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TOPIC: The ways a company create healthy and balance in work environment.






An assignment submitted ma’am HAJRA MAQSOOD in partial

fulfillment for the course of the EGL502


DAY & TIMING: MONDAY & (09:00 AM TO 12:00PM)

DATE: _______________

NESTLÉ PAKISTAN........................................................................................................................................3
CREATING A SAFE AND HEALTHY WORK CULTURE | NESTLÉ.......................................................................3
BENEFITS & PERKS.......................................................................................................................................4
 WORK LIFE BALANCE.......................................................................................................................5
 WORKPLACE....................................................................................................................................5
 OUR COMMITMENT........................................................................................................................5
Demonstrating our commitment.................................................................................................................6
Adapting to a new world.............................................................................................................................6
FOUR GOLDEN RULES OF SAFETY................................................................................................................7
 SAFE DRIVING..................................................................................................................................7
 SAFE WORK SITES............................................................................................................................8
 HEALTHY WORKPLACES AND EMPLOYEES.......................................................................................9
 LEADING HEALTHIER LIVES............................................................................................................10
WORLD DAY OF SAFETY AND HEALTH AT WORK.......................................................................................11
WORKPLACE CULTURE...............................................................................................................................12
PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY..........................................................12
HEALTH AND LIFESTYLE PRACTICE.............................................................................................................12
SUPPORTIVE WORKPLACE ENVIRONMENT................................................................................................12
7 WAYS TO BUILD A HEALTHY WORK ENVIRONMENT...............................................................................13
1 Give your employees a real voice.......................................................................................................13
2. Show appreciation every day.............................................................................................................13
3. Focus on the workplace itself — even if you're remote!...................................................................13
4. Turn your values into more than just words......................................................................................13
5. Create an environment of psychological safety and trust.................................................................14
6. Prioritize cultural alignment when hiring...........................................................................................14
7. Empower your team with what they need to succeed......................................................................14

Nestlé Pakistan is proud of its
commitment to excellence in
product safety and quality and to
providing value and aims to be
the leading Nutrition, Health and
Wellness Company. As a
socially responsible corporate,
we always focus on environment
friendly operations, ethical
business practices and our
responsibility towards the

Nestlé in Pakistan is operating

since 1988 under a joint venture with Milk Pak ltd and took over management in 1992.


Enhancing the quality of people’s lives and contributing to a healthier future are key to Nestlé in
Central and West Africa and worldwide.

The company aims to do this by starting with the safety and health of its people, the employees,
from creating a culture in which safety and health are top priorities, to helping them make more
informed decisions about their own health.

Its ongoing efforts are part of its three long-term ambitions and 42 commitments, in support of
the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which were recently announced in the
new report ‘Nestlé in society: Creating Shared Value and meeting our commitments 2016’.

We are a people-inspired
company. People are at the heart
of everything we do. We look to
promote a healthy lifestyle inside
and outside work. 

Our culture is based on our values

rooted in respect: for ourselves,
for others, for diversity and for
the future. Our ways of working
and flexible environment allow us
to adapt to the ever-changing
world. Promoting an inclusive
environment helps us bring our
purpose and values to life every

Nestlé offers an attractive total rewards package that comprises a competitive salary and
performance-oriented variable pay in return for your contribution to our success.

Besides these financial rewards, we offer many opportunities for personal growth and
development to help you reach your full potential, such as an internationally mobile career that
truly broadens your experience and knowledge.

Of course, our total rewards package varies locally to reflect differing candidate aspirations and
to respond to what our employees value around the world. But as a global, diverse and dynamic
company, we offer many exciting opportunities and a total rewards package to match.

We are a people-inspired company. People are at the heart of everything we do. We look to
promote a healthy lifestyle inside and outside work wherever possible. 

Our culture is based on our values rooted in respect: for ourselves, for others, for diversity and
for the future. Our ways of working and flexible environment allow us to adapt to the ever-
changing world. Promoting an inclusive environment helps us bring our purpose and values to
life every day.


Offering employees good working conditions and helping
them to stay safe, healthy and engaged are top priorities.

We have around 328,000 people and some 418
factories in 86 countries around the world
above all else, we make sure that our
workplaces are safe and healthy for the people
who work there.

Advocate for healthy workplaces and healthier

Demonstrating our commitment
We are a company that is committed to offering good nutrition, contributing to balanced lives
and to supporting a thriving planet. We apply that same duty of care to the people behind our
products. We believe healthy employees are happier, more engaged and the best ambassadors for
our purpose and values.

