
40 mechanism. The circulatory system being the carrier of the lipid shells means when the
41 shell breaks down, it will target the nearest heart/vein cells. Then, our immune system
42 attacks the converted cell and gets antibodies for the spike.. but also creates antibodies for
43 the innocent cell parts. Then, upon each re-exposure to the vaccine, the immune system has
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1 a stronger reaction and produces antibodies to attack the virus but also the unaffected
2 heart/veins which it previously identified as being part of the virus.

3 The mRNA vaccine is the same method to the SpayVac PZP vaccine technique - make the
4 body target innocent cells. However, the heart and vein cells may be unintended
5 consequences of the true delivery mechanism to the ovaries (and presumably, testes).
6 Source and discussions:
11 punishing-people/5762033

12 Locking Down Unvaccinated-Only ‘Not About Science,

13 It’s About Punishing People’
15 On the latest episode of The Hill’s “Rising,” journalist and political commentator Kim Iversen
16 discussed strict lockdowns for the unvaccinated only in Austria, and the UK’s new policy
17 requiring three shots as proof of being “fully vaccinated.”
18 On the latest episode of The Hill’s “Rising,” journalist and political commentator Kim
19 Iversen broke down Austria’s COVID lockdown mandate for the unvaccinated.
20 She also discussed other recent developments in the world of lockdowns and booster
21 policies, which she claimed “are not about science” but instead about “punishing
22 people.”

23 In an attempt to stop the spread, Austria placed 2 million unvaccinated residents on

24 lockdown, Iversen reported.

25 “As of Monday, any unvaccinated person over the age of 12 is now unable to do
26 pretty much anything except the essentials, which is grocery shop, seek
27 medical treatment and travel to and from school or work,” Iversen said.
31 coronavirus/
32 COVID-19, the disease is not caused by SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus | Cairns News
33 COVID-19, the disease is not caused by SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus

35 NOV 19

36 Posted by Editor, cairnsnews

37 by Alexandra Bruce, US correspondent

38 An interview between renowned virologist Dr Judy Mikovits and Ann Vandersteel, who asks her
39 whether COVID-19 is a real virus.

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1 Dr Judy, who worked at Fort Detrick and who worked for years with Anthony Fauci at NIH replies,
2 “No, COVID-19, the disease is not caused by SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus.

3 Dr Judy Mikovits:“Nobody’s sick. This has a 99.7% survival rate, so there’s no such thing as an
4 ‘asymptomatic carrier’ of a disease-causing virus. A virus either makes you sick or it doesn’t
5 “SARS-CoV-2 is not a real human virus, it’s a monkey virus grown in the vero monkey cell line, always
6 has been, just as SARS was created in that cell line and the variants are in that cell line,” she said.
7 “So the disease, COVID never satisfied any of Koch’s Postulates or the Hill’s Criteria for a causative
8 agent of a disease, because in order for the virus, SARS-CoV-2 to have caused COVID, everybody with
9 evidence of infection has to have disease.

10 “And what we know is, essentially, nobody with evidence of infection by that fraudulent PCR test – that
11 is not testing for SARS-C0V-2 – and PCR does not test for an infectious virus.

12 “Nobody’s sick. This has a 99.7% survival rate, so there’s no such thing as an ‘asymptomatic carrier’ of
13 a disease-causing virus. A virus either makes you sick or it doesn’t.

14 “And what we know is this disease called COVID was caused by contaminated flu shots – which are all
15 contaminated with coronaviruses – and they are, every year and that those viruses recombine – the test
16 was testing for the influenza, so this, at 4,000 people a day, in January of 2021 were dying of influenza
17 and the CDC was labeling it, calling it “COVID”.

18 “We know that 5G and the measures; the remdesevir, so that which is killing people by shutting down
19 their kidneys. Everything that’s been done: the masks, the shots, the isolation have caused the death and
20 the destruction worldwide, not SARS-CoV-2.”

21 Ann says, “So, essentially, COVID-19 is a marketing hype name to promote fear and get people running
22 to the doctors to get these PCR tests, which are, of course, completely falsely-calibrated and they’re not
23 measuring COVID-19. So, has COVID-19 ever been isolated in a lab, then?”

24 Dr Judy replies, “SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated from vero monkey kidney cells – in a lab, grown in –”

25 Ann interrupts, “But not in people.”

26 “Not from people-to-people,” Dr Judy says, “Not from a person with disease and sending it to
27 another…It’s a lab virus. All the variants are, they’re sequences in a database and they always have
28 been, since 2003 and SARS.”

29 Ann asks, “OK, so these COVID vaccines – or what they’re touting to be vaccines, these shots. I call
30 them Clot Shots, Kill Shots. What are they, if they’re not supposedly treating or preventing
31 coronavirus?”

32 “Well, they’re synthetic, they’re gene therapy, number one. They’re not vaccines, they don’t meet the
33 legal or scientific definition of a vaccine, which is usually a piece of a virus or a bacteria or an

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1 ‘attenuated virus’, means weakened, you took out the part that usually kills you and then you use that in
2 a vaccine…

3 “The simple answer is they are injecting in you a deadly synthetic virus. Synthetic virus. You are
4 expressing the deadliest – the spike protein from HIV, the XMRV and SARS, so the three deadliest
5 plandemics of our time. You’re injecting the disease and you are shedding and spreading it, if your
6 immune system cannot break down that synthetic lipid nanoparticle.

7 “It’s a synthetic virus. It’s not a vaccine, never was, never was intended – and it’s why we’ve been
8 spreading the news.”

9 Dr Judy says that the spike proteins in the flu and COVID vaccines are shed and spread and have been
10 for years but the good news, she says is that whether you get a real virus or a synthetic virus, the
11 treatment is the same: ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and ozonated creams on your skin.
12 “Keep your immune system healthy, don’t ever wear a mask, because that cripples your own immune
13 system, as you know from our book, ‘The Truth About Masks’…
14 “The good news is, as long as people stop, right now getting any other shot, we can heal this world.
15 Because any other shot is going to kill you and I mean a flu shot, because they have coronaviruses…

16 “This is how they’ve driven this agenda for the past 30 years. They’ve weaponized SARS, they’ve
17 weaponized Ebola – and that was 2014, when Tony Fauci released that virus on the Sierra Leone, on the
18 Liberians, you know by way of a vaccine program.

19 “You know, ‘We’re gonna go over there and help you!’ with Christian missionaries, and that’s all
20 described in our New York Times Bestseller, ‘Plague of Corruption’, which came out April 14th,
21 2020.
22 “I was first on the Epoch Times, April 8th, 2020, telling them all of this, showing them the Journal of
23 Virology paper that showed hydroxychloroquine is a prophylactic treatment strategy for HIV, for SARS.
24 And that means it’s a vaccine!
25 “Every 21 days, you got a booster shot, so the entire world could have been saved by
26 hydroxychloroquine, just as in this book, ‘Called for Life’, by Kent and Amber Brantly. He’s the
27 doctor that got infected with Ebola when Ebola was aerosolized.
28 “And this was in the summer of 2014 and this was the cover-up by Tony Fauci of the William
29 Thompson confession, after 15 years that MMR, giving Blacks and people of color, Hispanics, before
30 the age of 3 had a 2-to-4 times greater risk of getting autism or severe neuro-developmental disease
31 from that shot.

32 “So yes, MMR in susceptible populations, three RNA viruses that’ll cause autism. So what does Tony
33 Fauci do? Oh, he released contagious Ebola on Black people, to take everybody’s attention away, just
34 like the game they played in COVID, to take everybody’s attention away from the corruption…

35 “We caught them. Not ‘we’, Judy Mikovits, the Royal We: Children’s Health Defense, The Highwire,
36 the Informed Consent Action Network. Lawsuit, lawsuit, lawsuit. Proved that vaccines are not safe,
37 have never been tested since 1989, not a single double-blind placebo controlled study, safe study has
38 been done, as required by Federal Law, by the HHS.

