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College of Engineering, Technology and Computational Sciences

Department of Computer Science

Assignment of Data Structure and Networking

Group Member
1. Samuel Yonas UU77345
2. Mikias Aytenfisu UU65074

August 10 2021
Instruction: For the questions below provide a detailed answer

1. Consider yourself as a Network Engineer hired by Unity University for a project that
aims in interconnecting the computers found inside the campus. The college has the
following number of computers in different labs.

Lab Number of computer

IT-lab 80

Surveying-lab 35


The network is characterized as a network with low data traffic and security is a big issue. Which
kind of LAN is appropriate for the above situation? Elaborate your answer with example?

The network is characterized as a network with low data traffic and security is a big issue. The number of computers going to be
connected is 80+35+20 = 135. Peer to peer network is a very bad choice to go with because of the two characteristics mentioned
above. We might consider hybrid however ,the second characteristics security is a big issue. Hybrid network’s capability to allow
peers to share resource will treepass our security requirement. Therefore client/server lan will be our choice.

2. How do networks affect the way we interact, learn, work and play?

Changing the way we Learn

Communication, collaboration, and engagement are fundamental building blocks of education. Institutions are
continually striving to enhance these processes to maximize the dissemination of knowledge. Traditional learning
methods provide primarily two sources of expertise from which the student can obtain information the textbook and
the instructor. These two sources are limited. Both in the format and the timing of the presentation. Network have
changed the way we learn. Robust and reliable networks support and enrich students learning experiences. They
deliver learning material in a wide range of formats, including interactive activities, assessments, and feedback.
Network now
 Support the creation of virtual classrooms
 Provide on-demand video
 Enable collaborative learning spaces
 Enable mobile learning
Access to high-quality instruction is no longer restricted to students living in proximity to where that instruction is
being delivered. Online distance learning has removed geographic barriers and improved student opportunity.
Online(e-learning) courses can now be delivered over a network. These courses can contain data (text, links), voice,
and video available to the students at any time from any place. Online discussion groups and message boards enable a
student to collaborate with the instructor, with other students in the class, or even with students across the world. In
addition to the benefits for the student, networks have improved the management and administration of courses as
well. Some of these online functions include student enrollment, assessment delivery, and progress tracking.

Changing the way we Play

The widespread adoption of the internet by the entertainment and travel industries enhances the ability to enjoy and
share many forms of recreation, regardless of location. It is possible to explore places interactively that previously we
could only dream of visiting, as well as preview the actual destinations before making a trip. Travelers can post the
details and photographs from their adventures online for other to view. In addition, the internet is used for traditional
forms of entertainment. We listen to recording artists, preview or view motion pictures, read entire books, and
download material for future offline access. Live sporting events and concerts can be experienced as they are
happening or recorded and viewed on demand. Network enables the creation of new forms of entertainment, such as
online games. Players participate in any kind of online competition that game designers can imagine. We compete with
friends and foes around the world in the same manner as if they were in the same room.
Changing the way we Work
In the business world, data networks were initially used by businesses to internally record and manage financial
information, customer information, and employee payroll system. These business networks evolved to enable the
transmission of many different types of information services, including email, video, messaging, and telephony. The
use of networks to provide efficient and cost-effective employee training is increasing in acceptance. Online learning
opportunities can decrease time-consuming and costly travel yet still ensure that all employees are adequately trained
to perform their jobs in a safe and productive manner.

3. How are networking technologies changing the home environment?

Some of the newest home trends include Smart Home Technology. Smart home devices provide integration into
compatible appliances, switches, outlets, and entertainment devices. Other devices allow the ability to communicate
with the installed smart technology through touch or voice commands.
Some of the technologies are
o Powerline networking : is an emerging trend for home networking that uses existing electrical wiring
to connect devices.
o Wireless broadband: DSL and cable are common technologies used to connect homes and small
businesses to the internet.
o Security solutions:
4. To minimize the chance of collision and to increase the performance, Carrier Sense
Multiple Access (CSMA) method was developed. Explain CSMA and also discuss the
various persistence methods.

Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) is a network protocol that listens to or senses network signals on the
carrier/medium before transmitting any data. CSMA is implemented in Ethernet networks with more than one
computer or network device attached to it. CSMA is part of the Media Access Control (MAC) protocol in which a
node verifies the absence of other traffic before transmitting on a shared transmission medium like electrical bus.
Persistence methods

1-Persistent CSMA is an aggressive transmission algorithm. When the transmitting node is ready to
transmit, it senses the transmission medium for idle or busy.

Non persistent CSMA is a non-aggressive transmission algorithm. When the transmitting node is ready to
transmit data, it senses the transmission medium for idle or busy.

P-persistent is an approach between 1-persistent and non-persistent CSMA access modes. When the
transmitting node is ready to transmit data, it senses the transmission medium for idle or busy. If idle, then it
transmits immediately. If busy, then it senses the transmission medium continuously until it becomes idle,
then transmits with probability p. p-persistent CSMA is used in CSMA/CA systems including WI-FI and
other packet radio systems

O-persistent Each node is assigned a transmission order by a supervisory node. When the transmission
medium goes idle, nodes wait for their time slot in accordance with their assigned transmission order. The
node assigned to transmit first transmits immediately. O-persistent CSMA is used
by CobraNet, LonWorks and the controller area network

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