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This site is designed to describe the activities of the Task 23 - team and the background of

this research project. Task 23 is one of the international Research Projects of the IEA Solar
Heating and Cooling Programme. The main objective of the Task is to ensure the most
appropriate use of solar energy in each specific building project for the purpose of
optimizing the use of solar energy and also of promoting more use of solar energyin the
building sector. In addition, the objective of the Task is to ensure that the buildings promote
sustainable development.


To achieve a substantial reduction in total energy use in these buildings it is essential to use
combinations of several technologies, such as:

 energy conservation
 daylighting
 active and passive solar
 phototvoltaics

To achieve success it is neccessary for the design team to find the optimal combination of
technologies for each specific case.
To significantly reduce the total energy use in large buildings, it is necessary to use several
technologies, such as energy conservation, daylighting, passive solar, active solar and
photovoltaics, in combination. The deigners of these buildings therefore need to find the
optimum combinations of technologies for each specific case. This requires an integrated
design approach, where the different low energy and solar technologies to be used are
considered integral parts of the world.

Task 23 will enable the designers to realize such integrated design processes and to carry
out the necessary optimization excercises, thereby ensuring the most appropriate use of
solar energy in each building project. This will be done by including criteria such as general
resource use and local and global environmental impact in the analysis fcilitated.

The work in the Task focuses primarily on commercial and institutional buildings, as these
types of buildings all need more than one type of system. In particular, office buildings and
educational buildings are addressed. The primary results of the work will be guidelines,
methods and tools for use by building designers in the early stages of design. The Task also
includes demonstration buildings, as such buildings both provide an opportunity to test the
design tools developed and as they provide an effective way of demonstrating the
integration of solar technologies in real buildings.
The results of the task work, especially the IPP-Navigator and its manual, are available on
the iea-shc website. To take a shortcut to the download files, please use the following link:

Task23 Download Website of the IEA-SHC

The main objectives of Task 23 are to ensure the most appropriate use of solar energy in
each specific building project for the purpose of optimizing the use of solar energy and also
of promoting more use of solar energyin the building sector and to ensure that the
buildings promote sustainable development.
solar radiation in summer and winter:

Optimization of solar energy use

Large buildings represent the emphasis of

  the research work carried out in task 23.
The reason for this is that these types of
buildings all need more than one type of

Promote sustainable development

Integral planning: to reach an optimized

solution of energy use for each building
project it is important to consider the whole  
building with all its needs.
Further on the demonstration of
sustainability will increase the number of
buildings using solar energy.
In the first place this is done by enabling the building designers to carry out trade off
analysis between the need for and potential use of energy conservation, daylighting,
passive and active solar, photovoltaic technologies in systematic design processes.
To ensure that the buildings promote sustainable development considerations of other
resource use as well as local and global environmental impact has to be included in the
trade-off analysis to be carried out.
Concept of task work

The work in Task 23 is divided into 4 subtasks, A, B, C and D. Subtask A provides the
knowledge base to be used in the work of subtask B and C, while Subtask D ensures that
the results of the work are disseminated to the appropriate audiences.

The Faculty of the Arts Building, The University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland.
Environmental Sustainable Design is used to give a sense of identity with a
contempory building imagery

The Challenge

The University of the Sunshine Coast is a relatively new player in the University system in
Australia. Created on a rural campus it seeks to use its architecture for giving the campus a
contemporary image and identity. In this respect it has followed a path of using Ecologically
Sustainable Development (ESD) for master planning the campus and establishing building
design principles. Of particular interest is the concept for the master planning. This was
based on the Jeffesonian principles of university planning giving a strong figure ground
composition of axis, open space and building hierarchy. These formal composition and
ordering strategies are juxtaposed with the environmental strategies.

The context for this work takes advantage of the rural coastal location and sub tropical
climate. This has resulted in a number of innovative, climate-responsive design strategies to
be adopted in the buildings. The use of a courtyard concept is not a common approach for
this type of building, in addition the use of a bio climatic wall for shading and ventilation
whilst derived from the traditional verandah is utilised in a unique manner.

The Faculty of the Arts Building represents one of four buildings, which challenges the norm
of educational buildings in recent years by attempting to reduce energy use by adopting
passive design strategies whilst still providing comfort for the occupants. The advantage of
this approach in theory is that energy use is curtailed since the building does not rely
extensively on electrical and mechanical systems for climate control.

This approach differs from the active, HVAC approach to building design where mechanical
plant and equipment are used for climate control. Issues such as energy conservation and
energy efficiency are paramount in buildings designed for an active systems approach.

Thus with the passive building system, whilst comfort is not guaranteed as in an air
conditioned active system building, other benefits such as those of a health nature can be
found. In recent years the concerns for air quality and problems from sick building
syndrome are cited as growing problems in air conditioned buildings, whilst passive
naturally ventilated buildings are cited as far better.

More over the active and passive design approaches are as different as chalk and cheese in
architectural terms. The points of departure are very different and establish different
discourses about the design approach, procurement method, engineering principles, user
expectations, facility management and thermal performance. The aim of this case study is
to be largely descriptive, setting out the design intent for the building, then analysing the
strategies used and the climate response as measured by on-site thermal performance
measurement and post occupancy methods.

