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http://w Occasion
nal Paper S

An Interview witth Ralp

ph Tyller
Originallly publisheed as Paper #13, Occassional Pape r Series, No
ovember, 19

Jeri Rid
dings Now

T his interview will be off interest to

thosse entering the field of educatio
as well asa for those who havee made theeir
that ffollows willl help you g
man a little beetter. As h
me of effortt and multip
get to knoww this
he discussses a
ple professiional
home within
w the fiield for som
me time now w. respo onsibilities, a sense off continuityy and
In the interview, Ralph Tyller discusses directtion becom mes appaarent. Here is
work in i education and education nal some one who deliberatelyy chose public
evaluation that spanss overr a half a educaation somee sixty yearrs ago, and d has
century.. He descrribes issuees that were spentt, and continues to sp pend most days
importa ant at the beginning
b of
o his career in purrsuit of its improvemeent. He is n not at
(those reelated to hiis work withh the Burea
au all smmug, but hee seems sin ncerely to eenjoy
of Accom mplishmen nt Testing at The Oh hio the id dea that h his work h has made ssome
State un nder W. W.W Charterss, and issues imporrtant differrences.
emergin ng in the Eight
E Year Study), annd Thhe intervview1 too ok place in
issues he thinks are im mportant to Novem mber, 19811 when Drr. Tyler maade a
educatio on and educational
e l evaluatio
on three--day trip to Westtern Mich higan
today. Univeersity at th he request of Kappa D Delta
I askked Dr. Tyller questions about hish Pi, ann honoraryy fraternity for studen nts in
early career, mid ddle careeer, and his h educaation. Ralp ph spent three dayys in
present activities. He disscussed th he classrrooms and d auditoriiums, and d at
progresss he felt was being g made, th he lunch heons and wine and cheese basshes.
problemms that still exist, and the
t resources Throu ughout he w was approaachable—alw ways
he think ks are ava ailable to the field of givingg the samee attention n and the ssame
educatio on. Throug ghout, he captures a qualitty of respo onse to whomever hee was
sense off the historyy and, perhhaps even th
he talkinng. And w whenever anyone b began
inevitabbility of puublic educa ation. He is takingg Ralph Tyller or the toopic at hand d too
essentiaally optimisttic—he seess the gains in seriouusly, you co ould begin to see his eyes
public educationn outweiighing th
problemms, and the pro omises sttill 1 The interview iss edited fromm the script of a
attainabble. videotaaped conversation between
n Dr. Tyler an
nd Dr.
Whether the reeader is an n old or neew Ridinggs of approxximately an hhour and a half’s
friend of
o Ralph Ty yler’s, the conversatio
on duratio

Journall of MultiDiisciplinary Evaluation

n, Volume 77, Number 115 202
ISSN 15556-8180
Februarry 2011
Jeri Ridings Nowakowski

light up as he dropped a saucy joke or line teaching, and they employed me as a

on an otherwise unsuspecting fan. The supervisor of practice teachers in science.
interview, I think, gives you a feel for the I was an instructor there for four years
combination of levity and seriousness that until 1926. Then I Went back to the
makes Ralph Tyler good company as well University of Chicago and got a doctorate
as an educational legend. in Educational Psychology.
The Appendix contains Dr. Tyler’s
two-page vita. It gives the reader some RIDINGS: You would have finished
idea of how Ralph Tyler frames his your doctorate then, when you were 25
professional experiences. (It’s one of the years old. I heard you say the other day
few educational documents that is that dissertations shouldn’t be a student’s
overwhelming in its brevity.) A summary magnum opus; what was your dissertation
index is also included in the appendix. It study?
outlines the major topics discussed during
the interview and provides page numbers. TYLER: I was studying educational
I am indebted to Dr. Tyler for his psychology, but because of my
willingness to share his thoughts with me. background in mathematics (I had an
I am, in turn, pleased to share this undergraduate major in mathematics as
interview with other educators. well as in philosophy), I was employed on
the Commonwealth Teacher Training
The Interview Study as a research assistant, and the title
of my dissertation was “Statistical
RIDINGS: I’d like to begin with some Methods for Utilizing Personal Judgments
questions about your history and your to Evaluate Teacher Training Curricula.”
education. Were you born in Nebraska? Sounds quite complicated but that was the
time when Professor Charters was
TYLER: No, I was born in Chicago while heading the Commonwealth Teacher
my father was in the theological seminary. Training Study; I had collected some two
And when I was two years old he million cards from each cooperating
graduated and we moved to Nebraska teacher who wrote down on a card an
where I was raised. activity that he was engaged in. We had
two million cards. In those days there was
RIDINGS: You attended Doane College no automatic sorting equipment or
in Nebraska. computers. Fly role was to classify those
two million cards and finally to get
TYLER: Yes, I received my bachelor’s statistical methods for identifying what
degree there in 1921 and went to Pierre, were the important and crucial or what is
South Dakota, the capital of the state to often called the “critical incidents” for
teach science in the high school. teachers. That was my dissertation. The
classification reduced the two million
RIDINGS: Did you go from there to the cards into “The Thousand and One
University of Chicago? Activities of Teachers in America.”

TYLER: I first went to the University of RIDINGS: How do we use that

Nebraska to get further training in science information today?

Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, Volume 7, Number 15 203

ISSN 1556-8180
February 2011
Jeri Ridings Nowakowski

TYLER: Well, the Commonwealth accomplishment testing; there was Edgar

Teacher Training Study is a report upon Dale in curriculum, W. H. Cowley in
which competency based teacher personnel, Earl Anderson in teacher
education in those days was developed. education and Tom Holy in buildings and
You know about every 20 years or so the school surveys. We met, with each one of
uneasy tension between theory and us previously submitting a written report
practice in professional education on what we had accomplished during the
(whether it be doctors or teachers or two weeks, what we saw ahead, and what
others), alternates between emphasizing were the new problems, so that we had a
the activities within the profession, or chance continually to see ourselves at the
emphasizing the theory that may help to cutting edge in developing new ideas and
guide the profession. This was one of new research.
those times when, as now, the emphasis
was on finding the competencies of RIDINGS: You worked on something
teachers and trying to focus on them. called “Service Studies” with professors
across campus, didn’t you?
RIDINGS: Did you move from the
University of Chicago to Ohio State? TYLER: Yes, my role in the Bureau of
Accomplishment Testing was to spend
TYLER: No, my first position, after I got half time or more than that working with
my degree, was at the University of North the colleges of The Ohio State University
Carolina where I worked with teachers in to try to increase student retention and
the state on the development of more improve the teaching. The legislature had
effective curricula. Because Rex Trabue, become concerned because half of the
who had founded the North Carolina State students that were enrolling in the
Testing Program was on leave, I was also freshman year never came back for the
in charge of the testing program of North sophomore year. The legislature
Carolina at that time. Then in 1929, Mr. appropriated funds to devote to
Charters who had left Chicago and gone to improving teaching and learning in the
The Ohio State University to head the university. Half my time was devoted to
Bureau of Educational Research asked me working with faculties there (actually
to join him there to head the Division of more than half), and the other half of the
Accomplishment Testing, as it was called, time with schools in the state.
in the Bureau of Educational Research.
RIDINGS: What were some of the
RIDINGS: The group of young people studies conducted with the schools in the
who went with Charters to Ohio State state?
turned out to be a pretty exciting group of
people. What was it like working at the TYLER: Let me begin by describing the
Bureau at that time? public mood at that time. The Great
Depression began in the fall of ‘29, shortly
TYLER: Charters was a very stimulating after I arrived in Columbus. People began
person to work with. Every other Monday to worry about their material losses and
evening beginning at 7:30 the heads of the blamed much of it on the banks, the
different parts of the Bureau met at his government and the schools. A big
home. I was in, as it was called, conference was held in 1933 on “The

Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, Volume 7, Number 15 204

ISSN 1556-8180
February 2011
Jeri Ridings Nowakowski

Crisis in Education: Will the Schools slightly, 30 points, which is only 2.4
Survive?” The papers were reporting how points in raw score. The standard scores
bad the schools were. Since these of the SAT are based on a scale in which
accusations included no evidence of the mean is 500 and the standard
school decline, I wrote to the deviation is 100. And the standard
superintendents in Ohio asking them deviation of the vocabulary test that fell so
whether they had any of the tests and the much was 8, and so 30 standard score
papers left that were given 25 or more units is 3/lOths of 8 or 2.4 points. This is
years before. I offered to get them the extent of the decline in ten years. Now
reproduced if they would give the tests that’s not a serious decline, but it looks
again to see whether the students are severe to those who don’t know what the
really better or worse than those 25 or SAT standard score means. A more
more years earlier. We found a number of important College Board result was that
communities where old tests were the subject examination scores were going
available, and we gave them again. We up. Nor was it generally brought to public
found, as was discovered in Indiana a few attention that the SAT is taken by more
years ago when they repeated the Stanford and more students in the lower half of the
Achievement Tests after 25 or 30 years, class because they want to get Basic
that the students of today either did the Education Opportunity Grants. And, so, in
same or better than those of the past. The 1975 no publicity was given to the fact that
public acceptance of the notion that in many more young people from the lower
some way things are deteriorating seems half of the high school classes were taking
to be due not to a presentation of facts but the test than in 1965. Nothing was
the feeling of people that things are bad reported to the effect that we’re testing a
because they are not as well off as they larger proportion of students who didn’t
expected to be. They are not able to get a do very well in high school. The public
second car or to make other purchases jumped to the conclusion that the youth of
that they had planned. So they blame their today are not doing as well as those in
social institutions, such as the schools, earlier years. The eagerness with which
and think they aren’t doing their job for this conclusion was accepted, I think, is
the kids are not as submissive as they because many people are now not as well
used to be. off as they hoped to be and they blame
their disappointment on the failure of
RIDINGS: That’s basically an schools and other public institutions.
optimistic note, and you feel that’s true in
1981 as well? RIDINGS: You’ve brought up National
Assessment, a project you began working
TYLER: Yes, I do. You’ve seen it around on in the early sixties. Was the National
people saying it. When you look at the Assessment Project your brainchild?
National Assessment, for example, you
find that there are more children able to TYLER: Well, I was asked to design the
read in 1981 than there were ten years plans and was chairman of the
earlier. But the public doesn’t pay as much exploratory committee to develop an
attention to the National Assessment effective operation so that it could be
results as it does to the College Board taken over by the Education Commission
report that the SAT scores were declining of the States that now operate it.

Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, Volume 7, Number 15 205

ISSN 1556-8180
February 2011
Jeri Ridings Nowakowski

1929 so it was five years later. Perhaps I

RIDINGS: Has it turned out to be all should give you the background. When I
that you’d hoped that it could be? came to Columbus I worked with faculty
members in the university in departments
TYLER: Oh nothing is ever all that one that had a required course for students,
hopes for. But certainly it has turned out e.g. botany, zoology, and agriculture. They
to provide helpful data about the were having large numbers of failures and
problems and progress of education in the they wanted help, and so it seemed
United States. important to find out how much students
were learning. The instructors would
RIDINGS: Do you think the change in usually say: “We’ll give them a test.” Then
funding base from a federal to a state I would point out the problem: “What do
nexus is going to have an impact on you want tested? The typical so called
National Assessment? Will it make achievement test is simply a test of what
national data more important for us? students remember about things that
appear in their textbooks, and surely that
TYLER: I think it is very important isn’t what you’re after . . you are not just
before we spend much money on teaching them to memorize.” This
educational programs to have a picture of conclusion led us to talk about what the
where we really are. This is particularly instructors’ objectives were, that is, what
true now when pressure groups are trying they really hoped their students would be
hard to get funds for these purposes. So I learning. And then they said that a test
think the National Assessment is always should provide evidence of whether
important—especially in difficult times students were learning those things or
when funds are rationed and should be not. Because the term “test” usually was
focused where they are going to be most interpreted as a collection of memory
needed. However, the National items, I suggested the use of the term
Assessment is being supported by federal “evaluation” to refer to investigating what
funds, and this year they were sharply cut. students were really learning. As we
The Secretary of Education at the annual developed evaluation instruments with
meeting of the Education Commission of those departments and began to use them,
the States in Boston this last August we obtained information about what
promised that he would do what he could students were learning and were not
to try to get some of that restored, it learning; how permanent some learnings
hasn’t yet been restored. This raises the were; how quickly they forgot
question of whether the National information; and how long they
Assessment can be adequately continued, remembered basic principles. Things of
but I hope it will be. that sort were part of our
experimentation. Then we moved on into
RIDINGS: Let’s move back to the end other subject areas, chemistry, accounting
of your work in accomplishment testing at and business, history, and various other
Ohio State. Was it then that you began to departments. This was going on during
work on the Eight Year Study? my first five years at Ohio State. Without
going deeply into the background of the
TYLER: I began my work on the Eight Eight Year Study, one could say that it was
Year Study in 1934. I went to Ohio State in a project which developed from a

Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, Volume 7, Number 15 206

ISSN 1556-8180
February 2011
Jeri Ridings Nowakowski

realization on the part of many secondary systems), should be encouraged to

schools that the depression had brought develop programs that they would design
into the schools many young people that to serve the high school students of that
did not plan to go to college; in fact, they period. These 30 schools were to be given
didn't really want to go to high school, but eight years in which to develop and try out
they went because there was no place else new educational programs. During that
to go. Youth unemployment was nearly time they would be freed from meeting ti
100 percent. By 1929 we had reached a specific requirements of the state and of
point where about 25 percent of an age college entrance subjects in order to
group went to high school. In my day it provide freedom for experimentation.
was only 10 percent of an age group, and But there was a stipulation in the
suddenly as the depression went on, 50 arrangement agreed to by the colleges and
percent of an age group were in high the state department; namely that there
school. It doubled the enrollments. Many would be an evaluation, and the
of these young people didn’t find the evaluation was to include the following:
curriculum for college entrance One, there would be records available
meaningful to them. And the other about the performance of students that
common program, the Smith Hughes would furnish information to help colleges
Vocational Education Program, was make wise selections. Second, there would
highly selective. It enrolled persons who be an appraisal of what students were
were definitely planning a particular learning year after year in the high school
occupation like garage mechanics, or so that the school would get continuing
homemaking, or agriculture. information as to whether they were
High school principals realized that learning something important. Third,
the schools should have a different there would be a follow up after
program for these new students who were graduation to see how well they did in
now in the high schools because they college or in other post-high school arenas
couldn’t find work. But the course employment, marriage or whatever it
requirements of high schools then were might be. This was the threefold task of
pretty largely determined by, on the one evaluation.
hand, college entrance requirements and The first year of the Eight Year Study
on the other hand, the requirements of (1933-34) the directing committee
State Education Departments. These expected to use the General Culture Test
determined what subjects were taught developed by the Cooperative Test Service
and, how many units were to be taken. for the Pennsylvania Study of School and
Leaders among the principals brought College relations. But this was just a test
attention to their problems, and the of information students recalled about the
Progressive Education Association, which things presented in widely used textbooks
was interested in innovations, took the in the various so-called basic subjects. The
responsibility of getting together a schools rebelled; that wasn’t what they
conference of school and college people were trying to teach, therefore it would
including the state departments to not be a fair measure of their efforts. They
determine what could be done. threatened to drop out of the study. This
Out of that conference emerged the produced a crisis in the summer of 1934 at
idea that a small number of schools the time of the annual meeting of the
(ultimately 30 schools and school participants.

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ISSN 1556-8180
February 2011
Jeri Ridings Nowakowski

At this point, a member of the TYLER: Oh surely you can’t use just the
directing committee, Boyd Bode, a well- objectives as the basis for comprehensive
known philosopher of education who had evaluation. But certainly it was very
his office across the hall from me in The important for people starting a program
Ohio State University said, “We’ve got a to reach new students and find our
young man in evaluation at Ohio State whether they were accomplishing their
who bases evaluation on what the schools purposes. But it is also important to find
are trying to do. He works closely with out many other things in order to
them and doesn't simply take a test off the understand what’s going on in a program
shelf. Why don’t you see if he will take and to guide it. I think when people say
responsibility for directing the “Tylerian” as a single process it’s like
evaluation?” I was reached by telephone saying Dewey only mentioned child
at Chapel Hill where I was teaching in the interests; there is no way of summarizing
summer at the University of North very simply any human being’s notions
Carolina. I came up to the Princeton Inn about something complex. But for
where they were meeting. The convenience we are likely to give a
interrogated me all morning and then I procedure a name, rather than describing
had lunch with them. They went into it more fully.
executive session in the afternoon while I
twittled my thumbs and watched people RIDINGS: As you worked with teachers
playing golf outside the Inn. At 4:00 p.m. to produce objectives that reflected their
they came and said, “We would like to classroom goals, you must have realized
have you be the director of evaluation for that you had an impact on curriculum.
this project.” I agreed to do so after
making arrangements with The Ohio State TYLER: I think so. Especially in the
University to spend half time at the areas where there had not been much
University, half time on the Eight Year clarity in the curriculum descriptions and
Study. explanations. For example in the case of
literature, the teachers of literature would
RIDINGS: Would you say that Tylerian usually repeat some trite phrase like “the
Evaluation, as we understand it, was born students should learn to appreciate
during the Eight Year Study? literature.” I said, well, that sounds
sensible. What do you mean by that?
TYLER: Well I don’t know, it depends What have you observed that you are
on what people want to call Tylerian trying to help young people learn that you
Evaluation. call “appreciation.” Is it that they can tell
you about who wrote a book? Is it that
RIDINGS: That brings up an they can make critical judgments of a
interesting point. Yesterday I heard you literary work in terms of some criteria,
describe the evaluation process in the such as unity or illusion of reality, or what
context of training evaluators, and it not. We discussed such things until we
sounded a good deal richer than the six or began to agree that ultimately with
seven steps often used to describe literature we were concerned with
objectives-based evaluation. comprehension, interpretation and
appreciation. They meant by appreciation
that the reader responds emotionally to

Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, Volume 7, Number 15 208

ISSN 1556-8180
February 2011
Jeri Ridings Nowakowski

some literary works and thus his life is sensible, yet they haven’t really worded
richer by reason of these emotional them before.
reactions. Reading is not just a dull
sensing of meaning. All that came out of RIDINGS: So, it’s a matter of
discussions, and from continuous articulating some things that you think
reminders, “Don’t look at some taxonomy teachers do know how to do, have been
to define your objectives. A taxonomy is doing, but probably need to refine. You
what someone else states as the meaning approach educational problems with a
of educational objectives. You’re a teacher great deal of common sense.
working with students. What have you
found students learning that you think is TYLER: The only problem with common
important? We formed a committee of sense is that it’s so uncommon.
teachers on appreciation of literature from
the 30 schools and their discussions RIDINGS: One could say that while
became a very rich way of trying to clarify there might not have been a formal step
what one could help students learn with for assessing the worthwhileness of
literature. We were aided of course, too, objectives, that was in fact always going
during the Eight Year Study, by on in the “Tylerian” evaluation process.
committees of people outside of the
schools who had ideas. Louise Rosenblott TYLER: Yes, of course. The schools were
wrote Literature as Exploration and that helped not only by the evaluation staff but
gave a new vision of what literature could by a curriculum staff working under
be; or the book written by Alberty and Professor A1berty. In 1938, the
Havinghurst, who was then teacher of curriculum staff complained that the
Science at the University School in Ohio schools were saying they were getting
State, on Science in General Education more help for the evaluation staff than
gave new insights into that. So we were from the curriculum staff. Alberty
trying to help get a vision of what explained this by saying: “Tyler has a
educational objectives could be. These rationale for evaluation and there isn’t any
discussions guided both the teaching and rationale for curriculum. So when we were
the evaluation. having lunch, I said to Hilda Taba, my
right hand associate, “Why, that's silly, of
RIDINGS: When we hear criticism of course there’s a rationale for curriculum.”
objectives-based evaluation, it’s typically I sketched out on the napkin what is now
that the objectives are not evaluated. Yet often called “The Curriculum Rationale.”
in listening to you over the last two days, It indicates that in deciding what the
it’s apparent that you have had a good school should help students learn, one
deal of communication with teachers, and must look at the society in which they are
respect for their skills. going to use what they learn and find out
the demands and opportunities of that
TYLER: They’re the ones who have to do society. To learn something that you can’t
it. Nobody else can tell you what you’re use means that in the end it will be
trying to do as well as you yourself. forgotten. One must also consider the
Especially, when you try to probe the learner—what he has already learned,
unconscious intuition of thing; that what his needs are, and what his interests
teachers are doing that have been are, and build on them; one must also

Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, Volume 7, Number 15 209

ISSN 1556-8180
February 2011
Jeri Ridings Nowakowski

consider the potential value to students of dependent children, some are tempted to
each subject. After lunch I said to the say “That’s the way to make my living. I’ll
curriculum people, “Here’s a rationale you just have more children and get more
might want to follow,” and that kind of money.” You’ve got to consider the social
outline of a rationale began to be situation and what it means to the so-
developed. called clients. They’re not inert objects out
there to be worked on. You can do that if
RIDINGS: Dr. Tyler, when I was you’re working on plants, but you can’t do
reviewing for this interview, I looked back that with human beings.
at your work, and I looked at Cronbach’s
piece in 1963 on course evaluation. It was RIDINGS: Ironically the federal dollars
apparent that you really couldn’t talk that moved evaluation forward brought
about evaluation in the early days of us.
educational evaluation without talking
about curriculum; that they were in fact TYLER: Has it moved us forward?
completely intertwined.
RIDINGS: Well, it brought us large
TYLER: Well, if you are talking about funded programs and with them program
evaluation of education, of course. evaluation which has grown and become
more methodologically diverse. I guess
RIDINGS: It seems, as educational the question is whether program
evaluation has grown, in some ways we evaluation has co-opted curriculum
have seen the parting of education and evaluation in the public school system.
educational evaluation; that is,
educational evaluation has taken on a life TYLER: Well, I think there will be much
of its own, is going in its own direction, less money from the federal government
and is really not attending to curriculum. for that kind of evaluation and that may
help people to stop chasing dollars and try
TYLER: That happens in all professional to consider what is really involved in
fields; medical research has often effective evaluation, and who are the
forgotten the patient, who has become clients for evaluation. One of the problems
clinical material, and forgotten the role of is that they see the clients as being federal
the physician as a health counselor. It was government, the Office of Education, NIE
as if in some way, once the physician knew or the Congress, instead of the clients that
what was going on in the human body, you’re going to improve—the teachers and
automatically the patient would get well; the people who operate schools, and the
but we know that only the patient can get parents and children. When you have
himself well—just as only the child can those clients, you have to have different
learn. You can’t learn for him. So there is considerations.
all this evaluation business up here,
without considering what it is the learner RIDINGS: The evaluation components
is doing. The same problem exists with for many large-scale funded programs are
social work; they sometimes think of still focused on outcome measures.
clients as having no minds of their own.
But, when for instance, people discover TYLER: And often inappropriate ones.
that money can be had in the aid to

Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, Volume 7, Number 15 210

ISSN 1556-8180
February 2011
Jeri Ridings Nowakowski

RIDINGS: They don’t reflect the mean the characteristic that has been
literature that we have available in most instrumental in keeping evaluation
evaluation. Who’s in control of alive and growing within that group and,
educational evaluation in our country? perhaps influencing the general
Why don’t we see what professionals and development of evaluation.
academics are doing reflected in
evaluation as it’s legislated? TYLER: Well, that’s a theory of history,
and there are other theories, such as the
TYLER: You’re not asking that an a need for some things will cause the
question are you? persons who produce it. The question, for
example, of whether it was the automobile
RIDINGS: You mean, it’s so apparently industry, as an industry, that made the
government influence. great use of cars, or the discovery that cars
were so helpful to people. It’s hard to
TYLER: Well, the evaluations that make determine whether it’s people with ideas
any difference are those that reach the that produce—rather than the need of a
people that really care about education, time; and, obviously it’s some kind of
the teachers, the parents, the children, interaction. You can have people pressing
and citizens who are concerned with the for some things and nobody feels the need
welfare of the country. Much program for it, and it disappears in due time. In
evaluation has been directed at Congress some way it’s a combination, but it’s too
which, because it’s controlled or greatly simple a theory to talk about. These
influenced by high pressure groups, “networks” haven’t changed the world
doesn’t really care as long as it has generally when they've been in existence,
satisfied its pressure groups. And if it’s an unless at that time there was a need for
act of law, they will not change the law one.
just because something is found not to
work—not unless the pressure groups no RIDINGS: Do you keep in active
longer press for it. communication with most of your
RIDINGS: An abstract of a recent
dissertation study on the University of TYLER: I certainly see them quite often
Chicago evaluation group proposed, after and I live not far from Lee Cronbach. My
looking carefully at you and Bloom and two right-hand research assistants getting
the students that you had touched, that their doctorates in Chicago, in those early
perhaps the most significant aspect of that days, were Ben Bloom and Lee Cronbach.
group is the communication network that And then there was Chester Harris, and,
was set up and continues between you and of course, Hilda Taba had already finished
your students. her doctorate, and I was able to help her
stay in this country when she was about to
TYLER: How do they determine what is be deported back to Estonia because she
the most significant, what’s their criteria came on a student visa.
for significance?
RIDINGS: In 1938 you made the move
RIDINGS: I didn’t read the whole from Ohio State back to the University of
study. I would speculate that it might Chicago where you became the chairman

Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, Volume 7, Number 15 211

ISSN 1556-8180
February 2011
Jeri Ridings Nowakowski

of the Department and later Dean of the by utilizing social psychology.” Well he
Division of Social Science. told me later that he didn’t really believe
me, so when the quarter started he said,
TYLER: I came first to do two things. “What am I to leach?” I said, “Whatever
One was to take Mr. Judd's place, who you feel is important to people in
was then retiring, and so to be Head of education.” “Well, I don't know.”—“Until
Education. And the other was to head the you find that, just go on observing schools
Board of Examinations responsible under and talking to school staff.” And so this
the Chicago plan for determining the went on until he felt he had something to
student’s completion of his educational teach teachers. And he also worked with
program. Under that plan, all the degrees people in administration on the theory of
are based on passing various organization. I conceive a task of the
comprehensive examinations. So that I administrator to find what appears to be a
was University Examiner half time and bright and able young man, then not to
half of my salary was paid by the put him into a nitch, but to help him find
Examiner’s Office, and half was paid by himself and where he could use his talents
the school of education. and then support and encourage that.

RIDINGS: Egon Cuba said to me that RIDINGS: So you were the true
while people know you as a researcher, a facilitator?
theoretician and a statesman, you were
also a wonderful administrator and a very TYLER: That’s what an administrator
good Dean. Did you enjoy administration? should be, a person to help people
accomplish; it is the art of the possible—
helping make possible what others dream
TYLER: Yes, if you define and hope they can do.
administration as Lord Acton does, “the
art of the possible.” I like to help people RISINGS: It’s a nice definition.
find ways of using their talents most
effectively and that’s usually by giving TYLER: I might name a good many
them an opportunity for a time to do what others I tried to help. For example, Herb
they think is important. Then, from that Thelan—I found him teaching chemistry
experience, thus try to clarify what they in the university high school in Oakland
really feel they can do best in that context. and again I had him, before he taught
I think that Guba is especially influenced anything, observe what was going on in
by his own major Professor Jacob Getze’s; teaching. He became interested in the
I found Jacob Getzels teaching social interaction of students and teachers. He
psychology in the Department of Human said he wanted to work on that, so I set up
Relations at Harvard and brought him to a laboratory in which interactions in the
Chicago. He said he was a social classroom could be observed and
psychologist. He said, “What do you want recorded; a place in the laboratory school
me to do?” I said, “I want you not to teach where he could study different groups of
anything until you feel you’ve got students. We didn’t have video tape in
something to teach. I’d like to have you go those days but we had audio tape and we
around to schools, see what you see going had ways of looking through one-way
on in education that could be understood mirrors and so on. So he began to have a

