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» > jas $ par, ty —t ‘ o Ohh, sey, jad i dig 83 Winds Be Still Winds be still —" Storm clouds pass and — si-I Bird fly high Lift. our gaze toward dis Light shine in Lu. mi- nate our pit ry Jence come tant view. in- ward view, pa oon oto = — Peace grace this with har - mo ny. Help us to life's mys - ter y. Help us to with clar - i ty eg 2 ay —- z: == T T T 3 ke Fly, bird of hope, and shine, light of love, and_in Fly high and far, and lead us cach to see how we Shine bright and true so we may join our songs in new é SS * ane p—t—t-f 2 i ——— calm let all find tran quil - li move through the winds of e ter = ni sounds that be - come full sym = pho o d a: ate © 1986 irik Productions echoes Words: Richard S, Kimball, 1934 Music: Samucl Schastian Wesley, 1810-1876 MEDITATION AND MYSTICAL SONGS SOPPPPPPAPICCATEE EEO FVIV VT VT VTV wT Tw www w wwe were ee - K How Far Can Reach a Smile? Unison 84 i A ~— }. } t = — = 4 . ’ ba = 4 es s =e . 1 How far can reach a smile, how high 2s there away to learn just how | & For God pours out this love in all j; 4 Wwe then think our small __@ -_mount a help - ing hand can lift? a kind - ness speaks or where | that lives, through God — we see of help would not go far — A le How far it goes? that Life and so be is Should can don’t | far e - nough to love be caught to nev - er cease to give, would we still Words: Marjorie Jillson, © 1972 Carl Fischer, Ine Music: Heinz Wemer Zimmermann, © 1972.Catl Fischer, Ine MEDITATION AND MY STICAL SONGS 85 Although This Life Is But a Wraith SSS o 5a 1. Although this life is but a wraith, —_al- though we | 2 O- pen my ears too mu-sic, Tet me thrill with | 3. Bv- er ims sur - gent let me be, make _me more 4. From com promise and things half-done, keep me, with know not what we use, — al-though we grope with lit - tle spring’s first flutes and drums —but nev-er let me dare for- dar - ing than de - vout, from sleek con-tent- ment keep me stem and. stub-born pride; and when, at last, the fight is \¢ [a = ee : aS = won, ©, keep me still un ~ sat is. fied. \e Pie heli Words: Louis Untermeyer, 1885-1977 Music: Vernon Griffiths, b, 1894, used by petm. of Faber Music, Lu LM. MEDITATION AND MYSTICAL SONGS ference eee: ~t ' faith, give me the heart to fight and lose. noe get the bit - ter bal lads of the slums. = 46T. free, and fill me with a buoy ant — doubt. ~ #44 eannenena@ PVSHPPFSVEPEEDIIFEEIFETITTTISSCCCCCTe: « Blessed Spirit of My Life 86 #96 . ~ 1. Bless- ed Spir- it of my life, give _me strength through 2. Spir- it of great mys-ter- y, hear the still, small Pf stress and strife; help me live with dig - ni - ty; voice in me. Help me live my word- less creed > cS let me know se- ren - i> ty. Fill me with a vis - ion, as I com-fort those in need, Fill me with com-pas - sion, py th tts pide e —w. = , Pa clear my mind of fear and con-fu-sion. When my thoughts flow be the source of my in- tu-i-tion. Then, when _ life is foe 2 eo SS 7 rest - less - let peace find a home in™ me, done for let love be my leg - a - cy. Words & music: Shelley Jackson Denham, 1950- PRAYER © 1987 Shelley Jackson Denham 71776927, MEDITATION AND MYSTICAL SONGS 87 Nearer, My God, to Thee , Sasa os aoe Ir teens = | 7 ° = 3 3 _ ° 1. Near - er, my God, to thee, near = cr to thee! | 2 Though like the — wan - the sun gone — down, 3. There let the — way steps un to heaven; __ ta 9 s 3 te a: be. fF SS re o eS | Ben though it be across that rais- eth me; | dark - ness be 0 - ver me, my —rest_ a_—_ stone; all that thou send- est me in _, mer-cy given; im @ e 6 ¢ ¢ e e e e e a e e « a e @ « | still all my song shall be, - er, my God, to thee, yet in my dreams I'd be - et, my God, to the ‘an - gels to. beck - on me near- er, my God, to thee, = tg ye === = ===} © pe - ex, my God, to thee, near - er to thee! ~ et, my God, to thee, near - cr to thee, - er, my God, to thee, near = er tO thee, Z == MEDITATION AND MYSTICAL SONGS ~_-_-a neem eaeaanan’a q PPSFPSPSEEPPSFETSHETCFETESTECCTCESCTCES 4. Then, with my waking thoughts bright with thy praise, out of my stony griefs Bethel Il rai so by my woes to be nearer, my God, to thee, nearer, my God, to thee, neater to thee. 5. Or if on joyful wing, cleaving the sky, sun, moon, and s upwards | fly, still all my song shall be, nearer, my God, to thee, nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee! ars forgot, Calm Soul of All Things 88 7. 