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This document is Industry Report Trainer

It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 1 of SITHIND002

Industry Report

a. Information sources
Complete the following table by summarising the type of industry information which you could get from each information source and listing at least two links or
sources of information. Note that the sources of information that you list should be relevant to your organisation and role.

Note: You are required to use at least three of the following information sources in this assessment. Use this checklist to keep track.

Information source Summary of information type Links to information

Developers of codes of conduct or ethics 1.


☐ Discussions with experienced industry personnel 1.


☐ Industry accreditation operators 1.


☐ Industry associations and organisations 1.


☐ Industry journals, reference books and seminars 1.


Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.

Email: | Website:

RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578

SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry 1

Information source Summary of information type Links to information

☐ Libraries and media 1.


☐ Networking with colleagues and suppliers 1.


☐ Personal observations and experience 1.


☐ Plain English documents, issued by government 1.

regulators, that describe laws relevant to the
hospitality industry

☐ Training courses 1.

☐ Unions 1.

b. Obtaining information
This unit requires that you use open and closed probe questioning to interact effectively to obtain information from:

 experienced industry personnel

 colleagues

 suppliers

Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.

Email: | Website:

RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578

SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry 2

 industry bodies.

You must therefore interview one person from each of these categories in the course of gathering information for this industry report. At least one of the
interviews must be an oral interview and your assessor must have the opportunity to observe the interview. You can conduct the interviews by phone, by
video conferencing, in person or in writing (except, of course for the oral interview). Record the evidence of the interviews in the table below. Don’t forget to
work with your assessor to set up a formal observation of at least one of the interviews.

Information source Name of contact Organisation and contact Questions asked (indicate Summary of responses
details whether questions are open
or closed)

Experienced industry



Industry body

c. The hospitality industry

Provide a brief answer to each of the following questions (two or three sentences) and provide two sources of information that you used to research your
answer or which could be used to find additional information.

Information source Response Information sources

Describe the structure of the hospitality industry in 1.

Australia, including its main sectors and the functions
Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.

Email: | Website:

RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578

SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry 3

Information source Response Information sources

of each. What is the economic and social significance 2.

of the industry?

Describe the hospitality industry within the local 1.

government area that you work in.

Describe how your organisation sits within the 1.

hospitality industry.

Describe your role within the hospitality industry. . 1.


Describe career opportunities within your sector of 1.

the hospitality industry.

Access the position description of your dream 1.

hospitality job. How does it differ to your current role?
What additional skills and training do you need?

Describe the allied industries to your sector of the 1.

hospitality industry. How does each sector rely on the
Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.

Email: | Website:

RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578

SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry 4

Information source Response Information sources

other? 2.

Describe the industry associations and unions 1.

relevant to your organisation or industry sector.
Describe their function.

Provide two examples of how you use industry 1.

information to stay up to date with issues and trends.
How do you share this information with colleagues?

d. Legislation
Provide a brief summary of how the following legislation/standards relates to your sector of the hospitality sector. Include at least two links to information
about the legislation relevant to your state or territory. Include two examples of how you ensure that you work in a way which is compliant with the legislation.
Ask your supervisor to endorse this section of your report to confirm that the information which you have provided is consistent with your workplace practices.

Legislative area Relationship to your sector Information sources Strategies for compliance

Equal opportunity law 1. 1.

2. 2.

Occupational licensing 1. 1.
2. 2.
Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.

Email: | Website:

RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578

SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry 5

Legislative area Relationship to your sector Information sources Strategies for compliance

Food safety 1. 1.
2. 2.

Responsible service of alcohol 1. 1.

2. 2.

Responsible conduct of gaming 1. 1.

2. 2.

Local community protection 1. 1.

(obligations for protecting amenity
2. 2.
and lifestyle of neighbouring
residents when delivering
hospitality services)

Industrial relations (including 1. 1.

2. 2.

Supervisor endorsement: Supervisor name:

Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.

