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(2nd Year, 1st Semester)


Time : Three hours Full Marks : 100

Answer any five questions.

Different parts of a question are

to be answered together.

All Questions carry equal marks.

1. a) Design neatly the serial -parallel adder organisation to

add 8-signed numbers of 5-bits each. Consider the

delay with full adder be 100 n Sec and that for shift

register be 70 n Sec. What will be the total time

required to complete addition?

b) How associative memory differs from conventional

memory? Explain the organisation of associative

memory with a neat diagram.

Describe the match logic circuit used in associative

memory. 10+10
2. a) Design an ALU with three control lines CO, C1 and C2 and

one carry input line and two 8-bit binary inputs A and B
( 2 ) ( 5 )

to perform the following operations (show the first three i) Calculate the no. of bits in each of the TAG, SET and
stages only) WORD fields of the main memory address format.

C2 C1 Co Operations ii) Assume that the cache is initially empty. Suppose that
the CPU fetches 4352 words from locations 0,1,2,...4351
in order. It then repeats this fetch sequence nine more
O O 1 A OR B
If the cache is 10 times faster than the main memory,
O 1 1 Complement A
estimate the improvement factor resulting from the use
1 O O A - 1
of the cache (assume that LRU algorithm is used for
1 O 1 A + 1
block replacement).
1 1 O A – B
1 1 1 A + B
b) Write program to evaluate the statement
(A )
+ B ∗ A
A ∗ B
using i) 3- address instruction
ii) 2-address instruction
iii) 1- address instruction
iv) 0-address instruction
3. a) Consider the following page reference sequence in a
virtual memory system.
1, 2, 3, 4 ,1, 5 , 2, 3, 6, 5 ,4 ,1 6, 2, 5, 4
Find the optimal proposal from the followings :
i) Change from FIFO to LRU
ii) Increase the main memory capacity from 4 to 8
( 4 ) ( 3 )

mantissa. The scale factor of the base is 4 and the iii) Both or any thing else.
exponents are represented in excess-64 format. b) Write short notes on ( any two).
Find the value of A + B where i) Virtual memory
A= 12.35 and B = 5 1 ii) Carry Save addition
i) Represent A and B both in the above format and iii) Nano programming
iv) Rounding Techniques
also the result A + B
4. A control unit has two inputs X, Y and eight states. The
ii) Find A - B also in the above format, normalise and
control state diagram is as follows.
iii) What is the error introduced due to floating point
b) Consider the following reservation table :

1 2 3 4 5 6
* *
S2 * a) Design the control using eight D flipflops
S3 * b) Design the address sequencing part of microprogram.
S4 5. a) Draw the combinational circuit for paper pencil method
S5 of multiplication for two signed numbers -25 and + 18
* vector.
i) Find the collision
ii) Draw the state transition diagram. Find also the total deley of multiplication.

iii) List all simple cycles and greedy cycles b) Describe non-restoring type binary division algorithm

iv) Determine the optimal constant latency cycle and the and the corresponding sequential circuit for

minimal average latency. 10+10 implementing it. Next verify step by step with the

7. A computer has 1 Mbyte main memory and 4K bytes of example of 19 divided by 5. 10+10

cache organised in the block-set associative manner 6. a) Consider a 20-bit floating point number in a format

with 4 pages per set and 64 bytes per page. with 7-bit exponent and a 12-bit normalised fractional
( 6 ) Ex/CSE/T/21C/15/2008

7. a) Consider a 20-bit floating-point number in a format with INTER COMPUTER SC. & ENGG. EXAMINATION, 2008
7-bit exponent and 12-bit normalised fractional mantissa. (1st Semester)
The base of the scale factor is 4 and the exponent is
represented in excess – 64 format.

Find the values of (A + B) and (A – B) where Time : Three hours Full Marks : 100

A = 0 1000010 11111111 0 0 11
Answer any five questions.
and B = 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 11
1. Consider the five stage pipelined processor specified by the
which are expressed in above format. Give the answers
following reservation table :
in normalised form. You are advised to use rounding
method for truncation. 1 2 3 4 5 6

b) Draw the combinational circuit for paper and pencil S1

method of multiplication for two 5-bit signed numbers.



a) List the set of for bidden latencies and the collision

b) Draw the state transition diagram.
c) List all the simple cycles from the state diagram.

( 2 ) ( 5 )

d) Identify the greedy cycles among the simple cycles. Design a hardwired controller using D flop flops and also
e) What is minimum average latency ? microprogram controller that will implement the above
algorithm. 10+10=20
f) What is minimum allowed constant cycle in using this
6. a) Design an ALU with three control lines C0, C1 and C2
g) What will be the maximum throughput of this pipeline ?
and one carry input line, two 8-bit binary input A and B
h) Is the MAL obtained in (e) is the lower bound ? If not are to perform the following operations (Show the first
how do modify the reservation table to achieve lowest three stages and the last stage of ALU only):
MAL ? 20
C2 C1 C0 Operations

2. a) Design a combinational circuit for a BCD adder showing 0 0 0 A+B

properly the carry-in and carry-out terminals.
0 0 1 A–B
b) Explain Booth’s Algorithm for multiplication of signed
0 1 0 A+1
binary numbers with the help of an example
0 1 1 A–1
A = 0 1 0 0 1 1 0
1 0 0 A AND B
B = 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
1 0 1 A OR B
Also explain bit pair speed-up technique applicable to
Booth’s algorithm. 10+10 1 1 0 A XOR B

1 1 1 Complement A
3. a) Draw the CSA organisation to add 8 signed numbers of
5 bit each have CLA at the last stage. b) Write program to evaluate the statement
X = (A+ B * C) / D * E – H
Count the minimum no. of full adder and CLC required
for the circuit. Using :
(i) 3-address instruction (ii) 2-address instruction
Calculate the minimum gate delay in the addition
(iii) 1-address instruction (iv) 0-address instruction.

( 4 ) ( 3 )

Start : 17 b) A table comprising 8 micro instructions is given below :

23 I0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6

I1 C1 C3 C4 C6
Inner 165 outer
loop ↓ loop I2 C2 C5 C6
10 times 239 10 times
I3 C4 C5 C8

1200 I4 C7 C8

1500 I5 C1 C8 C9

I6 C3 C4 C8
b) In a certain computer system with cache memory
I7 C1 C2 C9
750 µsec is the main memory access time for cache
miss and 50 µsec is the access time for a cache hit.
(i) Propose an optimal hybrid micro instruction format
Find the percentage decrease in the effective access
with minimal no. of bits.
time if the hit ratio is increased from 80% to 90%.
(ii) Propose nanoprogram for the above. 10+10
4. a) Main memory size is 64 k bytes.
5. Consider the following algorithm :
Cache memory size is 1 k byte
Declare registers A(8), B(8), C(8) :
Start : B ← data Block size is 64 bytes
A ← 00 Block-set-associative mapping with 4-blocks per set is
Loop : A ← A + B used.
B ← B – I
(i) How many bits are there in each of TAG, SET and
If B ≠ 0 then goto Loop.
OFFSET fields?
C ←A
Halt : Goto Halt (ii) Find successfull hit ratio for the following program
structure where LRU replacement is used.



(2nd Year, 1st Semester)


Time : Three hours Full Marks : 100

Answer any five questions

I. Consider the five stage pipelined processor specified by

the following reservation table :

a) List the set of forbidden latencies and the collision


b) Draw the state transition diagram

c) List all simple cycles from the state diagram

d) Identify the greedy cycles

e) What is MAL ?

( 2 ) ( 5 )

f) What is the minimum allowed constant cycle ? Following three organizations are proposed

g) What will be the maximum throughput of this i) Eight way interleaved

pipeline ?
ii) Two groups of four way interleaved
h) Is the MAL obtained in (e) is the lower bound ? If
iii) Four groups of two way interleaved
not how do modify the reservation table to achieve
lowest MAL ? 20 For each of the organization

a) Show address decoding scheme and address

2. a) Design a device capable of adding three binary bits assignment pattern.
b) Maximum unusable space when one module fails.
The device has five inputs and three outputs as shown
c) Comment on the relative merits of the three proposals.
below :

X, Y and Z are three arguments, C1 is the carry–in from 7. a) Describe Booth’s bit pair algorithm for binary
the preceeding stage, C2, is the carry–in from prion to multiplication and illustrate the algorithm with the example
proceeding stage. The output S designates the sum, Co1 of multiplication of – 25 and + 39.
is the carry–out for the succeeding stage and Co2 is the
carry–out for next - to the succeeding stage. Derive the b) Describe the nonrestoring type binary division algorithm
minimized boolean functions for each of the three and the corresponding sequential circuit for
outputs S, Co1 and Co2. Also show the corresponding implementing it. Next verify your circuit with the example
truth table. of 18 divided by 5. 10+10

8. Write short notes on :- 5×4

i) Series parallel adder

ii) Virtual memory

iii) Nano programming

b) Draw the combinational circuit for paper and pencil
method of multiplication for two 5 -bit signed numbers. iv) Cache memory
( 4 ) ( 3 )

Which of the page replacement policies FIFO, LRU and 3. Consider the following algorithm :
LIFO is most suitable with cache memory capacity 4
Declare registers A (8), B (8), C (8)
paper ?
Start : B ← data
b) Design an ALU with three control lines Co, C1 and C2
and one carry input line and two 8-bit binary inputs A A ← 00
and B to perform the following operations. (Show the Loop : A ← A + B
first three stages only)
B← B – 1
C2 C1 C o Operations
if B ≠ 0 then goto Loop
0 0 0 A +B
C← A
0 0 1 A– B
Halt : Goto Halt
0 1 0 A +1
Design a hard wired controller using D flip flops and also
0 1 1 A –1 microprogram controller that will implement the above
1 0 0 A AND B algorithm. 10+10

1 0 1 A OR B 4. a) Draw the CSA organisation to add 8 signed numbers

1 1 0 A × OR B of 4 bit each having ripple carry adder at the last stage.
Also count the number of full adders required and
1 1 1 Complement of A 8+12
calculate the gate delay in the addition process.