1. Calm soul of all feel, a mid the cit y’s power to feel with — oth - ers, ppt Gas: peace of thine I did let me die — be fore Words: Matthew Amol, 18 Music: Thomas Tallis, ©. 150 MEDITATION AND MYSTICAL @ things, 2. The will to nei - ther a a make it = mine to strive nor cry, — the « . jar, that there a bides a give, Calm, calm me more; nor sf 5 not make, and I have can - not mar, be - gun to live. LM SONG 89 Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life @-= 56 Unison 1. Come, my way, my truth, my life: such a 2. Come, my light, my feast, my strength: such a 3. Come, my joy, my love, my heart: sucha = == = ae — == i ie way as gives us breath, such a truth as ends all light as shows a feast, such a feast as mends in Wy a8 None) "can’ move, such a love © as none cay zs z e . = eee oy ; = strife, such a life as kill eth /pleath, length, such a strength as makes a Fsuest. Part, such a heart as joys in J love. ba = i Words: George Herbert, 1593-1633 ‘Music: Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872-1958, adapt 0% 4 MEDITATION AND MYSTICAL SONGS DOPORRRERETRADEDTADDALARAARAAAnE sc t SPFSOECSOUSCOCUCOCEUOCCTCCCTET » » o » » » oe o ® o a From All the Fret and 90 Fever of the Day From all the fret In qui - et - ness let there be —mo-ments when we tuna - the sound-less wis- dom of the deep - er fie way, and, deaf to all con fus- ing out - er mind, with clear har - mo - nious pur- pose let us Se 7 f_¢ 9 » , * = —— $ S din, then in- tent- ly lis- ten. for the voice with- in bring rich - er mean-ing to the world a- gain. Words; Monroe Beardsley, b. 1915 COOLINGE Musie: Cyril V. Taylor, b. 1907, © Hope Publishing Co. MEDITATION AND MYSTICAL SONGS 91 Mother of All eS 1. Moth-er of all, in ev - ery age, in ev ery 2. God-dess of nurture and of love, all na ture 3.0 spir-it of un - fold ing grace and deep - est 4. Teach us to cher- ish this proud earth, its — frag - ile ce Pe P_f v = clime a - dored, by saint, by po - et, sings your care In life's. ecx- trav - a- mys = ter - y, teach us com pas - sion’s beau - ty praise, and for the dreams your Se Are Ror and by sage, your prais - es high have soared gance you prove the gift of giv - ing fair. gen - tle face and wis-dom’s mas - ter - y, | joy gives birth, a hope - ful fu - ture raise — —~ Words: v. 1, Alexander Pope, 1688-1744, recast by Michael G. Young, vs. 2-4 by Michael G. Young, 1939. © 1992 Unitarian Universalist Association st. couusna ‘Music: Irish melody 8787 MEDITATION AND MYSTICAL SONGS mera ePPeeePRPPAATRAAAAAAAAAiwisiti e PHOVVVFPVVFVIFFDFFFTETITETESTETETCTTE.. pp” «2 Mysterious Presence, 92 sa) Source of All ner, & Mys - te - rious Pres-ence, source of all—the world with- {ST)=~2. Thou breath-est in the rush - ing wind, thy spir - it 3. Thy hand unseen to ac = cents clear a- woke the Se That touch di- vine a- gain im-part, still give the mn U > 4 =F = 2 rt # i = out, the soul with- in—thou fount of life, stirs in leaf and flower; nor wilt thou from the psalm - ist’s trem- bling lyre, and touched the lips —_of ve -,et’s burn - ing word; and vo - cal in each a ot S hand hear our call, and pour thy liv - ing wa - ters in will - ing mind with-hold thy light and love and power. ~GOX ho - ly seer with flame from thine own al - tar _ fire wait ing heart let liv - ing psalms of praise be heard. a, « eo 2 6 2 oe Po ; = f = ES Words: Seth Curtis Beaeh, 1887-1932 wawentan Music: Willams Knapp, 1698-1768 iM MEDITATION AND