The clients design team and occupants have taken a brave step in bucking the trend
towards the air conditioning of educational buildings and have gained a building prototype
that forms a model for further buildings of this function type.
The architect's energy concept as described in the sectin is evident; 
the primacy of developing ventilation routes through what is a dense building configuration

Project Details

1. Building type ie hospital Education building

2. Building area (m2) Office area: 1300 m2 approx. Classroom area: 1500 m2 approx.
Total: 4000 m2 

3. Number of occupants 90 approx.

4. Nature of occupancy (hours per week, days per week) Continual occupancy, academic
work periods reduce occupancy in the summer and winter months

5. Activities carried out within building Classrooms and academic offices

6. Number of storeys Two

7. Building address Sippy Downs, Sunshine Coast.

8. Owner occupied or tenanted Owner occupied.

9. New or refurbished building New building.

10. Building cost (AUS$) Total cost: $6,000K 

11. Estimated ongoing operating costs and expected savings compared with reference point
The passive design reduces heating and cooling costs. Materials selection to reduce
maintenance costs

12. Completion date 1999

North east elevation showing the shaded courtyard roof and the dense envelope strategies
to defend agains summer sun yet still provide ventilation

Design Intent and Design-Phase Evaluation

Client Brief

Faculty of the Arts building is part of the Stage 4 development of the University of the
Sunshine Coast. A standard lump-sum contract was used with the architects, Bligh Voller
Nield appointed as lead consultant after interview and invitation to submit a fee proposal
(Walker Morris: 2000)

The brief for the Faculty of the Arts building evolved from a number of factors, the master
plan for the Campus, the site, and the microclimate, culture and like style. Also it responded
to the characteristics and design approach of the precedent buildings on the campus. The
main requirements were for a multi disciplinary program, which included the Students
Administration and Student Services Departments with in the Faculty of Arts. The spatial
configuration called for an even split between purpose dedicated computer based arts
design laboratories and general teaching laboratories. The University environmental policy
called for a number of issues to be addressed where possible. These issues included life
cycle costing, utilizing low maintenance materials and passive design principles for lighting
and cooling .

Modelling Work

The design team used design-phase assessment to examine the design intentions of the
building. The initial design concepts were modelled using computer fluid dynamics
modelling. This type of modelling is useful for indicating the airflow through the building.
The work was focussed on key parameters such as the orientation, site footprint and
program. The parameters were tested and this assisted with the prediction of psychometric
parameters, daylight levels and other variables (Walker-Morrison. A., 2000).
Climate parameters for the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, (source Hall J.D., DA Sketch Pad
Program), the yellow shading refers to the upper and lower limits of the comfort zone. The
red shaded areas refer to the upper and lower limits for temperature and humidity


South western facade showing the bioclimatic wall and collonade

Building planning and massing

The planning of the building responds to two basic accommodation types:

1. Teaching accommodation in the from of classrooms and laboratory spaces;

2. Offices and administration spaces for academic and general staff.

The broad planning approach is to place the academic offices to the north and west with
classrooms and laboratories to the south. Accommodation in the north east sector of the
building is reduced to single story. The accommodation is wrapped around the courtyard
with pedestrian circulation and access points on the north and south.

The planning approach is a sensible response to environmental conditions created by the

site and the brief. The classrooms and laboratories are spaces that have higher heat loads
due to higher occupancy rates and equipment needs as compared to the offices. Placing
these spaces on the south, which receives less heat load from the external environment
places less pressure on the passive environmental control system. In addition, placing the
academic offices to the north and west, which receive higher heat gains in winter from the
environment and cooling breezes in summer, gives optimum potential for passive systems.

The, single storey massing of the building to the northeast allows access for ventilation to
the courtyard and spaces served by the courtyard. This gives a semi-enclosure to this
element, which is clearly aimed at improving its thermal performance. Furthermore, the use
of circulation routes as access 'ducts' for breeze into and out of the courtyard is a further
advantage of this planning strategy.
Building section

The north south section shows the principle aspects of the composition of the building and
the environmental control intentions. The dominant space is the courtyard, which acts as
the lungs and eyes of the spaces adjacent to it. There is a clear intention that light and
breeze is drawn into these spaces via the courtyard. Recordings of air temperatures in the
courtyard have found them to be lower than ambient temperatures suggesting the creation
of a 'cool pool' in summer to improve thermal comfort for occupants in adjacent spaces
(Rajapaksha, U. and Hyde R.A., 2001). The butterfly roof was chosen to shade the
courtyard. This roof form has a number of advantages. First, it is orientated with the valley
gutter aligned east west. This means that the high points of the roof rise to the north and
south allowing light and breeze into the courtyard. Second, water collection from the roof is
taken into a central collection point and can be used for irrigation of the landscape

In the area of the academic offices a double loaded corridor is created. Ventilation through
the circulation corridor is facilitated in section by the use of roof ventilators. Hence the
massing and section of the building is highly perforated which is consistent with the need for
summer cooling. Selected shading to the accommodation is provided for thermal defence in
summer and solar access in winter. Furthermore a colonnade to the southwest provided
further protection from westerly sun in summer.