6. a) What are the advantages of using normalized mantissa b) How associative memory differ from conventional
and biased exponents in the floating point memory ? Explain the organisation of associative
representation of a binary number ? What are the IEEE memory with a neat diagram and describe the match
standards for floating point representations ? logic used in such memory. 10+10
Represent + 1.25 in single precision format.
5. a) The page reference pattern of a program is as follows :
b) 16 K byte of main memory in implemented using 8 nos
of 2 K byte module used in interleaved fashion. 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 5, 2, 3, 6, 5, 4, 1, 6, 2, 5, 4

(4) EX\MTCT\208\179\07

(b) Can you think of a situation where it would be advantageous M. TECH (COMP. TECH) EXAMINATION 2007
to define a virtual memory that is smaller than available (2nd Semester)
physical memory? 15+5

7. (a) For the following expression to evaluate on a stack Time : Three hours Full Marks : 100
organised m/c write the m/c language program.
Answer any five questions.
A * B + A * { B * D + (C * /(A * F ))}
(b) The memory stack in a 16 bit computer contains 5A14H. 1. Consider the five stage pipelined processor specified by the
following reservation table. 20
The stack pointer contains 3A56H. A two word call
subroutine instruction is located at memory address 013EH
1 2 3 4 5 6
followed by the branch address of 67AEH at memory
address 013FH. What are the contents of PC, SP and the S1 X X
memory stack? S2 X X
(i) Before the CALL instruction is executed.
(ii) After the CALL instruction is executed. S3 X
(iii) After the RETURN from subroutine.
S4 X
(iv) After the second RETURN from subroutine just following
the previous one. 8+12 S5 X X

8. Write short notes on : 20

(a) List the set of forbidden latencies and the collision vector.
(i) Non-restoring division.
(b) Draw the state transition diagram.
(ii) IEEE floating point representation.
(c) List all the simple cycles from the state diagram.
(iii) DRAM, SDRAM and RDRAM.
(d) Identify the greedy cycles among the simple cycles.
(iv) Techniques of truncation used for floating point arithmetic.
(e) What is minimum average latency?
(f) What is minimum allowed constant cycle in using this
pipeline ?
———×——— (g) What will be the maximum throughput of this pipeline?
(h) Is the MAL obtained in (e) in the lower bound? If not try to
modify the reservation table to achieve the lower bound.
[ Turn Over ]
(2) (3)

2. (a) Design a combinational circuit for a BCD adder showing 5. (a) Design an ALU with three control lines C0, C1 and C2 and
properly the carry-in and carry-out terminals. 10 one carry input line and two 4 bit binary inputs A and B to
perform the following operations.
(b) Explain Booth’s Algorithm for multiplication of signed binary
C2 C1 C0 Operations
numbers with the help of an example.
A = 0100110 0 0 0 A+B
0 0 1 A-B
B = 1011011
0 1 0 A+1
Also explain bit-pair speed-up technique applicable to 0 1 1 A-1
Booth’s algorithm. 10 1 0 0 A AND B
1 0 1 A OR B
3. (a) A control unit has two inputs x and y and eight states. The 1 1 0 A XOR B
control state diagram is as follows. 1 1 1 Complement A
(b) In a certain computer system with cache memory 750 µ
sec is the memory access time for cache miss and 50
sec is the memory access time for cache hit. Find the
percentage decrease in the effective access time if the hit
µ ratio is increased from 80% tom 90% 15+5

6. (a) A typical computer system has 32K main memory and 2K

(i) Design the control using eight D flip-flops. fully associative cache memory. The cache block size is
(ii) Prescribe the address sequencing part for microprogram 128 words. The access time for the main memory is 10
control ROM. 8+8 times that of the cache memory.
(i) How many bits are there in the TAG field.
(b) What is nanoprogramming, discuss briefly. 4 (ii) Find the successful, hit ratio for the following program
structure where LRU replacement policy is used.
4. (a) Draw the CSA organisation to add 8 signed numbers of 4 bit
each having ripple carry adder at the last stage. Also count 25 ←short
the number of full adders required and calculate the gate
delay in the addition process. 10
10 times
800 10 times
(b) (i) How associative memory differs from conventional memory?
(ii) Explain the organisation of associative memory with a neat 2200
(iii) Describe the match logic used in associative memory. 10 2500 ←End
[ Turn Over ]


1st Semester


Time : Three hours Full Marks : 100

Answer any five questions.

1. a) What is the minimum set of registers required in the

CPU of a small computer ? Explain their operations.

b) With the help of a logical block diagram explain how

addition, subtraction, AND, OR, XOR and X NOR
operation can be performed. 12

2. a) Explain the various hard wired methods of control

signal generations. 12
b) Show how can the control signals for Fetch cycle be
generated by using clocked delay elements ? 8

3. a) What are the various methods of micro-programming ?

What are their relative merits and demerits ? 12

b) A processor has micro instruction format having four

control fields. The number of control signals to be
generated by each control fields are 4, 3, 11 and 8

[ Turn Over ]
( 2 )

Compare the length of control bits of the micro-

instruction register for various modes of micro-
programming. 8

4. a) In a virtual memory system estimate the cost/bit,

access time and access efficiency of the system. 8

b) A memory unit has a capacity for storing the memory

is empty. The page request generated by a program is
: 4 2 0 1 2 6 1 4 3 1 0 2 3 5 7.

Compare the performances of FIFO, LRV and LLV

replacement policies. 12

5. a) What are the different address mapping techniques

used in a cache ? What are their relative merits and
demerits ? 12

b) The main memory of a computer system has 9

capacity of storing 16 M words of 32 bit data. The
cache can store upto 64KB of data. The page length
of cache is 16 word and the set size is 4.

Design the cache showing the sizes of the tag, index,

block and word fields of cache address register. 8

6. a) What are the various types of interrupts ? Explain

them. 3+6

b) What do you understand by priorities among the

interrupts. 3
( 3 )

c) Explain the operation of a priority encoder and show

how the control of the machine is transferred to the
appropriate ISR. 4+4

7. With the help of the block and state diagrams of a DMA

controller explain the following operations related to
Initialisation, Initiation, Operation and Termination.

8. Write notes on any four of the following : 4×5

a) Instruction formats and their comparison;
b) Addressing modes ;
c) Merits and demerits of Nano-programming ;
d) Micro program sequencer ;
e) Advantages and disadvantages of Paged segments ;
f) CAM’s
g) Program-controlled I/O’s ;
h) Types of IOP;s.

( 4 )
(b) The interface for a static memory costs Rs. 10/- Ex/CSE/T/213/12/2007(S)
compared to Rs. 50/- for a dynamic memory and if static
memory costs Rs. 0.0002 per bit and dynamic memory
1st Semester (Supplementary)
costs Rs. 0.0001 per bit, determine how many bits must
be in a memory module to make dynamic memory less COMPUTER ORGANISATION
expensive. Time : Three hours Full Marks : 100
(c) The memory stack in a 16-bit computer contains 5A14H. Answer any five questions.
The stock pointer contains 3A56H. A two word call Different parts of a question are to be answered together.
subroutine instruction is located at memory address 013EH.
followed by the branch address of 67AEH at memory 1. (a) In a virtual memory environment using FIFO for page
address 013FH. What are the contents of PC, SP and the replacement, it is found that the successful hit ratio is
memory stack? unacceptably low. Comment on each of the following
(i) Before the CALL instruction is executed. proposals made for increasing the hit ratio :

(ii) After the CALL instruction is executed. (i) Decrease the page size

(ii) Increase the main memory size

(iii) After the RETURN from subroutine
(iii) Replace FIFO by LRU
(iv) After the second RETURN from subroutine
following the one in part (iii). 5+5+10 (iv) Go for multitasking.

7. (a) Describe Booth’s modified algorithm and show that just (b) The page reference pattern of a program is as follows :

N 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 5, 2, 3, 6, 5, 4, 1, 6, 2, 5, 4
partial products are required to multiply two N bit
which of the page replacement policies FIFO, LRU and
binary numbers. Illustrate the algorithm with the example
LIFO is most suitable with memory capacity 4 pages?
of multiplication of +29 and –35.
(c) In a two level virtual memory t A1 = 10 –3 sec and
(b) Draw the schematic diagram for daisy chain polling
tA2 = 10–2 sec what must be the hit ratio H in order the
arrangement in the case of non-vectored interrupt for
access efficiency to be within 80% of its maximum
three devices. 10+10
possible value? 8+6+6
[ Turn over
( 2 ) ( 3 )

2. (a) What is the difference between a subroutine and an (b) Draw the CSA organisation to add 9 signed numbers of
interrupt service routine ? 4-bit each having ripple carry adder at the last stage.
Also calculate the number of gate delays in your addition
(b) Design an ALU with three control lines C0, C1, and C2
process. 10+10
and one carry input line and two n-bit binary inputs A
and B to perform the following operations (show the first 4. A control unit has two inputs X and Y and eight-states. The
two stages). control state diagram is as follows :
C2 C1 C0 Operations

0 0 0 A+B
T3 T4
0 0 1 A–B x=0
0 1 0 A+1 x=1
T0 T1 T2 T7
0 1 1 A–1 y=0
1 0 0 A and B T5 T6
1 0 1 A or B
1 1 0 A XOR B
1 1 1 Complement A
5+15 (a) Design the control using eight D flip flops.

3. (a) Consider a 20-bit floating point number in a format with (b) Design the address sequencing part of microprogram
7-bit exponent and a 12-bit normalised fractional control. 10+10
mantissa. The base of the scale factor in 4 and the
5. Write short note on any two of the following : 10×2
exponents is represented in excess-64 format
(a) Non-restoring algorithm for binary division.
Find the values of (A+B) and (A–B) where
(b) Direct memory access.
A=0 1000010 111111110011
(c) Techniques of truncation used for floating point
B=0 0111110 101010101011
which are represented in the above format and give the
6. (a) What are the differences between asynchronous and
answers in normalised form. Use rounding method for
synchronous mode of data transfer.
[ Turn over
( 4 )
(b) The interface for a static memory costs Rs. 10/- Ex/CSE/T/213/12/2007(S)
compared to Rs. 50/- for a dynamic memory and if static
memory costs Rs. 0.0002 per bit and dynamic memory
1st Semester (Supplementary)
costs Rs. 0.0001 per bit, determine how many bits must
be in a memory module to make dynamic memory less COMPUTER ORGANISATION
expensive. Time : Three hours Full Marks : 100
(c) The memory stack in a 16-bit computer contains 5A14H. Answer any five questions.
The stock pointer contains 3A56H. A two word call Different parts of a question are to be answered together.
subroutine instruction is located at memory address 013EH.
followed by the branch address of 67AEH at memory 1. (a) In a virtual memory environment using FIFO for page
address 013FH. What are the contents of PC, SP and the replacement, it is found that the successful hit ratio is
memory stack? unacceptably low. Comment on each of the following
(i) Before the CALL instruction is executed. proposals made for increasing the hit ratio :

(ii) After the CALL instruction is executed. (i) Decrease the page size

(ii) Increase the main memory size

(iii) After the RETURN from subroutine
(iii) Replace FIFO by LRU
(iv) After the second RETURN from subroutine
following the one in part (iii). 5+5+10 (iv) Go for multitasking.

