I Sometimes Worry About My Short Attention Span

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The phrase implies that Strange de Jim is concerned about the short span of attention, but will quickly
forget. The quotation says that De Jim talks about the little time he has spent his attention, which does
not even enable him to worry about it very long before his focus moves to something else. Attention is
generally described as focused intellectual activity. In general, we are able to think about attention as a
shape of intellectual activity or energy this is dispensed amongst alternative facts sources. It is selective
however divisible, in addition to shift-able but sustainable. About attention span there have been some
of my greatest mental bugs in the pulpit. For example, when I forget parts of the Prayer of the Lord, I
would want to remove the line, "forgive us our transgressions," and leap to grant us our daily bread this
day." The short span of attention is mostly known as temporary response and causes disorder and
critical mental health conditions. Sometimes there is a possibility that in the middle age, several
circumstances might lead to muddled thinking, such as menopause. Research informs us that our brain
has a type of amnesia built in which the hopeless congestion of worthless information prevents
productive thought from being blocked by it. Selective attention (described before) can be concentrated
onto one root of information and away from another root of information. Short attention span relieves
brain from collecting information that are not so important to memorize. In other words, it is healthy to
remove certain information from our memory regularly. Short attention span also troubles for long time
listening or reading. It may cause a person forget his/her regular active memory recollection. Elderly
individuals may suffer memory difficulties, rather than conventional dementia kinds related to aging due
to low nutrition, vitamin shortages or glandular imbalances. There is optimism that persons with brain
diseases such as Alzheimer's will destroy. Scientists constantly recognize genes that cause plaques in the
brain to form which damage nervous cells. It can be treated more rapidly than before, even if the illness
is not curable. Some older people are diagnosed with dementia incorrectly when subsequent
examinations show that severe depression is the major cause of most of their memory problems. The
good news is that depression is extremely treatable with 80 percent cure in combination with cognitive
behavioral therapy for patients with medication treatment. And attention span can be easily cured with
therapy which works through mental health conditions. Working as a behavioral health practitioner with
senior individuals especially throughout the last decade, I've seen many older adults cogently come up
'from of ashes' following the therapy for their depression, first "screened" as having a biological brain


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2. Boden, M. (1990). Escaping from the Chinese room. In M. Boden (Ed.), the philosophy of
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