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chance to do what he had discovered to be demonstrate what they had learned in the
interesting after looking at education for armed services. Those were some
awhile and study what he wanted to learn administrative responsibilities to try to
about. Some of his students never went make possible something that seemed
beyond that. Ned Flanders, for example, important.
always wanted to have just interaction
counting. But Herb, if you’ve seen his RIDINGS: You were also instrumental,
recent book just published, has gone a you and Frank Chase, in beginning
great distance in his understanding of the Regional Labs in our country.
human influence involved in teaching.
TYLER: Well, in 1964 Mr. Johnson set
RIDINGS: I’m moving you through up a task force to see what needed to be
your life way too rapidly. I was about to done in education, if he were elected, as
move you into 1953 when you became the he was in 1964 to the presidency. The task
Director of the Center for Advanced force was headed by John Gardner and
Studies. included a number of very able persons
like Edwin Land, the inventor and head of
TYLER: But you may want to Polaroid. He suggested the idea of
understand that during the war I was also Supplementary Education Centers in
the Director of the Examinations Staff for order for children to learn from museums,
the Armed Forces to develop educational libraries and other educative agencies in
testing. The GED Test was originally the community. Unfortunately, this
developed there, guided by Everett F. section of ESEA was construed by the
Lindquist of the University of Iowa. educational bureaucracy as another task
for the schools, and most projects
RIDINGS: Didn’t Dan (Stufflebeam) supported under this title involved school
also work on the GED? activities, instead of sending kids out
where they could learn from other
TYLER: After I left Chicago, the experiences. I was responsible for writing
responsibility was contracted out to Ohio the section on laboratories, the substance
State when Guba was Director of the of which was included in the Elementary
Bureau of Educational Research, and I and Secondary Education Act of 1965. We
believe Dan was working on the GED viewed laboratories as the “middleman”
Tests then. We originally developed the between research and schools. We already
examination so that young people who had the R and D Centers in which
were returning from military service after educational research and development
the second world war would have a chance was supported. What we did need was a
to demonstrate what they’d learned and way by which the consumers, the schools,
get some credit for it. So we also could identify problems they had and seek
developed a series of subject examinations help from research of the past as well as
and course examinations for that purpose. the present. The laboratory was to be
When the war was over I was asked to based with the consumer, but the
serve as Director of the Veterans’ Testing laboratories that were actually funded
Service for the American Council of were, with some exceptions, either R and
Education to develop centers where D Centers or oriented toward the
veterans could take the tests, and producers of research rather than the

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consumers. The result is that we still lack met in New York for Saturday all day and
the “middleman” in most regions. Sunday until noon each weekend from
January until June, 1952, working out
RIDINGS: Like the National possible ways to help able people to keep
Assessment, it would seem that the growing.
regional labs could be jeopardized by lack One of our members, Robert Merton,
of funding. had been studying the careers of Nobel
Prize winners and noted that they rarely
TYLER: Yes, but it is possible that this produced anything new after they were
could be a constructive result. They might awarded the Prize. We recognized a need
then seek to serve the consumer more for scholars and scientists to get new
fully and get support there. For example, stimulation and new ideas in midcareer.
the post office looks to Congress, it To this end the Center was founded.
doesn’t worry too much about its Outstanding students of human behavior
consumers; but if the Post office were were invited to come there with no
responsible to their consumers then there assignments other than their own restless
could be more concern for good service. It energy. The Center administrations’
is possible that if the federal government responsibility is to help each scholar to do
doesn’t support the labs, they will seek what he believes will give him new lines of
support for their consumers. That may work. That the Center has been a
make the labs more responsive to the constructive influence is shown in the
needs of schools rather than to becoming visible career lines of those scholars and
a sort of second level of R and D Centers. scientists who have spent a year there.
Each year the Center invites about forty
RIDINGS: From 1953 to 1963 you were people from the United States and ten
the Director for the Center for Advanced from abroad to be in residence there.
Studies. What do you think were the
Center’s major contributions during that RIDINGS: So once again you played the
decade before you began work on role of facilitator and nurtured people so
National Assessment? they could do good things in education
and research.
TYLER: Providing an opportunity for
very able behavioral scientists to spend TYLER: Well, nurture is a term that
time to think and to study when they were depends on how suppliant you think they
not responsible for teaching and other are. And, of course, don’t forget the basic
services based on their previous work. At political principle that has guided many
the Center they could think about what pressure groups in seeking government
they needed next and they could get ideas funds—when a sow is suckling a pig, the
for future development. sow enjoys it as much as the pig.
The idea of the Center was suggested
first by Haus Speier in a communication RIDINGS: (Laughing) I like that one.
to the Ford Foundation. The Foundation Tell me, when you look back on a career
in the autumn of 1951, appointed a that has already had so many pinnacles.
committee to explore the idea. It consisted
of ten leading behavioral scientists. I TYLER: I don’t think there are
served as chairman of the committee. We pinnacles.

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you take for this offspring that is credited

RIDINGS: Would you buy tiny hills? to you.

TYLER: I don’t think of them that way at TYLER: You can’t take responsibility for
all. I think about moving along doing the what other people do, so the only thing
things that seem important. you can do when anything becomes a
cliche’ is to get a new word.
RIDINGS: Just plodding through with
Ralph Tyler. Is there something you feel a RIDINGS: And that’s “assessment?”
greater sense of personal accomplishment
over? TYLER: Right now it’s assessment, but
that will become a cliche’ because many
TYLER: I never thought of it in those people quickly catch on to forms and to
terms. labels without understanding the
substance of what something is. I was at a
RIDINGS: If you don’t think about meeting yesterday in Chicago for the
accomplishments in a personal sense, Board of the Institute of Philosophical
what about as contributions to education? Research, and one of the group had been
making a study of the influence of the
TYLER: I thought they were useful; but I Committee of Ten's report on secondary
never tried to examine them. education. That report was headed by
Charles Elliot, the President of Harvard,
RIDINGS: You don’t rank order? and it was sponsored by the NEA. It
outlined a program of education which in
TYLER: No I certainly don’t. form set the structure of American
education for 1893 until at least the Eight
RIDINGS: Okay. I’m going to turn to Year Study, or about 1933—at least 40
some specific questions about the field of years. But what this researcher had
educational evaluation and start with discovered, Mrs. VanDoren, was that most
what I think is the obvious one. You’ve of the things that were carried over were
often been referred to in the literature as forms. The schools offered those subjects
the father. named in the committee report, but they
did not usually believe in such courses,
TYLER: I invented the term “evaluation” the aims and the content suggested by the
when applied to educational procedures; committee. Many of the committee’s
so if naming the child, as the godfather suggestions are fresh ideas today. I was
names babies, makes you father, then I not surprised. Why was it that PSSC and
am. And when it began to be a cliche’ and the other science courses, supported in
evaluation meant so many different things their preparation by many millions of
to different people, I invented the term federal dollars, never really reformed
“assessment,” and that’s what we used much of the curriculum? Because the
next. people who quickly took it on, took on the
form; they were taking PSSC and using
RIDINGS: Well, that’s what I wanted to the books not as aids to inquiry but as
ask—the amount of paternal responsibility stuff for kids to remember. You may have
seen the report of the use of these

