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Week 1 5. You choose to publicly post in social media all your accomplishments for other’s
Positive freedom validation. _________________
It is not just about the absence of coercion or interference. It is more than just being 6. You choose to shift form cigarette smoking to vape or electronic cigarette smoking.
let alone by others. It is the kind of freedom that requires active effort on the person who is ____________
said to be free. The effort exhausted in the control or mastery of themselves (B. Corpuz, ET. 7. You choose to go to church and pray after a very stressful day before going home.
Al, 2016, p. 77 to 81). ___________
Negative freedom 8. You choose to always stalk the social media account of your ex – girlfriend and her
It is the freedom from any block, coercion of interference. By interference, it means new boyfriend. ________________
something that is intentionally imposed on the person. A person is negatively free to the 9. You choose to propagate ornamental plants in your backyard rather than buying.
degree to which no human being interferes with his activity: to the extent that he enjoys _________
unimpeded and uncoerced choice (B. Corpuz, ET. Al, 2016, p. 77 to 81). 10. You choose to be friends with poor performing students in school to feel the
superiority. _________________
Activity 1 What’s Your Freedom
Analyze the following statement and choose A. Positive freedom B. Negative Freedom Week 2
1. The students were allowed to join ang school organization they feel they will excel
with. ___________ Activity 1
2. Your classmate’s notebook containing your Physics assignment is open and you can Human Actions or Act of Man
view and scan all the answers. ________ Analyze the following human activities. Write HUMAN ACTIONS if the activity is showing
3. Your mother unknowingly her left Php 100 on the dining table and you needed load human actions and ACTS OF MAN if the activity is showing acts of man. Write your answer
to video call your girlfriend. _________ on the space provided.
4. You discovered the password of the social media account of your girlfriend, and you 1. Showing your appreciation for the good deed done to you by saying ‘Thank You’.
open her account every now and then without her permission. ___________ _____
5. To ease your boredom one Saturday morning, you chose to cut the thick grasses on 2. Breastfeeding the newborn enables them to obtain nutrients needed for growth.
your backyard. __________ _____
6. You mention the name of your co – worker who spearheaded the activity so that she 3. The parents provide for the shelter for their families to satisfy a basic need. ________
will be recognized. ___________ 4. The singer expresses her sorrow through an emotionally – driven song performance.
7. You were allowed by you co teacher to copy your needed file from her flash drive but ______
instead you copy all the files without her knowing. ___________ 5. At the right time, a man and a woman will find their own partner in life to bear a
8. You always react using heart emoji on the inspirational memes and quotes posted child. ________________
by your friends before sharing it to your wall. ________ 6. Every Sunday, Rina’s family go to church and hears the Holy Mass. ________________
9. You planning to build a house for your native chickens, so you get the log form your 7. Gone are the days when a boy expresses his love and admiration to a girl through
neighbor’s backyard without any permission. _______ handwritten love letters. ____________
10. You voluntarily help the assigned cleaners in the classroom to maintain the 8. The environment should be protected and preserved for the next generations.
cleanliness of the room. _________ _______
9. The best way to express to faith and belief to a Higher Being is through prayers.
Activity 1 ______
Freedom and Obligation 10. Being part of a group or a team is very essential for survival and development.
Analyze the following statements and write FREEDOM if the statement is just practicing _______
freedom and write FREEDOM WITH OBLIGATION if the statement is practicing freedom
coupled with obligation. Write your answer on the space provided. Post test
1. As a student leader, you encouraged other students to vote the rightful candidate in True or False. Write the word True if the statement is correct and write the word False if the
the SSG election. _________________ statement conveys otherwise. Write your answer on the space provided.
2. You recognize the contribution of your co teacher in the creation of your module by 1. Human actions are always conceived intellectually. ____________
writing his name as a contributor and reference person. _________________ 2. According to Aristotle, acts of man are actions which are deliberately done. ______________
3. You planning to build a house for your native chickens, so you cut most of the 3. Freedom and obligation are two distinct philosophical concepts. ______________
young trees in your backyard without planting trees to replace them. 4. A person is totally responsible for an action even if he acted with an impaired conscience.
_________________ ________________
4. You voluntarily help the guards in your school in organizing and managing the lines 5. A choice is made from freedom if the person totally knows the kind of choice, he makes
of parents delivering the activities and outputs of their modular students. even though unsure with the consequences. _________________
6. Intellectual choice usually refers to answers for hypothetical moral issues.
7. Practical choice usually pertains to choices for an actual moral dilemma. _________________
8. Freedom is present in the Acts of Man. _________________________
9. Involuntary actions are excused from moral examination. __________________
10. Without freedom, obligation does not exist. ___________________

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