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Axie Infinity Guide compiled by XSon

What are the Axies

They are little creatures that you can adopt just like a pet in real
life. They are somewhat strange little creatures but each one of
them is very different. They can have infinite combinations
taken from different parts, including parts of insects, beasts,
birds, reptiles, plants, and aquatic animals.

The whole Axie ordeal is inspired by Pokemon and Tamagochi,

presenting a decentralized game on the Ethereum platform,
where you can enjoy their world, exchange and sell Axie with
other players.

All Axies are also inspired by real life creatures and other things
like inanimate objects. The players can increase their skills and
level by fighting with other Axies and to unlock the potential of
their Axie, they must take care of them and understand them as
a real pet.
Axie Battles
At Axie World, they have battles to make themselves stronger
and gain experience in the process. Axie battles are in groups of
3 vs. 3, the owners of the Axie can organize the groups
strategically and position their Axie effectively for their attacks
and if a player wants to learn how to use their Axies, they need
to understand and study their strengths and complement those
of other Axie.

Where the Axies live

Axies live in a place called Terrarium which has small space with
different types of surfaces or terrains such as water, desert, or
grass. Players can decorate their terrariums with some
elements, and within that terrariums, they can feed their Axies
and take care of all their needs to keep them ready for battle.
What classes can you choose from?
Axie Infinity has a total of 9 classes that have been released to
the game. Three of these are special classes that do not have
their own Body Parts (or Class Cards).

Class Advantages
The class of an Axie is important for combat, because each class
is weak and strong against other classes. The Axie that has the
class advantage will deal 15% additional damage. The Axie that
has the class disadvantage will deal 15% less damage.
In addition, when an Axie of a certain class uses a card from its
class it gets a 10% attack/shield bonus. Take note that these
bonuses stack. For example, a Beast Axie using a Beast card
against a Plant target will do 25% (10% + 15%) more damage.
Stats / Attributes
There are 4 stats in the game, Health, Speed, Skill, and Morale
which describe the Axie’s fighting capabilities.

• Health: The amount of damage an Axie can take before

being defeated.
• Speed: determines the turn order. Faster Axies attacks
first. It also reduces how often your Axie can get
critically hit when defending. If two Axies have the
same speed, this is how attack order is determined:
High speed > Low HP > High Skill > High Morale > Low
Fighter ID.
• Skill: adds damage when an Axie plays multiple cards at
once (combo). The extra damage is calculated like this:
(card attack * skill) / 500.
• Morale: increases critical strike chance when attacking
and making ‘last stand turns’ more often.
An Axie’s stats / attributes are dependent on two variables: its
class and its body parts (eyes, ears, mouth, horns, back, and
tail). For instance the base stats of an Aquatic Axie are: 39 HP,
39 Speed, 35 Skill, and 27 Morale. Each card will add stats
based on the type:

• Aquatic: +3 Speed, +1 HP
• Beast: +3 Morale, +1 Speed
• Bird: +3 Speed, +1 Morale
• Bug: +3 Morale, +1 HP
• Plant: +3 HP, +1 Morale
• Reptile: +3 HP, +1 Speed

An Axie is a ‘pure breed’ when its class and all of its body parts
are of the same type. The ‘pureness’ of the Axie can be set as a
filter on the Axie Marketplace, ranging from 1 to 6 body parts
that are the same type as the selected class.
Abilities / Cards
An Axie has 6 body parts (eyes, ears, mouth, horns, back, and
tail) but only 4 of them affect cards that each Axie gets.

• 4 cards for mouths

• 6 cards for horns
• 6 cards for backs
• 6 cards for tails

6 total classes with ability cards with 22 cards each gives 132
unique abilities which Axies can have.

Each card also has 1 or 0 type of energy usage per turn. Energy
cost is the Energy required to use the card. It is changed each
turn and the card is used as long it doesn’t exceed the Energy it
has been accumulated. Players can use more cards on an Axie
in a single turn so energy usage tactics are important when
Buffs are status effects which affect your Axies positively. These
are typically placed by an Axie to itself or its teammates
• Attack Up: increases the next Attack by 20%
• Speed Up: increases Speed by 20% (Stackable).
• Morale Up: increases Morale by 20% (Stackable).

Debuffs are status effects which affect your Axies negatively.
• Stun: next attack misses / next incoming attack
ignores shields.
• Aroma: target priority changes to affected Axie for
the next round.
• Chill: affected Axie can’t enter last stand.
• Fear: affected Axie cannot attack.
• Fragile: shield takes 200% damage.
Debuffs (Continued)

• Jinx: affected Axie can’t land critical hits.

