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CB PLL modifications list


CB PLL Modifications List

The CB's are listed by PLL model. Find the PLL and then find the mod :)

Models include:- Pace 8093,Royce 582/651/639/642,SBE LCMS-4 and Sommerkamp TS310-DX

This chip uses binary inputs and internal ROM. It is not modifiable.

Models include:- Kraco 2410/2420/2430, Pace 8003, Realistic TRC209-18, Royce 607, SBE LCM-8P

This chip uses binary inputs. It is not modifiable.

Models include:- Cobra 19+(late), Colt 357A, Contact 40FM, Dick Smith D-1200, GE 3-5909A, Intek
M4035, Lear Jet, MCE 540, Midland 77-106/77-112/77-155/77-157, Pace CB8001/CB8002, Regency
info CB-1/CB-2, Unic RV-CB40TB

This chip uses ROM codes. It is not modifiable.

Models include:- Sharp CB-5470

When Pin 14 is LOW the Ncodes are binary in the range of N =53-308. When Pin 14 is HIGH the Ncodes
are in the range of N=3-191. When Pin 14 is HIGH and Pins 7 & 8 LOW programming is BCD with
Ncodes of 91-135.

Models include:- GE 3-5804A/ 3-5871B, Sanyo TA2000/4000/6000, Realistic TRC454/TRC470

This chip has internal ROM with binary inputs.Ncodes (ch1)150 to (ch40)194

Models include:- Realistic TRC459/TRC480

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CB PLL modifications list

This chip uses 7 bit binary programming with internal pull-down resistors.

When Pin 9 is HIGH the preset Ncodes are 64+N, When Pin 9 is LOW the preset Ncodes are 128+N

Models include:- Colt 222, Commtron VIII, Jaws II, Formac 240, HyStar 100, Palomar SSB500(late),
Stag 357, Midland 100M/150M/77-101B/77-101C/77-824C, Colt 510, Realistic TRC462, Roybn
SB5400, SBE 47CB, Tristar 120

This chip uses BCD ROM programming.

Can be modified by injecting new mixing frequencies.

Models include:- DNT 4000FM, GE 3-5828A/3-5806A/3-5808A, Fox CB240/CB440, Midland
77-104/77-805/77-805A/77-145/77-145A/77-149/77-158/77-250, Realistic TRC413/TRC415/TRC417
/TRC418/TRC419/TRC423/TRC430/TRC433/TRC434, Roadmaster RE-6000/RE-8000

This chip uses ROM programming with direct VCO division.

This PLL is not easily modified.

These were the first generation of 'impossible' chips,although the LC7131 can now be modified.

FCC Models include:-Audiovox MCB40, Audition CB404/CB3000, Cobra 19X/19XS/19+(early)

/20+/40+/66LTD/70LTD/90LTD, Midland 76-300/2001/3001/4001/101M/150M/151M/202B
/202M/103M/1001(77-001)/77-225/77-265, Colt 210, Courier Galaxy IV/V/VI, Dick Smith D-1450, Fox
CB340, GE 3-5805B/3-5826A, Intek49+, K40(early), Pearce-Simpson Super Lion, Pearce-Simpson Super
Tiger, Pyramid CB-26, Realistic TRC421A/TRC422A/TRC410/TRC414/TRC428/TRC472, SAM 2000,
Unic RV-CB50, Uniden AX-11/PC77, US Audio U-9000B, Vice-President Roy

UK Models include:-(PCMA002F) Amstrad CB900/CB901, Fidelity 2001FM, Harrier CBHQ, Harvard

400M/402MPA/H401/H407, Mustang CB1000/CB2000/CB3000/CB3001, Nato 40FM, Transcom

(PTBM134A0X) Barracuda HP940, Binatone 5-star, Speedway, Fidelity CB2000M, harrier CBX,
Harvard 420M, Midland 76-200, Radiomobile 201/202, Rotel 220/230/240, Oscar 1, Sappire X4000,
York JCP861/JCP863.

(PTBM135A0X) Cybernet Beta 1000/2000/3000

LC7137 Misc. Chassis. Shogun CB

Maxon Chassis. Cobra 21FXM, Colt 295, Commtron CB40F, Maxcom 4E/6E/16E/20E/21E, Midland
2001/2001T/3001/4001, Sirtel Searcher, Academy 501/502, Barracuda GT868, Elftone ELCB6000,

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CB PLL modifications list

Fidelity CB300M/1000M, Great GT858B/GT868B, Halcyon Cheetah/Condor, Johnson XK2000, Lake

850/950, Sapphire 2000DX, Steepletone SCB1FM, Transcom CBX2000/CBX4000.