The key issues in the performance assessment of this building is concerned the disposition
of elements to achieve passive control of these elements

Materials, components and assemblies

The building construction is based on a two storey steel structure. The external envelope is
a mixture of lift slab reinforced concrete panels, glass panels, and perforated aluminium and
fibreglass louvres. The building has a steel roof with roof ventilators coupled to the internal
corridors. The steel butterfly roof over the central courtyard provides shading to the space
below whilst creating a space (with the main roof) for possible natural airflow coming
through the courtyard. It is supported by the use of a steel, portal frame structural system.

The key aspects of the material selection are to use low cost and low maintenance
components where possible. 

Climate responsive strategies

Two key design concepts have been integrated into the building to develop a new
generation of building form. First, The Central Courtyard allows spaces for relaxation and
interaction of occupants, whilst providing for ventilation and natural light penetration. The
courtyard is designed to operate as a large funnel drawing outdoor air through the
walkways and openings creating a breeze in the occupied area particularly in the summer
season. Second, The Bio-Climatic Thermal Envelope which is developed to its fullest extend
on the northwest and northeast walls provides a shaded space of one metre width just
outside the windows separating them from the heavy masonry outer wall. Thermal chimney
vents located at the top of this space enhance vertical breezes through this space. A
number of active (driven by electrical energy) and passive strategies (driven by natural
energy) were used. The passive strategies are as follows:
· Courtyard
The courtyard is a semi open space with a shading roof to prevent solar access in summer.
It is intended to provide a 'cool pool' for cross ventilation of adjacent spaces. The
temperature of air drawn into the courtyard is maintained or cooled by the elements of the
courtyard - the mass, vegetation and absence of solar gain.

In addition the use of the roof and shading diffuses the day lighting and reduces the heat
load component. This is an important aspect of lighting in the subtropical climates, whilst
high levels of daylight are available, the attendant high heat loads and glare are to be
avoided. The courtyard is an ideal strategy to address these issues.

Courtyard showing the internal features for light and ventilation

· Thin plan depths and open section

The building uses a thin-plan approach where possible. This means the distance between
openings in the building skin is minimised, no distance is greater than 6m. In addition the
sections maximise connections between floor and roof.

· Buffer zoning
Buffer zoning as the name implies is a form of shading applied to buildings to provide solar
defence to internal spaces. Traditionally this has been carried out through the use of
external rooms such as the colonnade and the pergola. In this case a ventilated cavity is
used on the north and west facades of the academic offices. The intention is to reduce the
heat load on the internal skin of the envelope.

· Fixed shading
Horizontal and vertical shading elements are used to protect glazed area to reduce the
effects of direct solar gain. The angle of inclination of this shading is designed to reducing
Bioclimatic wall
· Sub-sill louvres and horizontal sliding windows
The function of openings in the building envelope is to regulate the amount and direction of
airflow for ventilation. The use of sub-sill louvres allows air to be directed from a low point
across the occupant to be extracted at high level. This uses the natural thermosiphon
principles of air movement in conjunction with the pressure driven effects of cross
ventilation. These louvres and windows control the input of air into the space.
· Roof ventilators
Roof ventilators work with the louvre and window strategies. Essentially these are designed
to control the exhaust or outflow of air from the building

· Ceiling and corridor ventilators (academic offices)

Purpose designed ventilators are used to control ventilation and provide acoustic and visual
privacy to the academic offices. As the corridor is used for ventilation to allow air to exhaust
to the roof ventilators a further set of louvres is used in the corridor wall. The air has two
pathways dependent on the acoustic privacy required by the occupant. For high acoustic
and visual privacy conditions the door and louvres in the corridor are closed and air passes
through a ceiling vent, ducting space and to the corridor at high level. Acoustic absorbent
material in the ceiling void is designed to reduce sound attenuation through the duct. For
conditions where visual privacy but no acoustic privacy is required the door is closed and
the louvres in the wall can be opened. Finally the door and the louvres can be opened to
allow full interconnection of the corridor and the office.

· High ceilings (classrooms only)

The ceiling height in offices is increased to 2.8m to allow for ventilation in the classrooms.
This allows more effective stack cooling to high level louvres. Cross ventilation between the
louvres can remove hot air whilst avoiding high levels of airflow at desk level.

The active strategies are as follows:

Office cooling system and lighting

· Ceiling and wall mounted fans

Fans have been provided as a back up strategy for cooling in still conditions and for periods
of high humidity. The type of fans that are provided give a cooling effect similar to a 2-3
degree Celcius reduction in air temperatures.

· Light sensitive louvres

Light sensitive louvres are used in the bioclimatic wall to automatically control the amount
of daylight to reduce glare. The louvres are perforated to allow light penetration yet reduce
glare. In days of high illuminance the louvres are closed, occupants can still see through the
louvres. Additional vertical blinds are provided for additional daylight control.

