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What is a programmable logic controller (PLC) ?

A programmable logic controller (PLC) is an industrial grade
computer that is capable of being programmed to perform
control functions.
‫جھاز التحكم المنطقى المبرمج‬ PLC   ‫ھو جھاز إلكترونى رقمى یشتمل على ذاكرة‬
‫قابلة للبرمجة ویمكنھا تنفیذ برنامج یتكون من مجموعة من األوامر ذات وظائف‬
‫جميع ما سبق صحيح‬.

The difference between Open loop and Close loop      

There is feedback in the open loop.
There is feedback in the close loop.
There is a sensor in the open loop.
There is no difference.

Identify tasks in addition to relay switching operations that PLCs are

capable of performing.
Calculating &Comparing.
All the above.

One of the programmable logic controller components is ..........

All the above.
 ‫من مكونات نظام التحكم‬
‫مصدر اإلشارات الداخلة فقط‬.
‫جهاز تحكم فقط‬.
‫مخرجات التحكم‬.
‫عناصر التحكم النهائية‬.
All the above

‫الشكل التالي يوضح نظام تحكم سمي األجزاء المرقمة‬: 

1- input signal
2- output signal
3- energy source

True or Flase
Read Only Memory (ROM) stores programs, and data cannot be
changed after the memory chip has been manufactured.

True or Flase
Read Only Memory (ROM) is used as a temporary storage area of
data that may need to be quickly changed.
‫ لشكل التالي يوضح‬ a Unitary PLC ‫سمي األجزاء المرقمة‬: 
1) power supply
2) output section
3) input section
4) CPU
in following some of advantages of a unitary PLC, one of them is
not, which one is it?
They are small and compact.
They hold all the basic components in one unit.
The amount of input and output terminals can be expanded to
cope with any changes to the hardware system.
They allow portable and easy access.
They are usually the cheapest type of PLC.
Proximity sensors are used when:
The object being detected is too big, heavyweight, or soft to
operate a mechanical switch.
Rapid response and high switching rates are not required.
An object has to be sensed through non-metallic barriers such as
glass, plastic, and paper cartons.
All the above

......................... is an optical control device that operates by

detecting a visible or invisible beam of light and responding to a
change in the received light intensity.
capacitive Proximity Sensor.
Inductive proximity sensor.
A photoelectric sensor
All the above

The type of PLC who has the ability to communicate with other
networks is ...........
Rack mounted.
All the above
A Unitary PLC contains all the features of a basic system in one
compact unit, moreover many features.

 a unitary PLC is cannot be expanded, that is one of The

disadvantages of a unitary PLC.

Unitary PLC’s can be used for any application.


The disadvantages of a modular PLC, If any feature fails then the

whole unit has to be replaced.

capacitive proximity sensors will sense metal objects as well as

non-metallic materials such as paper, glass, liquids, and cloth.
Convert each the following binary numbers to decimal numbers:

 Convert each the following binary numbers to decimal numbers:


Convert each the following binary numbers to decimal numbers:


Convert each the following binary numbers to decimal numbers:


Convert each the following decimal to binary numbers:


Convert each the following decimal to binary numbers:


Convert each the following decimal to binary numbers:

Convert each the following decimal to binary numbers:


Convert each the following decimal numbers to BCD:


Convert each the following decimal numbers to BCD:


Define the following as they apply to binary memory locations or

Bit: is short for binary digit. it is single in binary number and can
be either 1 or 0

Define the following as they apply to binary memory locations or

Byte: it is 8 bits and u can store any number between 0 to 255

Define the following as they apply to binary memory locations or

Word: a group of 2 or more bytes is a word

Define the following as they apply to binary memory locations or

LSB: the least significant bit
Define the following as they apply to binary memory locations or
MSB: the most significant bit

What is ASCII code?

American standard code for information interchange

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