MYSTICAL SONGS > ~ qr fae a WHY ony { ol pw | 93 To Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love ss10 é ———_— =——— —=- ==! eres Aer 1. To Mer - Pit - y, Peace, and Love all 2. For hu - man heart, and 3. Then wv clime, gt a io - tress, and to those vir- tues face, and Love, the hu- man - ess, prays to. the hu- man SS a of de - light re - tum their thank - ful - form di - vine, and Peace, the hu - man vine —Love, Mer - \Cy, Pit - y, reacwowannaaennanaanias re turn their thank-ful - ness. and Peace, the hu-man dress. Love, Mer - cy,\ Pit - y, Peace. ea: Words: William Blake, 1757-1827 LONT GOTT, LHR CHRISTEN Music: Nikolaus Herman, 1480-1561, harmony by J. $. Bach, 168; 868.66. MEDITATION AND MYSTICAL SONGS . . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ( ‘ ( ‘ -se were What Is This Life 94 e©80 Unison ey Se ———— c = = ad 7 f 1. What is this life if, full of care, we 2. No time to see, when woods we — pass, where 3. No time to tum at < ty’s glance, and seer SS have no time to stand and stare—no time to stand be - squir-rels hide their nuts in grass—no time to see, in watch her feet, how they can dance. A poor life this if, a - — —_— r fans Soot = ? neath the boughs and — stare as long as sheep or cows, broad day - light, streams full of stars, like stars at night; full of care, we have no time to stand and stare. Words: William Henry Davies, 1869-1941 pevorion Music: A. D. Carden’'s Missouri Harmony, 1820 LM MEDITATION AND MYSTICAL SONGS 95 There Is More Love Somewhere 0-63 é F Bb P aa FS SSS aS f ae NM == [Es 7 a ve =H e ee eto cl more love some - where. There is more hope some - where There is 3. There is more peace some - where. There is 4. There is more joy some - where. There is c = = pe 95 Hf. yo more love some I'm gon-na keep on ‘il more hope some Tm gon-na keep on ‘til More peace some- where. I'm gon-na keep on ‘til 1 more joy some- where. I'm gon-na keep on ‘il F Dm F Bb c7 F es —— aS — find it more love some-_ where find it. There is more hope some- where. find it There is more peace some-_ where find it There is more joy some- where. Words & musi: African American hyinn 6098, MEDITATION AND MYSTICAL SONGS PUTT TTA LAAT LAL taaaaaa-o I Cannot Think 96 of Them as Dead SS] 11 can not think of them as dead who walk with meno 2. And still their sis lent min- is try with in my heart has 3. Their lives are made for. ev er mine, what they to me have 4 Mine are they by an own-er- ship nor time nor death cat P ref : ane E =a Dare 5 * e more a-long the path of _ life I tread they place as when on earth they walked with me and been has left hence-forth its seal and. sign’ en free, for God has giyen to love to keep its SS + _ Peseta are but gone be- fore they are but gone be- tore met me face to face, and met me face to face. grav-en deep with- in, en grav- en deep with- in own e - ter- nal- ly, its own e- ter- nal ly 7 -—$- ££, 2 Words: Frederick Luctan Hosmer, 1840-1929 Music W. Frederick Wooden, 1954 ,.© 1992 Unitarian Universalist DISTANT MELON TRANSLENCE 97 Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child (SSS SSS 1. Some-times 1 feel like a moth- er less child, 2. Some-times [feel like 1 have no friend, | 3. Somestimes 1 feel like fm al most gone, pe s p ¢ ¢ ve a ee some-times I feel like a — moth- er - less child, no friend, some-times I feel like I have some-times I feel like I'm al most gone, 4 4 ae ee oe Tt \o See SS I | —_— = —— = SS some-times I feel like a — moth-er- less child, some-times I feel like I have no friend, a some-times 1 feel like 'm al most gone, \o —— a= = ——— African American spiritual, € 1750-1875, 99 10.10.1055. Words & music TRANSIENCE PARRAARRRHAAHRHHRAAAHAHHEALAAEAaaaaadea ee a ede de. s lay i pats \o co Loveliest of Trees , o-= a8 Unison OT oe SSS | 1. Love- ligst trees, the cher - ry now is hung with 2. Now of ty three - score years and ten, twen - ty 3. And since to look at things in bloom fif - ty oe 2 eget : St == 5 = t uu === » os 2 > » 2 2 2 2 2 >» = » = » = - bloom a = long the bough, and stands a - bout the | will not come a= gain, and take from sev'n «ty | springs are lit - tle room, a ~ bout the wood - lands ——— oF ¥ wood - land fide wear» ing white for Eas - ter tide springs a score, leav - ing me just fit’ - ty more will go, see-ing the cher ry hung with snow aes 1936 Words: A. E. Housman, | , Music: Medieval Freneb n harmony by Carlton R, Young, 1926 togess ean © 1989 United Methodist Publishing House R78. TRANSLENCE Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen 66S SS SSS e vee * f+ Foy ~s 3 3 No-bod-y knows the tou-ble I've seen, no-bod- y knows my \ Sa 4% Noe f ——<- = Fe i ya f | ==: Fp s jos s | Ny — + & 2 \— = : es ae —_— bod = y trou - ble knows the Some - times I'm up, some Al = though you see me One day when 1 was = q down oh, yes, Lord! going 80, oh, yes, Lord! walk long, oh, yes, Lord! Pe i Orrin, umes Im al most tothe ground, oh have my trou- bles here be - low, oh heavens broke and love came down, oh Ds; = = Hf Words & music: African American spiritual, «1750-1875 TRANSIENCE — Some I The $ ° yes, Lord! yes, Lord! yes, Lord! eg | a | Irvegular with retaun DEVDATADARRARARAATAAAAA Aaa ane DOI IIITTIIIIIIE » > a » » a = a » a a 2 a a » a I’ve Got Peace Like a River 100 @'3 ” sie : = . 34 +8) a ¢@ Zz o I Tive got peace like a river, Pve got peace like 2 Tve got joy tke a foun-tain, ve got joy like 4 SIve got love like an o- cean, F've got’ love like an 4 Te got pain bike an ar row, ve got pain” like an Nea . a fa, = w=1 Ny rae we nv er I've got peace like a riv-er in” my foun-tain, T've got joy like a ©-cean, V've got love like an o-cean arrow, T've got pain like an ar- row in soul foun-tain in| my soul in my soul my soul I've got riv er in my — soul. I've got foun-tain in m soul 8 » (in my — soul} We got 0 - cean in my soul > Ie got ar- row in my 6. T've gor strength like a mountain nV. Frey, 1918|"1-1992, © 1974 Marvin V. Frey Music: Marvin V. Frey, © 1974 Marvin V. Frey TRANSIENCE 4 | « 4 4 == Sie a te g 8 bide with me fast falls the even tide to its close ebbs out life's lit tle day fear no foe, with — thee at hand to bless; — | | ef. o to ; f— ted pet? t t eo f+ Sass BS as dark-ness deep - ens; — still, with me a- bide yw dim, its glo ries pass a= way bit - ter- ness. have no. weight, and — tears ne pte gs —= + — — a | a ee When oth - er help - ers fail, and com: forts flee change and de - cay in all a-round I see: Where is death’s sting? grave, thy vic - to- 1 help ofthe help Tess, oh, a= bide with 8 ‘© thou who chang- es not, a- bide with me 1 tri-umph still’ if thou a - bide with me potty : Jo: Henry Francis Lyte, 1798-1847 wvesrint William Henry Monk, 1823-1889 TRANSIENCE ama ReaRARAAAAAARAaaakt Wh) #5 guide our ways, hon - or all earth’s Bud - dha taught, un - re - pen - tant an - cient lore, all the ~~ proph- et ty and scorn, see oa new to ? + seers and sag- es, build our tem- ples for their praise hearts let per- ish, spurn- ing truth most dear- ly bought. souls’ be- seech-ing leaves us heed- less as be - fore. mor- row break-ing and a__kind - er world be born. | | Words: John Andrew Storey, 1935- WENG- Music: I-to Loh, 1986- , © 1970 United Methodist Publishing House S787. EXEMPLARS AND PIONEERS e We the Heirs of Many Ages 102 pesto a ee SS & ae ete lee == j 7 1. We the heirs of man-y a- ges, with the wise to 2. But the good we claim to cher- ish, all that Christ and 3. Cen- tu - of mor- al teach-ing, words of — wis- dom, 4. Late in time, may we, for-sak- ing all our cru - el \omy : a les t te ecb 7 7 eo E tt. 103 For All the Saints gaa Pa For all the saints — who from their la- bors rest, th Thou wast their rock, — their shel - ter, and their might; ae a the strife is fierce, the con- flict long, . F 4 —_—— Ee thee by faith be fore the world con - their strength and sol - ace in the well- fought on the ear the dis- tant tri - umph- thy