The chip cannot be modified except the LC7131 SBB chassis which can be modified with an external
oscillator and mixer.

Models include:- Cobra 18RV/23+, Midland 77-099/77-162, Realistic TRC476/TRC477.

This chip uses ROM programming with direct VCO division.It only has one programming bit to step UP
or DOWN,getting rid of the BCD channel selector switch.No chance of modification.

Modles include:- Channel Master CB6830/CB6832, GE 3-5800 /3-5801A/3-5810A/3-5871A/3-5821A,
Teaberry 'T' Charlie/ Racer 'T'

This chip uses binary programming and preset Ncode ranges.

It can be easily modified by changing the loop mixing crystal

Models include:-American Motors 32311847/848/849/850, ITT 4400M, Wards GEN 702A/730
/774A/775A/828A, Kraco KCB4005, Royce 1-632, Royce - Some AM models with the sealed PLL
'sardine' cans

This chip uses binary programming and preset Ncode ranges.

Can easily be modified by changing the loop mixing crystal.

Models Include:- AM In-dash Models:Cobra 46/47XLR, 50/55XLR.
Single Conversion AM/SSB US models:Cobra 140/142GTL, Courier Galaxy, Midland 79-900, President
P400/Mckinley/Washington(new), Realistic TRC450/TRC490, Robyn SB505D/SBE LCBS-8/LCMS-8,
Teaberry Stalker IX/XV/XX, Tram D80/D300, Uniden Washington.
Dual Conversion AM/SSB US/Australian Models:Cobra 148/2000GTL, Pearce-Simpson Super Bengal
MkII, President Grant(new)/Madison(new), Uniden Grant/Madison.
Multimode AM/FM/SSB Export Models:Cobra 148GTL-DX(early,PC879), President
Grant(export,PC899), President McKinley(export), Stalker 9-FDX(PC893), Stalker XX Export

The MB8719 is used in the popular Uniden chassis.In the Export versions it has a pair of MC14008
binary Adders connected to it, this enables more Ncodes per mixing crystal.

Modification can be done by changing the loop mixing crystal or controlling pin 10 on the MB8719.If the

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CB PLL modifications list

MB8734 PLL is fitted, replace it with the MB8719 then pin 10 can be controlled.

Models include:-US Models:Browning Mark 4A, Dak Mark V/IX, Robyn 440, Lake 600, Palomar
SSB500(late), Regency CB501, SBE 54CB, Keycomm 1000
Export Models:Alaron B-4800, Cobra 148GTL-DX(late), Superstar 360FM(P010), Colonel FR360, Stag
357, WKS1001, President Jackson(PB042), Universe 5500
Uniden 'Clones':Connex 3300, Excalibur base/ Samurai, Galaxy 2100/Saturn/II/Pluto, President
Franklin, Superstar 3600/3900, Super Galaxy, Texas Star.

Used in alot of the newer Uniden 'clone' export radios. Also has a pair of MC14008 binary adders to
increase Ncode range.

Easily modified by changing the programming or loop mixing crystal.

Models include:- Craig L101/L102, Lake 650, SBE 44CB/45CB/27CBA(Sidebander
IV)/39CB(Sidebander V)/40CB(Console V), Maxon 40(With sealed PLL can), Royce 601.

These two chips were paired to form a PLL.The MC14526 is a 4bit ÷N programmable counter. The
MC14568 is a phase comparator/programmable binary counter. If these are combined they make up a 8
bit binary counter.The AM models use a loop oscillator singnal and can be easily modified.

Note:This chassis was replaced by the NDC40013 PLL.Does the same functions but in one chip.

Models include:- Hygain 2716 and other Cybernet AM models with a remote Mike.

This radio is useless without the mike controller. It uses a single 10.240 Mhz crystal and a serial data bit
stream, generated by the mike.

Not easy to modify.

Models include:- U.S. Models:Lake 410
U.K. Models:Academy,Fidelity CB1000FM, Harvard 402MPA, Lake 850, transcom

This chip uses simple 8 bit binary programming.Can be easily modified by programming the pins.