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materials prepared by the University of are concerned with finding out what is
Illinois committee led by Robert Stake. going on in our educational program and
The problem is that something is labeled, want to understand it. These people will
like the Tylerian rationale, and pretty be seeking ways of evaluation. That’s what
soon it is the form that is in people’s science is about—trying to distinguish
minds, not the substance. Forms, like between the ideas you have about
cosmetics, are so much easier to adopt phenomena, and what’s really going on.
than changing your personality. And that
kind of business makes it necessary RIDINGS: If you were to run a major
periodically to change labels because the project tomorrow, would you hire
labels become cliches representing someone called an evaluator to work with
something like Dewey’s “Do-I-have-to-do- you on the project?
what-I-want-to-do” sort of cliche’—which
was not what Dewey said at all, but a way TYLER: It depends on whether they
of quickly labeling it. And then it’s lost. could do what needed to be done.

RIDINGS: It’s also much easier to RIDINGS: What kind of a job

dismiss an idea after you simplify that description would that be?
TYLER: Evaluation is a very broad
TYLER: There was a woman, very set in term—what is it that needs to be done?
her ways, who taught in the schools of
Tulsa during the Eight Year Study. Every RIDINGS: Well, right now you’re
time we had a workshop, she’d say, helping to educate evaluators, working on
“We’ve been doing that for 13 years in training programs for professional
Tulsa.” Of course she didn’t understand evaluators, is that right?
what was being talked about except for the
label she could quickly attach and, of TYLER: Well what I do now, of course,
course, then dismiss because “We’ve been since I have no permanent job, is what’s
doing it for 13 years in Tulsa.” expected of me growing out of my
background and where I’m employed. For
RIDINGS: Speaking of labels, there are example, this semester at North Carolina
a growing number in evaluation. I think State University I'm employed by the
Michael Scriven said that, at one count, Division of Adult Continuing Education
there were over 50 evaluation models; we and Community College Education. Now,
have at least two bonified professional for example, the evaluation of general
evaluation organizations, and probably adult education requires the kind of
more; we have a number of evaluation person who understands what learning
journals, and a number of sets of and teaching involves and can design a
standards now. Do you think this is learning system and evaluate parts of the
progress? learning system that are working or not
working. But they need to do this with a
TYLER: Probably not. It depends on good deal of understanding of what that
whether evaluation has become so means in the context of the community
popular that it’s a fad and is likely to fade. college in North Carolina, or adult
However, there will be people who really education that ranges from the basic

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education of illiterate adults of whom evaluation; some are a new breed of

there are a lot in North Carolina, to the professional with technical skills and
adults who have graduated from college. quantitative backgrounds but they are not
They need to have gotten well along in a necessarily educators.
job and understand what life is really
about, or, as Marvin Feldmen says “is TYLER: They’re like the economists of
there life after work?” Then there are the today who can tell you what’s wrong with
trainers, people in continuing education the economy, but can’t figure out what
who I meet on Fridays from IBM and a you’re going to have to do about it.
good many other industries in that area
involved in textiles, electronics, and RIDINGS: In other words, such
printing. There the problem is identifying evaluators are playing a role in finding
what is to be learned and how to evaluate problems, but not in solving them.
it. Now there are some general people who
can do that, but my own experience in TYLER: Well, it depends on what the
evaluation is that except for the purpose is; there’s a place for finding
generalists like you and Dan, most of the problems. There’s a place for the
people are going to be in a particular diagnostician or the person who runs the
situation where their understanding of the blood tests in the clinic, but he is not the
particular situation is terribly important. one who is going to tell you what to do
Hence, I would choose someone very with the information.
familiar with the context and teach them
how to evaluate, or choose in excellent RIDINGS: Let me ask you about the
general evaluator and immerse them in Standards. As you know, the Project to
the context Christine McGuire, one of my Develop Standards for Educational
students at the University of Illinois Evaluation is housed here at Western
Medical School, is a good illustration. She Michigan at the Evaluation Center and
is a general evaluator but very familiar has been chaired by Dan Stufflebeam.
with teaching and learning in the various That group dedicated their Standards to
areas of medicine, pediatrics, psychiatry, you.
and the like.
TYLER: That was nice of them.
RIDINGS: You said yesterday that it
was hard for you to believe that people RIDINGS: Certainly it was a sign of
involved in educational evaluation of respect. What do you think about the
schooling would have much insight or be quality of the Standards? Do they hit the
very productive if they hadn’t been in a mark now? Do we need them?
public school classroom.
TYLER: I think it’s very helpful for the
TYLER: Yes, if that’s where they’re kinds of program evaluation that have
evaluating—or medical schools if they are been done under federal support to have
there, or training stations if they are there. this set of standards. Standards for
anything have to be in light of the context
RIDINGS: That brought to mind, and where the problems lie. There are
however, the many new people who are different problems if you’re talking about
being graduated and have degrees in the evaluation of medical school

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curriculum in order to produce general One role of the research profession,

practitioners, rather than people who are the important one, is the continuing study
primarily research people in medicine. of ethics in the light of changing
situations. The second is trying to
RIDINGS: Do you think the Standards, understand the processes and trying to
or a profession searching for standards, characterize them in ways that others can
will bring up some issues that will have to understand so they can do more than
be resolved? simply follow what the “master” does.
They need to understand what goes on
TYLER: Oh, I think that anything that and be able to solve new problems as they
causes you to look critically at what’s arise. Evaluation needs to continually try
going on will help you to identify places to examine the appraisal process and to
that have to be examined very carefully. find principles rather than setting up
Put another way, a professional models to be followed. If you look at
occupation is one where there is science, it has not benefited by structural
continuous effort in the research of the models alone except as an illustration of
profession to identify both the proper principles in which the models keep
ends and the effective means of that changing as new situations and
profession. Research on the proper ends is applications of the principles require.
concerned with the ethics of the
profession relating the professional’s work RIDINGS: Whether you look at
to the common good rather than the medicine, or fields like accounting and
notion that what’s good for General auditing that deal with information, if
Motors is good for the country. those fields don’t revisit their principles
For example, there needs to be a and the impact of those principles on their
continuing study of the nature of medical audiences, instead of a guiding set of
ethics as new ways are developed for principles they end up with a very
keeping people alive a long time at a great restrictive set of expectations.
cost. The ethical issue is: How much can
society spend, if it has limited resources, TYLER: And with limited time and
on keeping some person of age 65 alive for resources, an important question for
ten years at a cost that would cover the applied research in evaluation is to
health services to children for perhaps 20 discover how far a further refinement of
or 30 times that many children? This is an evaluation data is justified in terms of the
ethical question not easily answered, and cost, and how much difference it would
should be a matter of continuing study. make in the actions to be taken. A number
Correspondingly, for the profession of of researchers seek more refinement but,
evaluation, the questions of who are the because they think only of general group
clients and what proper service can be data, are happy to talk about a correlation
given clients are raised. Is it proper for say of .6. Many testers were jubilant when
some people to get information that might they found a correlation of .6 between the
be wrongly used? These are kinds of SAT and first-year grades. But they did
questions in evaluation that are not examine the question as to whether
continually going to come up, and they this correlation was a sign that college
change with time. teachers should change their ways of
teaching so that they could reach students