Response to the climate

The building was assessed using spot lighting measurements (Hyde R.A. 2000). Lighting
grids were set up in selected spaces and measurements taken with respect to the external
conditions. In a similar way air temperature and wind speed measurements were taken.
These were logged over a three weekly period. External conditions were assessed based on
meteorological data from Maroochy Airport.

Daylighting levels on the ground floor; the yellow denotes high levels of day lighting
reducing to red for low levels, note the effect of the courtyard is to maximise natural

Daylighting first floor; the shaded courtyard and buffering to the exterior reduce direct
sunlight and allow diffused light to the offices and classrooms 


Different daylighting effects are found from the climate responsive strategies used. The sky
conditions are characterised by clear sky weather events. On average the site receives
seven hours of sunshine a day. In these conditions high levels of sky brightness occur at the
zenith decreasing to the horizon. As a consequence the effects of shading can significantly
reduce the available day lighting. In addition sunlight has high intensity with up to 100,000-
150,000 lux with a heat load of 1000 W per m2. Hence there are significant environmental
penalties for direct sun penetration into buildings.

Consequently the shading of windows is designed to avoid penetration of sunlight and direct
solar radiation thus reducing glare and heat load. The diagrams above are colour-coded to
represent the penetration of natural light into the building. Lighter colour denotes areas with
higher levels of illuminance. As the level of illuminance decreases the spectrum changes to
indicate areas with less natural light in colour red.

The overall effects show the benefits of the courtyard to the day lighting levels. The
classrooms receive lighting from two sides reducing the need for electric lighting. In the
offices area the lighting levels in the corridor are acceptable but low, as light is not
borrowed from the office space. The replacement of the solid opaque louvres with light
emitting material could address this problem. The bio-climatic weather wall limits
penetration of light. The amount of diffused light entering the building through the
perforated aluminium louvres, in some cases, is insufficient as indicated in the results of

The day lighting strategy in the classrooms is considered adequate in terms of maximising
the use of natural light. The result of testing shows the minimum back ground level of
illuminance to be at 320 lux in the centre of the room given clear sky conditions. The
appropriate background lighting for reading purposes is considered to be between 190 and
500 lux.

In both the offices and the classrooms the use of electric lighting for task lighting is an
option and can be required depending on the time of day, the external climatic conditions
and the task being undertaken in this tutorial room. The minimisation of direct sunlight into
places where visual tasks are performed is an appropriate lighting strategy, however, the
dull uniformity of diffused light, particularly in the internal courtyard, produces the opposite
effect in a place intended for relaxation, reflection and interaction.

The result of testing in a typical office shows similar levels of daylighting in the office and
classrooms. Automated light responsive louvres prevent the user from adjusting the
penetration of natural light according to their needs. Vertical blinds are provided to achieve
this kind of adjustment.

With shading systems, an anti-glare device is located on the southwest façade. This allows
light from different directions into the colonnade preventing drastic contrast in brightness.
On the other hand, it falls short in providing shade, particularly on summer afternoons,
when direct sunlight accesses the classrooms with its consequent heat problems. Internal
shading systems reduce these heat problems. The courtyard roof and bio-climatic weather
wall are suitable devices in terms of shading.

Lighting levels across the section showing the available natural light

The macro climatic data demonstrates a need for airflow to achieve thermal comfort in
summer given the high humidity. The Bioclimatic Chart for Brisbane shows that the comfort
zones for still-air is seen to be about 26 degrees C with humidity at 60 per cent. To extend
the comfort zone for higher humidity and higher temperatures, higher airflow rates are
required. This is quite extensive given the humidity, up to 1 m/sec.

At the time when the spot measurements were made indicated this level of wind speed was
found in the courtyard but not in the offices or classrooms. This is mainly due to the shading
strategies and the orientation used. The building is orientated so that the longest façade
facing north-north- east. The breezes at the time of measurement are oblique to the
northerly facade and funnel through the courtyard. The consequence of this is that wind-
driven ventilation is not the major source of ventilation and there is a strong reliance on
stack effect.

There are a number of deficiencies with the stack systems for cooling. First, it is necessary
that the internal temperatures are higher than external temperatures for the natural
buoyancy of the air to rise. A minimum temperature difference of about 1degree C is
required for the thermal siphon effect to take place. This means that where temperatures
are above the comfort zone the building has to get hotter than outside to provide cooling.

Second, the pressure forces generated by stack systems are lower than wind driven
ventilation, hence wind can override and negate stack, blowing hot air back into the
building. This was a concern with the courtyard were high wind speeds were recorded and
this could be setting up positive pressures at roof level blowing rain and hot air back into
the building.

Additional spot measurements have been taken with winds from the southeast and
northeast. In these conditions the airflow was found to be as predicted, the control of the
louvres could control the ventilation to the office spaces. In some case though reverse
airflows were found with air movement from the ceiling vents.

