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Nama : Syafrina Rusda

Kelas : 1AP1
Nim : 992021023

Drone video shows scale of china floods damage

12 people died in a submerged subway train in central China. Known 30 people died,
zhengzhou province and other cities became overwhelmed by the flood storm. Rescue efforts
are still being carried out in the middle of the rain which continued for 6 days. Many roads,
buildings, cars are flooded. Nearly 400,000 people have fled their homes. According to the
reporter who covered the incident, after the rain stopped, many cars were damaged and the
place was not suitable, like many cars that were stranded in the middle of the road and got
stuck. The death toll was greatly increased and the rains were also spreading northward causing
the towns and villages there to deal with severe amounts of water. In this less than 10 year old
city there is a story where several people were crammed into one carriage so that they lost their
lives within 24 hours we don’t know how exactly it happened, but Beijing’s national
government has warned other cities to immediately review their regulations when in a flooded
area. Aerial images capture the scale of flooding in China’s Henan province showing cars and
roads still submerged in water. The rains killed 12 people and broke the record for flooding the
longest railway tunnel in the city of zhengzhou, killing more than 500 people.

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