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Primal Path

Path of the Great Ape

Primate Rage Stiff Knuckles
3rd-level Path of the Great Ape feature

6th-level Path of the Great Ape feature

You can go into a Primate Rage when you rage. Doing so Your unarmed strikes count as magical for the purpose of
changes your body to resemble a large ape; hair begins to overcoming resistance and immunity.

grows all over your body, your arms extend, and your body

size increases. For the duration of your rage, you gain the Additionally, you gain a 30ft climbing speed and your
following benefits; unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + your Strength modifier
bludgeoning damage while you aren’t in a primate rage.
Your unarmed strikes gain a d6 damage die.
Additionally, you can make one unarmed strike as a Ferocious Cry
bonus action.
You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. 10th-level Path of the Great Ape feature

When you make a melee attack on your turn, your reach When you enter a Primate Rage, you can let out a loud and
is 10ft instead of 5ft. intimidating primal cry. Every hostile creature within 30ft
that can hear you must make a Wisdom saving throw
Your size increases to Large. against your save DC. Creatures that succeed their save

suffer no effects. Creatures that fail their save become
However, the transformation makes using tools and frightened for 1-minute. Frightened creatures can repeat
weaponry more difficult, while in a Primate Rage you have their saving throw at end of their turn. Beasts make their
disadvantage on all attack rolls made using simple and saving throws with disadvantage.

martial weapons.

Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution

Your unarmed strikes damage die increases to a d8 at 6th modifier

level and a d10 at 14th level.

This feature can only be used once, regaining its use after
finishing a short or long rest.
Great Ape
Artwork By Lorenzo Nuti

Subclass by DNDBlue | Version 2.5 14th-level Path of the Great Ape feature

When you enter a Primate Rage can choose become huge,

instead of large. Additionally, you can deal bludgeoning
damage equal to your strength modifier to any creature
that starts their turn while grappled by you.

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