To support them, in 2020 we reviewed our Employee Health Strategy, establishing our vision,
principles and approach. We made good progress toward our commitment in 2020 through our
three major global programs – Know Your Numbers (KYNP), #Healthy Lives and Stress and

We also actively participate in conferences with organizations such as the European Health
Network to provide leadership. We remain committed to sharing our expertise and supporting
key initiatives.

Adapting to a new world

The COVID-19 pandemic completely transformed the requirements for safeguarding our
employees. Since the start of the pandemic, we have encouraged remote working as much as
possible. We have also given parents the flexibility to manage their family responsibilities
alongside their professional obligations.

We have taken additional safety measures in our offices, factories and distribution centers, and
asked employees not to travel internationally for business purposes. We have gone beyond the
basic expectations to make working in our premises safe by offering additional support through
testing campaigns, flu vaccination campaigns and other measures wherever feasible and
Nestlé is committed to ensure all its employees are covered by a certified safety and health
management system, and looks to achieve a uniform level of safety and zero work-related
injuries and illnesses.

Last year, the company’s Safety and Health Roadmap was updated to set out high-level priorities
to be met by 2018, focusing on keeping everyone engaged, managing key risks and backing
management processes.

One way Nestlé in Central and West Africa is making progress in this area is by launching its
four Golden Rules of Safety at its sites across the region.

Employees are being encouraged to keep all walking pathways clear, always use the handrails
when using the stairs, not to use multi electrical connections, and never use mobile phones while
walking or driving.

Nestlé CWAR has also launched a road
safety programme for employees in the
region to increase safe driving in its

Employees in Francophone and

Anglophone countries are already
benefiting from the initiative, in which
measures and monitoring have been
introduced to enhance safe driving and
reduce road accidents.

In Cameroon, the company is also a

founding member of Safe Way Right Way,
which aims to teach more people about
road safety.

As part of the initiative, more than 120,000 drivers in the region attended education and
awareness sessions that highlighted the dangers of speeding, drink driving, driving while tired
and using mobile phones while driving.

It encouraged employee drivers to wear seat belts, motorcyclist employees to wear helmets and
to carry out periodic vehicle checks.

In Burkina Faso, the “I am Choco, I wear my helmet, and you?” campaign is being launched to
teach people how to avoid road accidents. The campaign, supported by the National Road Safety
Office and the African Institute of Management of Burkina Faso, aims to educate 10,000 young
people on road safety.


The company aims to ensure its employees are
safe and protected through its global external
audit programme, CARE. It carries out
verifications to make sure operations comply
with local legislation, the Nestlé Code of
Business Conduct and the Nestlé Corporate
Business Principles, including those relating to
safety and health.

The CARE audits, which are carried out every

three years by an independent company, look to
provide employees with efficient, safe and
improved work sites and help to identify any
workplace gaps.

Nestlé CWAR also carries out machinery line assessments, safety and health compulsory
training, trains leadership teams at its distributions centres, and provides safety visits for each
employee every year.

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Nestlé continues to support its
people by advocating for healthy
workplaces and healthier

By encouraging them to learn

more about health and well-being,
they in turn can make more
informed decisions about their
own health, diets and lifestyles.

By 2020, it aims to offer

employees education, early
screening and programmes that
support healthier lifestyle choices
in the region and across the globe.

In Central and West Africa, the

‘Nestlé CWAR Parental Policy’ was launched for all employees in 2015.

Based on the International Labour Organization (ILO) Maternity Protection Convention and
the global Nestlé Maternity Protection Policy, it includes 14 weeks paid maternity leave with the
right to extend maternity leave by up to six months, flexible working arrangements and a
conducive work environment to breastfeed. Nestlé CWAR currently has four breastfeeding
rooms available at its sites for breastfeeding mothers.

These measures apply to all employees who are primary caregivers of their newborns, including
fathers and adoptive parents.

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Nestlé CWAR is also training
employees to lead healthier lives
through the Nestlé Nutrition
Quotient programme (NQ), which
aims to make sure everyone has
good nutritional knowledge and can
apply the NQ learnings in their day-
to-day roles.

Launched in 2007, the e-learning

programme covers basic nutrition
science, regulations and the
components of a healthy, balanced

For those employees without

computer access, Nestlé CWAR
provides in-class training, and
organises factory site campaigns with
educational posters, activities and handouts that employees can take home to their families. All
participants are tested before and after NQ training is delivered to measure progress.

At the end of last year, Nestlé CWAR focused on training all its employees at least once in this

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Nestlé CWAR’s efforts to
boost the safety and health of
its employees highlight the
importance of the
ILO’s World Day of Safety
and Health at Work.