This identifies one of the lessons learnt from this building; natural ventilation in buildings is
unpredictable and hence adequate methods of control are required.
Internall and shade air temperatures in the office areas showing the temperatures remain
at or near ambient. This is an inidicator of good performance in passive buildings

Air temperatures and high humidity showing problems with microclimate conditons in


Ventilation and day lighting can be controlled passively though the building form and fabric.
Humidity, on the other hand, is very difficult to control by the use of passive systems. This
is due to the need to dehumidifying of the air.

Informal discussion with users identified discomfort from overheating and humidity. The
effects of humidity provide problems with the operation of electrical equipment, which
undermines productivity. Most users consulted followed the appropriate dress code for the
climate, that is, light, loose fitting clothes.
Recordings on the site during February 2000 revealed that although the air temperatures
were particularly high, the microclimate of the site created difficult humidity conditions. The
tropical shower weather conditions, which comprised periods of sunshine and heavy rain,
raised the humidity levels inside the building to 100 percent on some days.

The lessons learnt from this are that a passive mode building has limits to way that thermal
comfort serviced. The back up systems of fans and a thermal refuge, that is a place which
provides personal cooling, such as air-conditioned common spaces can be used to provide
additional services for these periods. In this way the costs, energy and health benefits of
the passive building can be achieved whilst providing an appropriate level of service in
extreme weather conditions. 

Proposed Residential Redevelopment at Nga  

Tsin Wai Road

Notable Features Timber Formwork

Basic Information Metal-Bamboo Matrix System Scaffold
Overview Contact of Contractor
Waste Management
Notable Features   Timber Formwork
Timber formwork was used for this
Application of Metal-Bamboo Matrix
System Scaffold project due to the following reasons:
Use of timber formwork  
There were several fins on the
On-site sorting of waste
external walls.
Reuse of steel hoarding Tight programme and the low-rise
blocks was to be constructed
Use of Gypsum base spray plaster
Use of Auro paint  simultaneously.
Lack out storage space for the steel
Basic Information

Metal-Bamboo Matrix System Scaffold

Location: Kowloon City
Building Type: Residential 
A new and systematic scaffolding ‘Metal-
Contract Period: 315 days Bamboo Matrix System Scaffold’ was used
Gross Floor Area: approx. 2780m2 for this project. The principal is the
combination of both the characteristics of
Client: Globpcc Development Ltd.
metal scaffolding and bamboo scaffolding.
Architect: P&T Architects and Engineers It comprises of steel pipes (60%) and
bamboo poles (40%). All posts and ledgers
Structural Engineer: P&T Architects and are constructed with metal tubes. All
Engineers Ltd. braces are also metal tubes connected by
E&M Consultant: P&T (M&E) Ltd. clamps at 60o subjected to different site
Quantity Surveyor: Levett & Bailey situation.
Chartered Quantity Surveyors  
Main Contractor: Hsin Chong Metal-Bamboo Matrix System Scaffold is
Construction (Asia) Ltd. composed of two layers similar to the
Contract Sum: HK$ 73,500,000 traditional metal or bamboo scaffolding.
For the outer layer, metal tubes are used
as the main posts and main ledgers for
maximum support, while bamboo is used
as guardrail and fencing to minimise the
loading and to increase its flexibility. For
The Works comprised the construction of the inner layer, bamboo is used in areas
6 residential units, each with a 5 storey with the transoms.
height. The substructure comprised  
reinforced concrete columns and walls,
Together with other components, such as
ground beams and slabs. The
catwalks, toeboards and staircases,
superstructure was of reinforced concrete
provides stable and safe working
walls, columns, beams, staircases,
environment and accesses for workers
suspended slabs and ramps. The external
working on it. The catwalks are made of
walls were of 100mm reinforced concrete
aluminum while the toeboards are made of
finished externally with granite tiles and
plastic. These materials can be reused and
plaster. The internal partitions were
help to save the timber waste.
generally of 100mm solid concrete block.
The windows were generally of  
fluorocarbon aluminum frame and glazed
with clear or obscured glass. The roofs
were covered with asphalt on
reinforcement cement and sand screed
and finished with precast concrete tiles.

Waste Management
On-site sorting of waste

There was shortage of site space to

install refuse chute. Waste materials
were transported to the ground level
by labourers or by tower crane.
During the concreting stage there
was no sorting of waste performed.
Waste material in form of a mixture
of rubble and small piece of timber
was packed in bags and transported
to the ground level by labourers. If
sorting was to be performed, a large
number of labourers would be   
required. During the finishing stage,
cement, PVC, tile and packaging
waste material were sorted out in As for cost comparison, is about 15%
bags and transported to the ground higher than traditional bamboo scaffolding.
level either by labourers or by tower The following table shows the comparison
with traditional steel scaffolding and
traditional bamboo scaffolding.
Material Control
  Traditional  New
steel System
For reinforcement and tiles where Catwalk yes yes
the materials were supplied by the Toeboard yes yes
main contractor, a bonus scheme Stair access yes yes
was adopted to encourage the sub- High reliability yes yes
Flexibility no yes
contractor to minimise the wastage Light weight no yes
of material. Normally, 5% of High productivity no yes
wastage was allowed. A mock up flat Minimum of no yes
was also used to estimate the costs

quantity of tiles required. All material  

waste was minimised by close
supervision. Contact of Contractor
Use of recycled materials Hsin Chong Construction (Asia) Ltd.
Hsin Chong Center, 107-109 Wai Yip
Gypsum base spray plaster Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
Auro paint Tel: (852) 2579 8238
Fax: (852) 2516 9430
Reusable materials  
steel hoarding

Low-Waste Buildings Technologies & Practices

Sustainability in Architecture
Verbena Heights (Tseung Kwan O Housing Development) 

Located at Area 19
O  new town.