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CB PLL modifications list

Models include:- GM(Johnson) 4170/4175, Johnson messanger 40/50/80/191/4120/4125/4135/4140/4145
/4230/4250, Johnson Viking 200/230/260/270/430.

A custom made chip for EF Johnson. It uses BCD programming.

Modification can be done by changing the loop mixing crystals or by changing the BCD programming to
the PLL.

Models include:- Alaron B4900, Palomar 49, Kraco KCB4000, Realistic TRC205, Tenna 10901/10902

This chip uses binary programming.very early chip.

Can be easily modified by changing the programming or loop mixing crystal.

Models include:- Gemtronics GTX-4040/GTX-5000, Shakespeare GBS-240, Robyn T240D, Teaberry
Model 'T'

This chip is a phase comparator and programmable divider only.It is used in conjunction with the
MSL2301 programmable divider.

Easily modified by changing the loop mixing crystal.

Models include:- Craig L131/L231, Johnson Messanger 4730/Viking 4740, NDI PC200/PC201, Tram
D64, Pace 1000BC/1000MC/SS-120, SBE Console VI

This chip was designed to replace the MC14526/68 pair.Used in SSB models only.

Modification is done by useing an external oscillator to replace the doubled 20 Mhz mixing signal coming
from the 10 Mhz reference divider.

Models include:- Pearce-Simpson Jaguar 40B, Vector 770/790/X

This chip uses simple binary programming.

Easily modified by changing the 38 Mhz loop mixing crystal.

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CB PLL modifications list

Models include:- Kraco KCB4003/KCB4088, Morse(Electrophonics) 2001, Pace 8340, Surveyor 2630.

This chip is the same as above,the only diference is that this one uses a 11.520 Mhz reference divider
instead of 10.240 Mhz.

Easily modified by changing its 34.560 Mhz mixing signal.

Also includes MC145109/MN6040/SM5109/TC9100 PLL's

This is the most popular PLL ever made! Used in both U.S. and Export models. Due to large number of
radio's using this chip I have not listed them.

The PLL02A uses simple 9 bit binary programming.

Easily modified by changing the binary programming or the loop mixing crystals.

Models include:- Hygain 681(HyRange I/Ia)/681(HyRange II/IIa), Kraco KCB2310A/KCB2320A

Predecessor to the PLL02A.Uses straight 8 bit binary programming.

Easily modified by changing the binary programming or the 9.51 Mhz doubler mixing crystal.

Models include:- U.S. Models: Delco(GM) 90CB1/90BCB1/90BCB2/90BFTC1/80BCB2, GE
3-5813A/5818A/5819B/5869A/3-5817A, JC Penny 981-6216, Midland 77-821/77-859, SBE LCM-8
EEC Models: Ham International Hercules FM, HyCom CB2000/CB3000/CB4000, Major 3000,
Multitech MS211, Midland 77-FM-005

This is the first ROM chip. Due to the lack of a TX mixer stage it is unmodifiable.

This Pll is now fitted to Unidens that say "Made in Malaysia" on the back panel..This chip is a clone of
the MB8719 with a few changes.. The VCO will become unstable when it is expanded out of the normal
'FCC' channels. Pin10 (divide by Ncode) has to left 'floating' if you tie it HIGH or LOW the VCO again
becomes unstable and will not lock on. The only way to modify this radio is to replace the RCI8719 PLL
with the older MB8719 PLL.The resistor near Pin9 needs to be removed and a jumper wire with a ferrite
bead put in its place to reconnect power to pin 9. As this radio is not as broadbanded as previous Unidens
it might not be worth the expense of the new chip.

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CB PLL modifications list

Models include:- Courier Blazer 40D/Renegade 40/Rogue 40/Nightrider 40DR/Ranger 40D, Fannon
Fanfare 125F/182F/184F/185PLL/185DF/190F, Realistic TRC448

Uses simple 8 bit binary programming.

Easily modified by changing the loop mixing crystal.

Royce sealed PLL

Models include:- GE 3-5830, Kmart D40, Kraco KCB4001/KCB4070, Royce 604/608/609/611/613/619
/1-625/653B/658/660/662/673/675/678/680/682/1-632/1-641/1-621/1-648, Lake 5000/5100, Mopar
4094173, Medallion 63-200/63-240, Motorola CF925AX, Pioneer GT1100G/GT6600, Ray Jefferson
CB740, Superscope Aircommand CBR-40.