7. (a) Describe Booth’s modified algorithm and show that just (b) The page reference pattern of a program is as follows :

N 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 5, 2, 3, 6, 5, 4, 1, 6, 2, 5, 4
partial products are required to multiply two N bit
which of the page replacement policies FIFO, LRU and
binary numbers. Illustrate the algorithm with the example
LIFO is most suitable with memory capacity 4 pages?
of multiplication of +29 and –35.
(c) In a two level virtual memory t A1 = 10 –3 sec and
(b) Draw the schematic diagram for daisy chain polling
tA2 = 10–2 sec what must be the hit ratio H in order the
arrangement in the case of non-vectored interrupt for
access efficiency to be within 80% of its maximum
three devices. 10+10
possible value? 8+6+6
[ Turn over
( 2 ) ( 3 )

2. (a) What is the difference between a subroutine and an (b) Draw the CSA organisation to add 9 signed numbers of
interrupt service routine ? 4-bit each having ripple carry adder at the last stage.
Also calculate the number of gate delays in your addition
(b) Design an ALU with three control lines C0, C1, and C2
process. 10+10
and one carry input line and two n-bit binary inputs A
and B to perform the following operations (show the first 4. A control unit has two inputs X and Y and eight-states. The
two stages). control state diagram is as follows :
C2 C1 C0 Operations

0 0 0 A+B
T3 T4
0 0 1 A–B x=0
0 1 0 A+1 x=1
T0 T1 T2 T7
0 1 1 A–1 y=0
1 0 0 A and B T5 T6
1 0 1 A or B
1 1 0 A XOR B
1 1 1 Complement A
5+15 (a) Design the control using eight D flip flops.

3. (a) Consider a 20-bit floating point number in a format with (b) Design the address sequencing part of microprogram
7-bit exponent and a 12-bit normalised fractional control. 10+10
mantissa. The base of the scale factor in 4 and the
5. Write short note on any two of the following : 10×2
exponents is represented in excess-64 format
(a) Non-restoring algorithm for binary division.
Find the values of (A+B) and (A–B) where
(b) Direct memory access.
A=0 1000010 111111110011
(c) Techniques of truncation used for floating point
B=0 0111110 101010101011
which are represented in the above format and give the
6. (a) What are the differences between asynchronous and
answers in normalised form. Use rounding method for
synchronous mode of data transfer.
[ Turn over
(2nd Semester )
Time:Therr hours Full Marks:100
Answer any five questions
1 a) i) Define ‘Dala Structure’ and ‘Algorithm’.
ii) Define ‘Stack’ as an ADT. 2+2+6
b) i) Define ‘Time.: Complexity’ of an Algorithm.
ii) Assume that Module A takes t units of time.for its execution.where t is a constant and that n is the
size of die input data.and p is a positive integer greater than 1 Find the complexities of the
following algorithms
Algorithm 1 :
1 repeat for i = 1 to n

2 repeat for j =1 to n
3 repeat for k = 1- to n
4 Module A
(end of step 3 loop)
( end of step 2 loop)
( end of step 1 loop)
5 exit
Algorithm 2 :

1. set j= l
2. repeat steps 3 and 4 whilej = n
3. Module A
4. set j = p x j
(end of step 2 loop)
5. exit
2. The Tower of Hanoi problem may bo stated in.a general way as follows :
“ A tower of ‘n’ disks is initially stacked in order of decreasing diameter tin one of three
available pegs ( say, peg’ a, peg b, and pegc ). The task is transfer the entire tower of disks
from one peg ( say, peg a )to another peg. say,peg c ) using the lie remaining available peg (
say, peg b ) so that only one disk can be transferred at one time and a larger disk can never
be placed or. top of a smaller disk ,duing this process of transfer.”
[ Turn, Over ]

i) Obtain a recursive definition of the problem in terms of a disk movement function say,
move(n, x, y, z ) that causes moving of’ ‘n’ disks from peg to peg y using the available peg
peg z
ii) Write a ‘C’ function for ‘move’.
iii) Estimate the time compleity of this ‘move’ have just written. 5+5+10
3. a) Discuss whether a Slack or Queue is the appropriate structure for determining the order in which
dements are processed in each of the following cases:
(i) Batch computer programs arc submitted to the computer center.
(ii) Program P calls subprogram S which calls subprogram T. and so on. 3+3
b) The daily flights of an airline company is as shown below. Here. ‘City’ lists the cities, and Org[i]
and Dst[i] denotes the origin and destination, respectively of the flight Number[i]. Drawthe
corresponding directed graph of data.

Number. Org Dst
1 kolkata
1 501 2 3
2 Mumbai 2 502 3 2
3 Chennai 3 505 5 3
4 Delhi 4 508 3 4
5 Hyderrab 5 511 2 5
ad 6 512 5 2
7 513 5 1
8 515 1 4
9 517 5 4
10 518 4 5 6
c) Discuss the different way of representing the above data so as to decrease the time of execution
for the following cases:
(i) Find the origin and destination of a flight. given the flight number
(ii) Given City X and City Y , find whether there is a flight from X to Y , and if there is find the
flight number. 4+4
[ Turn Over ]
4. (a) What are the means/mechanisms required for linked representation?
(b) Propose a space and time efficient node structure in C for linked list representation of a Sparse
(c) Write the rules for transforming a recursive function to a non-recursive function.
(d) Give the best and tho worst binary tree representation of the following sorted array :

47 86 98 120 135 142 162


5.a) What is a binary tree? What are the differences between a tree and a binary tree?
b)If a complete binary tree with n nodes is represented sequentially then for any node with
index i 1 = i = n,show that
“leftchild(i) is at 2i if 2i = n. If n = 2i. then i has no left child “.
c)Develop algorithms for building a binary tree for an expression and retrieving the infix.from
from this tree 2+2+6+5+5

6 i) Define Symbol Table’. State the operat ions thai may be required on Symbol Table.
What is a Dynamic Symbol Table? 2+4+2
ii) Consider that the following data are supplied in the sequence. Slate the rules for balancing
a tree and show now the binary seareh tree generated in sequence with these data gets
unbalanced and subsequently balaneei,
Data : Mar. May. Nov, Aug. Apr, Jan, Dec. July. Feb. June. Oct. Sep 4+8

7. a) Explain, with an example, how data are represented for Fibonacci Search. State the advantage of
Fibonacci Search over Binary Search. 8+2
b) Define ‘Heap’ Explain, with an example. how heap sort works. 2+8

8. Write notes on the following:

i) B -Tree and 2-3 Trees
ii) Graph Algorithms 10+10
CP 21 A/12/2005


(1st Semester)

Time : Three hours Full Marks : 100

Answer question no. 1 and any four from the rest.

1. (a) Find the new heap created by removing the first item from the following heap:
650 88 55 68 1 3 11. 2

(b) Draw a hash table with open addressing and a size of 11. Use the “modulo 11” hash function to
insert the following keys in the given order into your table:
7, 24, 0, 29, 22, 9, 33. 3

(d) Explain with examples, in which cases a recursive function will not terminate. 4

(e) Show how the following polynomial can be efficiently represented:

15x90 – 10x12 + x2 – 20 2

(f) Show how the following expression can be converted to postfix notation:
x + y * 5/(2 + z ) – 3 *( x - z ) – p $ ,
where $ is the sentinel. Hence evaluate the postfix expression with the following values of the
variables: x=20, y=4, z=2, p=l. 5

(g) What do you mean by a Transitive C’osure Matrix? Explain with an example. 4

2. Define the ADT Queue. Implement the Queue Data Structure using pointers in C.

3. What are the uses of the stack data structure? Explain how recursive subroutines can be implemented
using stack.

State and explain with a simple example how you can use a stack for converting an infix expression to
the postfix notation. 10+10

4. What are the problems of Binary Search Tree? Explain the improvement of performance by the use of
Height Balanced Tree.
Explain how a height–balanced tree can be formed by inserting the following elements in
given order:
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 8 , 9 , 10,7,11.
Show how the root element can be deleted from the above tree. 6 + 10 + 4


5. Explain the rationale of Quicksort. Why does the algorithm perform so fast? What are the cases when
the Quicksort algorithm behaves like a slow sort? What is the effect of the choice of pivots on the
performance of Quicksort algorithm?

Describe the algorithm of Quicksort and explain its working with the help of the following input
10+ 10

6. What is a Graph? How is it represented as a data structure?

Write an algorithm for Breadth First Search of a Graph. Show how the algorithm works on the
following graph:

7. What are the problems of Binary Search Tree? Explain the improvement of performance by the use of
Height Balanced Tree.
Explain how a height – balanced tree can be formed by inserting the following elements in the given
4, 5, 7, 2, 1, 3, 6, 15, 10.
Show how the root element can be deleted from the above tree.

CP 21 A/12/2006


(1st Semester)
Time : Three hours Full Marks : 100
Answer question no. 1 and any four from the rest.
1. (a) Show the 2-3 tree formed by entering the following characters in the given sequence into an
initially empty tree:
A B C D E F G H I. 2
(b) What do you mean by the notation O(f(x))? Prove that
O(f(x)) + O(g(x)) = O(max(f(x), g(x)) 5
(c) A sparse matrix is represented by the following triples; find the original matrix:
(6, 5, 6), (1,3, -4), (2, 1, 2), (2,4, 10), (4,2, 50), (4, 5,29), (5, 4, 33). 2
(d) Show how the following postfix expression will be evaluated:
6 3 5 + * 22 4–36+ //$
where $ is the sentinel. 2
(e) What do you mean by a Transitive Closure Matrix? Explain with an example. 3
(f) What is a synonym? Explain. 2
(g) What is a Priority Queue? 4

2. Define the ADT for Doubly Linked List.

For a C pointer based linked representation of a Doubly Linked List, write the functions for the
following operations:
i) Insert a new node pointed to by target before an existing node pointed to by cur.
ii) Delete a node pointed to by cur.
3. Why is Stack an important Data Structure? Is it possible to implement the Single Dimension Array
Data Structure using a Stack? If possible, how?
State and explain with a simple example how you can use a stack for converting an infix expression to
the postfix notation. 10+10

4. What is a Binary Search Tree (BST)? What are the operations on BST? Explain how a given data can
be deleted from a BST. What are the average time complexities for different operations on BST?
Explain the problem of inefficiency cropping up by inserting the following elements in the given order
in a BST:
How can the problem be solved? 12 + 8
( 2 )
5. Explain the rationale of Heapsort. What are the different approaches to develop the algorithm for
Heapsort. Explain with an informal analysis, the time complexity of Heapsort.
Describe one algorithm of Heapsort and explain its working with the help of the following input array:
23, 33, 13, 83, 43, 93, 53, 73, 100.
12 + 8

6. What are the different kinds of Recursion? Explain with examples.

Write a recursive algorithm for Depth First Search of a Graph. Convert the algorithm to an iterative
one. Take an example graph and show how the algorithm works.
8 + 12

7. What do you mean by Hashing? What is the complexity of insertion, deletion and search in a hash
table? Explain how you can delete an element from a hash table. Explain with an example, how
coalesced chaining works.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Quadratic Probing and Double Hashing? Explain with
their definitions.
12 + 8

Ex/CP 42B/ 25/2005


(2nd Semester)


Time: Three Hours Full Marks 100

Answer any five questions.