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1 “That was the proof in the Fall of 2019…Was COVID started because they cloned the deadly H1N1 in
2 2005 – cloned – from people who died of the Spanish Flu?

3 “It’s all in here. And in our latest book, ‘Ending Plague’, because we tell you the solutions are there.
4 We tell you ozone therapy, we tell you Type 1 Interferon, we tell you Peptide T and immune
5 modulation peptides could have stopped AIDS, could have stopped all of these diseases.

6 “And the biggest thing our books tell you is that, ‘Never again get another injection’ and you will live
7 and we as a world will experience health.”

8 Editor: It is indeed a crying shame the few competent epidemiologists found in Australia, not under the
9 influence of big pharma, are unable to understand the origins of the disease Covid.

12 My writings to Mr Scott Morrison of 17 February 2020 then already raised the issue as to the
13 Aboriginals may be more vulnerable, and recent studies indicated that genes of Asians may be an
14 issue.
16 The following article ought to be understood relates to the CDC and FDA in the USA however,
17 it appears to me that the TGA blindly follow them and miserably if not criminally fail to do its
18 own proper assessments. Why then use the TGA and not just adapt the CDC/FDA system of
19 ever changing definitions to suit the politicians rather than having a properly assessed and
20 considered evaluation on the true FACTS?
23 Technocrats Move Goal Posts, Now Require Boosters For Life

26 Please Share This Story!
27 We were assured that one shot would knock out COVID-19, but TN warned that it would
28 morph into a never-ending stream of mRNA/DNA shots to gain access to the human germ
29 line. It is no surprise that the end zone turns out to be a floating island that is constantly
30 being relocated.
31 This is pure Technocrat tyranny as long-standing definitions are changed, proven science is
32 disregarded and fake science is inserted as a replacement. ⁃ TN Editor
34 > Major health organizations across the world have changed several definitions of medical
35 terms, including the definitions for “vaccine,” “herd immunity” and “pandemic,” which in
36 turn have a significant impact on everyday life. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
37 Prevention is now considering changing the definition of “fully vaccinated”
38 > Israel and Australia have already pushed back the goal post. Citizens must get a booster
39 at six months after their second jab or lose all “passport freedoms.” Australian premier
40 Daniel Andrews has actually stated that, going forward, life for the vaccinated will “be
41 about the maintenance of your vaccination status”
42 > Updating the definition of “fully vaccinated” will also have the side effect of skewing
43 mortality statistics, giving government another round of ammunition for false claims.
44 We’ve been repeatedly told that we’re now in a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and this lie

