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Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences 2nd edition by Mary L Boas


Arranged By

Name : Ali Ahmatul Umri Hasibuan

NIM : 4212451001
Class : NSESP 2021
Degree : S-1
Subject : ITDL

Submitted on September 30th 2021



CBR or Critical Book Report is one of the tasks given to students at university.
Critical Book Report is an activity to criticize the book to find out the weaknesses and
shortcomings in the book, both in the systematics of writing, the use of language, the
content of the material and the appearance of the book. This is done so that the book that
is criticized can be revised so that it becomes a better book. By doing a Critical Book
Report, writers and readers will know the background and reasons for a book being
created. This writing also aims to complete ITDL lecture assignments at the State
University of Medan. The book that will be reviewed in this report is entitled
Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences 2nd edition. This book is determined
directly by the lecturer so that there is no special personal reason why this book was
chosen for report.
Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences 2nd edition written by Mary L Boas
and published in 1983 by John Wiley & Sons Inc. Mary Layne Boas (1917–2010) was an
American mathematician and physics professor, best known as the author of
Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences (1966), an undergraduate textbook that
was still widely used in college classrooms as of 1999. She received a bachelor's degree
(1938) and a master's degree (1940) in mathematics at the University of Washington, and
a Ph.D. (1948) in physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She taught
physics at DePaul University in Chicago for thirty years, retiring in 1987 to return to
Washington. Prior to her time at DePaul University, she served as an instructor in the
mathematics department at Duke University. Mary Boas was married to mathematician
Ralph P. Boas, Jr. Her son, Harold P. Boas, is also a noted mathematician. She died on
February 17, 2010, at her home near Seattle, Washington.

1. Infinite series, power series

In this chapter, contains some material about geometry and all about series.
2. Complex numbers
In this chapter, contains some material about real and imaginary number, complex
number, logarithms, functions and inverses
3. Linear equations
In this chapter, contains some material about vectors, matrices and determinants
4. Partial differential
In this chapter, contains some material about total differential, chain rule, change of
variables and differential of integral.
5. Multiple integrals
In this chapter, contains some material about application of integrals
6. Vector analysis
In this chapter, contains some material about application of vector, triple products,
gradient, some theorem and line integrals
7. Fourier series
In this chapter, contains some material about simple harmonic motion and wave
motion, fourier coefficients and other intervals.
8. Ordinary differential equations
In this chapter, contains some material about Ordinary differential equations
9. Calculus of variation
In this chapter, contains some material about Calculus of variation
10. Coordinate Transformation; Tensor analysis
In this chapter, contains some material about Tensor analysis
11. Gamma. Beta, and Error Functions; Asymptotic Series; Striling’s Formula; Elliptic
Integrals and Functions.
12. Series solutions of differential equation; Legendre, Bessel, Sets of Orthogonal
13. Partial differential equations.
14. Functions of a complex variable
15. Integral Transforms
16. Probability

Shortly, the Mathematical Methods in The Physical Sciences book by Mary L. Boas
is one of a series of physics books that focuses on the approach of mathematical methods in
physics cases. This mathematical physics book provides comprehensive information related
to solving problems in the scope of both classical and modern physics through a
mathematical method approach. This book consists of 16 chapters, each chapter is equipped
with several sub-chapters.
The material presented in this book is quite good. Each material is discussed in
detail and is equipped with several sample questions to make it easier for readers to
understand the contents of the book. The style of language used is also quite easy to
understand because the discussion is not long-winded or to the point. This book is equipped
with a competency test in the form of exercises in the form of questions at the end of each
sub-chapter. This will train the reader's understanding even more deeply. In addition, the
questions provided are quite varied and not monotonous.
In terms of layout, the book Mathematical Methods in The Physical Sciences is also
quite good. Starting from the cover, introduction, preface, table of contents, discussion of
material, references to index. But unfortunately this book is not equipped with a glossary so
that readers will find it a little difficult to find mathematical or physical terms that are rarely
known in general. From a visual and physical point of view, the cover of this book cannot be
judged. Because the book Methods in The Physical Sciences is reviewed in softcopy. In
addition, the softcopy of this book is not original (photocopy). So it is very unethical to
criticize it.
Another advantage of this book is that it contains several graphs or tables in each
chapter or each sub-chapter. This of course will make it easier for readers to understand the
material presented. However, the graphics that are loaded are still quite small. This
Mathematical Methods in The Physical Sciences book does not contain pictures or
illustrations, so the readers will feel a little bored when reading this book. Moreover, this
book contains material on physics and mathematics which in general are very difficult
subjects to learn. This book should contain several illustrations in order to increase the
interest and interest of the readers.
For completeness of the contents of the material in this book there are still some
topics that are not included. This can be seen when comparing the second edition of Methods
in The Physical Sciences with the third edition of Methods in The Physical Sciences. In
addition, the materials contained in the third edition of the book are more recent than the first
Mathematical Methods in The Physical Sciences is a book that is quite interesting
and easy to understand and is very suitable to be used as teaching material. Because as we all
know that a textbook must function as an interest and motivation for students and readers.
Reader motivation can arise because the language is simple, flowing, and easy to understand.
Motivation can arise because of many new ideas and ideas. Motivation can also arise because
the textbook contains a variety of information that is relevant to the learning needs of
students and readers, and is not information that is delivered over and over again. And all of
those things are in this book, although it needs a bit of updating regarding the material
contained in it.
The book Mathematical Methods in The Physical Sciences is also a very interesting
book because it discusses two disciplines in one book at once. In addition to containing
material on mathematics, this book also contains material on physics. So by studying this
book the readers can get two knowledges. This is the same as the old saying “while diving in
drinking water”. Although discussing the two disciplines does not necessarily make the
discussion of the material in the Mathematical Methods in The Physical Sciences book half-
hearted or not optimal. And it should be emphasized that this book is basically a math book,
so the material that discusses physics is much less than the material that discusses
This mathematical physics book by Boas is mostly used by lecturers as a reference
for their learning. Therefore, this book is suitable as your reference to enrich mathematical
physics. Mathematical Concepts in the Physical Sciences provides a comprehensive
introduction to the field of mathematical physics. It combines all the important mathematical
concepts into one concise and clearly written reference.

Mathematical Methods in The Physical Sciences 2nd edition by Mary L. Boas is one of
a series of physics books that focuses on the approach of mathematical methods in physics
cases. This mathematical physics book provides comprehensive information related to
solving problems in the scope of both classical and modern physics through a mathematical
method approach. This book consists of 16 chapters, each chapter is equipped with several
Mathematical Methods in The Physical Sciences 2nd edition by Mary L. Boas is good
and deserves to be used as reading material or source and very suitable to be used as teaching
material. Although it needs a bit of updating regarding the material contained in it, so that this
book becomes much better.

Authors are advised to update the discussion material contained in the book. Although
the material contained is quite complete, it would be even better if it was discussed in more
detail and updated. So that in the future this book can be used as a source of better and
complete teaching materials.

It is suggested to the author to complete the book with various interesting features that
can increase the interest and interest of the readers to get around the boredom of the readers
when reading this book. Not only for writers, this suggestion is also intended for the public or
other writers who want to write books.

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