1. (a) Discuss the different ways of measuring work done by an algorithm. Which one is
most commonly used and why?
(b) What do you mean by optimality? Write the Binary Search algorithm and prove its
(4+2) + (2+4+8) = 20

2. (a) Discuss what you mean by best case, worst case and average case analysis of an
(b) What is the difference between average case analysis and amortized analysis? Briefly
describe the three common techniques used in amortized analysis.
(c) Find the amortized cost of incrementing a binary counter using potential method.
4 + (2+6) + 8 = 20

3. (a) What do you mean by the statement: The running time of algorithm A is T(n) = Θ
(n2)? Use diagram to explain your
(b) What is the difference between O - notation and o- notation?
(c) What is a recurrence? Solve the following recurrence relation using iteration method.
T (n) =3T(n/4) + n.
(d) Give recursion tree for the recurrence relation: T(n) = 2 T(n/2) + n2 .Apply Master
Theorem to solve the recurrence.
6 + 2 + (2 + 4) + (2 + 4) = 20

4. (a) Compare Divide and Conquer technique of algorithm design with Dynamic
Programming. What are the two key ingredients that an optimization problem must
have for dynamic programming to be applicable?
(b) Discuss the different submodels of PRAM.
(c) Write a PRAM-based sorting algorithm.
(d) Discuss the Bulk Synchronous Parallel Computer (BSP) model.
(e) Compare BSP with PRAM model.
6 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 3 = 20

5. (a) Give an algorithm which sorts in linear time. Explain the functioning of the
algorithm with examples. How does it differ from the algorithms like Merge Sort and
(b) What is a heap? What is the partial order tree property of heap?
(c) Give an exact analysis of the cost of building a heap. comment on the running
time of Heapsort.
(d) What is a recursion tree?
(3 + 3 + 2) + 4 + (4 + 2) + 2 = 20

6. (a) Give a BSP implementation of Merge Sort algorithm.

What is the estimated computational cost of the algorithm on a Sun SPARC server
having two processors with BSP parameters as follows: g = 3.5, l = 125 (values are
given in time units)? Assume that the algorithm runs on 2 processors for an input of
size n = 10.
(b) How does memoization differ from usual dynamic programming approach? Give
the pseudo-code of memoized matrix-chain algorithm.
(c) Discuss the worst case behaviour of Quicksort. Draw a recursion tree to explain
the worst case behaviour.
(4 + 4) + (2 + 4) + 6 = 20

7. (a) Define the classes P and NP. Discuss what you mean by Polynomial Reductions.
(b) What are the different steps taken by Nondeterministic algorithms? Give a
nondeterministic Graph-coloring algorithm.
(c) Prove that Hamiltonian cycle problem in NP-complete.
(3+3) + (2+4) + 8 = 20

8. (a) Write a greedy algorithm for generating Huffman code. Comment on the running
time of the algorithm.
(b) Prove the correctness of Huffman's algorithm.
(4+2)+14 = 20


(2nd Year, 1st Semester)


Time : Three hours Full Marks : 100

Answer any five questions.

1. a) What are the problems associated with DCTL gates?

How are they resolved? 4+2

b) Explain the operations of an RTL gate. How do you

estimate the fan out of a standard RTL gate? 6+4

c) What happens when outputs of two RTL gates are

shorted? What are its merits and demerits? 2+2

2. a) What are the Transfer characteristics of a logic family?


b) Explain the transfer characteristics of a standard TTL

gate. 16

3. a) Explain the operation of an nMOS Inverter. 8

b) Explain its transfer characteristics. 4

c) How can the universal logic gates be implemented with

the same? 4
( 2 ) ( 3 )

d) Realise X = (A + B).C + D . E using a single n MOS b) Design the encoder circuit. 4

gate. 4
c) How can a 6 bit ADC be designed by using above
4. a) What are the various building blooks of a PLL? Explain mentioned converters? 8
their operations. 9
8. Write notes on any four of the following : 4x5
b) How does a PLL operate? 5
a) I2 L;

c) How can a input frequency be multiplied by π ? 6

b) HTL and its transfer characteristics;

5. a) Explain the operation of a 3 Tr/cell RAM. 8

c) Tristate gates;

b) How is the information retained by the above? 8

d) NAND & NOR gates using c MOS;

c) What happens during Read operation of an 1 Tr/ cell

e) 555 IC Timers;
RAM? 4

f) EA PROM’s;
6. a) Explain the operation of a buffered weighted register
type DAC. 8 g) Bipolar Switches for DAC’S;

b) How can offsets be introduced in such converters? 4 h) Delta Modulation.

c) How can a 3 bit signed binary number in 1’S

complement representation be converted to analog
voltages? 8

7. a) Explain the operation of a 3bit direct comparison type

ADC. 8
Ex/CP 22B/46/2005


( 2nd Semester )


Time : Three hours Full Marks : 100

Answer any five questions.

1. (a) With the help of a circuit diagram explain

the operation of an Integrated version of DTL gate. 12

(b) Extimate the reverse recovery current. 4

(c) What happens if the output of more than one

gates are storted ? 4

2. (a) Explain the operation of a TTL gate. 8

(b) What modification is required for wired-OR

connection. 4
(c) A wired-OR circuit has fan-in and fan-out of
4 and 3 respectively. Estimate the values of the pull-up
resistor. 8

3. (a) Explain the operation of an nMOS inverter. 8

(b) What are its demerits ? 2

(c) Estimate voltage rise time of an MOS inverter

in terms of the circuit parameters. 8

[ Turn over

(d) How can the function f = be

implemented by a single MOS gate ? 2

4. Explain the operation of a 555 IC timer and

Show how it can be used as an Astable multivibrator.
Design a clock generator working at 1 KHz with 50%
duty cycle using C=0.01 µf. Deduce the expressions
used. 6+6+4+4

5. (a) Explain the operation of a static MOS memory

cell. 10
(b) Show how can a 16 k×16bit memory system
be implemented by using 4k × 4bit memory chips ? 4
(c) How can the above memory system be made
non-volatile ? 6

6. (a) How can a digital data be converted to an

Analog voltage using weighted resistors ? 10
(b) How can you introduce offset in such
convenors ? 4
(c) Show how a 3 bit signed binary number in
1’s complement representation be converted to an analog
voltage ? 6

7. (a)Explain the operation of a 3 bit parallel

ADC. 8
(b) Design the encoder circuit. 4

(c) How can a 6 bit ADC be designed by using

3 bit parallel converters ? 6

(d) What are its advantages and disadvantages ? 2


8. Write short notes on any four of the following :

(a) Comparison of logic families ;

(b) I2L;
(c) CMOS gates and its advantages;
(d) PLL;
(e) EPROM’s and EAPROM’s ;
(f) Bipolar switches for DAC’s ;
(g) Sample and Hold Circuits ;
(h) Analog Multiplexers. 4×5
INTER ENGG. (Computer & Engg.) EXAMINATION, 2006
2nd Semester

Time : Three hours Full Marks : 100
Answer any five questions.

1. a) Explain the operation of a positive logic AND gate using

diodes. 4
b) How can this be modified to implement a universal
gate ? 2+8
From the transfer characteristics estimate the Noise
Margins of the same at 25°C. 6
2. Explain the transfer characteristics for a TTL gate. 20
3. a) With the help of circuit diagram explain the operation of
a CMOS inverter. 8
b) What is the power dissipation of a CMOS gate in
steady state ?
Does it consume any power ? If yes, when and flow ?
c) Explain the operations of CMOS NAND and NOR gates.

[ Turn Over ]
4. a) Design a clock generator working at 20 KHz having a
duty cycle of 30% with a 555 IC timer chip, (use
C = 0.01 µf). Deduce the expressions used. 4+6
b) With the help of a block diagram explain the operation
of a single chip PLL. 6+4
How can an input frequency be multiplied by 2π ?
5. a) Explain the operation of a 3 tr/cell RAM.
How is the information retained by the same.
b) What happens during Read-out operation of a 1 tr/cell
RAM ? 6+8+6
6. a) Explain the operation of a Buffered weighted resistor
type DAC.
b) How can a two digit BCD number be converted by
using 4 bit DAC’s ? 12+8
7. Explain the operation of a 3 bit successive Approximation
type ADC.
What are its relative merits and demerits ? 16+4
8. Write notes on any four of the following : 4x5
a) l2L e) EPROM
b) RTL f) Non volatile RAM
c) ECL g) Switches for DAC’s
d) MOS inverter h) S/H gate
( 2 )
5. (a) With the help of a circuit diagram explain the operation of Ex/CP 220/110/2007 (Old)
(b) How can the stored information be maintained in such a ( 2nd Semester )
Memory ? 8 (Old Syllabus)
(c) How does it differ from a 1 Tr/cell Memory ? 4 DIGITAL CIRCUITS
Time : Three hours Full Marks : 100
6. (a) Explain the operation of weighted resistor DAC. 12 Answer any five questions.
(b) Design a two digit BCD D/A converter. 8
1. (a) With the help of a circuit diagram explain the operation of an
Integrated Version of DTL gate. 12
7. (a) Explain the operation of a Ramp type ADC. 12
(b) Estimate the reverse recovery current. 4
(b) Why is it also called staircase type ADC ? 2
(c) What happens if the outputs of more than one gates are
(c) What are its relative merits and demerits ? 6
shorted? 4

8. Write short notes any four of the following : 4×5 2. Draw the Transfer characteristics of a standard TTL gate. Justify
(a) RTL ; the diagram. 4+16
(b) CMOS ;
(c) PLL ; 3. (a) Explain the operation of an MOS inverter. 8
(d) ROM/PROM/EPROM’S ; (b) What are the demerits of the same ? 2
(e) ECL ; Justify your answer with necessary deduction. 8
(f) Bipolar switch for DAC ; (c) How can they be resolved ? 2
(g) Sample/Hold circuit ;
(h) Delta Modulation. 4. (a) Draw the block diagram of the 555 IC Timer and explain its
operation. 8
–––––– (b) How can you connect the same to generate a Time delay ? 2
Deduce the expression for the same. 6
(c) Design a circuit to produce a time delay of 80 ms.
[use C=.01 µf] 4
[ Turn over


( 1st Semester )


Time : Three hours Full Marks : 100

Answer any four questions

1. a) With the help of a circuit diagram explain the operation of

an Integrated version of DTL gate. 12

b) Why does it perform better than the discrete version ?4

c) What are its disadvantages ? 4

2. a) How can the disadvantages of the DTL gates be resolved

in TTL gates ? 8

b) Draw and explain the transfer characteristics of a standard

TTL gate. 12

3. a) Explain the operation of an nMOS Inventer. 8

b) Explain its transfer characteristics. 4

c) How can NAND and NOR operations be performed by n

MOS devices ? 4

d) Realise X = A ⋅ B + (C + D) ⋅ E using a single nMOS gate ?