name most ho - ly be for-ev- er thou, in the dark - ness deep their one true and hearts are brave a- gain, and arms are \Prg Is Words: William Walsham How, 1823-1897 ‘Music: Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1958, used by perm, SINE NOMUNE tof Oxford University Press 10.10.10. with Alleluias EXEMPLARS AND PIONEERS we VTvvrvvuvuVvVVUUUY Harmony, Verse 3 i 3o gst com- mu nion of the saints di - vine! We live in strug-gle, they in glo- ry shine; yet all QW thee, for all are thine. Al — EXEMPLARS AND PIONEERS 104 When Israel Was in Egypt's Land 4-88 = When Is- rael was in E- gypt’s land, The Lord told Mo - ses what to — do, 8 , 0-ple For you the cloud shall clear the way, let my Per We need not al ways weep and moan, pepe op- pressed so hard they could not stand, to lead the tribe of ‘Is - acl through, a fire by night, a shade by day, and wear these slav - ‘ry chains for - lorn, let my peo-ple go. Mo - ses, ‘Words & music: African American spiritual, ¢, 1750-1875 ‘Music © 1947, 1974 Simon & Schuster, Inc. and Artist & Writers, Inc., TUBMAN renewed 1981 Simon & Schuster, Ine, 85.85, with refrain EXEMPLARS AND PIONEERS et ee eA Of EXEMPLARS AND PIONEERS AGBaeaaeanaaa == Re. From age to age how U2. They wit - ness to one p23. Their kin - dling power our R24 Through wo. ley race, in — a t => - grand - ly tise the = proph - et — souls in her - i - tage, one Spir - it’s quick - ‘ning souls con - fess; though dead they speak to’ - ev - ery lime, one song shall yet —rdbe. r tt Za line; a - bove the — pass - ing breath, one wide - ning reign — from how great. ~—sthe.~—cloud—ooft move on - ward in thy Words: Frederick Lucian Hosmer, 1840-1929 RENNINGTON Music: Thomas Benjamin, 1940-, © 1992 Unitarian Universalist Association CM. with repeat EXEMPLARS AND PIONEERS 7 * x | tL | AS 2S 22 2 22£42248.24£4428142444284284442484242424284 9° sub @ @ |e P P P > p > P > > lime, bea - con lights they free - dom and of en - com - pass - ing our er - last - ing ea like bea - con lights they shine. of free- dom and of faith. en - com- pass - ing our way. oO ev - er- last - ing Word. EXEMPLARS AND PIONEERS 106 Who Would True Valor See eS SSS aS 1, Who would true val- or see, let. them come hith- er; 2. Who - so be- set me ‘round with dis - mal sto- ries, 3. No word of foe or friend can daunt my — spir- it; lo | aw =a $$ | S| one here will constant be, come wind, come weath- er; do but them-selves con-found; my strength the more is. 1 know I at the end will life in - her - it. Ia az there’s no dis - cour-age - ment shall make me once re - No li- on can me fright, ll with a gi - ant Then fan-cies fly a- way; Tl not fear what they 5s 7 lent my first a-vowed in - tent to be a pil-grim. fight, but I shall have a right to be a pil-grim. say; Yl la - bor night and day to be a pil-grim. —~ Words: John Bunyan, 1628-1688 Music: English melody, arr. b used by perm, of Oxford Uni Iph Vaughan Williams, 1872-1958, MONK'S GATE sity Press 6565.66.6.5. EXEMPLARS AND PIONEERS 228L2L2£L2£414414£44444442LLL828484882842842228L84 3°) Now Sing We of the 107 Brave of Old 2-116 GH i = ~— 1. Now sing = we of the brave of old 2 Of those who fought a good - ly fight 3. Who, when no gleam did _ point the way, 4. Who long the world’s old sor rows bore ef e eg fe ¢ Pe — == 6-4 SSe Ss — who would not sell them-selves for gold, -yet left us for. lib - er - ty, for truth and right, their pa- tient pressed ev - er on, by night, by day, and, spite of ‘and toiled and loved and suf - fered sore, and, be - ing £ = : Ps =e NS man - i- fold; Al-le - lu - ia! rich - es love their chief - est might; Al-le- lu - ia! pain, did ev - er Say Al-le- lu - ia! Al-le- lu - ia! dead, live ev - &- more; “+ 7 ert M.P. Dawson, 1880-1968 CM sts da Palestina, 1525-159, crore ni ae 8.8.8. with Alleluia Words: All Musie: Giov: ‘adapt. by W. H. Monk, 1823-1889 EXEMPLARS AND PIONEERS

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