Lit - What Is The Deal With Him - Like Who The Fuck Reads - Literature - 4chan

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11/21/21, 12:36 AM /lit/ - What is the deal with him?

Like who the fuck reads - Literature - 4chan

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File: grey-mirror-of-the-nihili(...).jpg (211 KB, 819x655)

Anonymous 11/19/21(Fri)17:49:47 No.19429130 ▶ >>19429152
>>19429154 >>19429156 >>19429283 >>19430554 >>19431664 >>19432507 >>19434308
>>19434479 >>19435095

What is the deal with him? Like who the fuck reads that? Secretly le
based hoity-toity ivy grads? Is this the right-wing's only hope?

>> Anonymous 11/19/21(Fri)17:53:16 No.19429144 ▶

I have been a far right wing crank on the internet for over
ten years and the only time I hear about Moldbug is
when someone here mentions someone from Twitter
who is mentioning him. I never see him mentioned
anywhere else except in connection with normalfags on

>> Anonymous 11/19/21(Fri)17:54:57 No.19429152 ▶ >>19433388

>>19429130 (OP)

he's american, he can't be right-wing desu

>> Anonymous 11/19/21(Fri)17:55:51 No.19429154 ▶ >>19434243

>>19429130 (OP)

>thinks voting is the solution


>> Anonymous 11/19/21(Fri)17:56:54 No.19429156 ▶

>>19429130 (OP)

Jewish-incel psyop

>> Anonymous 11/19/21(Fri)17:57:54 No.19429159 ▶ >>19434308 1/9
11/21/21, 12:36 AM /lit/ - What is the deal with him? Like who the fuck reads - Literature - 4chan


>> Anonymous 11/19/21(Fri)17:59:00 No.19429161 ▶ >>19429192 >>19429195 >>19434308

He's literally just a philosopher. Its like a rightoid asking "whats the deal with marx????? secretly le
wholesome hoity toity reddit chungus?? is this the left wings only hope???". Read some of his stuff and
find out.

His writing style is painful, but he is probably one of the most anti establishment duders alive at this very
moment, so I'd recommend read *some* of his blog posts to understand his worldview. Even if your not
one of those "everything since the French revolution has been garbage reeee" type lads, you can still
glean some insights.

>> Anonymous 11/19/21(Fri)17:59:26 No.19429163 ▶ >>19429172 >>19429310

he was more popular 10 years ago before the 'the alt right' and neo-neonazism and 4chan and twitter etc,
had a widely read blog. Nowadays the only people that care are neoreaction spergs larping about
monarchy, namely a few tech-sector dorks that are clueless about bigboy politics.

>> Anonymous 11/19/21(Fri)18:03:55 No.19429172 ▶ >>19429180 >>19429191 >>19434308


Moldbug still has some cachet with the Bap crowd. They seem to mostly agree with his view on power,
they dont like talking about conspiracies and especially not js.

>> Anonymous 11/19/21(Fri)18:05:28 No.19429179 ▶ >>19429225 >>19434420

how is he right-wing?

how many push ups can he do?

how many children does he have?

how many people has he killed?

>> Anonymous 11/19/21(Fri)18:05:33 No.19429180 ▶ >>19429193


The BAP faggots don't like talking about the Jews? Hahaha they're even more gay and reddit than I

>> Anonymous 11/19/21(Fri)18:07:17 No.19429191 ▶


Ahh yeah you're right I actually forgot they still exist.

>> Anonymous 11/19/21(Fri)18:07:31 No.19429192 ▶ >>19429205 >>19429213 >>19429234 >>19429257 >>19429319



>anti establishment

he wants a technocracy where the elite rule over the peons... which is the current establishment

>> Anonymous 11/19/21(Fri)18:07:43 No.19429193 ▶ >>19432450


On the whole not really from what I can tell. They're not progs obviously, they'll make fun of js or call out
the ADL or whatever, but they dont see them as being involved in power in a conspiracy way, just the old
moldbug line about them being overrepresented for the same reason they get lots of nobels.

>> Anonymous 11/19/21(Fri)18:07:48 No.19429195 ▶ >>19429257 2/9
11/21/21, 12:36 AM /lit/ - What is the deal with him? Like who the fuck reads - Literature - 4chan

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>a philosopher

>anti establishment duders


>> Anonymous 11/19/21(Fri)18:10:51 No.19429205 ▶


From what I can tell, he says 'there is nobody at the wheel, it's just a bureaucratic middle management
mess that's taken on a mind of its own!' that SHOULD have a technocratic elite at the helm.

>> Anonymous 11/19/21(Fri)18:13:34 No.19429213 ▶


Didn't Saint-Simon and Comte already do this scientism technocracy utopia idea like 200 years ago, and it
was already hideous then?

>> Anonymous 11/19/21(Fri)18:16:26 No.19429225 ▶


How many calories does he eat in a day?

What's his steroid cycle?

How many Jews have had epileptic seizures at his illegal tweets?

