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Nama : Rizka Amelia Putri

Kelas : XI TJAT 2

Dialog expressing suggestion and expressing offering


Anisa   :     hi susi, where have you been ?

Susi  :     I’m from the canteen. What is it ?
Anisa   :     do you finished have your mathematics
homework ?
Susi  :     not yet. How about you ?
Anisa   :     not yet. I still don’t quite understand
the discussion yesterday
Susi  :     what if we learn together ?
Anisa   :     ok. But, when ?
Susi  :     tomorrow, in my home. Do you have a
time ?
Anisa   :     yes, I have.
Susi  :     well then, let’s go to the library. Borrow a
book of mathematics.
Anisa   :     good idea. Let’s go !

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