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NAME: Samantha Grace Sistoso 

                  DATE CREATED: May 26, 2021

STRAND&SECTION: STEM B- Wisdom         SUBJECT: Basic Calculus
P.T. 4.4                                                             SUBJECT TEACHER: Mr. Franz Mag-usara


During this school semester, I learned that calculus is indeed a very powerful
branch of mathematics. It has been utilized to solve highly difficult and time-consuming
problems in the domains of physics and engineering through the years. There are two
primary groups in the area of calculus: differential calculus and integral calculus. In this
paper, I am going to be discussing about the integral calculus. Integration is the term used to
describe the process of locating integrals. Integration, like differentiation, is a fundamental,
important operation of calculus that can be used to answer issues in math and physics involving
the area of an arbitrary form, the length of a curve, and the volume of a solid, among other
things. An integral is a mathematical notion that explains displacement, area, volume, and other
ideas that come from the combination of infinitesimal data. In integral calculus, the derivative is
given and the function is the one that must be computed. To locate the function, one must go
through the integration procedure. The need for integration initially became apparent under
Archimedes' era.

Whilst studying calculus, I observed how vital it is to be able to determine

antiderivatives of functions in order to calculate integrals. An antiderivative of a function f(x) is
a function whose derivative is equal to f(x). That is, if F′(x) = f(x), then F(x) is an antiderivative of
f(x).. Many antiderivatives can exist for a single function. So just like my own example, the

g3 g3 g3 g3
following functions are all antiderivatives of g2: , +1, − 42, + π. Any two
3 3 3 3
antiderivatives of a given function, on the other hand, differ by a constant. This permits me to

write a generic antiderivative formula of g2: + c, with C as a constant. Because

antiderivatives are strongly linked with areas, I write this antiderivative as ∫ g2dx = + c which
is an indefinite integral. An indefinite integral is one that is written without terminals and just
asks us to discover the integrand's general antiderivative. Also, because it is a family of
functions that differ by constants, the answer must include a '+ constant' term to denote all
For me, calculus have so many wonders. It even can benefit us, the society in
tackling a variety of real-world issues. We utilize the derivative to figure out what a function's
maximum and minimum values are like the cost, strength, amount of material used in a
building, profit, loss, etc. Many engineering and science problems require derivatives,
particularly when modeling the behavior of moving objects. It is also crucial in a lot of fields. It
is used in Electrical Engineering to compute the exact length of electrical line required to
connect two substations that are thousands of miles apart. In Physics, to calculate the center
of mass, center of gravity and mass moment of inertia of a sports utility vehicle. In graphics,
graphics artists use calculus to determine how dissimilar three-dimensional models will behave
when subjected to swiftly changing conditions. It can create a realistic environment for movies
or video games. Those are just some of them, there are many more applications of Calculus
that are useful in our day to day real-life.

In learning calculus, I realized how hard it is to solve a problem as a general. The

process made me feel emotions such as confusion, curiosity and I even feel so dumb at times.
But as we walk through it and overcome it step by step, we can actually get the hang of it and
everything will eventually make sense. With patience and hard work, we would be invisible in life
just like how we are when we begin to understand and solve our calculus problems. Tolerate
those emotions you will feel in the process, it can be very rewarding at the end. So as the old
saying goes, “you can ∫du it!”.

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