4. a) With the help of a block diagram explain the operation of

a PLL. 12

[ Turn over
[2] [3]

b) How can an Input frequency be multiplied by 2? 8 e) EPROM’s ;

5. a) With the help of a circuit diagram explain the operation of f) Bipolar suitables for DAC’s ;
a 3 Tr/Cell Memory. 10 g) Sample/Hold circuits ;
b) How can the stored information be maintained is such a h) Delta-modulation.
memory ? 6

c) How does it differ from a 1 Tr/cell memory ? 4

6. a) How can a digital data be converted to an Analog voltage

using buffered weighted resistors ? 10

b) How can offsets be introduced in such converters ? 4

c) How can a 3bit signed number in 1’s complement

representation be converted to Analog Voltages ? 6

7. a) Explain the operation of a 3 bit successive Approximation

type ADC. 12

b) What are its relative merits and demerits ? 4

c) Explain the functions of various interfacing signals

generally used in such converters. 4

8. Write notes on any four of the following :

a) RTL’s ;

b) Tristate gates ;

c) ECL gates ;

d) CMOS gates ;


(2nd Year, 1st Semester)


Time : Three hours Full Marks : 100

Answer any five Questions

1. a) What is an amplifier? How amplifier circuits can be

classified? 1+3
b) With a neat circuit explain the operation of a class A
power amplifier. Prove that the efficiency of class A
power amplifier is 25%. 4+8
c) With a neat circuit explain the operation of a
complementary symmetry push-pull class B power
amplifier. 4
2. Draw the circuit of a two stage R.C. coupled amplifier
and explain its operation. With proper assumptions
using h-parameter analyze the gain frequency response
of an R.C coupled amplifier in the mid, low and high
frequency ranges. 6+14
3. a) How oscillators can be classified? Also explain how an
oscillator circuit produces oscillation without any
external input? 2+4
b) With a neat circuit explain the operation of a Wien
Bridge oscillator. Derive an expression for its frequency
(2) (3)

and also find out the condition for sustaining the c) With a neat circuit explain the operation of a schmitt
oscillation. 5+3+2 trigger. 5
c) Write down the advantage and disadvantages of a 7. a) Mention the role of a regulation in a power supply.
crystal oscillator. 4 Define the terms load regulation and line regulation.
4. a) Draw the basic building block of an op-amp and explain Draw the circuit of a shunt voltage regulator and explain
the function of each block. 2+4 its operation. Mention its advantage over a shunt
b) Define the following terms related to an op-amp. regulator. (2+2) + (8+2)
i) Slew Rate (ii) Common Mode Rejection Ratio, b) Draw the circuit of a regulated power supply that can
(iii) Offset voltage and (iv) Virtual ground. 8 give an output of ± 15V 6
c) How an op-amp can be used as an integrator? 6 8. Wirte short notes on any two of the following :
5. a) Design a first order Butter worth band pass filter having 10x2 = 20
lower and higher cut off frequencies of 1 KHz and 10 a) Bistable Multivibrator.
KHz respectively with a pass band gain of 4. Also b) Switching Mode Power Supply (SMPS)
determine whether it is a wide band pass or narrow c) Transformer coupled amplifier.
band pass filter. 10+2 d) Crystal oscillator.
b) What do you mean by order of a filter? How a fourth
order high pass filter can be realized? 2+4
c) Write down some advantage of active filter over a ————×————
passive filter. 2
6. a) Draw the functional block diagram of a 555 timer and
explain how this circuit can be modified to design an
astable multivibrator. 4+6
b) In a astable multivibrator time resistors are 4K Ω and
6K Ω respectively and the timing capacitor is 0.1/ µ F.
Calculate the duty cycle and frequency of the generated
waveform. 5


(1st Semester, Supplementary)


Time : Three hours Full Marks : 100

Answer any five questions.

1. a) What is an amplifier ? How amplifiers can be classified ?

With a neat circuit explain the operation of a Class A
power amplifier. 2++2+6

b) With a neat circuit explain the operation of a two stage

R-C coupled amplifier. Also draw its gain frequency
response. 8+2

2. a) What is an oscillator ? How oscillators can be classified?

Write down the conditions for oscillation of an oscillator
circuit. 2+2+2

b) With a neat circuit explain the operation of colpitt

oscillator. What are its drawback and how these can
overcome in a Hartley oscillator ? 6+2+2

c) Explain the operation of a crystal oscillator. 4

3. a) Write down the characteristics of an ideal op-amp. Also

draw the equivalent circuit of an op-amp. 3+3

b) Find out an expression for feedback gain of an op-amp

when used in non-inverting mode. 6

( 2 ) ( 3 )

c) How an op-amp can use to add three voltages Va , Vb 7. a) Define the following terms recontrol to an op-amp.
and Vc. 8
(i) CMRR ; (ii) Show Rate ; (iii) Offset voltage (iv) Virtual
ground. 2×4=8
4. a) Design a 1st order low pass Butterworth Filter with a
b) How an op-amp can be used as an integrator. 6
cut-off frequency of 1 kHz and having a pass band gain
of 3. 8 c) How an op-amp can be used as a voltage follower. 6

b) What is an active filter ? Mention its advantages over its

8. Write short notes on any two of the following : 2×10=20
passive counterpart. Also write down the meaning of the
term ‘order of a filter’. 2+4+2 a) Schmitt trigger

c) Mention uses of a filter. How filter circuit can be b) Fixed Voltage Regulator
classified ? 2+2 c) Astable Multivibrator

5. a) Draw the functional block diagrams of a 555 timer and d) Wien Bridge Oscillator
explain its operation. 6

b) How a monostable multivibrator circuit can design using

a 555 timer. How an astable multivibrator differs from a
monostable multivibrator. Also mention their applications.

6. a) Draw the basic building block of a power supply. Define

the terms (i) Load regulation and (ii) Line regulation of
a d.c. power supply. 4+4

b) Draw the circuit of a voltage regulator using op-amp and

explain its operation, mention the advantage of a series
regulator over a shunt regulator. 8+4
Ex/CP 21C/60/2008 (Old)


( 1st Semester, Old )

Time : Three hours Full Marks : 100

( 50 marks for each part )

Use separate Answer-Script for each part


Answer any five questions

1. a) How a transister can be used to design an amplifier circuit ?

Make a comparative study between class A, Class B, Class
AB and class C amplifier. 3+4

b) With a neat circuit explain the operation of a class B ush pull

amplifier and prove that it efficiency is 78. 5%. 6+7

2. Draw the circuit diagram of a two stage R-C coupled amplifier

and explain its operation. Explain why gain falls below and above
cut-off frequency. Make a comparative study between a R-C
coupled amplifier and a transformer coupled amplifier.
3. How an oscillator can be classified ? Write down the condition
for oscillation in an oscillator circuit. What are the drawbacks of
these LC and RC oscillators ? How it can overcome by using a
crystal oscillator. Draw the circuit of a crystal oscillator and
explain its operation. Also mention some of its advantage and
disadvantages. 2+2+2+2+8+4
[ Turn over

[2] [3]

4. a) Write down the characteristics of an ideal op-amp. 3 8. Write short notes on any two of the following : 2510=20

b) Define the following terms related to an-op amp. a) Schmitt trigger circuit.

(a) Stew Rate : (b) Offset voltage, (iii) virtual ground. and b) 1st order law pass Butterworth fieter.
(iv) Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMER) 452=8 c) Design of a variable power supply with IC-723.
c) Find out an expression for feedback gain of an op-amp. used d) R-C phase shift oscillator and its analysis.
act inverting mode. 6

d) Why an-op-amp. is not generally used in open loop mode.

5. a) Draw the functional block diagram of a 555 timer and
explain its operation. How 555 timer can be used to design
an astable multivibrator. 6+8

b) How an op-amp can be used as an integrator ? 6

6. a) Draw the basic building block of an unregulated dc. supply.

Why regulation is require ? How many types of regulators
are there ? Draw the circuit of a series regulator and
compare its operation with that of a shunt regulator.

b) Draw a schematic diagram of ± 15 volt dual power supply..


7. a) Draw the gain frequency response of an op-amp. and explain

how the gain frequ. response can be improved ? 2+4

b) Explain the operation of a common drain PET amplifier and

find out an expression for its gain. 4+4

c) With a neat circuit explain the operation of a bistable

multivibrator. 6
Ex/CSE/ET/ T/21F/16/2008


(1st Semester)


Time : Three hours Full Marks : 100

Answer any five questions.

1. a) How amplifiers can be classified ? With a neat circuit

explain the operation of a class B push-pull amplifier.
Prove that the efficiency of a class B amplifier is 78.5%.

b) Explain how negative feedback to an amplifier reduces

the gain and increases the bandwidth. 6

2. a) Make a comparative study between a transformer coupled

amplifier with an RC coupled amplifier. 6
b) Draw the gain frequency response of an R–C coupled
amplifier. Define the half power frequencies. Explain why
gain falls at both low and High frequency region of
operation of an R–C coupled amplifier. 2+2+10

3. a) With a neat circuit explain the operation of R-C phase

shift oscillator. Find out an expression for frequency of
oscillation and condition for sustaining the oscillation for
R-C phase shift oscillator. 6+6

( 2 ) ( 3 )

b) Mention the drawback of L.C. or R-C oscillators and how 7. a) Draw the circuit of a shunt voltage regulator and explain
it can overcome in a crystal oscillator. Explain the its operation. Mention its advantage over a series
operation of a crystal oscillator. 8 regulator. 8+2

b) How a variable voltage regulator circuit can realize by

4. a) Draw the basic building block of an op-amp and explain
using IC-723. 10
the function of each block. 6

b) Find out an expression for feedback gain of an op-amp 8. Write short notes on any two of the following : 2×10=20
when used in inverting mode. 6
a) Bistable multivibrator
c) How an op-amp. can be used as a voltage follower ?
b) Schmitt trigger
Mention its use. 6+2
c) Fixed voltage Regulator
5. a) Design a 1st order Butterworth bandpass filter with lower d) Switching Mode Power Supply (SMPS)
and upper cut-off frequencies are 1 KHz and 4 KHz and
having a passband gain of 4.
Also, show the necessary change in the component
values to convert the upper cut-off frequency from 4 KHz —————×—————
to 6 KHz. 8+4

b) What is an active filter ? Mention its advantages over its

passive counterpart. What do you mean by the
termsorder of a filter ? 2+4+2

6. a) Draw the function block diagram of a 555 timer and

explain its operation. 6
b) Design an astable multivibrator circuit of frequency 10
KHz and duty cycle 60%. Using 555 timer. 10
c) Make a comparative study between monostable,
bi-stable and astable multivibrator circuits and write down
atleast one application for each of them. 4


( 1st Semester )

Time : Three hours Full Marks : 100

Answer any five questions

1. a) Draw the basic building block of an operational amplifier

and explain the function of each block. 8

b) Draw the equivalent circuit of an op-amp and write down

the characteristics of an ideal op-amp. 3+3

c) Find out an expression for feedback gain of an op-amp.