Housing developm
saleable flats betw
and 971 rental unit
above podium leve
facilities were inte

Sustainability in
The Verbena Heig
design an environm
housing. Different
were made for the
achieve energy / m
and noise control. 

  Design Strategi

Low-energy Hou
Climate Respon

Through wind tu
and computation
building plan ap
residential block
as an alternative
cruciform block
heights to reduc
conditioning. Bu
arranged around
building heights
the prevailing w
natural ventilatio
ventilation not o
lobbies and corr

External shading
shading and ther
strategies are em
internal overhea
sunlight into flat
load. Light-shelv
optimize dayligh
room, lobbies an

Solar Energy for


Building Integra
BIPV (solar coll
provide renewab
energy source fo
lighting of recre

Clothes drying s
good solar and w

Materials Conse

Tropical hardwo
substituted by st
formwork mater

Use of recycable
temporary work
disposable hardw

Durable materia
match expected
minimize mainte
For example, the
as floor finishing
and corridors su
pedestrian flow.
Use materials of
energy such as C
pavings, local- m
to saving in tran

Products with re
be used where a
recycled alumin
play equipment.

Water Conserva

As Tseung Kwa
yet provided wit
infrastructure, lo
using 7.5 litres p
specified for the
reduce potable w

Flexible Layout

Some dwelling u
adaptable to the
change as they c
from large to sm
family sizes from
vice versa. 

Noise Mitigation

A variety of des
through acoustic
Blocks are set ba
the adjoining ma
additional noise
creeping plants. 
the residential fl
located away fro
sources through
residential block
Greenwich Millennium Village, UK  
Notable Features Prefabricated bathrooms units .
Basic Information Cladding Panels .
Overview Precast Staircases .
Wastage Level and Targets Prefabricated Roof Panels
Notable Features   Wastage Level
Source: http://g
Wastage level and targets
Prefabricated bathroom modules
Precast cladding panels With 40% of UK
Prefabricated stair and lifts construction an i
Prefabricated roof panels to reduce the am
arising from cons
Measurements o
Basic Information removed from si
50m3 of constru
Location: dwelling. There w
Southern end of Greenwich peninsula waste audit. One
site, London, UK to reduce constr
Building Type : generation by 50
Residential, and mixed
Contract Period:
Construction of phase 1 started in
December 1999-Phases over a five-year
Contract Sum :
Approximately £250 million
Site Area :
13 hectares (32.3 acres)?
Improvement be
Gross Floor Area :
(source: http://g
Typical Floor Area :

Client :
Greenwich Millennium Village Ltd, a joint
venture development between
Countryside Properties Plc and Taylor
Woodrow Plc.
Housing associations :
Moat Housing Association, Ujima Housing
Architect : Cladding Panel
Ralph Erskine (master plan) with the
support of EPR Architects (phase 1), Cladding panels
Proctor Matthews Architects (phase 2). to provide early
Landscape architects: the building to a
Randle Siddley Associates, Robert out. The panels w
Rummy Associates and 6m long. Th
Planning consultant: in two parts
Montagu Evans (source: http://g
Innovation consultant:
Richard Hodkinson  
Cost consultant :  The first p
WT Partnership backing p
Environmental engineer: inner leaf
Taywood Engineering This pane
Structural engineer: tight laye
Waterman Partnership, Thorburn fitted with
Colquhoun comprisin
Services engineers: frame, ins
WSP, Thorburn Colquhoun to form th
Quantity surveyor: external s
panels ar
Main contractor: quick to e
vertical w
Overview  The secon
  rain scree
The Greenwich Millennium Village is part variety of
of the Greenwich Peninsula Development timber cla
which includes the Millennium Dome, tiling, and
3,000 homes, 50 acres (20 hectares) of fibre pane
parkland, an ecological park, a these ma
commercial area and transport links. in the con
  provide th
This residential development including appearan
1377 homes (298 houses and 1079
apartments), ranging from one-bedroom
apartments to penthouses, is designed to
set national standards for future
Prefabricated R
developments, minimizing environmental
impacts and maximizing sustainability.
The development also includes a Complete factory
community center, a primary school, a with roof drainag
health center, shops, cafes, bars, and These provided e
offices. tightness of the
with the cladding
The first phase of the development
comprises 100 apartments at the  
northernmost part of the site beside the Adaptability
Thames and a new lake. The second  
phase comprises a mixture of two-or- “Buildings need t
three storey houses with gardens, the changing nee
arranged in ribbon fashion, together with occupiers”. The a
1,2, and 3 bedroom apartments arranged provides long life
around the garden squares structure and the
demolition of the
Factory produced modules: bathrooms, Several design s
cladding panels, plant rooms, services reviewed to give
risers, stairs and lifts. adaptability such
   Steel fram
Prefabricated Bathrooms Units are pre-e
The units were delivered as complete layouts a
rooms fully fitted to include all services that allow
that are pre-commissioned. The units standardi
were standardized in size and a variety
configuration although some flexibility in structural
final specification was available to meet of parts c
consumer selections. The units were together
made from structural steel framing to time in th
which were fixed lightweight metal
supports for plasterboard.  The intern
  systems c
framing w
dense pla
Precast Staircases wall syste
  and there
Precast concrete stairs give early safe construct
access to work areas. generatio
 Services a
a central
needs. On
basis, the
of service
E.g., stru
which giv
capacity w
outlet pos