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1 will gain new traction once fully vaccinated people are dropped into the unvaccinated
2 category, six months after their last dose
3 > The National Basketball Association is urging players who got a single-dose Janssen
4 shot as recently as two months ago to get a Pfizer or Moderna booster, or face game-day
5 testing starting December 1, 2021. Players who completed a two-dose regimen are being
6 told to get a booster at the six-month mark
7 > The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is already talking about
8 expanding its COVID-19 vaccine rule, so that small businesses with fewer than 100
9 employees may also be required to force the jab on their employees or face stiff fines. The
10 public comment period closes December 6, 2021
11 In recent years, and especially after the start of the COVID pandemic in 2020, major health
12 organizations across the world have changed several definitions of medical terms, which in
13 turn have a significant impact on everyday life. In fact, were it not for the World Health
14 Organization changing its definition of “pandemic” back in 2009, we wouldn’t even be in
15 this mess.
16 Like the swine flu before it, SARS-CoV-2 would not have qualified as a pandemic were it
17 not for the WHO erasing a few key words from the definition. Pre-2009, the official
18 definition of a pandemic was:1,2
19 “… when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no
20 immunity, resulting in several, simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers
21 of deaths and illness.”
22 Then, in 2009, the WHO removed the severity and high mortality criteria (“enormous
23 numbers of deaths and illness”), leaving the definition of a pandemic as “a worldwide
24 epidemic of a disease.”3
25 By removing the restrictive criteria of severe illness causing high morbidity and leaving
26 geographically widespread infection as the only criteria for a pandemic, the WHO has the
27 ability to declare a pandemic any time there’s more cases of a given disease than normal.
28 Having this ability is of crucial importance, seeing how the WHO has played a central role
29 in the technocratic takeover we’re now facing. The WHO has emergency powers over its
30 194 member countries, so when the WHO declares an international public health incident,
31 all member states are required to follow along “in lock step” with the WHO’s directives.
32 Were it not for the WHO, nations would respond to any given outbreak in any number of
33 ways. Trying to influence them to respond in ways that benefit the technocracy would be
34 like herding cats. Without lockstep coordination between all the world’s nations, using a
35 biosafety narrative to control people and shift wealth distribution on a global scale simply
36 would not be feasible.
37 But there’s also an even greater and more long-lasting implication for society. By
38 redefining what certain words and terms mean, the rising biosecurity state is attempting to
39 change your perception of what’s true and what is false. In the process, they’re perverting
40 science into something ruled by faith, speculation and biased opinion. The dangers of that
41 are incalculable.
42 What Is a ‘Vaccine’?
43 In September 2021, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shocked medical
44 experts by changing the definition of a vaccine from “a product that produces immunity
45 therefore protecting the body from the disease,”4 to “a preparation that is used to stimulate
46 the body’s immune response against diseases.”5
47 The key change is that a “vaccine” no longer produces immunity, so it no longer protects
48 you against the disease. It only stimulates an immune response against a given disease.
49 This definition was obviously contrived to describe the limited function of the COVID-19
50 gene therapy injections, which do not make you immune and can’t prevent you from
51 getting or spreading the infection.
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1 By any definition of a vaccine in use before 2021, the COVID shot is not a vaccine. At
2 best, the shot will reduce your symptoms. This also means they cannot, ever, produce herd
3 immunity. This despite the redefinition of herd immunity, from being something produced
4 as a result of natural infection, to something resulting from mass-vaccination.
5 Definition of Herd Immunity No Longer Has Scientific Basis
6 The WHO changed their definition of herd immunity in October 2020, likely in
7 anticipation of the global mass vaccination campaign. To reiterate, in the past, herd
8 immunity meant when enough people had acquired immunity to an infectious disease, such
9 that the disease could no longer spread widely in the community.
10 Before science introduced vaccinations, herd immunity was achieved by exposure to and
11 recovery from normal exposures to an infectious disease. Courtesy of the Internet
12 Archive’s Wayback Machine, before October 2020, the WHO’s definition of herd
13 immunity included both vaccine immunity and “immunity developed through previous
14 infection.”6
15 However, in October 2020, the updated definition dropped natural immunity altogether.
16 The current definition now reads as follows:7
17 “‘Herd immunity’, also known as ‘population immunity’, is a concept used for vaccination,
18 in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is
19 reached.”
20 Adding insult to injury, they also specify that “Herd immunity is achieved by protecting
21 people from a virus, not by exposing them to it.” This totally ignores the billions of people
22 throughout history who have been infected naturally with measles, mumps, chicken pox
23 and other infectious diseases, and who now have lifelong immunity to those diseases
24 thanks to their natural infection, as opposed to vaccines that wane and need regular
25 boosters.
26 Definition of ‘Fully Vaccinated’ May Soon Be Rewritten
27 Speaking of boosters, the rollout of COVID jab boosters means the CDC will most likely
28 rewrite the definition of “fully vaccinated” as well. As reported by Axios, October 22,
29 2021:8
30 “Currently, the CDC’s definition is the following: ‘Fully vaccinated persons are those who
31 are ≥14 days post-completion of the primary series of an FDA-authorized COVID-19
32 vaccine’ … ‘We may need to update our definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ in the future,’
33 [CDC director Rochelle] Walensky said during a press briefing.”
34 It’s not complicated to understand what such a redefinition will mean. It means that anyone
35 who has received the initial single- or double-dose of COVID “vaccine” will magically be
36 considered unvaccinated again once a certain amount of time has elapsed. As noted by The
37 Atlantic,9 the term “fully vaccinated,” if redefined, will lose its meaning.
38 Not surprisingly, the CDC director’s comments are a complete reversal of her position in
39 late September 2021. According to The Epoch Times, at that time she said officials were
40 not considering changing the definition of “fully vaccinated.”10
41 Just one month later, at the end of October 2021, The Epoch Times reported Walensky was
42 now suggesting that the definition “may change as boosters become more commonplace.”
43 Coincidentally, just five days after that, the CDC announced their recommendations for a
44 booster shot for everyone, even suggesting a fourth dose for certain immunocompromised
45 individuals.11
46 How Is Segregation Even Remotely Acceptable?
47 The redefinition of “fully vaccinated” will be a means to enforce never-ending booster
48 shots, as your vaccine pass will expire at a certain time after each dose and, with it, all of
49 your so-called “freedoms.” It’s quite clear that the whole idea behind vaccine passports is
50 to create segregation.
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1 We’re seeing this in Australia and a number of other countries, where unvaccinated
2 individuals are being excluded from economic and social activities.12,13 Australian
3 premier Daniel Andrews has actually stated that, going forward, life for the vaccinated will
4 “be about the maintenance of your vaccination status.” Can you believe it? That’s what
5 “life” has been reduced to now. Maintaining your vaccination status.
6 We’re seeing the same scenario play out in Israel too, where vaccine passports expire six
7 months after the second COVID dose. If you refuse to get the next dose, you’re shunned
8 from society like everyone who refused from the get-go.
9 In Australia, individuals are even facing arrest if they don’t take the booster shots when
10 required. It’s mindboggling to consider that all of this is happening because of an illness
11 that has killed just .012% of the population and 1% of those infected.14,15 And the reason
12 it can happen at all is because certain word definitions have been unscientifically
13 manipulated and altered to support their heinous actions.
14 New Definitions Will Skew Mortality Statistics Too
15 Updating the definition of “fully vaccinated” will also have the side effect of skewing
16 mortality statistics, giving government another round of ammunition for false claims.
17 We’ve been repeatedly told that we’re now in a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and this lie
18 will gain new traction once fully vaccinated people are dropped into the unvaccinated
19 category, six months after their last dose.
20 We’re already seeing this narrative roll out in Israel. As reported by The Wall Street
21 Journal,16 “unvaccinated Israelis have made up the bulk of those severely ill” in recent
22 days. However, it also states that officials attribute this to the fact that over 2 million
23 people have gotten the third booster shot. This implies that far from being completely
24 unvaccinated, some of those counted as “unvaccinated” may actually only be lacking the
25 third booster:
26 “‘The most vulnerable group right now are those people who have been inoculated with
27 two doses and not the third,’ Mr. Bennett said in a cabinet meeting last week, adding that
28 they behaved as if they were fully protected, but weren’t.”
29 In the video below, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko testifies before the rabbinic court in Israel about
30 the side effects being seen following the COVID-19 shot and the success he’s had in
31 treating his patients with simple nutraceuticals and off-patent drugs. Despite his testimony
32 and their own data, health officials in Israel are still pushing everyone to get a booster shot.
33 NBA Players Face New Booster Rules
34 In the U.S., the National Basketball Association (NBA) is now urging players who got a
35 single-dose Janssen shot as recently as two months ago to get a Pfizer or Moderna booster,
36 or face game-day testing starting December 1, 2021.17 Players who completed a two-dose
37 regimen are being told to get a booster at the six-month mark.
38 It was obvious that this would happen, but I think many were naively thinking that if they
39 just comply with the initial round of jabs, life would go back to normal. Just get fully
40 vaccinated and you’re done. The fact that nothing is going back to normal should be a
41 wakeup call that the initial understanding of the consequences of these regulations was
42 wildly incorrect.
43 The shots are not about eliminating COVID-19. They’re part of a system for mass control.
44 Ultimately, this system will enslave everyone in it, as opting out means forgoing any
45 possibility of making a living, getting an education, buying anything or going anywhere.
46 The truth of this will become painfully apparent once digital vaccine passports are tied to a
47 new digital central bank currency.
48 Already, the government in Australia is confiscating people’s bank accounts and canceling
49 their driver’s licenses to recover COVID fines. They’re also canceling unemployment
50 benefits and shutting down bank accounts until people get the jab.18 Such actions can be
51 automated once banking is tied to a digital health pass.
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1 Perhaps now more people will start to realize that there will be no end to the number of
2 times they’ll be required to acquiesce to medical experimentation. And let’s not forget,
3 each time you get the jab, you face the potential of side effects that can disable you for life,
4 or kill you outright. To force experiment on military personnel, athletes, pregnant women
5 and children is truly incomprehensible. In response to the NBA’s new rule, sports
6 commentator Clay Travis tweeted:19
7 “Wake up, sheep. The NBA is already mandating the vaccine booster now. This won’t ever
8 end, we [are] going to make 100% healthy people get COVID shots every six months for
9 the rest of their lives?”
10 Along the same vein, Inner Sports founder Garret Kramer tweeted, “On what planet do we
11 continue to mandate drugs for people who are not sick? Say NO.” Golf champion Steve
12 Flesch also chimed in, saying “This world and league is getting more asinine by the
13 day.”20
14 We Must Unite Against Tyranny
15 As noted by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis during a recent press conference, in which he
16 spoke out against the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s requirement —
17 imposed at the behest of the Biden administration — that businesses with 100 employees
18 or more must require all staff to get the jab:
19 “To be clear about what OSHA is doing — they’re clearly not doing science, because they
20 reject immunity through prior infection, they reject the Israel study … that shows people
21 who have recovered from COVID have strong protection …
22 Make no mistake about it, those individuals who have gone through a normal vaccination
23 series for COVID, you will be determined to be unvaccinated very soon. They will do that.
24 They’re going to tell you, ‘You’re unvaccinated and you have to get a booster, otherwise
25 you could face loss of employment. That is going to happen … So, this is just the tip of the
26 iceberg. It’s going to get more restrictive. There’s going to be more power brought to bear
27 going forward if we don’t stand up now.”
28 As I predicted, OSHA is already talking about expanding the COVID-19 vaccine rule to
29 small businesses of 100 employees or less as well. NTD reported, November 5, 2021:21
30 “The emergency temporary standard, issued by the Labor Department’s Occupational
31 Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and scheduled to go into effect on Friday, is
32 presented as only applying to firms that have 100 or more employees. But OSHA is
33 seeking public comments on that aspect of the standard, and it may be ultimately expanded
34 to include smaller businesses, the agency said in the 490-page document.22
35 OSHA said it is ‘soliciting stakeholder comment and additional information to determine
36 whether to adjust the scope of the ETS,’ or emergency standard, ‘to address smaller
37 employers in the future.’”
38 Forcing even small businesses, which would probably include the self-employed, would be
39 an unmitigated disaster for the U.S. economy. But, of course, that is the goal, so there’s
40 every reason to assume the rule will be expanded unless the pushback is deemed too
41 overwhelming. The open comment period closes December 6, 2021. As of this writing,
42 more than 3,100 comments have been submitted. You can submit your comment here.
43 Sources and References
44 1 The BMJ 2010;340:c2912
45 2 Wayback Machine, WHO Pandemic Preparedness captured May 1, 2009 (PDF)
46 3 Wayback Machine, WHO Pandemic Preparedness captured September 2, 2009
47 (PDF)
48 4 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Immunization the Basics, February 24,
49 2011
50 5 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Immunization the Basics, September 1,
51 2021
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1 6 Internet Archive, June 9, 2020, WHO, Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Serology