>> Anonymous 11/19/21(Fri)18:18:16 No.19429234 ▶ >>19431670 >>19432357 >>19432450


His whole shtick is that democracy means nobody rules, or rather "a decentralized holiness spiral in the
ivy league schools rules". He thinks just putting some guy in charge, even a bad guy, would produce
better results. He also had a bunch of autism about making the government into a joint stock company,
cryptographic weapons, and city state darwinism, but its best to leave that stuff alone.

>> Anonymous 11/19/21(Fri)18:23:18 No.19429257 ▶ >>19429287


Please actually read his blog before posting in a moldbug thread.


seethe for you are either a communist or a rightiwinger, and either way, are the scum of the earth.

>> Anonymous 11/19/21(Fri)18:28:36 No.19429283 ▶

>>19429130 (OP)

he's a good read. not right about everything. in the tradition of reactionary politics. and reactionary politics
never win of course. Self-identified "neoreactionaries" are dumb and too rationalistic, or rather they
hypostatize rationality into an idol– german idealism corrects their mistakes.

>> Anonymous 11/19/21(Fri)18:29:31 No.19429287 ▶ >>19429314 >>19432137


i read his blog and he was trying to look for a girlfriend and whinging about his dead wife, so i stopped
reading his blog.

>> Anonymous 11/19/21(Fri)18:35:01 No.19429310 ▶ 3/9
11/21/21, 12:36 AM /lit/ - What is the deal with him? Like who the fuck reads - Literature - 4chan

>these people are dumber and beneath me....because they have lots of money!


>> Anonymous 11/19/21(Fri)18:35:51 No.19429314 ▶


Now you have an understanding of neoreaction. I retract my past statement.

>> Anonymous 11/19/21(Fri)18:36:46 No.19429319 ▶



>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)01:16:34 No.19430554 ▶ >>19430624 >>19430930 >>19434308 >>19434893

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>>19429130 (OP)

Join his poetry contest:

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)01:51:16 No.19430624 ▶



I didn't realise he was a loser of this calibre

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)03:35:09 No.19430930 ▶ >>19431644


i dont understand the hype behind zero hp lovecraft

his writing is a sophomoric dfw rip off

he even uses 'and but so'

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)08:03:21 No.19431644 ▶


Sure but I'm not gonna pass up the chance to win 15k in prizes

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)08:07:49 No.19431664 ▶ >>19431704 >>19432518

>>19429130 (OP) [Embed]

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)08:09:14 No.19431670 ▶ >>19432257 >>19432357


the whole sovcorp thing is basically right though. A state is literally just a sovereign corporation that
pretends not to be one right now. It's just a different way of viewing the state.

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)08:11:00 No.19431681 ▶

he was right, liberalism is doomed

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)08:15:09 No.19431704 ▶ >>19432292 >>19432373 >>19432450 >>19432518 4/9
11/21/21, 12:36 AM /lit/ - What is the deal with him? Like who the fuck reads - Literature - 4chan

That's a pretty bad understanding of Moldbug. He really has a certain ability to make progs view him as
the devil incarnate, whereas they see neonazis simply as clowns.

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)08:20:20 No.19431726 ▶ >>19432450

I honestly don't get why people call him a Neoreactionary, since it was never a term he identified as. He
just said reactionary when he wanted to sound transgressive or simply monarchist. Did he ever talk about
the problem with government by procedure? Which is basically what our current "democracies" are.

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)09:47:48 No.19432137 ▶


>i read his blog and he was trying to look for a girlfriend and whinging about his dead wife, so i stopped
reading his blog

You mean you signed up to his email newsletter.

Go read UR and stop being a pseud

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)10:11:37 No.19432257 ▶ >>19432386


He was trying to square the circle of sovereignty by having a board of directors appoint the monarch

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)10:17:37 No.19432292 ▶ >>19432322 >>19432372


moldbug is not a serious thinker

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)10:23:04 No.19432322 ▶


he also has poor fashion sense. what is up with that jacket??

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)10:30:02 No.19432357 ▶ >>19432386



its not even pretending. the aristotilian modul uses the corpus (body) as the main concept, and it was
used intellectually interchangably between a state and a private corporation (think Leviathain for an
example, but the idea was used all acrose politics and corporations and still is, body without organs, etc)

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)10:33:12 No.19432372 ▶


Why not?

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)10:33:12 No.19432373 ▶ >>19432382 >>19432396


It's not that they see him as worse than neonazis, it's that they think he has a better shot of convincing
people. The ironic thing about him is that he has probably produced a lot of neonaizs even though hes
opposed to them. Telling people to hate the press and Harvard is going to make a lot of them hate Jews
regardless of his arguments.

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)10:34:23 No.19432382 ▶


based moldbug pragmatist 5/9
11/21/21, 12:36 AM /lit/ - What is the deal with him? Like who the fuck reads - Literature - 4chan
>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)10:35:33 No.19432386 ▶


I know but this guy explains what I was getting at>>19432357

Treating the state as fundamentally different from a corporation is a fairly new thing.

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)10:37:43 No.19432396 ▶


He doesn't outright tell people to hate the press or Harvard, they're perfectly good at getting people to
hate them themselves, jewish academics too I'm afraid.

