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How will taking this course help you achieve your career goals?

I have a general college degree with no specialization. Thus, no employer is disposed to

employ me for my inability to bring to the table a set of specialised skills. However, in my

country there is a huge scope for employment in the education sector if one happens to

possess a specialised degree in teacher’s training program. Moreover, I have always been

passionate about teaching and therefore my interest have been piqued by this course which

offers the prospective ESL/EFL teachers a wide perspective of the various approaches,

methods and techniques in English language teaching. I am extremely eager to enrol in this

specialised course as it assures to push my potential and passion for teaching into guaranteed

professional excellence. Since, I have a postgraduate degree in English; I feel this course will

cater to my needs of understanding the various paradigms of teaching and learning English as

a second language. Therefore, this course will significantly improve my employment

prospects as well as broaden my hitherto limited employment scope due to my lack of having

any specialized degree.

If you answered no, please help us understand why.

As mentioned earlier, my annual income is null in addition to which I have a student loan to

pay. I am applying for this course in order to enhance my employment prospects, but I have

absolutely no means to pay for it even if I am given a low-interest loan. I will be extremely

obliged if the total amount of fees for the course is waived off.

Why are you applying for Financial Aid?

As I have mentioned in this application form my annual income is null and I am currently

unemployed. I don’t have any specialized degree which has made it extremely difficult for

me to find a job. I believe this course will compensate to an extent for my lack of having any

specialised degree and therefore improve my employment prospects. However, I won’t be

able to pay the fees required for earning the certificate at the completion of the course. I

regret to say that I have absolutely no means for affording the fees of the course yet

completing the course and getting the certificate will significantly improve my employment

prospects. Therefore, I will be extremely obliged if I am granted this financial aid and the

entire amount of fees for this course is waived off. I reiterate that this course is crucial for my

career, however due to lack of financial resources I won’t be able to afford the fees for the

course and therefore I request to be granted the financial aid.

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