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50 Questions for Intermediate Students

1) What’s your recipe for happiness?

2) Is monogamy a good thing?
3) What do you hate most?
4) How much of your household waste do you recycle ?
5) Who or what makes you go weak at the knees?
6) Have you got any skeletons in your cupboard that you’re prepared to talk about?
7) What are you hoping for when you open your post in the mornings?
8) When were you last moved to tears?
9) When did you last put your foot in it?
10) Have you paid your television licence fee?
11) What’s the best joke you have heard recently?
12) What can you be sure you will never forget?
13) How is life in Apulia going to be different in twenty years time?
14) Are there any circumstances in which you might kill another human being?
15) If you could live one day over again, which day would it be?
16) Which actor would you want to play you in the film of your life?
17) What advice would you have given to your fifteen-year-old self?
18) Have you ever eaten foreign food?
19) Have you ever read a book that changed your life in some way?
20) Have you ever seen a film in English?
21) Have you ever had a supernatural experience?
22) Have you ever been to a political demonstration?
23) Have you ever been so drunk that you don’t remember what you did or said?
24) Have you ever met anyone famous?
25) Have you ever wanted to hit another person?
26) Have you ever made a speech?
27) Have you ever cried with joy?
28) Have you ever been abroad?
29) Have you ever laughed so much that it hurt?
30) What are you doing after the lesson?
31) What’s the first thing you will do when you get home this evening?
32) Where are you going to spend next weekend?
33) How will you feel if the Italy win the next European Championships?
34) What are the things you will never forget?
35) What are the things you won’t do for anybody?
36) Who are the people you will always do anything for?
37) How do you think the world will be different in twenty years time?
38) How long will it be before we discover life on other planets?
39) How soon is global warming going to become a problem that affects you?
40) Did you get any post this morning?
41) What did you get for your last birthday?
42) How did you get here today?
43) How are you getting home today?
44) Where did you get your shoes/jacket/bag?
45) How much did you get for your first job?
46) When did you last get really angry?
47) Did you get to do anything particularly exciting on your last holiday?
48) Is there a scene in a film which really gets you?
49) Is there anything about the university that really gets you?
50) Can you recite any lines from an English poem?

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