These models used the famous 'sardine can' type sealed PLL unit. A number of PLL's were used in this
form, including the TC5080/TC5081/TC5082/M58473P. These PLL's are described elsewhere in this

It can be easily modified by changing the loop mixing crystal.

Models include:- Courier Caravelle 40D/Conqueror 40D, Fannon Fanfare 880DF, Realistic TRC455, JC
Penney 981-6241/981-6246/981-6248, Sears 934.3827/934.3831/934.3826, Kris XL-45/XL-50, Midland
77-825/77-861, Motorola T4000A/T4005A/T4009/T4010A/T4020A/T4022A/T4025A/CM540, Panasonic
RJ3050/RJ3150/RJ3100, Robyn 007-140/LB120/DG130D/WV110, Utac TRX500/TRX4000.

This chip uses binary programming. AM models can be modified by changing the programming or loop
mixing crystal. SSB models are more difficult because they use seperate 12 Mhz tripler crystals for
AM/LSB and USB. It requires that you change both crystals to get all modes.

Models include:- Lake 650, Sears 370.3805, Lafayette LM200,Telsat 1240, Pace 8008/CB161/8010A
/8015A/8113/8117/8155, SBE 41CB/42CB.

Uses 8 bit binary programming and an external reference oscillator.

Can be modified by injecting a new oscillator signal.

Models include:- Automatic CBR2175, Bowman CBR9940, Panasonic CB-B4737EU/B474EU, Pearce-
Simpson Leopard B, RCA 14T405/14T410, Chrysler 4048076/8077, Pace 8041/8046/8047/CB185/8092.

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This chip uses simple 8 bit binary programming. The Pace 8092 uses a very complex scheme to produce a
455Khz SSB circuit.

Modification by changing the 12.250 Mhz tripler crystal.

Models include:- Cobra 18+/21+/25+/29+/33+

This is one of the newer ROM type chips. It has Ch.9/19 pins and an internal LED display driver and
ONLY 2 programming pins (UP & DOWN).

No chance of modification.

Models include:- Cobra 31+, K40-7, Realistic TRC 435, Uniden PRO 510e/520e/510XL/520XL

In this chip the VCO shifts directly from 16 Mhz on RX to 27 Mhz on TX by switching in different VCO
coil inductances. This is a very poor design.

No modifications as far as I know (why would you want to modify such a bad radio?)

Browning Baron/Sabre/SS-2, Cobra 132XLR/135XLR/32XLR/86XLR/87XLR, Tram D62/D12/D42,
Sears 562.3802/562.382, Kraco KCB4095, Sharp CB750A/CB800A/CB2260/CB2460, Royce - some
models with the 'sardine' can PLL.

This chip is part of a three chip combination, the TC5081 (Phase comparator) and the TC5082 (Referance
Oscillator & Divider)

Can be modified slightly by changing the programming to the pins. A better mod is to change the loop
mixing crystal.

Models include:- Midland 76-860/77-861B, Sharp CB2170/CB4370/CB4470/CB4670

This chip uses 6 bit binary programming with pin 10 controlling the preset Ncodes for TX and RX.

Can be modified by switching in new loop mixing crystals.


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Models include:- Medallion 63-540, Motorola CT950AX, TRS Challenger 730/1200, Wards

This chip uses simple 6 bit binary programming and a preset divider.

It can be easily modified by injecting new mixing signals from a external oscillator.

Models include:- Motorola System 500 CM550/CB550/CB555

This chip also uses 6 bit binary programming. It is very similar to the TC9106/9119 PLL except they use
BCD/ROM programming to make conversions harder.

Can be modified by switching in new loop mixing crystals.

Models include:-U.S.(TC9106)Cobra 18LTD/20LTD/21GTL/ 25GTL/21LTD/25LTD, Craig L104,
K40-8, Midland 200M/77-824B, President P220/Andrew J/AR-7/AR44/AX44/AR711/AX711
/P200/P210, Uniden PC66/PC33/PC33X/PC55/PC55X/AX-43/PC-3/Pro-540e, GE 3-5804B /5815A
/3-5805/3-5804F, Realistic TRC425/TRC426/TRC427/ TRC473/TRC474, Teaberry Stalker III, NDI

U.K.(TC9119)Audioline 340/341/345, Tandy TRC2000/ TRC2001/TRC2002, Uniace 100/200

These chips use a double ROM set to deny illegal modifications. The only difference between the US
version and the UK version are the ROM codes.

No Modifications possible.

