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@ Signal A signal is defined as function of one ore more variables that conveys information. @ System Asystem is formally defined as an entity that manipulates one or more signals to accomplish a function, thereby yielding new signals. Input Output met} system = |} PA Signals Classification Generally signals are classified as follows : @ Continuous-time signals: The signals that are defined at every possible value of time as shown in the figure below. These signals are also called analog signals. u(t) PTET ignals Classifica @ Discrete-time signals: The signals that can be defined and represented at certain time instants of the sequence. Discrete signals are usually presented as x(n) or x[n]. afr] n 0 2 4 6 8 10 Wheren=0, +1,, +2,...,+00, and nis integer. CA Signals Classification @ Even Signals: A signal is said to be an even signal if it satisfies the following condition a(—t) = a(t) for all t. a(t) is even PTET PE NeN ee) ignals Classifica @ Discrete Even Signals: A discrete signal is said to be an even signal if it satisfies the following condition a(—n) = x(n) for all integers n. -4-3-2-101234 PA Pee ow Signals Classification @ Odd Signals: A signal is said to be an odd signal if it satisfies the following condition a(—t) = —2(t) for all t. x(t) is odd PTET PE NeN ee) ignals Classifica @ Discrete Odd Signals: A discrete signal is said to be an odd signal if it satisfies the following condition a(—n) = —2(n) for all integers n. PA Signals Classification @ Periodic Signals: A periodic signal is a function that satisfies the following condition s(t) = s(t + nT) for allt, where nis an integer, n = 1, 2, ,..., 00, and T is the period of the signal. s(t) 4 1 >t PTET PE NeN ee) ignals Classifica s(t) 1 t 4 \ s(t) +1 t A = Signals Classification @ Discrete Periodic Signals: A discrete periodic signal is a function that satisfies the following condition x(n) = x[n] = 2[n + NJ for all integers n, where N is a positive integer, which represents the fundamental period of the discrete-time signal x[n]. CATE Data Communication: CIE3304 ignals Classifica @ Aperiodic Signals: A signal that does not repeats itself after a specific interval of time. Hence, s(t) # s(t + nT) for all t, s(t) PA Signals Classification @ Discrete Aperiodic Signals: A discrete periodic signal is a function that satisfies the following condition a(n) 4 x(n + N) for all integers n, x(n) PTET PE NeN ee) Signals Classificatio @ Deterministic Signals: A signal is said to be deterministic if its future values can be predicted. Therefore, deterministic signals are used by transmitters to carry information. An example of deterministic signal is s(t) — A.cos(2rft +9). s(t) AAA CAE) PEUNern ne ee Signals Classification @ Random Signals: A signal is said to be random if it has some degree of uncertainty in its values before it actually occurs. Emancod Speech Signal 200 - : : + seco) 200) 1000 is Tine (00nd) PITT Exe 304-18 ignals Classifica @ Energy Signals: A signal is said to be an energy signal, if and only if its total energy satisfies the condition O, 6(t—n) Ty Solution: This signal can be considered as a periodic signal. Thus it can be represented using Complex Fourier series such that > Cuero, where C,, can be given as 1 Cr == | a(t)eirotat. To Jr, PA la KcrelUllae The C,, can be evaluated as Lyfe & Cr = af 3(t— nT, eI. Thy Xm Considering the cycle at the center, i.e. 5(4), C,, is given as Moreover, using the Fourier transform properties, the frequency representation of the signal can be given as PTET Fourier Transform x(EA X(f)=Ad(f) ia FT “E> . Fl }+———> t ‘ t ; Cosine Signal: rraenlenhs) alan * FT al na PA) Fourier Transform Rectangular Pulse: X(f)=rsine(fr) x(j=m(t) FT E> 7 ' t 1° 2 7 OF -EOE 2 2 Comb Signal: * x(= xine 0-7) FT “> LULL LLL t T PTET Fourier Transform Multiplication: Let X(f) = FT [x(t)], and Y(f) = FT [y(t], then FT (x(t)-y(t)] = X(f) ®Y(f), where, . and @ denote multiplication and convolution, respectively. Multiplication in time domain = Convolution in frequency domain. Convolution: Let X(f) = FT [x(t)], and Y(f) = FT [y(¢)}, then FT (x(t) ® y(t) = X(/)-Y(A), where, . and @ denote multiplication and convolution, respectively. Convolution in time domain = Multiplication in frequency domain. CA Fourier Transform Periodic Signal (rectangular pulse: x(t) PTET Data Communication: Fourier Transform Sampled Signal: reflections PA Fourier Transform Periodic and Signal: reflections x(t) x(k] o T, The Fourier transform of a sampled periodic signal is known as Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). PATE PE NeN ee) Fourier Transform Observations Time Domain Frequency Domain Periodic Discrete Discrete Periodic Periodic + Discrete Discrete + Periodic Non-Periodic Non-Discrete (Continuous) Non-Discrete (Continuous) Non-Periodic PAE Data Communication

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