When connected in inverting mode. 6

2. a) How an op-amp can be used as a voltage follower.

Mention the use of a voltage follower circuit. 4+2

b) How are op-amp can be used as an integrater. 8

c) Design a circuit using op-amp which can add the three

numbers 29, 15 and 16. 6

3. a) What is an active filter ? Mention some of its advantages.

Design a first order band pass filter with the cut-off
frequencies are 200 Hz and 2 KHz, with a pass band gain
of 4. Calculate (2+2)+(6+2+4)
i) the value of Q for the filter
ii) Draw the frequency response plot of this filter.

b) How you can realize a 3rd order Low pass Bertterworth

filter. 4
[Turn over

4. a) Write down the conditions for oscillations in an oscillater

circuit. How oscillaters can be classified ? With a neat
circuit explain the operation of wien bridge oscillator.
Mention its advantage and disadvantages. 3+3+6+2

b) What is crystal oscillator ? Mention its advantage and

disadvantages. 4+2

5. a) Draw the functional block diagram of a 555 timer and

design a monostable multivibrator with the help of it.
b) In a monostable multivibrator, a resistor of value 10KΏ
and a capacitor of 0.1.Fµ are connected externally.
Calculate the duration of the output pulse. 4

c) In a schmitt trigger circuit 1 volt peak to peak sine wave

is applied at the imput and the supply voltage is ±15V.
Determine the threshold voltages Vut and Vlt, When
R1=100Ώ and R2=56Ώ are connected as a voltage divider
at the non-invert input. Also draw the output waveform.

6. a) Make a comparative stardy between class A, class B, class

AB and class C amplifiers. What is multistage amplifer?

b) With a neat sketch explain the operation of a two stage

R-C compled amplifier. Draw the gain frequency response
of the amplifier and define the two cut-off frequencies.

7. a) Make a comparative strdy between a series regulator and

a shunt regulator. What do you mean by toad registration
and line registration. 8+2

b) With a neat circuit explain the operation of a switching

mode power supply (SMPS). 10

8. Write short notes on any two of the following : 2×10

a) Gain frequency response of op-amp and improvement of

its bandwidts.

b) R-C phase shift oscillater and its analysis.

c) Common drain FET amplifier.

d) Astabe multivibrator.

e) Schmitt trigger.


(2nd Year–1st Semester)

Time : Three hours Full Marks : 100
(50 marks for each part)

Use a separate answer-scirpt for each part.


Answer any five questions.

1. Solve :

d2y 2
(i) +n y = sec nx
dx 2

(ii) (D2+D)y = x cos x. 5+5

2. Using the method of variation of parameter, solve

FG d y IJ − 2 x FG dy IJ +2y = x+x
(i) x2
H dx K H dx K

(ii) (x4D4+6x3D3+9x2D2+3xD+1) y = (1+logx)2. 5+5

3. Verify that the origin is a regular singular point of

2x2y"+xy'–(x+1)y = 0
and find two independent Frobenious series solutions of it. 10

[ Turn over
( 2 ) ( 5 )

4. Solve the Legendre differential equation 13. Use the method of contour integration to evaluate


d2y dy dθ
(1–x ) − 2x + n(n+1)y = 0, (a) ,
dx 2
dx 5 + 4 sin θ

where n is an arbitary constant. 10


5. (i) Show that x2
(b) dx. 5+5=10
( x 2 + 1) ( x 2 + 4)

| x| ≤ 1
(1–2xz+z ) 2 –½
= ∑
z n Pn ( x),
| z| < 1
Pn(x) is Legendre polynomials.

(ii) Expand f(x) = Ax2+Bx+C (0< x<2 π ) in Fourier series.


6. (i) Show that

x 3 x5 x 7
tan–1x = x– + − + L, − 1 ≤ x ≤ 1.
3 5 7

(ii) If f is bounded and integrable on [ −π , π] and if an , bn are

it Fourier coefficients, then prove that

∑ (a +b )
n =1
converges. 5+5
( 4 ) ( 3 )

(c) If u is a harmonic function in a region D, prove that PART-II

Answer any five questions.
∂u ∂u
f(z) = −i is analytic in D. 2+4+4=10
∂x ∂y 7. (a) Let f(z) = u(x, y)+iv(x, y) be a complex valued function
defined on the region D of the complex plane C. Let u = u(x,

10. (a) Evaluate z

z dz from z = 0 to z = 4+2i along the curve C
y) and v = v(x, y) be single valued real functions of x any
y, which together with their partial derivatives of the first
order be continuous at every point
consisting of the line segment from z = 0 to z = 2i followed
(x, y) ( ≡ z = x+iy) D.
by the line segment from z = 2i to z = 4+2i.

If their partial derivatives satisfy CR-equations at (x, y), prove
(b) Show that dz = 0, C : | z | = 1. 6+4=10 that f is differentiable at z = x+iy.
z + 2z + 2

(b) Prove that f(z) = z is nowhere differentiable. 8+2=10

11. Evaluate :
8. (a) Find the complex form of CR-equations.

(a) z
z +4
dz, C : | z–i | = 2. (b) Prove that f (z) = z3 is differentiable at every point and
f'(z) = 3z2.

(c) Find the analytic function f(z) = u+iv, where
(b) dz, t > 0, C : | z | = 3. 5+5=10
( z 2
+ 1) 2 u–v = ex (cosy–sin y). 3+2+5=10

9. (a) Let f(z) = u+iv is a differentiable function defined on a region

12. Use residue theorem to evaluate
D of the complex plane C. Prove that u, v are harmonic

(a) z
z +1
z 2 + 2z + 4
dz , C : | z+1+i | = 2.

(b) Prove that the function

u = 2x–x3+3xy2

(b) z
3z 2 + z − 1
( z 2 − 1) ( z − 3)
dz, C : | z | = 2. 5+5=10 is harmonic. Find the harmonic conjugate of u.

[ Turn over
( 4 ) Ex/CSE/MATH/T/21A/15/2008(S)

7. Evaluate the following real integrals by the method of INTER ENGG. COMP. Sc. EXAMINATION, 2008
contour integration : (1st Semester, Supplementary)

(i) I , α > 0 , β > 0 , α ≠β
(x2 + α2 )(x2 + β2 )
Time : Three hours Full Marks : 100

2π Answer any five questions.

(ii) I , 0 < a < 1. 10×2
0 1 – 2acos θ + a2
1. a) Find the Fourier series expansion for the function f(x) :

f(x) = x2, – π ≤ x ≤ π

Hence show that

1 1 1 π2
(i) 1 – + – + .... =
22 32 42 12

1 1 1 π2
(ii) 1 + + + + .... =
22 32 42 6

b) Find the Fourier series for the function

f(x) = ex, – π ≤ x ≤ π

f(x + 2π) = f(x) , x ∈ R. 12+8

2. Solve the following differential equations : 5×4

(i) + a2y = sec ax

d2y dy
(ii) (x + 10)2 – 4(x + 10) + 6y = x
2 dx

( 2 ) ( 3 )

b) Show that
(iii) + y = 3x + 5tan x 0 , if m ≠ n
dx2 1
I Pm(x) Pn(x)dx = 2
–1 , if m = n
2n + 1
d3y d2y dy
4 3 2
(iv) x + 2x – x + xy = 1
dx2 dx2 dx
5. a) Derive Cauchy-Riemann equations in polar form.
3. a) Using the method of variation of parameters solve the
following differential equation b) If f(z) is analytic within and on a closed contour C and
if a is any point within C then prove that
+ y = tan x
dx2 1
f(a) =
I f(z)dz .
z – a
b) Show that the power series solution of the differential
equation c) Find all harmonic function of the type

– a2y = 0 , a2 > 0 u = θ ( x2 + y 2 ) that are not constants. 5+10+5

Can be put in the form

6. Evaluate the following integrals using residue theorem.
ax – ax
y = Ae + Be ,
(i) I dz where C is | z | = 1
where A and B are constants. 8+12 z – 6z2 + 1

4. a) Find a power series solution of the differential equation 4z2 – 4z + 1

(ii) I dz where C is | z | = 4 10×2
d2y dy C (z – 2)(z2 + 4)
(x2 – 1) + 3x + xy = 0,
dx2 dx

where y(0) = 4 and y /(0) = 6.

1st Semester (Supplementary)
Time : Three hours Full marks : 100

Answer any three questions.
Two marks reserved for neatness.

1. (a) Find the Fourier series for the function emx.

(b) Find the Fourier series for the following function :

%&− π for − π ≤ x < 0

f ( x) =
' x for 0 < x ≤ π
Hence deduce that

1 1 π2
1+ + + ⋅⋅⋅ =
32 52 8


2. (a) Prove that

∑1 6

π2 n cos nx
x2 = +4 −1 , −π< x<π
3 n=1 n2
[ Turn over
( 2 ) ( 5 )

(b) Prove that the differential equation

(y cos x + sin y + y) dx+(sin x + x cos y + x) dy = 0
(b) Evaluate I1
z sec z
1- z
dz, C : z = 3

is an exact differential equation. Hence solve it.

(c) State Dirichlet’s conditions.
(a) Find the general and singular solution of
8+4+4 (c) Evaluate
sin πz 2 + cosπz 2
(z − 1)2 z − 2
dz where C : z = 3.
1 6
10. Evaluate any two of the following integrals by the method of
y = px + a p + b .
2 2 2 contour integration :

(b) If y=u(x) and y = v(x) be two linearly independent ∞
x 2dx
solution of the equation (i)
−∞ x2 + 1 x2 + 4 83 8
d2y dy
+ a1 ( x ) + a2 ( x ) y = 0 ,
a0 ( x ) 2 2π
dx dx cos2θdθ
1 − 2r cosθ + r 2
Find the general solution of

1 6 ddxy + a 1 x6 dxdy + a 1 x6y = F1 x6 . I

2 2π
a0 x 1 2 (iii) , a>0
a2 + sin2 θ


4. (a) If y = ex be a solution of the equation sinx
(iv) 2
dx .
x + 4x + 5
x 2 − 2x − 1
+ x − 1 y = 0, 1 6 _______

find the general solution of this differential equation.