• Lethal: next hit against affected Axie is always a
critical strike.
• Poison: until removal, affected Axie loses 2 HP for
every action (Stackable).
• Sleep: next incoming attacks ignores shields.
• Stench: affected Axie loses target priority when
there are 2 or more targets.
• Attack Down: decreases Attack by 20% (Stackable).
• Speed Down: decreases Speed by 20% (Stackable).
• Morale Down: decreases Morale by 20%
Aquatic Axie

This Axie have the ability to use water as a defensive weapon,

besides having great resistance.

Aquatic Axies are strong against: Beast, Bug, Mech

Aquatic Axies are weak against: Reptile, Plant, Dusk

Based stats for Aquatic class Axie are: 39 HP, 39 Speed, 35 Skill,
and 27 Morale. Each Aquatic class card will give the Axie and
additional 3 Speed and 1 HP.

With high Speed and good HP, Aquatic Axies are incredibly
versatile. This Axie can be a good Off-tank with, because of high
base HP. However, because of high Speed, this Axie can also be
a very high damage backdoor attacker.
Body Part: Mouth
Body Part: Horn
Body Part: Back
Body Part: Tail
Beast Axie

This type of Axie are brave warriors ready for battle. Their
attacks are highly accurate and made to survive in the desert.

Beast Axies are strong against: Reptile, Plant, Dusk

Beast Axies are weak against: Aquatic, Bird, Dawn

Based stats for Beast class Axie are: 31 HP, 35 Speed, 31 Skill,
and 43 Morale. Each Beast class card will give the Axie and
additional 3 Morale and 1 Speed.
Body Part: Mouth
Body Part: Horn
Body Part: Back
Body Part: Tail
Bird Axie

This Axie have excellent attacks and are really fast, but have
very low resistance due to their little defense.

Bird Axies are strong against: Beast, Bug, Mech

Bird Axies are weak against: Reptile, Plant, Dusk

Based stats for Bird class Axie are: 27 HP, 43 Speed, 35 Skill, and
35 Morale. Each Bird class card will give the Axie and additional
3 Speed and 1 Morale.

The high Speed and Morale of the Bird Axie makes it a great
choice for the role of ‘Attacker’. These Axies have at least 2 high
damage cards (100+ damage) and they sacrifice survivability for
high damage output.
Body Part: Mouth
Body Part: Horn
Body Part: Back
Body Part: Tail
Bug Axie

Bug Axies are peaceful species. Their attacks are not as

effective, but even so by leveling up and build on their skills
they will be able to unleash their fiercest attacks.

Bug Axies are strong against: Reptile, Plant, Dusk

Bug Axies are weak against: Aquatic, Bird, Dawn

Based stats for Bug class Axie are: 35 HP, 31 Speed, 35 Skill, and
39 Morale. Each Bug class card will give the Axie and additional
3 Morale and 1 HP.

Most their cards applies debuffs upon use. A meta build called
‘Thorny Turtle’ that centers around the use of Chomp and
Allergic Reaction combo allows players to ignore opponents
defense and to trigger the bonus damage of Allergic Reaction.
Body Part: Mouth
Body Part: Horn
Body Part: Back
Body Part: Tail
Plant Axie

This Axie have have a great capacity for healing and defense,
but as they are creatures that feel comfortable in its nature,
they are a little slow.

Plant Axies are strong against: Aquatic, Bird, Dawn

Plant Axies are weak against: Beast, Bug, Mech

Based stats for Plant class Axie are: 43 HP, 31 Speed, 31 Skill,
and 35 Morale. Each Plant card will give the Axie and additional
3 HP and 1 Morale.

The plant class is found in nearly every Axie team. Their ability
to absorb a high amount of damage, while also gaining Energy
and destroying opponent’s energy, makes this Plant and easy
choice when choosing a team setup.
Body Part: Mouth
Body Part: Horn
Body Part: Back
Body Part: Tail
Reptile Axie

Reptiles Axie are of an ancient class possessing Prehistoric

genes in their DNA. Statistics show that this Axie is one of the
strongest opponents you can find because of their highly
effective attacks.

Reptile Axies are strong against: Aquatic, Bird, Dawn

Reptile Axies are weak against: Beast, Bug, Mech

Based stats for Reptile class Axie are: 39 HP, 35 Speed, 31 Skill,
and 31 Morale. Each Reptile class card will give the Axie and
additional 3 HP and 1 Speed.

This Axie is a great tank of off-tank, because of high base HP

and Speed. Their cards are quite special, allowing a high variety
of abilities and debuff potential.
Body Part: Mouth
Body Part: Horn
Body Part: Back
Body Part: Tail

The World Axie Infinity (

A complete guide to Axie Infinity's Axies | Metahub

Axie Infinity Stats and their effects | AxieZone

Axie Infinity: Class Guide - LYNNYL gaming

Axie Infinity Buffs and Debuffs Guide » AxieEdge

Axie Infinity Buffs / Debuffs and their effects | AxieZone

Axie World | Tools - Cards Explorer

Axie Infinity Guide compiled by XSon

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