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who had not learned to study before, or TYLER: Well flattery doesn’t get you
whether they select only students who everywhere. Let’s go on with the
have already learned to study. That’s an questions.
ethical problem in connection with testing
for admission. Testers did not consider RIDINGS: Let’s talk about the necessity
another question: What does the of statespersons and how to groom them
admissions committee do about the SAT in education.
score when the correlation is only .6. How
many individuals are misplaced, and does TYLER: Well of course there are
the college care about the misjudged different history theories too. One is the
individuals. If one only cares about the necessity of statesmen, and the other is
institution getting its share of good the English theory, during the time of the
students, one can disregard the errors First World War, that you can muddle
which individual students suffer. What is through without statesmen some way and
the ethical responsibility of testers? Don’t the civilization survives. But, in any event,
they need to learn more about the person it’s nice to have them. Whether they’re
than is provided by an instrument giving a necessary is another question.
correlation of .6? This ethical question is
the one on which the Communists and RIDINGS: We mentioned a few, Frank
Fascists differ most from avowed Chase was one of the people we were
democracies. Communists and Fascists talking about, and Horace Mann. You also
say, we don’t care as long as we get what included Hilda Taba. These are all people
we need to keep the state going. It’s too who are or have been national and
bad that an individual suffers; but people sometimes international leaders in
serve the state. However, we believe in the education. We were talking about the
individual; we believe in equality, and problems of why sometimes we seem to
what right have we to say that we're lack statespersons in education and
satisfied to be guided by a .6 when we suggesting that it might be, in fact, the
could go and try to learn more about the educational process or training process.
individual and get to a point where we Could you talk a little bit about what
could make fairer decisions. These are makes a statesperson and what kind of
ethical questions that arise from a activities they’re involved in?
statistical method which applies only to
groups. Don’t we have a responsibility to TYLER: You might want to talk first
learn more about the individuals within about why some situations produce more
the group? statesmen than others, and that, of
course, has been a concern of religious
(Interruption for a photo session) writing for many, many years. Amos
advanced a theory in his book of the Bible
RIDINGS: During the photo session, that in periods of affluence, (he described
we were talking about statesmen. I made vividly how women flaunted their
the statement that you were, if not the jewelry), people were no longer interested
premiere educational statesman, one of in God because they could satisfy their
our most important educational wants easily. The great ethical period for
statesmen. the Jews was in their Babylonian
captivity. The general theory, which is

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hard to refute because it seems to fit so invented the normal schools, and he did a
many historic periods, is that the human number of other things. But during the
being is both an animal that, like other periods before that, when there wasn’t a
animals, depends upon various physical great expansion and when there weren’t
things, food, for example, and is greatly problems in educating teachers, they
attracted to material possessions but also didn’t have any demands in that sense for
is capable of immense efforts to attain persons to lead them in new ways.
goals that are non-material (concern for
others, unselfishness, altruism, and so RIDINGS: If times are getting bad, are
on). In times when it’s easy to satisfy the we about to see the emergence of some
material wants, people generally become new statesmen?
greatly attached to material things so that
in affluent times people spend more than TYLER: If they’re viewed as bad by
they need, they’re satisfied and get happy those for whom the measure is money and
about all the things they can get, and they physical satisfactions, then the times
pay little attention to the nonmaterial ahead are likely to be austere times. But
because they spend little time in reflection that has nothing to do at all with the
when enjoying physical gratifications. In question of whether there will be good
difficult times, when the physical times for education or for people who care
gratifications are not easily obtained, about others, who are concerned with
more time is spent in thinking about some sense of satisfaction in serving
seeking non-material goals. others as well as being served, and those
John Dewey pointed out that man as a who care about a closely knit family.
human being is essentially a problem Those are things that can become better
solver. He’s not a cow that chews its cud during periods of austerity.
after a nice meal in the pasture and just
enjoys that. Men and women are RIDINGS: So the funding hiatus in
essentially made to deal with problems, education might in fact help us?
and that’s why civilization advances.
People have been able to meet new TYLER: It’s probably going to produce
environmental problems when other better education. You might ask yourself if
organisms have often perished because you got 25 percent more salary would you
they couldn’t adapt. Which suggests that do a better job than you do now?
the environment in which people can
continue to develop is one where goals RIDINGS: No.
require effort and problems must be
solved, and not one of relative ease. Now TYLER: So really money has nothing to
that’s a theory of history that I think may do with how well you do, does it? Money
be useful in this connection. Look back at helps because it provides for your physical
the times that we’ve had people that we satisfactions and it may be nice for you to
call statesmen. For example, in the case of have other clothes or other physical
Horace Mann, it was when there was a things. But if it causes you to be so
great expansion in the elementary school interested in such things that it distracts
system of Massachusetts. They didn’t have you from thinking about your work, then
enough teachers, and he had to solve the it can be distracting. The point is, when is
problem of how to educate teachers. He physical well-being such that you don’t

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worry about it. People who are starving over, if he was a child, to somebody or to
certainly can’t think about things because an orphanage. And the family was
in some way they have to get food. So responsible for seeing that the person
there’s some line between which a respected the law and obeyed it, for
situation is so devastating that people deciding which occupation to carry on to
can’t rise to it, or so satisfying that they make his living, for his religious duties,
don’t worry about anything else. There is and all those things that followed the
some line which promotes the problem requirements of the state for citizenship—
solving characteristic that we should try to that was all left to the family. People who
attain. came from upper classes were destined to
be the rulers so they were sent to
RIDINGS: You have seen a number of secondary schools in England, Eaton and
crises or what people characterized as Harrow, and so on, and then those of
crisis periods in public education. You’ve them who were going to be scholars and
also seen enormous amounts of gain made intellectuals were sent on to Oxford and
in education, and probably experienced Cambridge Universities.
some disappointing losses. But what happened with this group
who first came to the New England
TYLER: That’s life. Colonies? They were Congregationalists.
They did not believe that a priest could
RIDINGS: Something must have lead them to salvation; they thought you
motivated you all those years to stay had to read the Bible and understand
active in public education, to still look what Christianity meant and make a
forward to another decade or more of voluntary decision to be Christian. Now
active work in education. What keeps you that was a new conception; a view that a
going? person had to make himself good meant
they had to teach the children to read the
TYLER: Well I think like all people if Bible. It became a community
you feel your experience and your training responsibility because they were a
gives you a chance to make contributions religious community. So the first schools
to important things you want to be right founded in New England were not just
in there fighting. families tutoring children. The first
schools were based on the need to have
RIDINGS: And you’re optimistic and everybody learning to read.
believe in the public education system. Now we’ve got the same corresponding
business. Less than five percent of the
TYLER: There isn’t any alternative. population can work at unskilled labor;
Public education didn’t come first you that’s the present proportion of the labor
know. When we first really had formal force that is unskilled. All the other jobs
education it was supported by the family. require some education. The people who
You remember that in the English law don’t have some education are typically on
from which our English ancestors came in welfare and they can’t get jobs. So that
the 1600's, the family was responsible. makes another requirement and reason
Every person had to be with a family; if for why public schools are important. The
someone had no relatives, he had to be largest percentage of private schools we
attached to a family under law, or bound ever had in my time was just before the