2 2nd to last bullet
3 7 Internet Archive, October 15, 2020, WHO, Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Herd
4 immunity, lockdowns and COVID-19 first line
5 8 Axios October 22, 2021
6 9 The Atlantic September 24, 2021
7 10 The Epoch Times, October 22, 2021
8 11 CDC October 27, 2021
9 12 Twitter, October 18, 2021
10 13 October 25, 2021
11 14 Australian Government Department of Health, COVID-19 Summary Statistics
12 15 Worldometer, Australian Population
13 16 Wall Street Journal, August 31, 2021
14 17, 19, 20 RT November 8, 2021
15 18 November 1, 2021
16 21 NTD November 5, 2021
17 22 Federal Register COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing; Emergency Temporary
18 Standard, November 5, 2021
22 protect-against-serious-covid-or-death/
24 72 percent of all Covid-related deaths were among the vaccinated. In Scotland the
25 situation was even worse: 80 percent of Covid deaths occurred among those who had
26 been injected with the vaccines.
30 protect-against-serious-covid-or-death/
31 Fauci Finally Admits Vaccines Don’t Protect Against Serious Covid or Death
33 By Vasko Kohlmayer
34 November 20, 2021
35 Last week Dr. Anthony Fauci made perhaps the most damning confession in the Covid vaccine
36 saga. So far-reaching are the implications of his statement that the interview in which he made
37 it may well prove a turning point in the fight against the great vaccine fraud that is being
38 perpetrated on the peoples of the world.

39 In a November 12 podcast session with the New York Times, Fauci was forced to admit the fact
40 that the vaccines do not reliably protect their recipients from serious Covid or death.
41 Called upon to explain the data coming from Israel – a country with one of the highest
42 vaccination rates in the world – Fauci said the following:

43 “They are seeing a waning of immunity not only against infection but
44 against hospitalization and to some extent death, which is starting to now involve all age
45 groups. It isn’t just the elderly” [emphasis added].
46 In other words, the vaccines’ protective efficacy wanes not only in regard to the threat of
47 infection, but also in regard to severe Covid and death. Speaking about the effectiveness of the
48 vaccines in countries with high vaccination rates, Fauci admitted:

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1 “It’s waning to the point that you’re seeing more and more people getting breakthrough
2 infections, and more and more of those people who are getting breakthrough infections are
3 winding up in the hospital.”

4 Even though Fauci tries to palliate the hard impact of his answer in soft language, the harsh
5 truth behind his words is painfully evident.

6 Fauci’s words amount to the admission that the vaccinated are getting infected and more and
7 more of them are ending up in hospital where they keep succumbing to Covid at increasing
8 rates.

9 This is what data from Israel and other highly vaccinated countries has indicated for some time
10 now. In the United Kingdom, for example, between February and September of this year, 72
11 percent of all Covid-related deaths were among the vaccinated. In Scotland the situation
12 was even worse: 80 percent of Covid deaths occurred among those who had been injected
13 with the vaccines.
14 For months Fauci and his fellow vaccinators censored the unfavorable data while claiming that
15 the injections protected against serious Covid and death. The evidence to the contrary was
16 clear and extensive. More than two months before Fauci’s admission we marshalled some of it
17 a piece titled The Vaccines Do Not Stop Severe Covid or Death. Fauci was, of course, well
18 familiar with the data we used, but he did everything he could to keep it concealed from the
19 public for as long as he possibly could. Rather than coming out clean, he kept
20 spreading misinformation about the vaccines’ alleged efficacy to protect people from falling
21 seriously ill and dying. But in the end, even such an adroit prevaricator as Dr. Fauci could not
22 hold out any longer under the weight of evidence.
23 If you notice in Fauci’s latest New York Times interview there is almost a sense of panic, as he
24 mentions younger people. Those who are familiar with the actual data rather than the
25 misinformation narratives propagated by the mainstream media know that Covid has been
26 primarily a disease of the elderly. In almost all places and regions, the median age of Covid-
27 related deaths tends to be higher than the average life expectancy. Younger individuals who
28 were healthy were generally safe from the most severe forms of the disease. But now in
29 countries with high vaccination rates we are seeing younger vaccinated individuals coming
30 down with serious Covid and even dying.
31 This appears very much like the case of antibody dependent enhancement. Some of the world’s
32 best scientists in the field have warned precisely against this danger. Included among them are
33 Dr. Robert Malone and one of the world’s leading virologists Luc Montagnier. Robert Malone
34 is a co-inventor of the mRNA technology that is used in the vaccines while Professor
35 Montagnier won the 2008 Nobel Prize for his work on the virus that causes HIV. Their
36 warnings have, however, have not only gone unheeded, but both men have been censored and
37 suppressed by the vaccinators with the help of Big Tech and the mainstream media.
38 It is not our purpose, however, to discuss antibody dependent enhancement in this piece. What
39 we wish to do here is to focus on Fauci’s game-changing admission that the vaccines fail to
40 protect against hospitalization and/or death.

41 We have already known for some time that the vaccines do not protect from infection even
42 though we were initially told that they were 95 percent effective. This turned out to be a big
43 lie, which the vaccinators managed to keep alive for nearly 9 months. Eventually, however,
44 under the overwhelming weight of data coming in from highly vaccinated countries that
45 experienced subsequent surges of infection, they did have to admit the truth. On August 5 of
46 this year CDC Director Rochelle Walensky confessed on CNN that the vaccines can no longer
47 “prevent transmission.”
48 In other words, the vaccines have little effectiveness in protecting people from becoming
49 infected with the virus and then in turn infecting other people with it. Just how completely
50 ineffective the vaccines are can be seen from a recent Wall Street Journal report about the
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1 Ottawa Senators hockey team which has 100 percent vaccination rate. And yet, despite this, 40
2 percent of the players on that team are currently testing positive for Covid.
3 The disturbing part of this is that the vaccinators have known about the vaccine failure at least
4 from the early summer. But rather than calling off the worldwide vaccination drives that have
5 injected hundreds of millions of people with ineffective substances, the vaccinators changed
6 their tack and argued that even though the vaccines will not protect you from infection they
7 will still keep you from serious Covid and death.

8 Last week, however, this lie was also put to rest by none other than Dr. Fauci himself.

9 How, then, should we describe vaccines that:

10 1. Do not protect their recipients from getting infected and infecting others, and
11 2. Do not protect their recipients against hospitalization and death?
12 Complete failure is the phrase that fits best here.

13 But these vaccines are worse than useless. They are, in fact, very likely among the most deadly
14 and dangerous pharmaceuticals ever released upon the public.
15 The question is this: Why are we still injecting people with these ineffective and dangerous
16 substances? What is the purpose other than to enrich those who are involved in their
17 production and distribution?

18 Now Big Pharma, Fauci and Co. and their media shills say we need to take their boosters to
19 keep ourselves protected (which we never really were). The boosters, however, will likely be
20 as ineffective as the original failed shots. The CDC has recently approved a fourth shot for the
21 vulnerable. This is an indirect admission on their part that the previous three shots have failed.
22 Why in the world would anyone believe that the fourth injection will work?
23 The Covid vaccination travesty must be stopped now and paused until effective, reliable, and
24 safe alternatives are found.

