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Post-tropical cyclone

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Hurricane Paulette becoming post-tropical on September 16, 2020.

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A post-tropical cyclone is a former tropical cyclone that no longer possesses enough

tropical qualities to be considered a tropical cyclone. [1] The word may refer to a former
tropical cyclone undergoing extratropical transition, a tropical cyclone degenerating into
a remnant low, or a tropical cyclone degenerating into a trough. However, post-tropical
cyclones can continue producing high winds and heavy rains. [2]

Hurricane Marie's remnant low. Note the lack of convection and fronts connected to the low.

 1Classification
o 1.1Classes
o 1.2Other post-tropical cyclones
 2Formation
 3Impacts
 4Origin
 5Synonym
 6See also
 7References

Two classes of post-tropical cyclones exist:

 Extratropical cyclone, which is frontal, sometimes still retains winds

of hurricane or tropical storm force.[3] Hurricane Paulette (2020) provides a
recent example of an extratropical cyclone, [4] in which it no longer has a warm
core in higher latitudes when it was over Nova Scotia and all points north in
its trajectory.[5]

 Remnant low, which is non-frontal, has maximum sustained winds of less

than 34 knots, and mainly consists of stable stratocumulus with little to no
convective activity. These shallow systems may meander for some time
before opening into a trough of low pressure, or by being absorbed into an
extratropical cyclone.[6] [7] [8]
Other post-tropical cyclones[edit]
Not all systems fall into the above two classes. According to the guideline, a system
without frontal characteristics but with maximum winds above 34 knots may not be
designated as a remnant low. It should be merely described as post-tropical. [9] A few
examples falling into this grey area are listed below.

 Eugene (2011)[10]
 Michael (2012)[11]
 Nadine (2012)[12]
 Sandy (2012)
 Humberto (2013)[13]
 Joaquin (2015)[14]
 Hermine (2016)
 Matthew (2016)[15]
 Irma (2017)
 Florence (2018)
 Michael (2018)
 Jerry (2019)[16]
However, there has been an occasion that the United States National Hurricane
Center went against that definition and designated Calvin (2011) as a 35-knot remnant
Also, if a tropical cyclone degenerates into a tropical wave or trough, then it does not
qualify as a post-tropical cyclone. It would be referred as the "remnants of (tropical
cyclone name)".
Météo-France classifies systems in the South-West Indian Ocean undergoing
an extratropical transition or losing tropical characteristics as “post-tropical
depressions”, since the 2012–13 cyclone season. They would be re-classified as
extratropical depressions after completing the process. [18]

A post-tropical cyclone is formed when the typical characteristics of a tropical
cyclone are replaced with those of extratropical cyclones, otherwise known
as extratropical transition.[19] After the initial formation, a post-tropical cyclone has the
potential to gain strength and intensity by forming an extratropical storm. [19] If a post-
tropical cyclone does become an extratropical storm, it will eventually decay through the
process of occlusion.[20]

The re-intensification of a post-tropical cyclone can cause dangerous conditions in
North Atlantic shipping routes with high seas and winds comparable to those
of hurricanes.[19]

The terminology was initiated by Canadian Hurricane Centre in 1998 during Tropical
Storm Bonnie.[21] In 2008, the National Hurricane Center used this term for Tropical
Storm Laura to address the limitation of the two classes (extratropical/remnant low)
mentioned above.[22] The term was later adopted by the National Weather Service on
May 15, 2010.[9]

The Bureau of Meteorology in Australia refers to a former tropical cyclone as an "ex-
tropical cyclone".[23] An example is ex-tropical cyclone Oswald.

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