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depression hit—we had around 20 to 22 there, but they are not going to expand
percent of our students in private schools. very much.
Now percent, about half that number. In
those days, the parochial schools were the RIDINGS: I’ve got a few phrases, and I
largest; nuns belonged to orders in which thought we would end with them.
they had taken a vow of poverty and so it
didn’t take very much tuition to go to a TYLER: Cliches I hope?
parochial school. Now, of course, fewer
young people are going into the orders so RIDINGS: Yes, your favorite cliches;
that most of the parochial schools have to cliches that will make me vulnerable to all
pay higher salaries and they are more your one liners. I thought if you would
expensive for the family than the public give a couple of sentences, whatever
schools. And, then, also the people who comes to mind. First, the most promising
were moving up in social class felt their development in educational evaluation.
kids should have a better education than
the public could provide so they had TYLER: I always believe the most
private schools for them. promising developments are people with
When it came to secondary education, vision and dedication to education who
the last state to have public secondary get some additional technical skills to
schools adopted them in 1912, so public handle it. Developments in human things
high schools were relatively rare. They are the persons the ideas are only guiding
started out as the Latin grammar school, persons.
so most learning was in Latin. Then when
Benjamin Franklin recommended that the RIDINGS: Okay. How about the major
time for a person to be educated was while problem in American education K-12?
carrying on business activities of that sort,
they established academies. Still they TYLER: The most obvious one that we
were usually private academies. And are still struggling with is reaching the
finally public schools be-tan to be adopted proportion of the population that is now
after the Civil War, and the first public here. The civil rights movement has made
high schools were around 1870. us conscious of a lack of adequate service
This evolution is not likely to go for the minority groups of various sorts,
backwards because the requirements of and that’s still with us. And it is likely to
managing a system privately, making it be with us for some time because of the
capable of accomplishing or getting along increased number of illegitimate children
is too great for people to handle. When I born to teenage mothers who won’t be
was Director of the laboratory schools at able to provide a background for their
the University of Chicago and later when I children unless their grandparents bring
was helping to put the Dalton School back them up. We’re going to have a lot of
on its feet, it was hard to find people who children coming in that do not have the
could manage it, get good teaching, satisfy background in the home that we've been
parents, and be able to make it go with the accustomed to teaching, so that’s certainly
money required. So that the notion that in a problem that we must keep working on
some way private schools are going to take the so-called education of disadvantaged
over all education seems very improbable. children.
Private schools are going to be hanging in

Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, Volume 7, Number 15 222

ISSN 1556-8180
February 2011
Jeri Ridings Nowakowski

The second problem that we’ve got to happened with television taking the place
work on more effectively is the transition of recreational things in which there’s
of youth into constructive adult life— more constructive activity for the child?
which means being able to move easily We’ve got to rebuild that environment
from school to work, being able to accept because the demands of education are far
and carry on effectively the greater than the school time of five or six
responsibilities of citizenship, of adults in hours a day for five days a week for
all aspects of life. We have continually perhaps nine or ten months a year. There
tried to keep youth off the labor market is far too little to do and that’s a big
and we’ve continually tried to lengthen problem. Why don’t we stop with those
their period of childhood without allowing three. I could add some more if you wish,
them to gradually assume more there’s enough to keep us busy and happy
responsibilities. Kids have to learn to take for some time.
responsibility and take the consequences
when they make a mistake; that’s the way RIDINGS: You’ve put in more than
they learn. The transition to adult life is your share of time on this, why don’t we
terrible now, and we’ve become so conclude now. Let me thank you, I’ve
concerned with it that there have been enjoyed it.
four commissions publishing reports on
the importance of that transition. I think TYLER: Now, fine, can we make a date
we’re going to work more on that. for a later time.
And the third problem, greatly related
to it, is the problem of rebuilding the total RIDINGS: Sure.
education environment for children.
What’s happened with the changes in the TYLER: And a different place.
home; with mother’s employment? What’s


Director Emeritus
Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences

Born, Chicago, April 22, 1902

Education Doane College, A.B., 1921

University of Nebraska, A.M., 1923
University of Chicago, Ph.D., 1927
Occupational High School Teacher, Pierre, S.D., 1921-22

Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, Volume 7, Number 15 223

ISSN 1556-8180
February 2011
Jeri Ridings Nowakowski

Career University Faculty Member:

University of Nebraska, 1922-26
University of North Carolina, 1927-29
Ohio State University, 1929-38
University of Cllicago, 1938-53

Administrative Chairman, Department of Education, University of

Positions Chicago, 1938-48

University Examiner, University of Chicago, 1938-53

Dean, Division of Social Sciences, University of Chicago, 1948-53

Director, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences,

Stanford, California, 1953-67
Acting President, Social Science Research Council, 1971-72

Vice President, Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions,


President, System Development Foundation, 1969-

Special Director of Evaluation, Eight-Year Study, 1934-42

Director, Cooperative Study in General Education, 1939-45

Director, Examinations Staff, U.S. Armed Forces Institute, 1943-53

Chairman, Exploratory Committee on Assessing the Progress of

Education, 1964-68

Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, Volume 7, Number 15 224

ISSN 1556-8180
February 2011
Jeri Ridings Nowakowski

Senior Consultant, Science Research Associates, Inc., 1967-

Associations Member, U.S. National Advisory Mental Health

and Council, 1959-63
Chairman, National Commission on Resources for Youth, 1964-79;
Vice Chairman, 1979

Chairman, National Commission for Cooperative Education, 1962-

75; Honorary Life Chairman, 1975

President, National Academy of Education, 1965-69; Secretary-

Treasurer, 1969-71

Chairman, Research Advisory Council of the U.S. Office of

Education, 1967-70

Member, National Science Board, 1962-68; Vice Chairman, 1966-


Member, National Advisory Council on the Education of

Disadvantaged Children, 1965-72

Examples of Constructing Achievement Tests, 1934

Appraising and Recording Student Progress, 1942 (with E. R.

Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction, 1949

Social Forces Influencing American Education, 1961

Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, Volume 7, Number 15 225

ISSN 1556-8180
February 2011
Jeri Ridings Nowakowski

Educational Evaluation: New Roles, New Means, 1969

Crucial Issues in Testing, 1974 (with R. Wolf)

Perspectives on American Education, 1976

Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, Volume 7, Number 15 226

ISSN 1556-8180
February 2011

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