27 The following should be an eye opener that we are constantly told that it is a “pandemic of the
28 unvaccinated” but reality is that the CDc has neither any information of unvaccinated causing
29 vaccinated to be infected neither does it have any information as to “natural immunity” And this
30 is how the CDC seems to operate. For decades the CDC and FDA claimed that autism is not
31 caused by vaccinations, however it turns out they all along had reports that there was an
32 association between vaccinations and Autism. In fact I understand that Autism increased about 9
33 fold after vaccination! Yet I understand that the TGA and Health Department and so the medical
34 profession nevertheless parroted that Autism isn’t caused by vaccine.
37 natural-immunity-to-covid/
38 CDC Forced to Admit It Doesn’t Collect Data on Natural Immunity
39 to COVID
41 In response to a Freedom of Information Act request, the Centers for Disease and
42 Control said it has no record of an individual previously infected with COVID
43 becoming reinfected or transmitting the virus to others — because the agency
44 doesn’t collect that data.

45 By Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

46 Children's Health Defense
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1 November 20, 2021

3 The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in response to a Freedom of
4 Information Act (FOIA) request, said it has no record of an individual
5 previously infected with COVID becoming reinfected and transmitting the
6 virus to others.
7 The FOIA request, submitted Sept. 2 by attorney Aaron Siri of the Siri &
8 Glimstad law firm on behalf of the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN),
9 sought the following information:
10 “Documents reflecting any documented case of an individual who: (1) never
11 received a COVID vaccine; (2) was infected with COVID once, recovered, and
12 then later became infected again; and (3) transmitted SARS-CoV-2 to
13 another person when reinfected.”

14 The CDC responded Nov. 5, stating:

15 “A search of our records failed to reveal any documents pertaining to your
16 request. The CDC Emergency Operations Center (EOC) conveyed that this
17 information is not collected.”

18 According to Siri, the revelation that the CDC does not collect data on people
19 who have acquired natural immunity to the virus raises questions about
20 vaccine mandates, specifically how the the government, or employers can
21 mandate vaccines for people who may not need them and who could be at a
22 greater-than-average risk of experiencing an adverse reaction to the shots.

23 In a blog post, Siri wrote:

24 “… yet the CDC is actively crushing the rights of millions of naturally immune
25 individuals in this country if they do not get the vaccine on the assumption
26 they can transmit the virus. But despite clear proof the vaccinated spread the
27 virus, the CDC lifts restrictions on the vaccinated?! That is dystopian.”

28 Siri added:

29 “Every single peer reviewed study has found that the naturally immune have
30 far greater than 99% protection from having COVID, and this immunity does
31 not wane. In contrast, the COVID vaccine provides, at best, 95% protection
32 and this immunity wanes rapidly. I am no mathematician, but a constant
33 99% seems preferable to a 95% that quickly drops.”

34 The response from the CDC came as part of a broader exchange between the
35 agency and Siri’s law firm, dating back to this past summer, in which ICAN
36 and Siri’s law firm submitted a citizen’s petition to the CDC calling for
37 restrictions on those individuals with natural immunity to be lifted.
38 What do the data show?
39 As far back as last year, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, argued, “there is
40 no evidence for lasting protective immunity to SARS-CoV-2 following natural
41 infection.”
42 Yet data collected from numerous studies show just the opposite of what the
43 CDC and public health authorities claim in their far-reaching vaccination
44 campaign. In fact, many studies show individuals who have acquired natural
45 immunity demonstrate a stronger and longer-lasting level of immunity and a
46 decreased likelihood to transmit COVID to others.
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1 The Brownstone Institute, founded in May 2021 in response to “the global

2 crisis created by policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020,”
3 documented 81 peer-reviewed scientific studies which all come to the same
4 conclusion: Natural immunity confers more effective and longer-lasting
5 protection against COVID than vaccine-induced immunity.
6 The same institute previously documented 30 peer-reviewed scientific
7 studies on natural immunity in relation to COVID infection.
8 Further examples abound. For instance, the Cleveland Clinic in
9 June published a preprint study showing individuals previously infected with
10 COVID were less likely to be reinfected than fully vaccinated individuals who
11 never contracted the virus.
12 The authors of the Cleveland Clinic study concluded vaccination provides no
13 additional benefit to those who already have acquired natural immunity.
14 In another recent preprint study, conducted by Israeli researchers, individuals
15 fully vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine were found to be 6 to 13
16 times more likely to be infected with the Delta variant as compared to those
17 with natural immunity.
18 The FOIA request filed Siri’s law firm on behalf of ICAN and
19 provided data from numerous other global studies, supported by a group of
20 expert witnesses, including:
21  Research conducted by the National Institutes of Health examined the
22 likelihood of reinfection in people carrying antibodies against COVID,
23 collecting data from more than 3.2 million people who had undergone
24 antibody testing. Researchers found those individuals with antibodies
25 became less likely to test positive for COVID as time went on.
26 The authors of the study wrote: “The data from this study suggest that people
27 who have a positive result from a commercial antibody test appear to have
28 substantial immunity to SARS-CoV-2, which means they may be at lower risk
29 for future infection.”

30  Official UK government data show a probable reinfection rate of 0.025%,

31 but a vaccine breakthrough rate of 23% for Delta variant infections.
32  An Irish review of 11 cohort studies involving more than 600,000
33 individuals who recovered from COVID found, in all studies, reinfection
34 was “an uncommon event,” adding that there was “no study reporting an
35 increase in the risk of reinfection over time.”
36  Israel is one of the global leaders in overall vaccination against COVID.
37 Nevertheless, research by the Israeli Health Ministry found vaccinated
38 individuals had 6.72 times the rate of infection as compared to those that
39 had previously contracted COVID.
40  Another Israeli study found the naturally immune had a higher rate of
41 protection against infection, hospitalization and severe illness as
42 compared to those who were vaccinated.
43  In Barnstable County, Massachusetts, despite a 69% vaccination
44 coverage rate among its eligible residents at the time of the study, the
45 CDC found 74% of those infected in a COVID outbreak were fully
46 vaccinated for COVID, and the vaccinated had, on average, a higher
47 presence of the virus in their nasal cavity than the unvaccinated who
48 were infected.
49  Following a COVID outbreak among employees of a gold mine in French
50 Guiana, findings showed no employees with a previous history of infection
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1 were reinfected, while 63.2% of employees with no previous history of

2 infection ended up contracting the virus.
3  Findings from researchers at the NYU School of Medicine showed “[i]n
4 COVID patients, immune responses were characterized by a highly
5 augmented interferon response which was largely absent in vaccine
6 recipients.”
7  Researchers at Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark studied the
8 immune response following COVID infections, finding the overwhelming
9 majority of individuals who had recovered from infection had detectable,
10 functional SARS-CoV2 spike-specific adaptive immune responses, making
11 vaccination for any of them redundant.
12  Yale University researchers determined that “plasma from previously
13 infected vaccinated individuals displayed overall better neutralization
14 capacity when compared to plasma from uninfected individuals that also
15 received two vaccine doses.”
16  University of California researchers concluded “[n]atural infection induced
17 expansion of larger CD8 T cell clones occupied distinct clusters, likely due
18 to the recognition of a broader set of viral epitopes presented by the virus
19 not seen in the mRNA vaccine.”
20  A study conducted by the CDC and the Wisconsin’s Department of Health
21 Services evaluated the shedding of infectious COVID and observed high
22 viral load in 68% of fully vaccinated individuals and in 63% of
23 unvaccinated individuals. This demonstrates that those who are
24 vaccinated will not only shed virus, but also will do so at the same rate as
25 the unvaccinated. Most notably, this study did not identify anyone with
26 prior natural infection that had any viral load.
27  Researchers at Osaka University found “the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant is
28 poised to acquire complete resistance to wild-type spike vaccines.”
29  Washington University School of Medicine
30 researchers determined “[p]eople who recover [even] from mild COVID
31 have bone-marrow cells that can churn out antibodies for decades.”
32 And in a damning revelation coming directly from three Pfizer scientists and
33 officials, leaked and released by Project Veritas as part of its
34 ongoing investigative series on COVID vaccines, Pfizer scientists
35 admitted natural immunity is better than the immunity provided via
36 vaccination. One of the scientists who was exposed making such admissions,
37 Nick Karl, is directly involved in the production of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID
38 vaccine. Specifically, he said the following:
39 “When somebody is naturally immune — like they got COVID — they
40 probably have more antibodies against the virus … When you actually get the
41 virus, you’re going to start producing antibodies against multiple pieces of the
42 virus … So, your antibodies are probably better at that point than the
43 [COVID] vaccination.”