Email: | Website:

RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578

SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry 6

e. Quality assurance
Provide a brief answer to each of the following questions (two or three sentences) and provide two sources of information that you used to research your
answer or which could be used to find additional information. Ask your supervisor to endorse this section of your report to confirm that the information which
you have provided is consistent with your workplace practices.

Quality assurance Response Information sources


Describe the industry 1.

schemes relevant to
your industry

Describe the industry 1.

associations relevant
to your industry
What are the
benefits of industry

Describe why it is 1.
important that your
participates in
industry quality
Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.

Email: | Website:

RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578

SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry 7

Quality assurance Response Information sources

processes. Provide
one potential impact
of non-participation
or non-compliance.

Describe your role in 1.

quality assurance.
Provide two
examples of how you
uphold your
responsibilities to
quality assurance in
your day to day

Describe your 1.
supervisor’s role in
quality assurance.

Describe the role of 1.

an industry code of
conduct or code of
ethics. Provide two
examples of how you
comply with the code
of conduct in your
day to day work.

Describe the work 1.

ethic required to
work in the
hospitality industry
Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.

Email: | Website:

RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578

SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry 8

Quality assurance Response Information sources

and, in particular, in
your sector of the
industry. Provide two
examples of how you
exemplify this work
ethic in your day to
day work.

Describe two ethical 1.

issues which are
particularly relevant
to your
organisation’s sector
of the hospitality

Supervisor endorsement: Supervisor name:

f. Technology
Provide a brief answer to each of the following questions (two or three sentences) and provide two sources of information that you used to research your
answer or which could be used to find additional information. Ask your supervisor to endorse this section of your report to confirm that the information which
you have provided is consistent with your workplace practices.

Information source Response Information sources

Describe one current technology and one emerging 1.

technology that increases the efficiency of the way
that you perform your role. What are the efficiency
Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.

Email: | Website:

RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578

SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry 9

Information source Response Information sources

gains and how does the technology help you to

complete your role?

Describe two techniques which you use to keep up to 1.

date with technologies that can improve your
efficiency and effectiveness at work.

Describe one current and one emerging catering 1.

system technology relevant to your organisation or

Describe one current and one emerging application 1.

(app) technology relevant to your organisation or

Describe one current and one emerging computer- 1.

aided despatch system technology relevant to your
organisation or role.

Describe one current and one emerging food 1.

production system technology relevant to your
organisation or role.

Describe one current and one emerging industry 1.

Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.

Email: | Website:

RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578

SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry 10

Information source Response Information sources

online booking system technology relevant to your 2.

organisation or role.

Describe one current and one emerging industry 1.

reservations, operations and financial and tracking
systems technology relevant to your organisation or

Describe one current and one emerging project . 1.

management system technology relevant to your
organisation or role.

Describe one current and one emerging social media 1.

site technology relevant to your organisation or role.

Describe two new techniques relevant to your role. 1.


Supervisor endorsement: Supervisor name:

g. You and your work

Provide a brief answer to each of the following questions (two or three sentences) and provide two sources of information that you used to research your
answer or which could be used to find additional information. Ask your supervisor to endorse this section of your report to confirm that the information which
you have provided is consistent with your workplace practices.
Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.

Email: | Website:

RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578

SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry 11

Question Response Information sources

Provide two examples of how you access and use 1.

information about the hospitality industry in your day
to day work.

Provide two examples of how you access and use 1.

information about hospitality products and services in
your day to day work.

Provide two examples of how you share updated 1.

information about the hospitality industry, its
products, services and technologies with your

Describe two examples of how industry information 1.

enhances your work performance.

Provide two examples of how information about 1.

current market trends and customer expectations
have influenced the dishes which you have

Provide two examples of how you have used industry 1.

information to improve the quality of your hospitality

Supervisor endorsement: Supervisor name:

Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.

Email: | Website:

RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578

SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry 12

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