 Cladding
factory m
be quickly
meet diffe

  Raised Floor System  

  The raised access flooring system is applicable in old and new buildings. “With old  
buildings being converted into data centres and new buildings constructed with the
provision of advanced cabling solutions in mind, the market in Hong Kong is expected to
expand in the next few years” (Angela Tam).
The raised access flooring system is still more costly than other competing method, but
it reduces waste (by reusing the system when moving and recyclable potential),
installation time and allows easy maintenance and flexibility in fitting out and cabling.

Example of Free Axez 40/70 raised    Advantages
floor system .
. Reusable and recyclable: the units are
Description    easily demountable and reusable when
     moving office. Also waste is reduced, as
     the material is recyclable.
Free Axez 40/70 raised floor system is Reducing maintenance cost: rewiring
made in Japan. The easy system of    the office can be done easily by opening
assembling units enables easy alteration    the channel plate.
of an office layout and future installation Fast installation: easy and fast
of office automation equipments. All units    installation reduces construction time
are made of zinc-coated steel plate, which    and cost.
is strong, durable, demountable, reusable Solving headroom constraint
and recyclable. This system allows problem:
flexibility layout, accommodates changes,    A choice of 40 or 70 mm height solves
easy maintenance and minimize waste    headroom limitation in most of old
generation.    buildings.
  Light weight and high-strength
     construction: the base unit can sustain
The sizes of standard components are:    a 50mm diameter point load of 800kg at
Base unit:    center.
   370 x 370 x 40mm height for axez.40. Large cable capacity: Large cable
   370 x 370 x 70mm height for axez.70.    capacity which facilitates crossing cable
Corner plate: 198 x 198.    and optical cable installation.
Channel plate: 298 x 126.
Under-sheet: 1,050 (25m-roll, 100m-

Effective from 1 January 2002.

Installation charges is HK$30/m2

Example of supplier in Hong Kong
  Preventing noise and resonation
Kingsly Corporation Ltd.
   design: multi support leg system ensures
11/F Nanyang Plaza
   stable sensation when walk and
57 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong
   preventing noise.
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Recessed floor outlet box available:
   Recessed floor power and data outlet box
.    with cover is acceptable for installation.
Example of installation in Hong Kong
KEL Employment Services Ltd.,
   Contractor: Yat Hing Construction Co.  
   Ltd., June 2001.
Deson Technology Holdings Ltd.,
   contractor: Deson-IES Engineering Ltd.,
   October 2001.
Ernst & Young, contractor Deson
   development Ltd., November 2001.
MTRC-Heng Fa Chuen station GMO,
   contractor: Silktop Decoration
   Engineering Co., January 2002.
Hong Kong Institute of Vocational
   education (Tsing Yi), contractor:
   Kenworth Engineering Ltd., February
Lung Hang Youth Centre, contractor:
   Asian Construction Company, April

Example of installation overseas
Many examples in Japan for NTT offices,
   banks, security companies, insurance
   companies, schools, general offices.
Other countries: Netherlands, USA,
Semi-Precast Slab

A slab is called semi-precast when the lower portion of the floor slab is
prefabricated at the factory. It is then hoisted and set into position on site and acts
also as shuttering to receive the top layer of floor slab which is cast in-situ. The
whole slab is a permanent composite of precast and in-situ concrete. As for precast
facades, boxing-outs are cast at the designed locations during slab fabrication at
the factory. The subsequent services installation also becomes more efficient.

The lower layer of semi-precast slab

However, it has been reported by contractor that the semi-precast slab is not suitable for
large span structure. Careful handling is required, otherwise cracks would be appeared
on the slab.

Self-Levelling Flooring System

The unique Self-Levelling Flooring System is a reliable, self-flowing and self-smoothing
cementitious system for application directly onto all kinds of concrete, wooden, tile and
terrazzo bases. It has been specially developed as a complete system, taking into
account every aspect of floor preparation from start to finish. The system accomplish
with a minimum of disruption and achieve high quality results, time after time. It is so
efficient that contractors can, in the same amount of time and for a fraction of the labour
costs, finish up to ten times the flow area they could manage using traditional methods.
The end results are hard-wearing, long-lasting floor carried out quickly, economically and
with a minimum of disruption.