44 Scientific findings ignored

45 Despite the mounting evidence that natural immunity is superior to vaccine
46 immunity, and that vaccine immunity wanes faster than originally thought,
47 the CDC continues to recommend everyone over age 5 get the vaccine, and is
48 pushing third and even fourth shots for some people.

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1 In October, the CDC released its own study which the agency said showed
2 vaccination confers superior immunity against COVID, as compared to natural
3 immunity.
4 Dr. Marty Makary, of Johns Hopkins University, characterized the CDC study
5 as a “highly flawed” study that “flies in the face of science.”
6 Makary pointed to an analysis by Martin Kulldorff, Ph.D., comparing the CDC
7 study to a preprint study out of Israel which contradicted the CDC’s findings.
8 Kulldorff, an epidemiologist and biostatistician specializing in infectious
9 disease outbreaks and vaccine safety, and senior scientific director of
10 Brownstone Institute, wrote:

11 “I have worked on vaccine epidemiology since I joined the Harvard faculty

12 almost two decades ago as a biostatistician. I have never before seen such a
13 large discrepancy between studies that are supposed to answer the same
14 question.

15 Kulldorff concluded that based on “the solid evidence from the Israeli study,”
16 the COVID-recovered have stronger and longer-lasting immunity against
17 Covid disease than the vaccinated. Hence, there is no reason to prevent them
18 from activities that are permitted to the vaccinated. In fact, it is
19 discriminatory.

20 Following the CDC’s response to its FOIA request, ICAN, along with Siri &
21 Gilmstad, have threatened to file a lawsuit against the CDC “to redress your
22 actions which are crushing the civil and individual rights of those with natural
23 immunity.”
27 AAQV8jN?ocid=msedgntp
28 Vic child becomes youngest COVID-19 death
30 Thousands of protesters have brought parts of central Melbourne to a standstill on the day
31 it was announced a Victorian child had become Australia's youngest person to die with
32 COVID-19.
33 The state reported 1166 new locally acquired infections on Saturday as active cases dived
34 to 9581, down by about 30 per cent from Friday.
35 Victoria's health department confirmed the infected child, aged under 10 and with "other
36 serious comorbidities", was among five further deaths.
37 Previously, 15-year-old Osama Suduh from southwest Sydney was the youngest known
38 person in Australia to die with the virus.
39 The teenager died in August after contracting pneumococcal meningitis, and while he was
40 also COVID-positive the virus was not the reason for his death.
41 The latest fatalities were announced as several thousand people gathered in Melbourne's
42 CBD on Saturday to rally against Victoria's contentious pandemic bill - which stalled in the
43 upper house this week - and vaccine mandates.
44 Watched on by police outside parliament house, protesters chanted "kill the bill" while
45 carrying placards featuring a range of anti-government and anti-vaccine mandate slogans.
46 Independent MP Catherine Cumming, who said she would vote in favour of the pandemic
47 bill if the government scrapped vaccine mandates, led a "no more mandates" and "sack
48 (Premier) Dan Andrews" chant.

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1 "We are adults. We make our own decisions for our children. Get out of our lives Daniel,"
2 she said.
3 The crowd grew as it marched to Flagstaff Gardens, where a band played John Farnham's
4 You're the Voice amid a party atmosphere.
5 At least one protester was detained before being led away by police.
9 should-terrify-you/
10 The List of Possible Side Effects To The COVID Vaccine Should Terrify You!
12 Do not ignore the reported details:
13 COVID-19: US FDA Lists 27 Expected Adverse Reactions to New Vaccines,
14 Including Death – ERBN


17 COVID-19: US FDA Lists 27 Expected Adverse Reactions to New Vaccines, Including Death
18 ERBN December 8, 2020
19 ERBN – According to the US FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee the novel
20 COVID-19 vaccines are not as harmless as the public is being told by their governments, the mainstream media
21 and the alleged ‘experts’ that they have on their shows or who they interview for their newspaper articles.
22 In fact, the FDA’s Committee, in an October 22, 2020 meeting, agreed that the agency expects 27 adverse
23 reactions to the novel vaccines, including death. On page 17 of their meeting report the Committee lists the
24 following adverse reactions:
25 FDA Safety Survaillance of COVID-19 Vaccines :
26 DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes
27 *** Subject to change***
28 * Gullain-Barre syndrome * Deaths
29 * Accute disseminated encephalomyelits * Pregnancy and birth outcomes
30 * Transverse myelitis * Other acute demyelinating diseases
31 * Encephalitis/myelitis/encephalomyelites/ * Non-anaphylaic allergic reactions
32 menigoencephalitis/meningitis/ * Thrombocytopenia
33 encepholapathy * Disseminated intravascullar coagulation
34 * Convulsions/seizures * Venous thromboembolism
35 * Stroke * Arthritis and arthralgia/join pain
36 * Narcolepsy and cataplexy * Kawasaki disease
37 * Anaphylaxis * Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome
38 * Acute myocardial infarction in children
39 * Myocarditis/pericarditis * Vaccine enhanced disease
40 * Autoimmune disease

42 Yet the Federal Department of Health did not show this list on its website as possible adverse
43 reactions from being vaccinated!
44 What we have is an unconstitutional protection of pharmaceutical companies not to be held
45 liable for any deceptive, etc, product and secret content no matter how harmful it might be.
48 months/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=the-gateway-pundit&utm_campaign=dailypm&utm_content=daily

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1 Google Search Trend for “Died

2 Suddenly” Reaches All-Time High in
3 Last Two Months
5 The search trend for “died suddenly” has reached an
6 all-time high worldwide.
7 Zerohedge has identified this unusual trend recently:

8 We can’t help but notice one Google search trend that has
9 erupted worldwide.

10 The search term “died suddenly” has spiked to an all-time high in

11 the last two months, with data going back to 2004.
15 Everything you need to know about mRNA vaccines - risks, research and more
19 lawsuit/?unapproved=96455&moderation-
20 hash=f566b66c02019d15e6930064371cefc2#comment-96455
22 NOV 19
23 Posted by Editor, cairnsnews
24 Forced vaccinations now can be legally stopped-no quality
25 control for 32 years
26 Wide ramifications for Australia
30 In the following correspondence quoted Here Scott Morrison refers to “an innocent person”
31 referring to the adult daughter Ms Meddick while as I understand it from the reports she was
32 likely premediate to use a paint spray can to vandalise posters of protesters exercising their
33 constitutional rights of “political liberty”. In my view Scott Morrison should have rather the
34 AFP to investigate the matter properly!
36 QUOTE 20211120-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Andy Meddick MP
37 Andy Meddick MP 20-11-2021
40 Andy,

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1 until today I were a Member of Parliament but came across a statement in which you
2 seem to claim that your daughter may have been attacked because you are a Member of
3 Parliament.