(b) Use the method of variation of parameters to solve the
following equation :

+ a2 y = sec ax .
( 4 ) ( 3 )

(c) If f(z) is an analytic function of z, prove that 5. (a) Prove that the series solution of the equation

∂ ∂2 
 ∂x  d2y
+ log f (z ) = 0 . − a2 y = 0
∂y 2 dx 2

7. (a) If f(z) is analytic within and on a closed curve and if a is any can be put in the form
point within C, then prove that
y= c1eax +c2e–ax,

f (a) =
If (z )dz
2π i C z − a
. where c1 and c2 are two arbitrary constants.
(b) If Pn denotes the Legendre polynomial of degree n,
(b) Evaluate the integrals prove that
I1 sin 2 z
z − π6 6 3
dz where C: z = 1
Pn ( x )Pm ( x ) =
%K 0 if m ≠ n
&K 2 if m = n .
' 2n + 1

z +π
8 2
dz where C: z = 4. 8+8

8. (a) If f(z) is continuous in a region D and f ( z )dz = 0 around Answer any three questions. 16×3

every simple closed curve C in D, then prove that f(z) is All questions carry equal marks.
analytic in D. Two marks reserved for neatness.

3z − 183z + 48
2 2
6. (a) Show that the polar form of Cauchy-Riemann equations are
(b) Find the Laurent’s expression of for

(i) |z|< 1; (ii) 1< |z|<2; (iii) |z|>2. ∂u 1 ∂ν ∂ν 1 ∂u

= , =− .
dr r ∂θ dr r ∂θ
9. (a) If f(z) has a pole of order n at z = a then prove that
(b) Find the analytic function whose real part is
1 %d (
1 z − a6 f 1z6 )
Re s f (a) = &
(n −1)! 'dz * n−1
. sin2 x
cosh 2 y − cos 2 x .
[ Turn over


(1st Semester)


Time : Three Hours Full Marks : 100

(50 marks for each part)

Use a separate Answer-Script for each part.


Answer any three questions.

All questions carry equal marks.
Two marks are reserved for neatness.

1. a) State Dirichlet’s conditions for Fourier expansion of a

function f(x) in [ a, b ].

b) Find the Fourier series expansion for the function f(x) if

f(x) = – π , – π < x < 0

= x , 0 < x < π

Hence show that

1 1 1 π2
+ + + .... ∞ =
12 32 52 8

c) Find a Fourier series for the function

f(t) = (1 – t2) when –1 ≤ t ≤ 1.

( 2 ) ( 5 )

2. Solve the following (any two) :

∞ x2 dx
d4y 4 4 (ii) I , α> β > 0
(i) – ay = x
dx4 –∞ (z2– α2)(x2 + β2)

(ii) + 4y = Sin 3x + ex + x2
∞ x Sinx
(iii) I dx, β > 0.
d y 2
2 0 x2 + β2
(iii) + a y = Sec ax

3. Solve the following (any two) :

2 d2y dy
(i) (x + a) – 4(x + a) + 6y = x.
dx2 dx

d2y dy
(ii) + 3 + 2y = e2x Sin x
dx 2 dx

d3y d2y dy
(iii) x4 3
+ 2x3 – x2 + xy = 1
dx dx 2 dx

4. a) Using the method of variation of parameters solve the

following differential equation

+ y = Sin x

b) Find a power series solution of the differential equation

d2y dy
(x2 – 1) + 3x + xy = 0
dx 2 dx

Where y(0) = 4, y /(0) = 6.

( 4 ) ( 3 )

2z3 + 1 5. a) Show that

b) Integrate 2
in the counter clockwise sense around
z +z
the circle | z | = 2. , m ≠n

8. a) If f(z) is single valued and continuous in a region R and

Pm(x) Pn(x)dx =
{ 2n+1
, m = n

b) Establish the recurrence relation

I f(z)dz = 0 for every simple closed curve C in R, then
prove that f(z) is analytic in R. (2n + 1) Pn(x) = Pn /+1(x) – Pn /– 1(x).

b) Find the first four terms of Taylor series expansion of the

z +1 PART–II
complex function f(z) = about z = 2. Find also
(z – 3)(z– 4)
the region of convergence of the series. Answer any three questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
Two marks are reserved for neatness.
9. Evaluate the following integrals using residue theorem :

6. a) Find the most general analytic function f(z) = u(x, y) +

z dz
(i) I where C is | z | = 3 iv(x, y) for which v = xy.
c (z – 1)(z– 2)2
b) Prove that
4z – 4z + 1 y
(ii) I dz where C is | z | = 4. u = x2 – y2 and v = are harmonic functions of
c (z – 2)(4 + z ) x + y2

(x, y) but are not harmonic conjugates.

10. Evaluate any two of the following real integrals by the c) Derive Cauchy – Riemann equations in polar form.
method of contour integration :
7. a) If f(z) is analytic within and on a closed contour C and
π if a is any point within C then prove that
(i) I2 dθ
0 < p < 1
0 1–2p Sin θ+ p2 f(z)dx
I = 2πi f(a).
z –a



1st Semester


Time : Three hours Full Marks : 100

(50 marks for each part)

Use a separate Answer-Script for each part.


Answer any three questions.

All questions carry equal marks.
(Two marks for general performance)

1. a) Find the directional derivative of

φ (x, y, z) = x2 – 2y2 + 4z2 at (1, 1, – 1)

in the direction of 2i + 2j + k.

b) Find the unit normal to the surface

xy3z2 = 4 at (–1, – 1, 2)

2. a) Prove that div curl f = 0

b) Prove that ∇ × (φf) = ∇φ) × f + φ (∇ × f)

3. a) Prove that div (rn r) = (n+3)rn. Hence deduce that rn r is

solenoidal iff n = – 3.

[ Turn Over ]
( 2 )

b) Prove that ∇2 (rn r) = n(n+3)rn–2r.

4. a) Find the work done by the force

f = (2y+3)i + xzj + (yz–x)k,

when it moves a particle from the point (0, 0, 0) to

(2, 1, 1) along the curve x = 2t2. y = t, z = t3.

b) Show that f = (2xy + z3) i + x2j + 3xz2k is a conservative

field of force and find the scalar potential φ such that
f = ∇φ.

5. a) Evaluate ∫ ∫ Curl f . n ds where f = y2i + yj – xzk, and S

is the upper half of the sphere x2 + y2 + z2 = a2 and
z ≥ 0.

b) Verify Gauss divergence theorem for the vector function

f = (x3–yz)i – 2x2yj + 2k ever the cube bounded by
x = 0 , y = 0, z = 0, x = a. y = a. z = a.


Answer any three questions.

All questions carry equal marks.
(Two marks for general performance)

6. a) Show that the function f(z) defined by

(z) 2
f(z) = , z≠0
= 0 , z=0
( 3 )

is not analytic at (0, 0) although C–R equations are

satisfied there.

∂2 ∂2 ∂2
b) Show that + =4 where z = x + iy
∂ x2 ∂ y2 ∂ z2 ∂ z

c) Find the harmonic conjugate of the function 4xy+ x + 1

and construct the corresponding analytic function
satisfying f(1) = 2 + i. 5+5+6

7. a) Find the value of the integral

2 3
∫ (3x – y + ix )dz

along the real axis from z = 0 to z = 1 and then, along

a line parallel to the imaginary axis from z = 1 to
z = 1 + 2i.

b) Let f(z) be analytic in a region R and C is a simple

closed contour in R taken in the positive sense. Then
prove that

c) Show that

, n = 0, 1, 2 …


8. a) If f(z) is analytic at z0 and has a zero of order m at z0

then show that f(z) can be expressed as

f(z) = (z – zO)m g(z)

where g(zO) ≠ 0 and g(z) is analytic at zO.

[Turn Over]
( 4 )

b) Derive the Laurunt series of the function

in the region (i) 0 < | z | < | and (ii) < | z | < ∝.

z 2 + 16
c) The function f(z) = has singularities at z = i
(z − i) 2 (z + 3)
and z = – 3. Find the residue at there singularities.


9. a) If f(z) is analytic within a closed curve C excepting at a

finite number of poles in it then prove that

∫ f (z)dz = 2πi × (sum of the residues of f(z) at the poles

within C).

b) Evaluate the complex integral

c) Find the value of the complex integral ∫ z4e1/ zdz where

|z| = 1.

10. Evaluate any two of the following integrals by the method

of contour integration.

( 4 ) Ex/CSE/T/215/18/2010

6. a) Consider a class SCORE with roll and marks as data BACHELOR OF COMPUTER SC. ENGG. EXAMINATION, 2010
members. Design a RESULT class which writes roll and (2nd Year, 1st Semester)
marks of all students in RESULT. DAT file. It will provide
support to find (i) the marks for a roll given by user, (ii) OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING WITH CTT & JAVA
the maximum marks and corresponding roll and (iii) to
update the marks for a roll given by user. Write down Time : Three hours Full Marks : 100
C++ code to achieve (i) Operations. (ii) and (iii) in
SCORE are also to be shown. 12
Attempt any five questions.
b) In C++, when will you use friend function? 2
1. a) What is VML? 4
c) What is the utility of function template in C++? 3

d) What happens when an object is created using class b) What are interface, package, component and node? 8
template? 3 c) Draw the use call diagram for the banking system
7. a) In Java, explain the two ways of creating thread? 6 described below.
Customer withdraws/ deposit’s money by submitting
b) Design the necessary classes in Java, so that , multiple
threads will execute the function process () on same necessary information related to the account number
data. It is to be ensured that only one thread at a time and his details. System verifies the customer and
can run process (). Skeleton code is to be given. 6 account. For withdradal, balance of account is also
cheched. Finally the transaction is noted is a registor
c) What is the utility of package and interface in Java? 6
and balance at the account is updated. A customer also
d) What is the difference between protected and default can enquire about the balance of his account. Manager
access specifier in Java? 2 may ask for customer details, account details and may
8. Write short notes on the following : open or close an account. 8
a) Applet in Java. 8
2. a) What is the significance of component diagram,
b) Exception Handling. 6
deployment diagram and activity diagram? 9
c) Basic type to object conversion and vice versa in C++. b) What is the difference between a class and a
6 component? 3
( 2 ) ( 3 )

c) Draw the class diagram for the following system. subject has subject-id (unique), name. A student takes
Examination control department maintains the admission into a course. student has regd-no (unique),
information regarding the subjects, students, paper name and address. Following requirements are to be
setters, examiners and reviewers. For a subject, Paper met :
setter and examiner may be same but reviewer and
i) One must be able to find course details
examiner are different.One may be paper setter/
examiner /reviewer for various subjects. Questionpaper ii) Subjects covered by a course
and marks of the students for the subjects are to be iii) Which students belongs to which course
stored.Person-Interface an interface for managing A brief description on how the requirements are
personal information of persons (students, examiner etc) supported by the design is to be provided. 10
has also to be considred and relevant classes should
b) Consider X is an array of Strings in Java. How can you
implement it. 8
find out the number of strings in the array and site of
3. a) Consider the statement : X P ; Where , X is a class. the ith string. 4
What does it signify in i) c++ and ii) Java? 3
c) In Java, what is the difference between In and Integer?
b) What is the utility of static data member? How they are 3
initialized in C++ and Java? 5
d) Compare macro and inline function in C++. 3
c) How does the role of a destructor in C++ is
5. a) Consider a class X with public member function void
accomplished in Java? 4
F(int). Y has been derived from X containery the
d) What will you do to achieve runtime polymorphism in additional function void f (void). Consider the Statement
C++ and Java? 6 a.f (10). What will happen for the following cases: (i) In
e) In Java, what is the significance of declarig a method c++, a is an object of Y and (ii) In Java, a is reference
and a class as final? 2 to an Y object. 6
4. a) Design the classes for the following system. b) Why do we need an abstract class? How will you specify
a class as an abstract class in c++ and Java? 6
In an institute, various courses are offered. Each course
has course-id (unique), name. duration and fees. c) In C++, why do we need a virtual destructor? 4
Number of subjects are taught in a course. Each d) In C++, why do we need a virtual base class? 4
[7] Ex/CP 31B/95/2008 (Old)


