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1 Look at the picture. Count the girls and boys.

2 Who has got blonde hair? Circle.

3 Who is feeling sad? Point.

4 Listen to the Hello everyone song. Tick (✔)

the parts of the body you hear.

5 Sing the song and do the actions!

What do you know? Let’s find out!

Language tips
He’s got blonde hair.
She’s got blonde hair.
Ben’s got … hair.
Katie’s got … hair.
I’ve got …

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Making friends
Listen, look and act out.

1 2

3 4

1 Listen and number.

Katie Lisa Martin Ben

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Work together

Make a dictionary of feelings

Imagine an alien is visiting the Earth. The alien
does not understand feelings! Make a dictionary
to help the alien understand how our faces
show what we feel.


1 Work on your own.

Your teacher will give you a feeling. Draw a face
to show this feeling.

2 Work with a partner.

Show your partner your picture. Look at your
partner’s picture. Write a sentence to
describe the feeling each picture shows.
We look like this when we feel …

3 Work in a group.
Put your pictures together to create a book.
Design a cover for your book. Write your names
on the cover. Show the class.
Which face was very difficult to draw?

Evaluate your cooperative learning.

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This is me, this is you
1 Listen and trace. Write and colour.

blue green black brown

My eye∫ are .

My friend’∫ eye∫ are

2 Write.

long short black red blonde brown

My hair i∫      and      .
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My favourite things
1 Listen and circle. Use the code.

Mike Sally
Language tips
2 Draw your favourite things.
My favourite food is …
Tell your partner.

food animal toy

eleven 11

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Get ready for school Hi, I’m Laura!

Get ready for school. Get ready

at home in the morning.
Get ready in the classroom.
Is Laura ready for school?

1 Listen to the Ready for school chant. Number the actions.

2 Who is doing something good? Circle.

a b c

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Hi, I’m Danny!
I feel happy!

We all have feeling∫. Sometime∫

we feel happy, sad or angry.
How does Danny feel today? How do
you feel?

Language tips
Danny feels …
1 Listen and trace. Make the faces. I feel …

happy sad angry worried

2 How do they feel? Find the stickers.

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Think about others

Be kind to people. Look after

your family and friend∫.
Be kind at school.

1 Tick (✔) the kind behaviour.

2 How does your friend feel today? Write and draw a picture.

Today my friend feel∫

Language tips
How do you feel today?
Today I feel …

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Our choices

Identifying feelings How do you feel

when you dance?
Find out more when
1 How do they feel? Colour. you do the Project!

happy sad angry afraid

2 Your friend is sad. How can you help? Tick (4).

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1 Listen and colour.

a b

c d

2 Match.

I’ve got I’ve got I’ve got

brown eye∫ green eye∫ blue eye∫
and and and
black hair. red hair. blonde hair.

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3 Listen and circle.

4 How do they feel? Colour.

happy sad angry

5 Complete the pattern. Draw and write.

happy angry happy angry

What do you know now? Check!

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