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Running Head: CRM & SELLING



Table of Contents
Journal 6:.........................................................................................................................................2


List of points................................................................................................................................2

Journal 7:.........................................................................................................................................2

Improvement in value statements................................................................................................2


Journal 8...........................................................................................................................................3


Journal 9:.........................................................................................................................................4


Application of learning................................................................................................................4

Journal 10:.......................................................................................................................................5



Important tips...............................................................................................................................5


Journal 6:

I have learned the many things from the course. All these things will became surely
handy in future. I prefer to become a business man in future. It supports to develop the necessary
skills that play important role in every entrepreneur for the success. I have learned the leadership
skills, group work, hard work, thinking at regular level different from others, regular level of
learning, etc. I have learned the many different things from the course. As a business man I will
prefer to expand and grow the business through resolve the challenges with important and right
procedures. Many kinds of things support to ensure betterment within the life.

List of points
With the support of video I learn the important trick of selling the many simple things
within the impressive way. One of the important things is selling the normal pen within the many
different ways (Mahajan, & Singh, 2017). Following discussion will present the main points
which I learn from video.

Discuss always about many features and advantages of product

Remain always ready for query a user can ask. For instance;

 Do we focus to utilize it first?

 Pen is enough smooth while utilizing?
 What is a colour of a pen?
 What is price of a pen?

Journal 7:

Improvement in value statements

There are many countless approaches in relation to improve the level of offer.

 This is important to talk to clients.

 It is significant to quantifying the administrations as well as item.

 This is beneficial to organize every presentation.

 It is important to advertise the service or product.

In relation to improve the level of value statement, I would identify first which I am good
at doing. I would try the many practices and ensure perfectness on an activity. In relation to
make a clear decisions regarding a work I select to deal with and remain enough capable to talk
to clients and consumers. This is critical and very real to remain enough capable to quantify
work value or even the product as well as research many different kinds of channels I can utilize
to provide the value of work. It is significant to share the story of success. This is important to
ensure and analyze how product will assist the customers within the application of daily actions
(Franz, 2013). In a procedure of selling a product, it supports in identifying an accomplishable
inch as well as present the base of knowledge about the product.

In a procedure of marketing, I can effectively develop the personal brand as well as

maintain the strong reputation at online level. Through it I can easily participate within the
events of networking as well as meet the potential of customers. Support in ensuring and creating
the captivating pitch elevator and demonstrate skill I have to organize and how effectively can
assist with the case of extensive research and become the expert of industry.

Journal 8

There are six important things a professional of sales should never do:

 Neglect the pre-meeting research - Complete the homework, for instance, basic regarding
the organization and many more things before setting up the meeting.
 Allow a prospect to lead the procedure of sales – In relation to control to interaction of
sales, for instance by asking the queries which could support in analyze whether or not
product actually resolves the challenge (Fullan, 2011).
 Failure in relation to ask amount of sales – Sales professional have an obligation to ask a
customer regarding the commitment.

 Remain unprepared regarding a pitch – This is important to remain prepared even over-
prepared. Have appropriate information which is needed. For instance, pricing, questions
list, and samples.
 Provide the irrelevant information – Emphasis on how a product will support the prospect
at paternal level how they will lead to benefit or resolve the challenge.
 Talk very much during interaction of sales – Explaining too much regarding the expertise
or services and product. Organization does not support convince a prospect as well as
ensure they feel that you do not care regarding the requirements. Overall engage with
prospect as well as understand experiences and requirements to create the trust and
analyze the effective strategy.

Journal 9:

I have founded about the strategies to bring many deals to close. This is enough
acceptable to think regarding the experience of possibilities. This supports with feeling at
effective level. Besides grinning face to finish of many deals as well as keeping within the touch
with many possibilities is one of principles strategies to bring every deal very close. There is
importance of working to ensure enough level of change with right transformation. This remains
significant to work with the right application and ensure positive results despite many kinds of
challenges in achievement of all objectives (Martono, & Nurhayati, 2014).

Application of learning
As grinning is very typical approach to bring many deals very close. This supports at
additional level in close to life of home. This supports in keeping many links new and strong.
Ensuring guarantees as the salesman supports with conversing products as well as ventures
inside the cutoff time. This works similarly in close to life of home. Guarantees the people for
particular commitments is supporting through complete everything as per the schedule. There are
many things I have gained quite more from these ones. Guarantee to ensure the significance of
business in relation to customers with development of responsibility.

Journal 10:

I believe all these tips which play the important role within the individual life as I focus
to apply all these tips. I am enough capable to create the tips as habits. I got the enough level of
betterment within the life and became enough successful as all these supports to create the future
as they play the important role in upcoming life.

All these tips are new I never heard these kinds of tips within the life. I found all these
tips are interesting which I am focusing to apply all these tips on myself and because of these I
learn many kinds of new things. I found myself fully new that may be an effective and positive
side for effective future or success.

Important tips
I believe everything is significant within the world as everything play the important role
within the one’s life nevertheless I identified the important tips which will be presented within
the following discussion.

 This is important to ensure great stance. Continue to slump every time is the unfortunate
propensity so practices of rehearsing remain great stances (Lestari, et al., 2019).
 Walk somewhat quicker aides in relation to ensure acquiring certainty.
 Strong eating regimen remains important. Having a food supports in keeping the person
dynamic and sound.

Franz, N. K. (2013). Improving Extension programs: Putting public value stories and statements
to work. Journal of Extension, 51(3), 3TOT1.

Fullan, M. (2011). The six secrets of change: What the best leaders do to help their
organizations survive and thrive. John Wiley & Sons.

Lestari, F., Saryantono, B., Syazali, M., Saregar, A., MADIYO, M., JAUHARIYAH, D., &
Rofiqul, U. M. A. M. (2019). Cooperative Learning Application with the Method of"
Network Tree Concept Map": Based on Japanese Learning System Approach. Journal
for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7(1), 15-32.

Mahajan, M., & Singh, M. K. S. (2017). Importance and benefits of learning outcomes. IOSR
Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 22(03), 65-67.

Martono, K. T., & Nurhayati, O. D. (2014). Implementation of android based mobile Learning
application as a flexible learning Media. International Journal of Computer Science
Issues (IJCSI), 11(3), 168.

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