This year’s theme focuses on

the critical need for countries
to improve their capacity to
collect and utilize reliable
occupational safety and health
data, to help meet the UN
Sustainable Development Goal
8 of “inclusive and sustainable
economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”.

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Every company has their own corporate culture that determines its value and it usually creates a
standard that employees generally follow. When you have created a positive workplace culture
that is being practiced by employees as well as yourself, the environment of the workplace tends
to be healthier as everyone would have nothing to be upset or unhappy about.

A great company culture can keep employees productive and even help your company retain the
best employees and happy workers are also more likely to stick around.


A healthy workplace environment also involves the physical environment of the office or
workshop and the occupational health & safety of your employees. Reduce the worry of your
employees by looking into the safety of the workplace.

Simple things such as ensuring that all electric cables are covered or taped down with a cable
tray to prevent employees from tripping over them are one of the issues, which your employees
should not be worried about. Nobody wants to sit underneath a cracked ceiling! So, allow your
employees to come to a safe workplace environment.


Employees will care for the company they are working for if they know that they are being
looked after. Employees are the best asset of every organization, and putting effort into employee
wellness can encourage better teamwork, increased productivity and reduce sick leave and
workplace accidents.


Everyone has personal problems and it is only human that some personal emotions get brought into the
workplace. Try not to ignore them but instead, find the core of the problem and be a supportive employer

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by showing concern. Your employee may come in to work depressed due to a passing a loved one or they
had a terrible weekend.

As an employee, show compassion and be there for them. You do not need to sit by them the whole day,
but by dropping an email, saying your doors are always open for them, shows that you not only care about
the progress of the company, but you also care about the well-being of your employee. Remember that a
supportive workplace culture is the foundation of a healthy workplace environment.


1 Give your employees a real voice
Feedback is one of the most valuable gifts you can get from your employees. Providing
opportunities for employees to express their feelings lets you identify ways you can help them

2. Show appreciation every day

Think about the last time you got a shout out from your boss when you least expected it. It
probably gave you a rush of confidence, instantly boosting your mood. Maybe it even gave you
the energy you needed to close out a big project. Frequent, meaningful recognition can
dramatically improve employee engagement, retention, and satisfaction. Not surprisingly,
recognition is a key part of a healthy work environment.

3. Focus on the workplace itself — even if you're remote!

Did you know that an attractive office design can make employees up to 33% happier? An
employee’s workspace can keep them motivated, improve their well-being, and promote healthy
habits. Invest in making your office a more enjoyable place to be, and your employees will love
spending time there.

4. Turn your values into more than just words

No employee wants to work at an organization that lacks compelling values, or one that doesn’t
practice what it preaches. Developing and living by meaningful core values drives a great
organizational culture and, eventually, profits. Organizations with highly aligned cultures,
together with highly aligned innovation strategies, see 30% higher enterprise value growth and

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17% higher profit growth. Not only have that, compelling values attracted better
candidates. Over 75% of employees consider it very important to work for a company with
defined core values.

5. Create an environment of psychological safety and trust

An environment of psychological safety is one where employees are comfortable being
themselves. They know they can express themselves freely without the fear of embarrassment or
retaliation. When employees are confident their ideas won’t be rejected out of hand or scoffed at,
they’re far more likely to participate in meaningful conversations, voice their opinions, and stay

6. Prioritize cultural alignment when hiring

Organizational culture is a shared experience, felt throughout a company and developed over
time. As you might imagine, the people your organization hires play a huge role in sustaining its
culture. Harvard Business Review found that when properly aligned with personal values, drives,
and needs, “culture can unleash tremendous amounts of energy toward a shared purpose and
foster an organization’s capacity to thrive.” Aligning your workforce with your culture should be
central to your strategy for beating the competition.

7. Empower your team with what they need to succeed

No matter how capable your workforce is, they need support to be their best selves at
work. Empowering employees can take many forms, from extra learning and development, to
greater flexibility in working hours, to autonomy over new projects. Employee empowerment
requires managers, HR, and the C-suite to act in tandem to provide employees with whatever it
takes to build success.

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Working environment has a positive impact on the Job satisfaction of employees. Bad working
conditions restrict employees to portray their capabilities and attain full potential, so it is
imperative that the businesses realize the importance of good working environment. The study
impacts upon the future performance of businesses by taking working environment more
seriously within their organizations to increase the motivation and commitment level of their
employees. This way their work force can achieve better results. It also ensures that the
employees of the organization will have the ease of working in a relaxed and free environment
without burden or pressure that would cause their performance to decline.

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