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)10:51:20 No.19432450 ▶ >>19432481

>Yarvin :Peterson: Ben Shapiro

Like Trump, he's yesterday's 90s Democrat, and wholly unremarkable and derivative for it. One more
gatekeeper on the spiral of "Don't do anything actually nativist or nationalist about the 5th columns."


>overrepresented for the same reason they get lots of nobels

subversion good. disregard protocols. plagiarist fraud Einstein on madness, ect.


>He really has a certain ability to make progs view him as the devil incarnate

He is one and is showing them what's necessary to have their cake and eat it too, which they don't
appreciate because it requires acknowledging unflattering things about themselves and their real motives.


>East India Company writ large

He's more dangerous than the unconscious reflexive Blue voter for it


Moldbug's deficient positive vision for the right demonstrates the need for a utopian and techno-futurist
strategy reclaiming that from the memetic corpse god of the Workers Utopia.

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)10:57:43 No.19432481 ▶


>he's yesterday's 90s Democrat


Ok liberal

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)10:58:53 No.19432486 ▶


No. The point of patchwork, which he doesn't talk much about lately is that you get the powers out of their
bag. The elite, corporations etc. don't have to lobby government for things they want, they don't have to
invest in propaganda to teach you that it's good for you(remember net neutrality? where's the death of
internet?), they become the government and have to accept responsibility for governing, right now, they
factually do rule, but the responsibility is on the taxpayer's. This would be a step towards what he sees as
formalism, which by itself is just a constitutional theory for more decentralised society.

I disagree with him on this for various reasons but there's more to his argument than "gib big tech teh

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)11:03:37 No.19432507 ▶ >>19432518 >>19433447

>>19429130 (OP)

is that the guy who is extremely opposed to scientific institutions because he thinks they just reproduce
whatever already is established?

pretty lame take to be honest 6/9
11/21/21, 12:36 AM /lit/ - What is the deal with him? Like who the fuck reads - Literature - 4chan

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)11:05:32 No.19432518 ▶ >>19432543



The problem with this youtube video is it's basing NrX thought on a handful of youtubers like Endeavor
and Academic Agent

It's going "well it looks more like the people running youtube channels are more interested in keeping their
content going and keeping viewers than actually doing anything" which is... really just a criticism of the
majority of political youtubers anyways.



>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)11:09:10 No.19432543 ▶


That guy has some axe to grind with AA and anyone who critiques the LTV. I think AA has offered to
debate him before but to no avail.

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)11:13:31 No.19432565 ▶ >>19432733

I think Moldbug wrote somewhere that he would print out entire screeds and staple them to posts. Maybe
it was sarcasm but the thought is funny nontheless.

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)11:51:14 No.19432733 ▶ >>19432798


moldbug's screeds and creeds

(formerly reactionary)

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)12:03:43 No.19432798 ▶


I don't get it

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)14:25:18 No.19433388 ▶



>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)14:40:35 No.19433447 ▶


>scientific institutions... just reproduce whatever already is established?

This is correct. They struggle to do a 180 on anything.

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)17:44:34 No.19434243 ▶ >>19434308

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? He doesn't. He recommends not voting, disassociating and just

letting the left eat itself.

>> 7/9
11/21/21, 12:36 AM /lit/ - What is the deal with him? Like who the fuck reads - Literature - 4chan

Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)17:58:11 No.19434308 ▶ >>19434320

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>>19429130 (OP)






This guy fucks

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)18:00:01 No.19434320 ▶ >>19434325


she looks like a mongoloid

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)18:01:28 No.19434325 ▶


Pussy is still pussy. How many girls have you fucked from posting a personal ad on your political blog?

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)18:15:33 No.19434386 ▶

moldbug is a boring jew that i have never seen mentioned on pol or in rightwing circles, heck, even nick
land is more relevant

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)18:22:08 No.19434420 ▶


Anon decodes the formula for being right-wing

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)18:39:17 No.19434479 ▶ >>19434781 >>19435281

>>19429130 (OP)

Which of his works should i read to get a sense of his ideas?

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)20:06:30 No.19434781 ▶ >>19434899


This is from 2008 but did a great job of defining a lot of the terms that the online right still operate on (eg
"the Cathedral").

His Moldbug stuff is better (spicier ideas, better written) than later on when he drops the moniker for his
real name, at least imo.

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)20:37:32 No.19434893 ▶



into the trash

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)20:39:44 No.19434899 ▶

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>terms that the online right still operate on

(eg "the Cathedral"). 8/9
11/21/21, 12:36 AM /lit/ - What is the deal with him? Like who the fuck reads - Literature - 4chan

>> dago !CFhj32is5k 11/20/21(Sat)21:39:41 No.19435095 ▶

>>19429130 (OP)

no need to read him

just watch his youtube videos

he's a seething hylic but has some interesting critiques of various shit and is a /his/ autist on certain

>> Anonymous 11/20/21(Sat)22:41:38 No.19435281 ▶


Start with the open letter to the open minded progressives. And yes, his writing sucks.

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