Models include:- Cobra 19GTL/19LTD, President VEEP/AR-14/ AX-14, SBE LCMS-4/LCM5, Sears
663.38052/663.38009, Teaberry Stalker IV/VIII, Uniden PC-14, Craig L103, GE 3-5804G/3-5816A,
Realistic TRC216/TRC210/TRC411/TRC416/TRC429

This chip is similar to the TC9106/TC9119 PLL's.

Forget about modifications.

Models include:- Cobra 138XLR/139XLR/21XLR/29XLR/89XLR/21X/ 77X, Palomar SSB500(early),
President Adams/Grant(old)/Madison(old) /Washinton(old)/Dwight D(old)/honist Abe/Teddy R/Zachary
T(old)/John Q, Realistic TRC449/TRC457/TRC458/TRC452, Roybn SB510D /520D/AM-500D, Stag
357, Teaberry Stalker 101/102/202/WKS1001, Courier Centurion PLL/Centurion 40D/ Gladiator PLL/

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Spartan PLL/Rebel PLL/Rebel 40A, Fannon Fanfare 350F/100F1, Midland 79-893/13-883B

/77-883,Teaberry T Bear/T command/Titan T/ T Dispatch,

This is a great PLL. It has a possible 399 channels via 10 bit BCD programming. The SSB models are
very broadbanded enabling 200 channels.

Modification can be done by changing the loop mixing crystals or a better method is to change the BCD

Models include:- SSBCDE Mk26, Pearce-Simpson Super Bengal MkII, Contact PSC301, Wagner 510

BCD/ROM AMBowman CBM-6100, Colt 350, Convoy CON-400, SBE49CB, JC Penney

981-6221/6255/981-6203/6237, Sears 934.380817/934.381107/934.381207/981-6203/6237, Realistic
TRC468/ TRC440/TRC466/TRC467/TRC461, TRS 600

Binary AMPanasonic RJ-3250/3450/3600/3660, Realistic TRC424/TRC431/TRC456, Superscope

Aircommand CB140/ CB340/ CB640

This chip is very similar to the uPD858, but this one gives you the choice of either 8 bit binary or 6 bit
BCD/ROM programming.

In the BCD/ROM models disconnecting pin 24,grounding pin 14 and switching pins 7 & 8 converts them
to binary programming.

Models include:- Audiovox MDU6000, Tristar 727,TRS Challenger 850/1400

This chip uses 7 bit BCD/ROM programming using several sets of Ncodes,depending on mode and IF

Can be modified by injecting new mixing frequencies with a external oscillator/crystal switch.

Models include:- Audiovox MCB5000, JIL 615CB

This chip allows either 6 bit BCD/ROM or 8 bit binary programming. Pin 3 controls this operation.

Can be modified by changing to binary programming and then change the programming on the pins.

Models include:- uPD2810Cobra 66GTL, Craig L150, President James K/AR-11/Old Hickory, Midland
77-856, Realistic TRC469/TRC420/TRC420A/TRC421/TRC422/TRC432/TRC441

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uPD2816Cobra 29GTL/29LTD/63GTL/87GTL/89GTL/1000GTL, President Thomas J / JFK/Dwight

D(new)/Zachary T(new), Superstar 120, SBE LCB-8, Teaberry Stalker XII/ Stalker V, Uniden PTC104

uPD2816 SSBMidland 6001(79-006)/ 7001(79-007)

These chips use 6 bit BCD/ROM programming.

The SSB models can be modified by pulling pin 9 HIGH. This will give 40 channels exactly 455Khz
below the standard 'FCC' channels (ie. 26.510 - 26.950). The others can be modified by injecting new
mixing frequencies with an external oscillator/crystal switch.

Models include:- Cobra 146GTL, Midland 6001/7000/79-260, Pearce- Simpson Super Cheetah, President
P300/AR-144/AX-144, Realistic TRC451/TRC453/TRC465, Sears 663.3810, Uniden PC244/PC122
/Pro-810e/Pro-640e, Craig L132/L232, Wards GEN-719A

The only ncodes available are 91-135.

Can be modified by injecting new mixing frequencies with a external oscillator/crystal switch.

Don't forget to visit/Nezapomeòte navštívit the Origin/originál of this nice info/tohoto pìkného infa

© Lou Franklin; CBC international, PoBox31500, Phoenix AZ 85046.

Page last updated March 10, 1996 , 08:45EST

Any problems or comments mail to

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