7 Considering that it has been reported:
9 Https://
10 violent-attack-on-melbourne-street/1faf76c8-a10a-4455-bb63-484b7727a2bc
12 — Scott Morrison (@ScottMorrisonMP) November 19, 2021
13 "It has no place in Australia. This is not just an attack on an innocent person but
14 an attack on our very democracy.
15 "My thoughts - and those of all Australians - are with you Andy & your family."
16 Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews described the attack as "extreme" and
17 inexcusable.
18 "Andy and I don't agree on everything, but on this we are 100% in agreement:
19 Violence of any form, for any reason, against any person has absolutely no place
20 in Victoria. Ever."
23 Https://
24 street/1faf76c8-a10a-4455-bb63-484b7727a2bc
26 Investigators have been told Ms Meddick was spray painting over a poster on
27 Smith Street when the unknown man approached her about 11pm.
28 "The pair had an argument before the woman threw the spray can towards the
29 man as she attempted to leave the scene," a police statement read.
30 "The man followed the woman and threw the spray can which struck her in the
31 back of the head.

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1 "The man left the scene as staff from a nearby venue rendered assistance to the
2 woman before she attended hospital for treatment to minor injuries."
5 From this I understand it was your daughter who commenced to commit a criminal offence
6 to damage private property by spray painting a sign that did not belong to her. I understand
7 that she then commence to follow up with what may be deemed an “attack” upon another
8 person and as such she instigated violence by what reportedly was throwing a spray can to
9 another person. The other person allegedly threw the spray can back at her. From this it
10 appears to me your daughter may have committed 2 criminal offences. Yet your comment I
11 came across was:



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1 How on earth can you claim “I have reason to believe that this could be linked to my role as
2 an MP and the position I have taken on the pandemic response.”
3 Get down from your pedestal and accept that your daughter may have commenced in criminal
4 conduct and that was why she ended up as she did. Nothing to do with you being an MP.
5 In my view, if the Victorian Police were to be impartial it would charge your Daughter with
6 criminal offences, considering the reports I refer to. And instead of Daniel Andrews supporting
7 you he must be seen to deplore your daughter’s alleged violence and destruction of private
8 property.
9 I am a great-grandfather and do not go on physically engage in protesting, this as I resort to
10 writing, however the true my view are those who peacefully protest and exercise their
11 constitutional rights doing so, regardless if you (and so your daughter) may not agree with them
12 doing so.
13 If you truly are concerned about violence then where were you when on 28 October 2020 I was
14 physically attacked in Coles Warringal (Heidelberg) and pursued a proper investigation?
15 Yes, a man about 1//3 of my age physically attacked me for not wearing a face mask! I did file
16 with the Victorian Police at Greenborough a statement, and despite that I was given the
17 understanding by Coles management that they had 2 video’s nevertheless the Victorian Police
18 claimed it had no video’s and well didn’t bother to deal with the offender.
19 I was not spy painting anything, and neither was attacking anyone, but because the politicians
20 were fear mongering citizens about this HOAX COVID and you as a parliamentarian are part of
21 the politicians, I ended up getting physically assaulted. My wife turned 89 on 18 November 2021
22 and well we are barred from celebrating her birthday because politicians like you are supporting
23 medical discrimination against so called unvaccinated persons. Just you in my view wouldn’t
24 have a clue what COVID is about. Grow up and get to your senses. My wife suffers from heart
25 condition and other comorbidities and a person like you seems to accept that she should be
26 denied her constitutional and other legal rights because some maniac as a Premier desires to
27 terrorise people lie my wife.
29 My wife lived through WWII and about 24 years of communism before she was able to escape.
30 Well, she gives me the understanding that what she is now put through is worse then what she
31 ever lived through. Yes, you can be proud to be part of the system to deny my wife and myself
32 of our constitutional freedoms and cry elephant tears about your daughter allegedly being
33 attacked when as I understand it she was the aggressor.
35 I in 1985 had a stern lesson from a judge while I was at the bar table, never to claim “assault” as
36 it denies an opponent party any ability to respond, rather to set out in precise details what was
37 claimed to be an assault. When ever I since appeared at the bar table representing/assisting a
38 party I would be careful about how I made a statement. I suggest you do the same, in particular
39 as a Member of Parliament. After all if you cannot understand the difference then how can you
40 possible as a MP understand a proposed legislation (Bill) that is before the Parliament?
41 And this is really of concern, after all if you are supporting the bill that to me this indicates you
42 lack any proper understanding what is constitutionally applicable and permissible. I enclose
43 hereby a correspondence I wrote earlier:
44 END QUOTE 20211120-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Andy Meddick MP
45 (A copy of the correspondence to Steph Ryan MP already has been provided to the AFP and as
46 such omitted from this now quoted correspondence to Mr Meddick MP.)
47 And
48 QUOTE 20211120-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Andy Meddick MP
49 I do not ordinary keep track of politicians and so incorrectly referred to Bruce Atkinson as to
50 being the President of the Legislative Council as he was previously.

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1 Still, the issue is that had your daughter done just a bit of research and perhaps been aware of
2 issues I have set out above she may have avoided to what I consider to commit a criminal
3 offence to destroy another persons private property and to throw a pray can to another person.
4 No use to claim it might be that you are an MP as to my understanding the situation described is
5 simply one where allegedly your daughter commenced the incident with a criminal offence. Do
6 you really have this absurd impression that people in the street are going to check with someone
7 allegedly vandalizing private property if their parent is a MP?
9 While there has been comments about some persons using a gallows in my view there is nothing
10 wrong with FREEDOM OF SPEECH as this is actually embedded in our constitution. It may
11 be seen as a mere warning that those who commit TREASON/TERRORISM can face a
12 Neurenburg trial and face the dead penalty.
14 Again, grow up and try at least to understand that while your daughter may have held that
15 because her father is an MP she is above the rule of law and may commit criminal offences,
16 others may not have even know her identity and let alone who her father was. Did she walk
17 around with a sign; “I am above the rule of law because my father is an MP?”
19 In case you too go along with this nonsense “do it for your dad, mum and grandparents” well my
20 wife’s grandparents died before she was born. Her mother died about 60 years ago, and her
21 father died about 50 years ago. And as such even if hypothetically it was to benefit her parents
22 unless they are resurrected from their graves it will not make one of iota difference for my wife
23 to be jabbed.
25 My wife and I now are living under ongoing sustained threats by the politicians that if we do not
26 get vaccinated (never mind we cannot for medical reasons) then we will be denied our
27 constitutional and other legal rights. Well, you seem to support even further legislation and that
28 in itself is in my view far more unlawful as you then appear to me to be siding with
29 TRAITORS/TERRORIST who deny citizens their constitutional rights.
30 Let me be very clear about it the only reason you can be a MP is because of our constitutional
31 system. As such, the moment you turn your back to the constitution then you are in my view no
32 longer a legitimate politicians! Perhaps consider the implications of s44!
34 Perhaps consider the following for any child you have:
36 Pfizer Vaccine is Using STERILIZATION Delivery Techniques Developed by
37 SpayVac. DPX Delivery System Designed for Sterilizing Animal Population
38 And
40 Official Narrative Admits Fake COVID Vaccine Gives You Fake COVID Immunity
43 Locking Down Unvaccinated-Only ‘Not About Science, It’s About Punishing People’
44 And
46 COVID-19, the disease is not caused by SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus
48 Perhaps you may also teach your daughter to learn the FACTS of life and stay out of problems!
50 We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
52 This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
53 Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)
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2 (Our name is our motto!)
3 END QUOTE 20211120-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Andy Meddick MP
5 During the 2010 State election I was an INDEPENDENT candidate for the seat of Ivanhoe, and
6 discovered that then ALP member and Banyule Council councillor Carabine had made false
7 claims against me for loitering. I also discovered that many of my election posters and banners
8 were spray painted and other slashed and then dumped in my driveway. While the Victorian
9 police attend I never heard from them again. Likewise when in 2017 I was requested to
10 investigate the murder of Mr Carl Williams, I concluded that the Victorian Police and/or the
11 authorities of the prison had been involved in setting up this murder and the ATO (Australian
12 Tax Office also had as I understood it perverted the course of justice against Carls father (the
13 late) Mr George Williams. This resulted that I discovered that a former police officer caused
14 about an estimated $10,000 damage to a new fence I was building on my property, within my
15 boundary line. Despite that the Framers of the constitution embedded in the Commonwealth of
16 Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) that there is “political liberty” reality is that when this
17 constitutional right is violated by others the AFP (Australian Federal Police) is nowhere to be
18 found.

