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Data communication and Computer Network Assignment (10%)

 Assignment type: Group Assignment (Max. group size 5)

 Last submission date: August 10, 2021

Instruction: For the questions below provide a detailed answer

1. Consider yourself as a Network Engineer hired by Unity University for a project that
aims in interconnecting the computers found inside the campus. The college has the
following number of computers in different labs.

Lab Number of computer

IT-lab 80

Surveying-lab 35

Secretarial-lab 20

The network is characterized as a network with low data traffic and security is a big issue. Which
kind of LAN is appropriate for the above situation? Elaborate your answer with example?

2. How do networks affect the way we interact, learn, work and play?
3. How are networking technologies changing the home environment?
4. To minimize the chance of collision and to increase the performance, Carrier Sense
Multiple Access (CSMA) method was developed. Explain CSMA and also discuss the
various persistence methods.

Mezgebe Manaye [UU] July 20, 2021

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