Advantages of Self-Levelling Flooring System

Fast application (up to 300 m2 per hour at 6 mm thickness)  

Fast setting (walkable in one hour)

No noise pollution

Clean and quiet working environment

Consistent quality as no site-mix is needed

Non-dust, super smooth, non-slip, non-shrink, seamless and very easy to clean

Low waste generation


Long term durability

Example Supplier for Self-Levelling Flooring System

ABS Building Systems (Far East) Ltd.

  Unit 61, 8/F, Sino Industrial Plaza, 9 Kai Cheung Road

Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
  Tel: (852) 2798 0376
Fax: (852) 2758 2263

Example Application for Semi- Precast Concrete Slab

Cheung Sha Wan West Phase-II, Hong Kong
Tseung Kwan O Area 73A Phase-II, Hong Kong
Tseung Kwan O Area 74 Phase-IV, Hong Kong

Example Suppliers for Semi-Precast Concrete Slab

Golden Trend Construction Limited Sun Fook Kong Construction
Bai Sha Shui Village, Long Xi, (Concrete Products) Limited
Long Gang District, Shenzhen, Shu Gang Road, Shekou
P.R.C. District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, PRC
Tel: 2380 9605 Tel: 2828 1688
Fax:2414 5766 Fax: 2827 6275
Lamma Rock Products Limited Unicon Concrete Products
Architectural Member (Hong Kong) Limited
Engineering Company Building, D.D. 95, Lot No. 9-12, Ho
Huang Qi Town, Nanhai, Sheung Heung, Sheung Shui,
Guangdong Province, P.R.C. N.T., Hong Kong
Tel: 2398 4018 Tel: 2477 0867
Fax: 2789 1040 Fax: 2478 6220
Main Kind Industrial Limited Unicon Concrete Products
Xiangyuan Village, Longgang (Hong Kong) Limited
Pingdi Town, Shenzhen, Heng Li, Dongguan, 
Guangdong, P.R.C. P.R.C.
Tel: 2336 1262 Tel: 2477 0867
Fax: 2336 1077 Fax: 2478 6220
Orientfunds Precast Limited Wai Hing Construction
Fu Lu Sha Region, Sha Tian Materials Company Limited
Town, Dongguan, Guangdong, West Nan Gang Road, Nan
P.R.C. Gang, Huang Pu, Guangzhou, P.R.C.
Tel: 2546 2612 Tel: 2715 6942
Fax: 2517 0873 Fax: 2713 0762
Shen Zhen Sun Wah Yau Lee Wah Concrete
Concrete Products  Precast Products Company Limited
Company Limited Qinghu Industrial District,
Niu Shing Village, Nam Shan Heping East Road, Longhua Town,
District, Shenzhen,  Baoan Qu, Shenzhen, Guangdong,
P.R.C. P.R.C.
Tel: 2893 4648 Tel: 2753 4388
Fax: 2494 7251 Fax: 2753 4300

Concrete Work

Precast Concrete Elements

Precast concrete element systems can be used for floor slabs, facades, external elements such
as bay windows, staircases and internal partition walls. Take a facade for an example. The
mould is carefully engineered to the required profile and dimensions and is made of steel
instead of timber. Unlike timber formwork, it can be reused very many times with minimal
distortion or damage. Locations for boxing-out, conduits, window frames and reinforcement
are precisely marked and fixed into position. Once all the preceding operations are completed
and inspected, the concrete is poured, compacted and finished, and the curing of concrete
proceeds in a controlled environment. At a predetermined time after casting the facade will be
demoulded and set aside mechanically for subsequent dressing of the unit such as with tiling.


  Precast facade   Precast staircase  

As the facade is cast to the designed profile and dimensions the layout of tiles can
be planned in such a way that only minimal cutting of tiles is required. Tiling can
be carried out at ground level in the prefabrication yard where a safe and
comfortable working environment prevails. For tiling in-situ, the workers otherwise
need to work outdoors on bamboo scaffolding hanging at high levels. Good quality
of tiling work can be much better provided and maintained by a small group of
experienced and skillful plasterers under factory conditions where properly run
quality assurance procedures can also be more easily applied.

Prefabrication yard on site

Upon delivery to the site, the precast facade will be lifted by crane to the designed
position, secured with temporary bracing and fixed into position by non-shrinkage
grout. Part of the concrete slab adjacent to the facade is left unbuilt until the
facade is fixed in position after which this part is concreted to form a homogenous
tie between horizontal and vertical planes.

Transfer of prefabricated facade to the working level

Precast elements may be made in a casting yard on site. It is believed that precast
concrete construction is about 25% more productive than the conventional method
of construction. Additionally, because of mass production, the materials can be
better utilized and wastage can be kept to a minimum. The use of formwork can
also be reduced by the use of precast concrete units.

The precast facade is secured with temporary bracing

However, there are some limitations in using precast concrete. If precast units are
only small in quantity, the construction cost will be high. In addition, storage and
transportation of precast units can also be a problem for construction sites located
in congested urban areas.

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