20 It appears to me that Ms Meddick was the aggressor and yet politicians are all so to say jumping
21 on the bandwagon, as they general do, to essentially hold she is the victim.
22 One has to ask when an adult seemingly is or might be in possession of a paint spray can to
23 vandalise a sign or signs being the private property of other persons if this is not a violation of
24 those owner(s) private property with deliberate intend? After all one would need to have a spray
25 can and unless it happen to be there inviting her to pick it up and use it so it might have been
26 brought along with the intent to damage private property of others.
27 Not uncommon one have graffiti and other destruction of private property and while this may not
28 relate to Ms Meddick, nevertheless it might be for the appropriate authorities to investigate if she
29 is one of those going around using paint spray cans to damage private property of others.
30 Again, as I have been a victim of vandalism, etc, I view that the relevant authorities should
31 properly deal with offenders.
32 Perhaps Mr Andy Meddick trying to claim his daughter was harmed because of being an MP
33 might just have by this drawn the attention of what appears to me likely intended vandalism to
34 other person(s) property.
35 While politicians may seek to use the incident nevertheless to boost their ongoing vilification
36 against protesters, we must not ignore that the PORT (Police) used guns and were firing bullets
37 in the back of unarmed protesters. As such, it was the Victorian Police who through 2020 and
38 2021 have been instigating escalation of violence. Ample of videos are doing the run around
39 throughout the world about this escalating police violence. And let us not ignore the Victorian
21-11-2021 Page 51 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 52

1 Police deliberately pushing a an about 70 year old women onto the ground and then while she is
2 lying on her back spraying her with capsicum spray, and then they simply walk off. As such it
3 was not to perform a lawful arrest at all but in my view escalating police brutality.
4 This all as I view it to vilify and harm citizens who are lawfully exercise their constitutional
5 rights to protest merely so the politicians can unconstitutionally pursue the application of the
6 NEW WORLD ORDER and so overthrow our constitutional governance system and by this
7 force citizens to take the poisonous so called “vaccines”, regardless of the mental and physical
8 harm it may cause to each citizen.
10 For this I view that the ACCC should investigate matters and consider that this POISONOUS so
11 called “vaccines” is not just a mere one of incident but rather appears to be a “CONSPIRACY”
12 involving politicians, public servants and other agents as well as the pharmaceutical companies
13 and others to which Bill Gates himself has made known (on video) that vaccinations are to be
14 used for depopulation purposes.
16 In my view there also should still be a proper investigation as to the harm inflicted upon at the
17 time Australian children who knowingly were injected with contaminated polio “vaccines”. (as
18 my COMPLAINT to the AFP also refers to.
20 With the “compulsory” element of vaccinations without any legal liability to the pharmaceutical
21 companies and others we have now the health and wellbeing as well as the lives of Australians
22 ongoing placed at risk. THIS MUST STOP!
23 The rule of law must be applied in a uniform manner and not that VolksWagen and others are
24 bound to comply (as they should) but pharmaceutical companies can maim and destroy lives
25 without any legal accountabilities. Governments and their agents including public servants and
26 other officials are as much bound to act within the confines of the legal provisions as anyone
27 else. If a government has an issue with the limitations/prohibitions of any constitution and/or law
28 enacted within the confines of the constitution than the remedy is to seek the electors to approve
29 amendments to the constitution and/or the Parliament to amend legislation but cannot act despite
30 of this.
32 As I recently also added to my COMPLAINT to the AFP now capsules containing medication
33 may be actually made of graphene and as such cause harm to those taking these kind of graphene
34 capsules containing their medications. This too I view should be properly investigated by the
35 ACCC as after all while the TGA may approve the medication the question is did it really
36 approve the usage of graphene to be used for the capsules?
37 Again, I refer to my COMPLAINT dated 6 August 2021 and further supplements I provided to
38 the Australian Federal Police, to be considered in conjunction with this complaint to give a better
39 overall understanding of how serious it all is.
40 If the ACCC holds that it is really a matter for the Inter-State Commission and not for the ACCC
41 to deal with, than I expect the ACCC will advise the courts that all previous cases judgments that
42 were outside the jurisdiction of the ACCC should be set aside, for the Inter-State Commission to
43 pursue before the Courts, if it desires to do so!
45 We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
47 This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
48 Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)


50 (Our name is our motto!)
21-11-2021 Page 52 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 53



5 Contact the ACCC

6 ×
7 Status message
8 Your submission has been saved.
9 Web form ID: accc-report:416673
10 Thank you for your report. We appreciate you taking the time to write to us.
11 Responses will usually be provided within 15 business days.
12 We will respond to you where we have information that may help you, or you
13 have asked a question about your rights or obligations under the law. If this is
14 not the case, you may not receive a response.
15 Our website provides information about your rights as a consumer and how to
16 resolve a dispute about a product or service. See:
17 You can also see our website for information about what we can and can’t do for
18 consumers and the types of matters we prioritise.

19 Who is making the report?

20 I wish to make this report anonymously.:
21 No
22 Title:
23 Mr
24 First name:
25 Gerrit
26 Last name:
27 Schorel-Hlavka
28 Address:
29 107 Graham Rd
30 Viewbank VIC 3084
31 Age:
32 65 and over
33 Phone number:
34 +61425029944
35 Do you use a TTY (Telephone Typewriter):
36 No
37 Email address:
39 Do you identify as:
40 Older Australian
21-11-2021 Page 53 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 54

1 Who is the report about?

2 Name of business:
3 State/Territory and Federal Governments
4 ABN:
5 98 724 451 651

6 Report details

7 Description:
8 COVID-19 and related issues
9 The Commonwealth, state and Territories are I understand all registered as businesses with
10 the USA. The attachment sets out the fraudulent/deceptive and dangerous conduct of all
11 involved regarding the so called COVID-19 "vaccines", etc. See attachment: 20211121-Mr
12 G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to ACCC Re COMPLAINT
13 The ABN number "98 724 451 651" may not be the correct one albeit listed for the
14 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA and used merely because your system demands an
15 ABN/ACN number.
17 Due to a hearing disability I do not use oral communication via telephone and/or mobile.
18 Attachments:
19 20211121-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to ACCC Re COMPLAINT.pdf 1.72 MB
22 I may add that I do not accept the Commonwealth of Australia can lawfully within constitutional
23 context be a registered business with the USA, however, while it is so registered then I view it is
24 bound to act within the confines of the laws applicable to business entities. And while using
25 taxpayers monies (from the Commonwealth of Australia Consolidated Revenue Funds) than any
26 and all contracts must be published in full. It is up to any business to refuse to deal with the
27 Commonwealth of Australia if they desire to keep contractual details secret, but when they do
28 enter into any contractual agreement involving taxpayer’s monies then all details must be
29 disclosed. In particular where directly/indirectly such contract(s) is/are used harming Australians
30 (taxpayers) then it is essential that all details of such contract(s) is/are made known. We now
31 have that State/Territory Governments are issuing mandates to force/coerce Australians and
32 others to be jabbed while concealing all relevant details as to what is or might be in the vials and
33 the extent of any harm that could eventuate. This I view clearly violates consumer laws and as
34 such where the Commonwealth, the States and Territories are registered as business entities then
35 they must conform to business legislative provisions as any other business.
37 We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
39 This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
40 Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)


42 (Our name is our motto!)

21-11-2021 Page 54 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also

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