6. Write short notes on any four of the following :- 554
( 1st Semester, Old )
a) Multi-threading in Java.
b) Operators << and >> in C
Time : Three hours Full Marks : 100
c) Streams in OOP
Answer each subpart of Q.1. and any three from the rest.
d) Polymorphism in OOP
1. Each of the subparts (i), (ii), (iii), and (iv) carry equal marks :-
e) Java Virtual Machine
i) Fill in the blanks :- 1510

a) Objects are known as of a class.

b) In Java, the size of the char data type is .

c) In Java, un-referenced objects are reclaimed by the


d) is an implicit referece to the current object.

e) Generally methods do not perform object-related


f) is the term for the feature allowing extension of

a class. In Java, error handling is associated with the
following actions :-

g) You something ;

h) If that something an exception ;

i) You the exception ;

j) And you clean up.

[ Turn over

[2] [3]

ii) Choose the correct option :- 1510 d) The following examples show that the class C is derived

a) Which of the following apply to a static member from classes A and B. Which of them is legal ?

variable? A. class C : public A : public B

A. It is initialized to zero when the first object of its class B. class C : public A, B
is created.
C. class C : private A, public B
B. A separate copy of the variable is created for each
D. class C :: public A, public B
e) The major goal of inheritance in C++ is
C. It retains the value till one object is deleted.
A. To facilitate the conversion of data types
D. It is visible to all the classes in the program.
B. To help modular programming
b) Supposing m to be a declared integer variable, which of
the following are legal declaration of a reference ? C. To facilitate the reusability of code

A. int &a = 10 ; D. To hide the details of base classes

B. int &a = m ; e) The major goal of inheritance in C++ is

C. int &a = m++; A. To facilitate the conversion of data types

D. int &a =sqr(m); B. To help modular programming
E. Int *a = &16 ; C. To facilitate the reusability of code
c) In public derivation accessibility of members of base class D. To hide the details of base classes
undergo the following modifications in the derived class :
f) Which of the following is overloading the function
A. private becomes private
int sum (int x, int y) { }
B. protected becomes private
A. int sum (int p, int q) { }
C. public becomes protected
B. float sum (int x, int y) { }
D. private is not inherited
[ Turn over
[4] [5]

C. int sum (float x, float y) { } iii) State True or False :- 1510

D. char sum (int a, int b) { } a) Struct keyword in C++ refers to a class.

g) The function show ( ) is a member of the class A and adj is b) The qualifier inline is used to refer to member
a object of A and ptr is a pointer to A . functions.

Which of the following is a valid access statements ? c) Nested classes are allowed in Java.

A. ptr->show(); B. abj->show(); d) Member functions of a class can call each other directly.

C.; D. (*ptr).show(); e) The final modifier is used with an error in Java.

h) The friend functions is used in situations where f) Data members in a class must be declared private.

A. We want to exchange data between classes g) The precedence of an operator can be changed by

B. We want to have access to abstract classes overloading it.

C. Dynamic binding is required h) A function declared static cant access non-static class
D. We want to create versatile overloaded operators
i) An abstract class is never used as a base class.
i) Which of the following is legal when x is a data member of
a class ? j) Template classes can work with different data types.

A. this->x B. this.x iv) Correct the syntax :- 452. 5

C. *this.x D. *(this.x) a) void divide (int m, int n)

j) Which of the following can have access to the protected {

members of a class ?
cout << m/n;
A. A member function of any class in the program
B. A member function of a class that is a friend of the class

C. A function in the program that is declared as static

[ Turn over
[6] [7]

b) int main( ) ii) at least two overloaded constructors

{ iii) a function to set the numerator and denominator via

cout << test ( );
iv) a function to get the numerator and denominator via
return 0;
b) Write a recursive function in C to display the binary
float test( )
equivalent of a decimal integer. 10
3. a) Write the outline of a simple program to generate 3 derived
// function code classes Manager, Programmer and DE_Operator from a

} base class Employee and display proper messages for

creation of objects of each class – suppose at the time of
c) int main(char *argv[ ])
recruitment. 10
b) Implement a complex class and overload the operator + for
count << “Program name is “ << argv[0]; it using a friend function. 10

} 4. a) What are Template Classes and Function ? Write program

d) class B { }; parts to illustrate your answer. 852

b) Discuss the concept of Containership. 4

class D1 : public B { };
5. Explain with examples :
class D2 : public B { };
a) In C how are command line arguments handled ? 5
class DD : public D1, public D2 { } ;
b) In OOP, how are errors handled ? 6
2. a) Write program code to generate a Fraction class with the
c) Purpose served by the keywords public, protected and
following provisions : 10
private. 9
i) two data items giving numerator and denominator
[ Turn over
B. C. S. E. Part I Examination, 2006
(1st Semester)

Time: Three hours Full Marks: 100

Group A is compulsory. Answer any three from Group B.

All sub-parts of a question must be answered together at the same place in your answer-

Group A
Answer all questions.

1. (a) Fill in the blanks in each of the following:

2X10 = 20
i) The key protocol that forms the basis of the World Wide Web is____________.
ii) Many of Java’s networking classes are contained in package________________.
iii) A(n)____________is a group of related records.
iv) The smallest data item a computer can process is called a(n)_____________.
v) List three layout managers commonly used in Java __________, _____________, and

vi) Write a single statement that compares the string in s1 to the string in s2 for equality
of contents.__________________________________.
vii) Casting a superclass object to a subclass object is called______________.
viii) ______________involves using a superclass variable to invoke methods on superclass
and subclass objects.
ix) In a(n)__________________relationship, an object of a subclass also can be treated as
an object of its superclass.
x) Subclass constructors can call superclass constructors via the___________keyword.

(b) Determine whether each of the following is true ox false. If false, explain why.
i) Inheritance encourages the reuse of proven high-quality software,
ii) When a subclass redefines a superclass method by using the same signature, the subclass
iii) is said to overload that superclass method,
iv) An array index should normally be of type float.
v) A “has-a” relationship is implemented via inheritance.
vi) If a superclass declares an abstract method, a subclass must implement that method
vii) to become a concrete class.
viii) Inner classes are not allowed to access the members of the enclosing class,
ix) Method getSize returns the size of the current font in centimetres.

2. Create a class IntegerSet. Each IntegerSet object can hold integers in the range 0-
100. The set is represented by an array of booleans. Array element a [ i ] is true if
integer i is in the set. Array element a[ j] is false if integery is not in the set. The no-
argument constructor initialises the Java array to the “empty set” i.e., a set whose array
representation contains all false values.

[ Turn over
( 2 )

Provide the following methods: Method union creates a third set that is the set-theoretic
union of two existing sets (i.e., an element of the third set’s array is set to true if that
element is true in either or both of the existing sets; otherwise, the element of the third set
is set to false). Method intersection creates a third set which is the set-theoretic
intersection of two existing sets. Method insertElement inserts a new integer k into a
set by setting a[k] to true. Method deleteElement deletes integer m by setting a[m] to
false. Method toSetString returns a string containing a set as a list of numbers
separated by spaces. Include only those elements that are present in the set. Use --- to
represent an empty set. Method isEqualTo determines whether two sets are equal.
Write a program to test class IntegerSet.

Group B
Answer any three.

3. Define a method hypotenuse that calculates the length of the hypotenuse of a right
triangle when the lengths of the other two sides are given. The method should take two
arguments of type double and return the hypotenuse as a double. Incorporate this
method into an applet that reads values for sidel and side2 from JTextField
objects and performs the calculation with the hypotenuse method. The user should
interact with the program by typing numbers in both JTextFields, but pressing Enter
only in the second JTextField.

4. Write a program that plays “guess the number” as follows: Your program chooses the number
to be guessed by selecting an integer at random in the range 1-1000. The program then
displays the following in a label:
I have a number between 1 and 1000. Can you guess my number? Please enter your first guess.
A JTextField should be used to input the guess. As each guess is input, the background
colour should change to either red or blue. Red indicates that the user is getting “warmer”
and blue indicates that the user is getting “colder”. A JLabel should display either “Too
High” or “Too Low” to help the user zero in on the correct answer. When the user gets
the correct answer, “Correct!” should be displayed and the JTextField used for
input should be changed to be uneditable. A JButton should be provided to allow the user
to play the game again. When the JButton is clicked, a new random number should be
generated and the input JTextField changed to be editable.

5. Write a program that bounces a blue ball inside an applet. The ball should begin moving with
a mousePressed event. When the ball hits the edge of the applet, the ball should bounce
off the edge and continue in the opposite direction.
Extend the program to add a new ball each time the user clicks the mouse. Provide for a
minimum of 20 balls and randomly choose the colour for each new ball.
( 3 )

6. Find the error in each of the following program segments. Explain how to correct the error.
a) int g ( ) {
System.out.println (“Inside method g”);
int h ( ) {
System.out.println (nInside method h”);

b) int sum (int x, int y) {

int result;
result = x + y;

c) int sum (int n) {

if (n == 0)
return 0;
n + sum (n - 1);

d) void f (float a) ; {
float a;
System.out.println ( a ) ;

e) void product () {
int a = 6, b = 5, c = 4, result;
result = a * b * c;
System.out.println (“Result is “ + result);
return result;

7. Describe the five steps required to establish and complete a Client-Server communication.
What supports are available in Java to develop a Client-Server system? How do they relieve
the programmer of the drudgery of complicated and lengthy program writing? What is meant
by a “stateless” server?

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