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Black Seed Oil

Black Seed Oil (Nigella sativa L) belongs to the ranunculaceae family.

For many centuries, black cumin has been widely used by millions of people around the world
especially in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. It is used in folk medicine as an amazing remedy
against many diseases.
Moreover, it is Black Seed Oil is an indispensable restorer for health and strengthening human
immune system.

For general body strengthening, it is recommended to use 1 tsp on an empty stomach (daily
dose that should not be exceeded). Contraindication to use is pregnancy and organ
transplantation and implantation.

Since 1959, more than 200 studies have been conducted at international universities, the
stunning results of which have been published in articles and reports in various media. This
beautifully confirmed the crucial importance of Black Seed Oil, which was mentioned over 1400
years ago.
In 1989, an article on the phenomenal properties of Black Seed Oil appeared in a Pakistani
medical journal. And in 1992, the medical department of the University of Dhaka (Bangladesh)
studied the antibacterial properties of Black Seed Oil in comparison with five strong antibiotics:
ampicillin, tetracycline, co-trimoxazole, gentamicin and nalidix acid. The facts are undoubtedly
admiring - Black Seed Oil has proven to be the most effective remedy against many bacteria
including even those that show the strongest resistance to medicines - V. cholera, E. coli (an
infection that is often found in raw meat), etc.

Dosage and administration by disease category:

Category One
Increases immunity, cancerous tumors, indigestion, bloating with insufficient bile secretion,
functional insufficiency of the liver (hepatitis, cirrhosis), gastric and duodenal ulcers, diarrhea,
stimulation of digestion, improved appetite, migraine, exhaustion, involuntary urination,
urination, uterine bleeding, antipyretic and diaphoretic effects, anthelmintic, antibacterial,
antifungal, antiviral effects, cestodes (tapeworms), headaches, ear pains, toothaches (pain
dementia of the gums and teeth), high blood pressure, bleeding (nasal mucosa), hemophilia,
hemorrhoids, diabetes mellitus: (insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent), increased
secretion of mammary glands, regulation of the formation of growth hormones, lowering blood
cholesterol, increased sexual function, prostatitis, urethritis. When taking black cumin oil, stones
in the kidneys and bladder gradually crush and gently, without surgical intervention, are
removed from our body.

Method of application and dosage: Take one teaspoon of black cumin oil in the morning 15
minutes before a meal.

Category two: ENT diseases

Sinusitis, dry cough, bronchial asthma, asthmatic bronchitis, colds, tonsillitis (inflammation of the
upper respiratory tract) and all allergies types.

Methods of application and dosage: 1. lubricate the inside of the nostril opening with oil, inhale
and expectorate sputum 2. For inhalation 1 tbsp. a spoonful of Black Seed Oil in half a glass of
boiling water. 3. Take in the morning 15 minutes before a meal, one teaspoon of black cumin oil,
should be washed down with a tablespoon of natural honey diluted in half a glass of water.

Category Three

Dermatophyte with localization of nail and foot lesions, rheumatism and musculoskeletal
diseases, dermatitis (eczema), baldness and focal alopecia, psoriasis (scaly lichen), leprosy,
scab, acne, chronic and allergic skin inflammations.

Method of application and dosage: Gently rub the affected parts of the body with black cumin
oil. Take one teaspoon of black cumin oil in the morning 15 minutes before meals;

Universal recipes: from 1 year to 6 years, 0.5 tsp. daily.

From 6 years and older,1 tsp. daily.

Additional recipes:

• For allergies, skin and chronic: in the morning, 1 teaspoon, plus rubbing the sore spot.
• With asthma, pneumonia: the previous dose, plus massage of the breast and back with black
cumin oil and inhalation (tbsp. per liter of water).
• For eye diseases: wipe whiskey and eyelids with caraway oil before bedtime. At the same
time, apply 7 drops inside with a hot drink, preferably with carrot juice.
• For diseases of the circulatory system: mix a teaspoon of caraway seeds with a tablespoon of
honey and a slice of crushed garlic. Take on an empty stomach for 5 days.
• For gallbladder disease: add 5 drops of caraway seed oil to a glass of triple tea. Apply within a
• For bone pain: eat boiled onions mixed with cumin oil 2 times a day. At the same time, rub the
places of pain with caraway seed oil and peppermint oil.
• With bloating of the spleen: add 7 drops of oil to the radish broth sweetened with honey. 1 tsp.
before going to bed for one week

• For liver diseases: add the previous dose of caraway seeds, 1 tablespoon of ground oak bark
to a cup of honey. Take this portion on an empty stomach every day for a month without a

• For liver inflammation: add 5 drops of cumin oil to a glass of herbal tea. Apply within a week.
• For inflammation of the spleen: drink oil with a decoction of dill for a week (5 drops per glass).
Willow can also be used, as is the case with liver inflammation.

• For hair loss: in the morning, 1 teaspoon, plus head massage with a mixture of black cumin
and olive oils 1: 1, 3 times a week, while the mixture is not washed off for 10 minutes (after
which the head can be washed with shampoo).

• For hemorrhoids: diluted black cumin oil + 1: 1 olive oil, take 3 tablespoons daily for 10 days.
Massage the sore spot with black cumin oil.

• For headaches: take a teaspoon with rubbing the sore spot and the front of the head (without
eating sweets, chocolate, etc.).

• With dizziness and pain in the ears: it is necessary to drip into the ear one drop of cumin oil

• For influenza: mix caraway tincture with olive oil and drip into your nose 3-4 times a day (for flu
and cough).

• To increase blood pressure: add a few drops of black cumin oil to all hot drinks (tea, milk,

• With cough and nose hemorrhage: 1 teaspoon every day for a week, with rubbing the sore
spot, inhalation.

• at elevated temperature: add 7 drops of caraway seeds to a glass of tea, mint, anise, parsley
or coriander and drink after meals (3 times a day) for a week. You can also rub the body with oil
before bedtime.

• For toothaches: rinse your mouth with a mixture of cumin and apple cider vinegar.

• For prostate diseases: wipe the base of the back (lower part) with cumin oil and massage,
wipe the groin. Stir one teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of black caraway seeds and a teaspoon
of chamomile into a glass of warm water and take at any time.

• When memory and learning ability are weakened: add 7 drops of oil to mint and sweeten with

• To lower blood cholesterol: the previous dose, while eating with beef tallow is prohibited.
• For ringworm, scab, eczema: it is necessary to wipe the site of the disease 3 times a day with
oil of black cumin and take 1 tsp. on an empty stomach.

• For eczema, hair loss, rheumatism: wipe the sore spot with oil, take a teaspoon of oil 25
minutes before breakfast, drink 1/2 cup of water with 1 tablespoon of natural honey dissolved in
• For constricted heart valves: mix a teaspoon of caraway seeds with a large spoon of honey
and drink with a glass of hot tea. It is advisable on an empty stomach and before bedtime.

• With a stomach ulcer: in the morning, 1 teaspoon of black cumin + 1 teaspoon of flaxseed oil.
(Sweets and citrus fruits are not recommended).

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