AISquizMidterms Tupasi

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For each of these concerns, identify a risk that may have created the problem

1. I believe that physical inventory is lower because they do not record

it with stock register.
2. There is high amount of sales return because of loss of market share,
Geyton’s Menswear Company has an inward of material at their
warehouse and it can lead to sale return. The quality of the product
may degrade in time if they’re not checking it time to time
3. If the 10 stores dropped their gross profit from the same time last
year, it is because of loss of material. If they return the sale and they
get their cash, it will return the material to us, it may have defectives
in some point.
4. Cash receipts did not match with bank deposits slips because of Loss
of cash. An authorized person for the banking transaction did not
match the slips and if it is only one person that authorized, it may lead
to increase of fraud
5. It is not good that only one person making the transaction because as
I said at number 4, it may lead to fraud. The on authorizing it may get
a penalty for the bounce back charges
6. I believe it did not correspond on the account because it is not
recorded in the transactions.

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