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Basco, Bryan Zeos B.

BSIT 4-1

Importance of Proper Organizational Communication

An effective communication is an essential skill for people to have in a specific

organization. Through interpersonal communication which means a communication
between two or more people, people can exchange data, create motivation and apply
application in their workplace. According to Reyes (2015), people who lack of
communication skills should be trained with different situations that involve
communicating effectively. In addition, through communication the exchange of
information helps the higher position in the company to direct and motivate its
employees. (Dawyer, 2010)

In organizational communication, there are three important areas of it which

being greatly impacted. They are the employee’s engagement, customer satisfaction
and public perceptions. All of these are critical in an organization’s success. First is the
employee engagement, it explains on how employees and its managers willingly to
cooperate on each other and focus on their task. Second is the customer satisfaction, it
means how satisfied a person is with an organization. Customers are satisfied if they
are feeling valued and taken care of by the organization. Lastly is the public
perceptions, the company must know opinion of the public since they are also a
potential customers which can lead to success. As we all know, the power of public
opinion is a no joke due to the digitalization nowadays.

Therefore, an effective communication brings a lot of success within an

organization. It makes more healthy and active engagement between employees and
their managers. Disengaged employees are an organizational burden and it might result
to its downfall and bigger issues or concerns. Moreover, the only way to solve is to
develop and train people with their interpersonal skills.

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